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Joseph Gregor Family Genealogy

Joseph Gregor Family Genealogy
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr.
Copyright 2009
Revised 22 Aug 2009

Introduction: This Joseph Gregor Family Genealogy represents research begun in 1980 when the only information I had was some information I had about my grandfather, Adolph Joseph Dewald and grandmother, Florence (Prentice) Dewald. From a note on the back of Adolph's portrait, I learned he was born in Waterville, MN, and that led me to identify his parents as Martin Dewald and Amelia Gregor, #7 below. Amelia Gregor was a daughter of Joseph Gregor, #6 below, my great-great-grandfather, after whom this material is titled.

By means of correspondence with relatives in Waterville, research in the IGI, and a personal trip in 1985 to what was once called Michelsdorf in Bohemia, now known as Ostrov in the Czech Republic.

The "Ostrov" name occurred while the area was under Rusia's control. It lies about 10-12 km east of Lanskroun on Highway 313, just past the junction of 315 and 313. Ostrov is about 40 miles or so due east of Prague. When Czechoslovakia was split some years ago into the Czech Repuplic and Slovakia, Ostrov now lies in the area known as the Czech Republic.

At one time, Michelsdorf had a large German population, but after the end of WW II in 1944, that population was removed from the area. At the time of Linus Joseph Dewald Jr's. visit in 1985, at was a small town of about 600 people with few, if any, German-speaking residents.

Information about Ostrov can be found at http://population.mongabay.com/population/czech-republic/3068772/ostrov . A short history of the Landskroun-Michelsdorf/Ostrov area can be found at http://www.fibiger.net/e-fiebiger.html .

If anyone has additional biographical information about the folks shown below, or about their descendants, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.


1. Jiri Gregor1 was born c. 1630, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia and probably died in the latter part of the 1600s in that same area. The name, Gregor, is a common one in Waterville, MN where a number of families named GREGOR immigrated in the middle 1800's from Michelsdorf, Bohemia. One might infer that it was also a common name in the Michelsdorf area.

The name of Jiri's wife is presently Unknown. It might be assumed that they had several children, but at the present time the name of only 1 son is known:

   2       i.  Jan Gregor2, b. c. 1665, Michelsdorf, Bohemia.


2. Jan Gregor (Jiri, 1). He was b. c. 1665, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia1, and died at some date after 1698 when his last known child was born. His occupation was that of a Farmer.

He married, first, Anna Vavra on 23 Jan 1677/8(2). Anna was b. c. 1665, in Cermna, Bohemia, and probably d. sometime between 1688 and 1692 in Michelsdorf. She was the daughter of Matej Vavra and his presently unknown wife. Jan and Anna had 4 known children:

           i.  Marie3 Gregor. Born, 25 Jan 1678/9, in Cermna, Bohemia3.
          ii.  Katerina Gregor. Born, 23 Sep 1680, in Michelsdorf, 
         iii.  Jiri Gregor. Born, 12 Mar 1685/6, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia5.
          iv.  Dorota Gregor. Born, 30 Dec 1687, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia6.

Jan married, second, Marie, circa 1691. Children of Jan and Marie:

   3       v.  Jan Gregor.  Bor 25 Jun 1683.
          vi.  Alzbeta Gregor. Born, 25 Jun 1693, in Michelsdorf, 
         vii.  Dorota Gregor. Born, 14 Jan 1695/6, in Michelsdorf, 
        viii.  Tobias Gregor. Born, 16 Jan 1697/8, in Michelsdorf, 


3. Jan Gregor (Jan, 2). He was born 25 Jun 1693 in Michelsdorf, Bohemia8, and died after 1751 when the last of his known children was born. Like his father, Jan was a Farmer.

Jan married, first, Eva Pfeifer on 10 Sep 1716, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia9. Eva was b. 9 Mar 1695/6, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia1. Died, before 1734 10. She was the daughter of Matej Pfeifer and Magdalena Neugepauer.

Children of Jan and Eva:

           i.  Alzbeta4 Gregor. Born, 8 Jul 1717, in Michelsdorf, 
          ii.  Jan Gregor. Born, 15 Jul 171812. Died, 1718.             
         iii.  Anna Gregor. Born, 7 Jul 1720, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia13. 
               Died, 1720.             

