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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...


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Daniel Prentice
2019-02-19 03:25:36
I am trying to find parents for Alexander Prentice, born in Canada in 1857. I believe his father may be from Nova Scotia originally. I would like to learn his mother's name and origin as well. Could someone please help. I believe my greatgrandfather Alexander may have native Canadian First Nations bloodline.
Johni Levene
2014-09-01 05:16:21
Hi Bruce, I have done research on Daniel Prentice. What do you have and maybe I can fill in some of the blanks for you. I am working on a possibly affiliated Richard Prentice, and worked on Daniel as I think there may be a link between the two somewhere.
Bruce Weaver
2014-08-16 08:41:55
I am searching for details about Daniel Prentice and wife Mary Hamilton, daughter Nancy Anne. Nancy Anne married Nicholas Barnhart and I have proven his UEL ancestry with connections to Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. Would like more details about Daniel and Mary and their ancestors.
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