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Descendants of Thomas Prentice

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The information on this page is based on the following sources: .. no further verification or investigation has been done at this time.
first generation:
     Capt. Thomas Prentice1, of Cambridge (on S. side of the river now Newton); m. Grace Bull [*1.1] in England; she d. 9 Oct. 1692; he d. 6 July 1710 in 89th yr. [bio]

Children of Thomas and Grace:

  1. Grace Prentice, b. 1648, in England; m. 27 Nov. 1667, Dea. and Capt. Thomas Oliver, son of Rev. John Oliver and grandson of Elder Thomas Oliver, who came to New England in 1631. She d. 30 Sept. 1681. He m. 2nd, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Wilson. He b. 1646 in Boston, and d. 1 Nov. 1715.
    Children of Grace and Thomas:
    1. Grace Oliver, b. 15 Nov. 1668; d. 16 Nov. 1680.
    2. Elizabeth Oliver, b. 11 April 1670; d. 22 June 1674.
    3. Thomas Oliver, d. 22 May 1683.
    4. John Oliver, b. 22 Nov. 1671; d. 20 Dec. 1673.
    5. Hannah Oliver, b. 16 Aug 1674.
    6. Peter Oliver, b. ?
    7. Thomas Oliver, b. 22 July 1676.
    8. Samuel Oliver, b. 18 May 1679; d. 3 Dec. 1729.
  2. Thomas Prentice (twin), b. 22 Jan. 1650.
  3. Elizabeth Prentice (twin), b. 22 Jan. 1650; m. 4 May 1675, Thomas Aldrich of Dedham; she d. 5 Feb. 1676.
  4. Mary Prentice; possib. m. Joseph Stanton (b. 1646 in Hartford, Connecticut; d. 1714).
  5. John Prentice, b. 2 Feb. 1654; d. 1655.
  6. John Prentice, b. 10 July 1655.
  7. Hannah Prentice, b. 1661.

Notes [*1.n]:

  1. Grace's surname is listed as BULL in Essex Co. records -- email from Dave Prentice 30jul98.

second generation:
     Thomas Prentice2, of Newton, son of Capt. Thomas1 and Grace; m. 20 Mar. 1676, Sarah Stanton, dau. of Thomas Stanton (b. 30 Jul 1616 in England, d. 2 Dec 1676 in Stonington, Connecticut) and Ann Lord (bapt. 18 Sep 1614 in Towcester, Northton, England; d. 1688 in Stonington, Connecticut); he was freeman 1680; he d. 1684. Sarah m. 2nd, Capt. William Denison of Stonigton, she d.1713, ae. 59. (Children of William and Sarah: William Denison, bapt.1686; Sarah Denison, bapt.1698; George Denison, bapt.1692.)

Children of Thomas and Sarah:

  1. Thomas Prentice, b. 13 Jan. 1676
  2. Grace Prentice
  3. Samuel Prentice, abt. 1680
  4. John Prentice, 1682, Harvard College 1700, minister of Lancaster
Additional Sources: The Thomas Stanton Society, Inc.

     John Prentice2, of Newton, son of Capt. Thomas1 and Grace; m. 28 June 1677, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Jackson Sr.; she b. 28 April 1658; they had no children and he d. 4 Mar. 1689. His widow m. 13 Nov. 1699, Jonas Bond. Elizabeth d. 25 Jan. 1749, ae. 83.

third generation:
     Capt. Thomas Prentice3, of Newton, son of Thomas2 and Sarah; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Edward Jackson Jr. (she b. 23 Feb 1687 and d. 19 Oct. 1753). He d. 16 Feb. 1729/30.