He married, second, Alzbeta (Elizabeth) Kristek, on 17 Jan 1733/4, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia14. She was b. 19 Apr 1711, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia 1 and was the daughter of Vavrinec Kristek and Magdalena Resler. Children of Jan and Alzbeta:

          iv.  Anna Gregor. Born, 7 Oct 1734, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia15. 
               Died, 1734.             
           v.  Frantisek Gregor. Born, 13 Sep 1736, in Michelsdorf, 
          vi.  Jan Anton Gregor. Born, 15 Nov 1738, in Michelsdorf, 
         vii.  Anna Maria Gregor. Born, 28 Mar 1741, in Michelsdorf, 
               Bohemia18. Died, 1741.             
        viii.  Antonin Gregor. Born, 30 Sep 1743, in Michelsdorf, 
          ix.  Anna Gregor. Born, 3 Apr 1746, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia20.
   4       x.  Jiri Gregor.  Born 22 Mar 1748/49 in Michelsdorf, Bohemia.
          xi.  Sigismund Gregor. Born, 22 Nov 1751, in Michelsdorf, 


4. Jiri Gregor (Jan, 3). Born, 22 Mar 1748/9, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia22. Died, after 1800. Occupation: Farmer/Peddler.

He married, first, Alzbeta (Elizabeth) Stangler, daughter of Jan Stangler and Marie Schneider, 22 Nov 177223. Born, 17 Apr 1750, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia1. Died, before 178924. Elizabeth may have died in childbirth. Her last known child, Alzbeta/Elizabeth, was born 5 Jul 1787. The first child by her husband's second wife, Anna Janis, was born 24 Sep 1789. Children:

           i.  Josef5 Gregor. Born, 11 Jul 1777, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia. 
               Died, 1777, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia.
          ii.  Anna Gregor. Born, 14 May 1778, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia25. 
               Died, 14 Jul 1779.      
   5     iii.  Frantisek (Franz) Gregor.
          iv.  Marie Gregor. Born, 19 Mar 1783, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia26.
               Died, 4 Apr 1783.       
           v.  Jan Gregor. Born, 14 May 1784, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia27.
          vi.  Alzbeta Gregor. Born, 7 May 1787, in Michelsdorf, 

Jiri married, second, Anna Janis, daughter of Vaclav Janis and Unknown, circa 1788. Children:

         vii.  Katerina Gregor. Born, 24 Sep 1789, in Michelsdorf, 
        viii.  Josef Gregor. Born, 26 Feb 1792, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia30.
          ix.  Antonin Gregor. Born, 5 Jun 1794, in Michelsdorf, 
           x.  Anna Gregor. Born, 15 Aug 1796, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia32. 
               Died, 1796.             
          xi.  Jiri Gregor. Born, 30 May 1798, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia33.
         xii.  Anna Gregor. Born, 20 Sep 1800, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia34.


5. Frantisek (Franz) Gregor (Jiri, 4). Born, 8 Aug 1780, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia35. Died, before 1850. Occupation: Farmer.

He married Anna Anderle, daughter of Pavel (Paul) Andrle and Katerina Maitner, 3 Jul 1808, in Landskron, Bohemia36. Born, 1 Mar 178537. Children:

           i.  Terezie6 Gregor. Born, 29 Oct 1808, in Michelsdorf, 
               Bohemia, Nr. 13538.
          ii.  Frantisek Gregor. Born, 29 Nov 1810, in Michelsdorf, 
               Bohemia, Nr. 13539.
   6     iii.  Joseph Gregor.
          iv.  Jan Gregor. Born, 21 Oct 1816, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia, Nr.


6. Joseph Gregor (Frantisek (Franz), 5). Born, 21 Aug 1813, in Michelsdorf, Nr. 13541. Died, 22 Jun 1891, in Hebron, Thayer, NE42. Burial in Sac. Heart Cem., Hebron, Thayer, NE. Immigration: after 1867 (?).

The name "Gregor" is a common one in Waterville, MN where a number of families named GREGOR immigrated in the middle 1800's from Michelsdorf, Bohemia. The area is now Czechoslovakia and Michelsdorf, now known by the name Ostrov, is some 40 miles or so due east of Prague. It seems likely he is related to the other Gregors.

Information provided by Wolfgang Morascher, a descendant living in Vienna, indicates that Joseph's children were born in Michelsdorf up until his son, Frank, was born in Vienna in 1860. That would indicated Joseph moved to Vienna shortly before 1860.

We don't know when Joseph came to America, but it was after the birth of his last child, his son Emil born in 1867 in Vienna, Austria and prior to his 8 Dec 1883 official declaration of his intention to become a citizen. A Centennial History of the Sacred Heart Church of Hebron, NE reelates, at page 13, that "the Gregors first settled in Nebraska near Powell and Gladstone (about 20 miles east of Hebron); however, a 1992 review by Sister Eva Fritz of church records at Powell and Gladstone did not reveal any information about the family. The Centennial History relates that they attended church at Fairbury (about 15 miles east of Hebron). A review of Fairbury church records is needed to determine if it contains any information about them.

In the late 1880's and 1890's they all migrated to near Hebron and joined Sacred Heart Parish"

Joseph received his citizenship about 18 Sep 1890, the year before he died at the age of 77. Curiously, there seems to be no newspaper obituary.

