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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

Prentice Museum

The Prentice Museum, is an ever-increasing collection of Prentice/ss/s-related items. Each item is categorized by type and company (or brand), and may exist in multiple groups. Most of these items have been purchased by PrenticeNet, some have been donated, and some may be owned by others and "on loan" to the museum.

"Supporting" PrenticeNet members have access to high-resolution images in the Prentice Museum. For an example of a high-resolution image, see this 1754 Inquisition signed by John Prentice (just click the image).

If you're interested in contributing to PrenticeNet to help preserve Prentice-related items, or if you have items to donate or loan (in picture form), please visit the Support page. Enjoy!

This is just a small sampling of items .. more will be uploaded soon!

Items grouped by type:

Items grouped by topic:

To see a list of all Prentice Museum items ordered by their last update time, visit Museum Updates.

This page is maintained by PrenticeNet.
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