Children of Thomas and Elizabeth:

  1. Deliverance Prentice, b. 19 May 1704.
  2. Abigail Prentice, b. 4 June 1707; m. 1734, Samuel Wilson; d. 1755.
  3. Ebenezer Prentice, b. 3 March 1708.
  4. Jerusha Prentice, b. 1709; m. 1733, Isaac Bowen; they had one son Prentice Bowen.
  5. Elizabeth Prentice, b. 26 Aug. 1714; m. 1739, Joshua Hammond; she d. 12 April 1798/99.
  6. Sarah Prentice, b. 3 Nov. 1719; m. 1737, Ensign Timothy Cheeney, of Newton; their dau. Sarah, m. 18 Sept. 1782, Samuel Hall, of Newton.

     Samuel Prentice3, of Newton, son of Thomas2 and Sarah; m. Esther, dau. of Nathaniel Hammond, of Newton Mass. He d. 24 April 1728, ae. 48.

Children of Samuel and Esther [*3.1]:

  1. Samuel Prentice, b. 25 Nov. 1702.
  2. Grace Prentice, b. 16 Jan. 1705.
  3. Mary Prentice, b. 12 April 1708; m. John Breed [*3.2].
  4. Jonas Prentice, b. 28 Sept. 1710, in Stonington, Ct.
  5. Esther Prentice, b. 12 Dec. 1713; m. Christopher Palmer.
  6. Oliver Prentice, b. --?--; d. 18 Oct. 1755.
  7. Eunice Prentice, b. 8 Dec. 1717; m. Christopher Avery Jr. [*3.2]; d. 1796 [*3.2].
  8. Thomas Prentice, b. 25 Oct. 1719.
  9. Dorothy Prentice, b. 13 Dec. 1723.

Notes [*3.n]:

  1. Binney listed a Joseph as Samuel and Esther's second child. Based on new evidence, it appears that Joseph is actually the son of Joseph4, the great-grandson of Valentine1 (Joseph4, John3-2, Valentine1).
  2. Based on hand written notes in my photocopied copy of Binney's 1883 book -- Scott

     Rev. John Prentice3, of Newton, son of Thomas2 and Sarah; m., 1st, 4 Dec. 1705, Mary Gardner (widow of Rev. Andrew Gardner), she d. abt. 1716; m. 2nd, Mrs. Prudence (Foster) Swan (widow of Rev. Josiah Swan), of Charlestown Ma. Prudence d. 10 July 1765, in Lancaster.

Children of John and Mary:

  1. John Prentice, b. abt. 1706.
  2. Mary Prentice, b. 1708.
  3. Thomas Prentice, bapt. 3 Sept. 1709 (or 1710); m. 1st, 2 Aug. 1737, Abigail Willard, of Lunenburg, Mass.; m. 2nd, in 1751, Mrs Borodel, dau. of John Jackson, and widow of Samuel Jackson, Esq, of Newton; he d. 14 Nov. 1775, in Cambridge. No children.
  4. Stanton Prentice, b. 1711
  5. Elizabeth Prentice, bapt. 22 Nov. 1713; m. 1st, Daniel Robbins, of Lancaster; m. 2nd, Capt. Curtis of Worcester.
  6. Sarah Prentice, bapt. 11 March 1715/16
Children of John and Prudence:
  1. Dorothy Prentice, bapt. 12 Jan. 1717/18; a Dorothy Prentice m., abt. 1741, Josiah Stearns, of Watertown, his 2nd wife.
  2. Prudence Prentice, bapt. 18 June 1719; m. Josiah Brown, of Lancaster.
  3. Relief Prentice, m. 27 March 1750, Rev. John Rogers, of Leominster, Mass., they had 7 children.
  4. Rebecca Prentice, b. 22 Sept. 1727, O.S.; m. 1749, to Rev. John Mellen of Lancaster, Mass. (intention to marry recorded 28 Oct 1749 with Lancaster clerk, per p.33 "The birth, marriage, and death register, church records and epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts. 1643-1850"). A daughter, Pamela Mellen, married Rev. Caleb Prentiss of Lancaster, thus uniting the Newton and Cambridge branches of the family.

fourth generation:
     Deacon Samuel Prentice4, son of Samuel3 and Esther; m. Abigail Billings, dau. of Lt. Ebenezer Billings and Phebe Denison (the Billings ancestry has been shown to go back to Charlemagne).