Joseph married, first, Rosalie "Rose" (Hiller) Zeipelt, daughter of Jan Hiller and Barbara Stangler, 9 Aug 1846, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia1. Born, 26 Oct 1807, in Michelsdorf, Nr. 25843. Died, 10 Apr 1858, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia44.

Rose died some time after the birth of her son, Vincent in 1850 and before 1858; Joseph's daughter by his next marriage was born in 1859. Rose's death left Joseph with two young children, the oldest of whom could not have been more than 10 years old. Children:

   7       i.  Amelia7 Gregor, b. 29 Nov 1846, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia. 
   8      ii.  Vincent/Vinzenz Gregor, b. 2 Mar 1850, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia.

Joseph married, second, Johanna "Henna" Klekar, daughter of Josef Klekar and Johana Benes, 8 Jun 1858 44. Johanna was b. 1833 44. Died, 3 Jul 1859.

Where was she born and where did she marry? Probably in or near Michelsdorf where her daughter, Theresa, was born in 1859.

When Henna married Joseph Gregor, she took on the responsibility of rearing two young children, Amelia and Vincent. Henna and Joseph had a child of their own and it may be that Henna died in childbirth at, or not long after, the birth of their daughter on 21 Feb. 1859. We know Joseph's next child by his third wife was born 21 July 1860. That would allow roughly 6 months for mourning, marriage by August, and the prompt pregnancy of his third wife shortly thereafter. Children:

   9     iii.  Theresa Gregor, b. 21 Feb 1859, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia.

Joseph m. third, Victoria Klekar, daughter of Josef Klekar and Johana Benes, circa 1859 (?). Born, 11 Feb 183645. Died, 14 May 1924, in Hebron, Thayer, NE46. Burial in Catholic Cem., Hebron, Thayer, NE.

Victoria was 23 when she married Joseph in about 1859 and undertook the care of the three young children of Joseph and her deceased sister, Hannah. They were 11 year old Amelia, 9 year old Vincent, and baby Theresa. Victoria and Joseph then proceeded to have three more children of their own over the next 8 years. Victoria immigrated to America, probably with her husband Joseph and their children. When? Some time after the 1867 birth of her youngest son, Emil, and before Joseph's declaration in 1883 of his intention to become a citizen. No immigration documents for her have been located at Hebron, and officials there related that naturalization of her husband, Joseph, would result in her automatic naturalization.

Victoria's obituary says Victoria died at the home of her daughter, Maria (Mrs. Joseph Burbach); that for many years she had made her home with her children, mostly with her daughter; and that her death came quite suddenly, being stricken only the day before. According to her Certificate of Death, she died from a cerebral hemmorrhage. Children:

  10      iv.  Frank J. Gregor.
  11       v.  Maria "Mary" Gregor.
  12      vi.  Emil E. Gregor.


7. Amelia Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 29 Nov 1846, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia, Nr. 8147. Died, 8 Jun 1934, in Hebron, Thayer Co., NE. Immigration: 6 Jun 1868, in New York, NY48. Occupation: Housewife.

Amelia is believed to the eldest child of Joseph Gregor by his first wife, Rose Hiller. Her obituary says she was born in Michelsdorf; her Death Certificate says Austria, but Michelsdorf in 1848 was a part of the Austro?Hungarian Empire. Amelia's obituary reads as follows:

    "She is gone; but ah??not departed. For her memory lives on as the light of the sun that is softly reflected in the moon on a calm, mellow night. Amelia Mary Gregor...died...at the age of 87 years, 6 months, and ten days.

    At the age of 20 (c. 1868), she came with friends to America. A passenger roster shows she arrived at the Port of New York on 6 June 1868 aboard the sailing vessel, "Weser." She lived for a time in Wisconsin, later going to Waterville, Minnesota, where she worked for three years, perhaps as a maid or housekeeper.

    In 1871 she was united in marriage to Martin Dewald. Martin and Amelia lived on a farm for a number of years, with their three sons and two daughters. On October 18, 1880, they settled on a farm northwest of Hebron. After the death of her husband in 1896, she moved to town, where she has since made her home...The funeral was held at Sacred Heart church on Monday morning, June 11 (1934) at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Father Broermann officiated and delivered a very touching sermon..."

A granddaughter of Amelia remembers visits to Amelia's home in her later years: Amelia was described as a non-smiling, no-nonsense person; she and her son (Adolph) spoke always in German when she went with her father to visit his mother, Amelia.

Amelia m. Mathias "Martin" Dewald, son of Johann Dewald and Anna Maria Klein, 15 Aug 1871, in Waterville, Waseca, MN. Born, 7 Apr 1828, in Niederlosheim, Germany. Died, 3 Aug 1896, in Hebron, Thayer Co., NE. Burial: 4 Aug 1896, in Cath. Cem., Hebron, Thayer, NE. Immigration: 1843. Occupation: Farmer.

Martin was about 15 when his family immigrated and settled at St. John, IN. In the Spring of 1855, when he was 27, he moved to Waterville, MN with his father, brothers, and possibly his mother. 3 years later, in 1858, he married his 1st wife, Barbara Dusbabek, who bore him 2 sons (Paul and John) and a daughter (Amelia). After Barbara's death, and at 43, Martin married Amelia Gregor and had another son and daughter.

About 1882, at the age of 52, Martin and his family moved to Thayer Co., NE. Deeds dated February and April, 1882 described his farm as shaped like a dog leg to the left: the NE quarter of Sec. 13, the N half of the NW quarter of Sec. 13, and the SW quarter of Sec. 12 immediately above Sec. 13.

Martin became a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. He died in Hebron at the age of 68. Children:

           i.  Christina8 Dewald. Born, 23 Jun 1872, in Waterville, 
               Waseca, MN. Died, 29 Mar 1958, in NE. Occupation: Nurse. 
               Died unmarried without children. 
  13      ii.  Adolph Joseph Dewald.

8.    Vincent/Vinzenz7 Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 2 Mar 1850, in 
Michelsdorf, Bohemia, Nr. 8149. Died, 1912, in Vienna, Austria. Although 
Vincent's father and the rest of Vincent's family emigrated to American, 
Vincent remained by himself in Vienna. The date of his father's emigration
is not known, but it was probably after Vincent reach adulthood. 

      He married Therese Weber, daughter of Josef Weber and Maria Kutnigg,
circa 1878 (?)50. Born, 1 Jan 1847, in Aich, Nr. 7. Died, 9 Feb 1917, in 
Vienna, Austria. Children:

  14       i.  Josef Gregor.
  15      ii.  Vincent Gregor.

9.    Theresa7 Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 21 Feb 1859, in Michelsdorf, 
Bohemia51. Died, 28 Sep 1944, in Ontario, Malheur, OR. Birth(2): 21 Feb 
      Theresa's obituary says she immigrated at 13 and made her home with 
her sister. That would indicate she immigrated in 1872 and lived with her 
sister, Amelia, who had immigrated 4 years earlier in 1868 and who, in 
1871, had married a widower, Mathias "Martin" Dewald. 
      She undoubtedly moved to Nebraska in 1880 with Amelia and her family
which included Amelia's step-son, Paul Dewald, whom she married in 1884 
(half-sisters married father-son). Theresa died at the age of 85 years, 7 
mos. and 7 days. 

      She married Paul Dewald, 20 May 1884, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Born, 
14 Jan 1859, in Waterville, Waseca, MN. Died, 1 Feb 1917, in Hebron, 
Thayer, NE. Birth(2): 14 Jan 1860, in Waterville, Waseca, MN45. Burial: 3 
Feb 1917, in Cath. Cem., Hebron, Thayer, NE. 
      Paul is the son of Mathias "Martin" Dewald by his first wife, 
Barbara Dusbabek. Paul is a half?brother of Adolph Joseph Dewald who 
married Florence Rosanna Prentice. 
      Paul grew to manhood in Waterville, MN. In 1880 he moved with his 
folks to Hebron, NE. In 1881 he went to North Platte where he became a 
fireman for Union Pacific. In 1883 he returned to Hebron and settled on a 
farm NW of town. Paul worked as a salesman for C. M. Liggit and in charge 
of the implement department. He served as a councilman for the City of 
Hebron from 1913 until his death in 1917. A friend of all, his obituary 
said that "the expression which is on every one's lips is that 'if he had 
an enemy, I don't know it.'" He died at his home of Pneumonia at 58. 

  9.1      i.  Mary Theresa8 Dewald. Born, 27 Oct 1887, in Hebron, Thayer Co., NE.
  16      ii.  O'Delia Coletta Dewald.
  17     iii.  Coletta Regina Dewald.

9.1  Mary Theresa Dewald. Born, 27 Oct 1887, in Hebron, Thayer Co., NE, and d. 2 Jul 1955. 
They appear in the 1920 census in Voltaire, Sherman Co., KS.  Not in 1930 census.

She married Louis L. Huber on 8 Oct 1907. He was b. c. 1884 in NE, with both parents b. in Germany. He is tentatively identified as the Loouis Huber who appears in the SSDI as b. 2 Jul 883, obtained his SS# in ID, and d. Nov 1970 in Goodland, Sherman Co., KS.

Children of Mary and Louis: 1. Martin Huber, b. c. 1909, NE. At home in 1920. 2. Joseph Huber, b. c. 1910, NE. At home in 1920. 3. Gertrude Huber, b. c. 1912, KS. At home in 1920. 4. Clara Huber, b. c. 1915, KS. At home in 1920. 5. Margaret Huber, b. c. 1917, KS. At h ome in 1920.