Children of Samuel and Abigail:

  1. Dorothy Prentice, b. 7 Jan. 1727.
  2. Samuel Prentice, b. 24 May 1729; d. 15 Jan. 1734.
  3. Ebenezer Prentice, b. 25 Oct. 1731; had three daughters, names unknown.
    [Will of Ebenezer Prentice]
  4. John Prentice, b. 13 May 1733.
  5. Abigail Prentice, b. 11 Dec. 1734; m. abt. 1754, Eleazer Williams.
  6. Joshua Prentice, b. 2 July 1737.
  7. Phoebe Prentice, b. 22 Feb. 1738; m. abt. 1760, Henry Hewitt, of Stonington, Ct.
  8. Asa Prentice, b. 7 Sept. 1740; d. 7 Sept. 1742.
  9. Jonas Prentice, b. 9 Feb. 1742.
  10. Jesse Prentice, b. 24 Jan. 1743.; d. Aug. 1811.
  11. Esther Prentice, b. 31 Jan. 1745; d. 25 March 1751.
  12. Amos Prentice, b. 24 April 1748.
  13. Grace Prentice, b. 4 Dec. 1750; m. abt. 1769, _____ Shepherd.

fifth generation:
     John Prentice5, son of Deacon Samuel4 and Abigail; m. 1st, 1 Dec. 1757, Mary Haskell, who d. 8 July 1784; m. 2nd, Rebecca _______, she d. abt. 1831; he d. 21 June 1810.

Children of John and Mary:

  1. Samuel Prentice, b. 8 Oct. 1758; d. 1776, in New York while serving the the Revolutionary War.
  2. John Prentice, b. 22 June 1761.
  3. Asa Prentice, b. 5 Sept. 1763.
  4. Asher Prentice, b. 29 Jan. 1769.

Children of John and Rebecca:

  1. Oliver Prentice, b. abt. 1793; d. 1826.
  2. Joshua Prentice, b. 1797.
  3. Phoebe Prentice, b. 1808.

     Jesse Prentice5, son of Deacon Samuel4 and Abigail; m. Elizabeth Belcher, dau. of Moses and Esther (Rudd) Belcher or Preston, CT; Elizabeth was b. 12 March 1756 and d. 10 August 1844; They settled in Stonington, CT. Jesse was a lieutenant in the Rev. war, was at the siege of Yorktown and other battles; he d. August 1811. After his death, Elizabeth removed to Berkshire, NY,; she died 10 August 1844, and was buried in the old cemetery.

[bio on Jesse]

Children of Jesse and Elizabeth:

  1. Joseph Prentice, b. 15 Mar. 1793.
  2. Fanny Prentice, b. 1796; d. April 1861.
  3. Alfred Belcher Prentice, b. 1 Dec. 1798.
  4. Jesse Prentice, b. 20 Aug. 1801; d. 7 June 1862.

sixth generation:
     Joshua Prentice6, son of John5 and Rebecca; m. Mary Ann Bennet, dau. of Aaron Bennet and Abigail Smith.

Child of Joshua and Mary Ann:

  1. Warren Prentice, b. 10 Feb. 1827

seventh generation:
     Warren Prentice7, son of Joshua6 and Mary; m. Betsey Burdick, b. 11 April 1839, d. 4 Dec. 1921.

Child of Warren and Betsey:

  1. Joseph Warren Prentice

eighth generation:
     Joseph Warren Prentice8, son of Warren7 and Betsey; m. Ida May Brown, dau. of James Stewart Brown and Marietta Hall.

Child of Joseph and Ida:

  1. Willard J. Prentice

ninth generation:
     Willard J. Prentice9, son of Joseph8 and Ida; m. Agnes Elizabeth Roby.

Child of Willard and Agnes:

  1. Warren Stewart Prentice, b. 28 Sept. 1945
This page is maintained by PrenticeNet.   Last updated 27 July 2022.
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