10. Frank J. Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 21 Jul 1860, in Vienna, Austria52. Died, 11 May 1943, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Immigration: 1880. Son of Joseph Gregor and Victoria Klecker. Frank immigrated alone in 1880. He sent for the rest of his family later. Frank was naturalized as an American citizen in the District Court in Hebron, NE on 25 Sep 1906. Frank and his family lived on a farm northwest of Hebron. The family moved to Elgin, NE about 1913.

He married Amelia Dewald, 21 Aug 1888. Born, 17 Sep 1870, in Waterville, Waseca, MN. Died, 28 Jun 1927, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Birth(2): 16 Sep 186845.

Amelia is the daughter of Mathias "Martin" Dewald and his first wife, Barbara Dusbabek. Amelia is a sister of Paul Dewald and a half?sister to Adolph Joseph Dewald who married Amelia Gregor, Frank's half?sister. Children:

           i.  Anna Maria8 Gregor. Born, 27 Feb 1889. Died, 6 Dec 1895, in Hebron, NE.
  18      ii.  Christina Gregor.
  19     iii.  Olivia Lillieosa Gregor.
          iv.  Walter Frank Gregor. Born, 25 Apr 1893, in NE. Died, 20 Aug
               1966, Hastings, Adams C., NE. He married Elva Taylor, 27 Aug 1954. 
               Said to be living at Hastings, NE in 1944. 
           v.  Amelia Gregor. Born, 8 May 1895. Died, 6 Sep 1895.       
          vi.  Rose Mollie Gregor. Born, 21 Jun 1896, in NE. Died, 12 Mar 
               1926. Occupation: Ursuline Nun.
         vii.  Florence Ann Gregor. Born, 21 Aug 1897, in NE. Died, 10 May 1980 
               in Elgin, Antelope Co., NE, apparently unmarried.
  20    viii.  Albert Edward Gregor.
  21      ix.  Elizabeth Catherine Gregor.
  22       x.  Eva Magdalena Gregor.
  23      xi.  Edith Anna Gregor.
         xii.  Leona Margaretha Gregor. Born, 18 Feb 1910. Died, 20 Jan 
               1986. She married, first, Ralph Curd. Divorce, before 1950 
               (?). She married, second, Mike McKinney, 2 Nov 1950. Leona 
               had no children. 
  24    xiii.  Martin John Gregor.
  25     xiv.  Francis Jeremiah Gregor.

11. Maria "Mary" Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 31 Jul 1863, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia (#174)53. Maria may have accompanied her father coming to America. No immigration documents for her have been located at Hebron, and officials there relate that when the father/husband is naturalized, the accompanying members of his family were automatically naturalized.

She married Joseph Burbach, 22 Feb 1884, in Hebron, Thayer, NE54. Born, circa 1860 (?), in of Powell, NE. Joseph bought a farm 5 miles northwest of Hebron in 1892. Children:

           i.  Elizabeth8 Burbach. Born, 188555. Died, 1968. Occupation: 
               Nun. Becama a nun in 1908, Sister Sponsa, in the School 
               Sisters of Notre Dame. 
          ii.  Mary Burbach. Born, 188745. Died, 1961, in Red Cloud, NE. 
               She married Harry Beard.
  26     iii.  Joseph Burbach Jr. 
  27      iv.  Adolph "Dolph" Burbach.

12. Emil E. Gregor (Joseph, 6). Born, 8 Aug 1867, in Michelsdorf, Bohemia (#174)56. Died, 1945, in Hebron, Thayer, NE57. Emil may have accompanied his father to America. No immigration documents for him have been located at Hebron, and officials there relate that when the father/husband is naturalized, the accompanying members of the family were automatically naturalized. Emil appears in the 1900 Census for Thayer Co., NE.

He married Christina Bastnes, 16 Feb 189257. Born, Sep 1870, in IN58. Died, 195057. Children:

           i.  (none) 8.


13.   Adolph Joseph8 Dewald. Born, 29 Dec 1873, in Waterville, Waseca, MN.
Died, 2 Oct 1960, in Santa Ana, Orange, CA. Burial in Melrose Abbey, Santa
Ana, CA. 

Adolph, born at Waterville, MN, moved at the age of 7 in 1880 to a home a 
short distance NW of Hebron, Thayer Co., NE. As a young man, he was a 
professional photographer with his own studio at Friend, Saline Co., NE. 
The home and studio were connected and located a block south of the train 

His wedding picture shows him as a trim, handsome man of medium height 
with dark hair and neatly trimmed moustache. Adolph's family multiplied 
rapidly: 5 children at Friend in the first 10 years, and 5 more in the 
next 12 years at O'Neill and Hebron. The financial demands of a family 
that size necessitated a larger and more stable income than could be 
obtained from photography. He relinquished his studio in the 1920's and 
became a representative for a local oil company, though the building 
housing his studio still bore his name 60 years later. 

He was a founding member of the Hebron, NE Knights of Columbus in 1918 and
was elected the chapter's first Grand Knight. His son, Ralph, was also one
of the original founding members as was his daughter Grace's husband, Leo 

Adolph was a courteous, gentle man and good company. In the early 1940's, 
his family grown, Adolph and his wife moved to Santa Ana, Orange Co., CA 
where they bought a home on Palm Ave. on the east side of town. After the 
death of his wife, he remarried. He died of natural causes at his home in 
1960 at the age of 88. 

      He married Florence Rosana PRENTICE, 27 Oct 1897. Born, 20 Aug 1876,
in Sabetha, KS. Died, 29 Oct 1946, in Santa Ana, Or. Co., CA. Burial in 
Melrose Abbey, Santa Ana, CA. Occupation: Housewife. 

Florence was the daughter of Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor winner
Joseph Rollin Prentice (son of John Rollin Prentice  nd Martha Eliz. 
Eyanson) and Margaret Jane Rooney (dau. of Patrick Rooney and Roseanna 
Levings, both Irish immigrants from County Down). 

Florence's wedding picture shows a pretty 21 year old woman, somewhat 
taller than average,with long dark hair. She bore cheerfully the demands 
of rearing 10 children, one of whom (Martin) died as an infant. A few 
years after her marriage she was described by in?law as an unusually large
woman, afflicted with what Grandfather Joseph Prentice said was the 
"Eyanson Curse": she could get fat on a diet of rainwater! 

In the 1930's, when about 60, she broke her hip, causing her permanent 
confinement to a wheelchair. After moving to Santa Ana, CA where her 
brothers George and Ed lived, Florence was active in the local social 
group for the handicapped, the Indoor Sports. The families of her sons 
Linus and Harold later moved also to Santa Ana. A corncob pipe smoker, she
contracted throat cancer. She died in 1946 at the age of 70. Children:

  28       i.  Ralph Orville9 Dewald.
          ii.  Martin Dewald. Born, 30 Jan 1900, in Friend, Saline, NE. 
               Died, circa 1901, in Friend, Saline, NE.
  29     iii.  Grace Dewald.
  30      iv.  Linus Joseph Dewald Sr. 
  31       v.  Ethel Alice Dewald.
  32      vi.  Harold Dewald.
  33     vii.  Alice Christian Dewald.
  34    viii.  Florence Dewald.
  35      ix.  Mary Amelia Dewald.
  36       x.  John Patrick Dewald.

14.   Josef8 Gregor (Vincent/Vinzenz, 8). Born, 1880. Died, 1934, in 
Vienna, Austria.

      He married Gabriele Klausegger. Children:

  37       i.  Josef9 Gregor.
  38      ii.  Gabriele Gregor.

15.   Vincent8 Gregor (Vincent/Vinzenz, 8). Born, 1882. Died, 1932, in 
Vienna, Austria.

      He married Marie Roller. Children:

  39       i.  Maria9 Gregor.

16.   O'Delia Coletta8 Dewald. Born, 23 Aug 1893, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. 
Died, 22 Feb 1963, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Burial: 25 Feb 1963, in Hebron, 
Thayer, NE.

      She married Joseph Frank Rauner, 18 Oct 1911, in Gilead, Thayer, NE.
Born, 1 Jan 1884, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Died, 30 May 1966. Children:

           i.  Linus Eugene9 Rauner. Born, 30 Jun 1915, in Hebron, Thayer,
               NE. Died, 1 May 1917.       
  40      ii.  Lorraine Rose Rauner.
  41     iii.  Marjorie Joan Rauner.
  42      iv.  Evelyn Rose Rauner.
  43       v.  Mary Ann Rauner.

17.   Coletta Regina8 Dewald. Born, 13 Aug 1898, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. 
Died, 12 Aug 1974. Has a son and daughter. Her mother's 1944 obit. 
identified her husband at that time as "Cpl. Wm. J. Kriley of So. 

      She married Andrew Cornelius Kriley, 16 Oct 1923. Born, circa 1898. 

           i.  Ronnie9 Kriley. He is identified in Theresa Gregor Dewald's
               obit. of 1944 at a grandson of Thereasa. 

18.   Christina8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 20 Aug 1890, in Hebron, 
Thayer, NE. Died, 12 Dec 1926, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. Burial in Elgin, 
Antelope, NE.

      She married Leo Albert Chavet59, son of Joseph Chavet and Rose 
Echelman, 29 Jan 1917. Born, 30 Aug 1890, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Died, 30 
Mar 1941, in Plainview, Pierce, NE. Burial in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 

  44       i.  Albert9 Chavet.

19.   Olivia Lillieosa8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 17 Feb 1892, in 
Hebron, Thayer, NE. Died, 17 Jan 1973, in Plainview, Pierce, NE. Burial in
Elgin, Antelope, NE. Olivia was a sister of Leo's first wife, Christina 

      She married Leo Albert Chavet59, son of Joseph Chavet and Rose 
Echelman, 28 Jun 1928. Born, 30 Aug 1890, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Died, 30 
Mar 1941, in Plainview, Pierce, NE. Burial in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 

  45       i.  Frank Anthony9 Chavet.
          ii.  Dorothy Chavet. Born, 2 Jul 1932, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
               Resided, 1992, in Box 491, Plainview, NE 68769.

20.   Albert Edward8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 2 Nov 1899, in Hebron, 
Thayer, NE. Died, 31 Oct 1980, in Tilden, Antelope, NE. Burial in Elgin, 
Antelope, NE. 
      As a youth, Albert moved from Hebron to O'Neill with his parents. As
a young man, his family moved to Elgin where Albert helped his father with
farming. In the late 1920s, Albert opened his own repair shop. In 1954, 
after returning from the Korean conflict, his son, Raymond, joined him at 
the garage. The Gregor Garage closed in 1979 because of Albert's ill 
health and because of Raymond's appointment as a rural mail carrier. 
      He married Marie Werning60, 4 Jun 1929, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Born, 11 Jan 1905, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Resided, 1992, in Elgin, 
Antelope, NE61. Born on her parents' farm, Marie has always lived in 
Elgin. She worked as domestic help before her marriage, and after her 
marriage has done sewing for many Elginites. She enjoys sewing, fancy 
work, ceramics and has a beautiful flower garden for all to enjoy. 

  46       i.  Raymond J.9 Gregor.

21.   Elizabeth Catherine8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 10 Dec 1902, in 
Hebron, Thayer, NE. Resided, 1990, in Elgin, Antelope, NE61.

      She married John Meinolph Werning Jr.62, 11 Jan 1927. Born, 4 Oct 
1899. Died, 28 Apr 1950. Children:

           i.  Robert John9 Werning. Born, 23 Dec 1927. Died, 12 Mar 1947,
               in Plane crash.
  47      ii.  Elizabeth Jeanette Werning.
  48     iii.  Helen Amelia Werning.
  49      iv.  Kenneth Leo Werning.
  50       v.  Mary Alyce Werning.

22.   Eva Magdalena8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 6 Jun 1905, in Hebron, 
NE. Died, 15 Apr 1979, in Columbus, Platte, NE. Burial in Elgin, Antelope,
      Eva was a farm wife, working on the farm with her husband and 
raising six boys and two girls. After they moved to Elgin where her 
husband worked at the feed mill, and after he passed away, she continued 
to live in Elgin untill she passed away in 1979. 

      She married William Raymond Fritz, 5 Nov 1928, in Elgin, Antelope, 
NE. Born, 28 Apr 1905, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Died, 26 Jun 1961, in 
Elgin, Antelope, NE. Burial in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Son of Leo Frank Fritz
and Mary Magdelena Keut. He was a farmner until he moved to town where he 
then worked for the feed mill in Elgin until he passed away. Children:

  51       i.  William Joseph9 Fritz Jr. 
  52      ii.  Francis Jerome Fritz.
  53     iii.  Donald Raymond Fritz.
  54      iv.  Joseph Leo Fritz.
  55       v.  George Anthony Fritz.
          vi.  Rosella Mae Fritz. Born, 20 Jan 1941, in Elgin, Antelope, 
               NE. Resided, 1990, in 4736 Franklin, Omaha, NE 68104, 
               556?9804. Occupation: Nun. She is Sister Mary Eva, R. S. M.
               Sister Eva grew up on the family farm west of Elgin with 
               her parents, 6 brothers and 1 sister. In 1956 the family 
               moved into Elgin. She attended Elementary school at Sunny 
               Slope Country school in Wheeler County, graduated from St. 
               Boniface High School in Elgin, and later graduated from the
               College of St. Mary in Omaha. She entered the Sisters of 
               Mercy on 8 Sep 1959. Her ministry included teaching in 
               Denver, Bloomfield, and Durango, CO. She was supervisor of 
               St. James Group Home for 14 years. In 1992, she is 
               presently the Child Care Coordinator of Bergan Mercy Child 
               Care Center. 
  56     vii.  Alice Marie Fritz.
  57    viii.  James Andrew Fritz.

23.   Edith Anna8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 23 Apr 1907. Died, 16 Mar 
1983, in Brooklyn Center?, MN. Burial in New Hope, MN.

      She married Joseph Beckman63, 23 Apr 1930. Born, 20 Aug 1908. Died, 
11 Nov 1967, in Brooklyn Center?, MN. Burial in New Hope, MN. Children:

  58       i.  Lavern9 Beckman.
  59      ii.  Laura Mae Beckman.
  60     iii.  Joann Beckman.
          iv.  Jerome Beckman. Born, 4 Jan 1937, in Bloomfield, NE. He 
               married Joan Davis, 28 Feb 1959, in Dover, DE.

24.   Martin John8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 19 Feb 1913, in O'Neill, 
Holt, NE. Died, 24 Jan 1976.      

      He married Lois Jean Wilkinson, 17 Sep 1939. Born, 10 Apr 1921. 

  61       i.  Judy9 Gregor.
          ii.  David Gregor. Born, 1941. Died, 1942.             
  62     iii.  Lawrence "Larry" Lee Gregor.

25.   Francis Jeremiah8 Gregor (Frank J., 10). Born, 25 Jun 1915, in 
O'Neill, Holt, NE. Died, 11 May 1971.      

      He married Dorothy Delila Worden64, 20 May 1947. Born, 24 Sep 1916. 
Resided, 1992, in 412 J St., PO Bx 106, Neligh, NE 68756. Children:

           i.  Dolores9 Gregor. Born, 1950.             
          ii.  Charles Francis Gregor. Born, 4 Sep 1954. Occupation: 
               Priest. Charles entered 16 Jun 1972 and took his final vows
               15 May 1982. As of May, 1992 he was a Christian Brother of 
               Education ? St. Louis Province and was in Kenya, Africa 
               teaching and doing missionary work. 
  63     iii.  Lois Jean Gregor.

26.   Joseph8 Burbach Jr. Born, 3 Sep 1889, in Gladstone, NE45. Died, 14 
May 1981, in Hebron?, NE57. Occupation: Farmer.

      He married Frieda Willy65, 2 May 1917, in Hebron, NE. Born, 11 Aug 
1895. Died, 198357. Children: 

  64       i.  James9 Burbach.
  65      ii.  Max Burbach.
27.   Adolph "Dolph"8 Burbach. Born, 17 Apr 1892, in Gladstone, NE45. 
Died, 9 Feb 1960.       
      Adolph owned a farm northeast of Hebron where his family lived until
his death in 1960. Marie, his wife, then moved into Hebron, and their son,
Raymond and family, moved onto the farm and farmed for several years until
they moved to Lincoln. He was active in the Knights of Columbus and served
as Grand Knight. 

      He married Marie Cecilia Willy65, 26 Jan 1920, in Sac. Heart Ch., 
Hebron, Thayer, NE. Born, 2 Apr 1897, in Thompson, NE. 
      Marie was active in the Altar Society and was a past president. She 
also served as Secretary of the Deanery DCCW. She was a correspondent for 
the Southern Nebraska Register and active in the Catholic Daughters of 
America. Children:

  66       i.  Raymond9 Burbach.
  67      ii.  (John) Kenneth Burbach.
  68     iii.  Charles Edward Burbach.


28.   Ralph Orville9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 8 Aug 1898, in 
Friend, Saline, NE. Died, 30 May 1982, in Alexandria, NE. 

Ralph was the oldest of the ten children of Adolph Joseph Dewald and his 
wife, Florence. Much of Ralph's life story is contained below in excerpts 
from his wife's autobiography. He was a farmer who started from scratch 
and became prosperous over the following 50 years. He had a severe heart 
attack in 1957 and learned to take things much easier. An Alzheimer's 
victim, his health gradually deteriorated beginning about 1979. He passed 
away at Hebron Memorial Hosp. at the age of 83. 

      He married Ferne Agnes Cruise, 12 Feb 1923, in Sac. Heart, Hebron, 
Thayer, NE. Born, 8 Jun 1900 (?), in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Died, 30 Mar 
1995, in Hebron, Thayer, NE66. Burial in St. Mary's, Cath. Cem., 
Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
      Fern is the daughter of Michel H. Cruise (son of Patrick and Bridget
Flanagan Cruise), of Irish descent, and Viola Beck, dau. of Logan and 
Rebecca Mitchell Beck. She has written a marvelous autobiography about 
growing up in a small country town and of life on the farm. As a young 
lady she worked at the telephone office and later taught school near 
Gilead, NE. In 1919 she went to work for the Hebron Post Office. 
      Of her future husband, she writes, "...my occasional dates...became 
more often during those Post Office years. No bells rang, nor 'Love at 
first sight' thing. Just the gradual mutual respect and admiration and 
caring for each other." Four years later they married. They rented 160 
acres, acquired two teams of mules, a few hogs, 2 cows, some makeshift 
machinery, a new Ford Coupe, and a large note at the bank. She writes: 
"Our water came from the windmill which was close to the house, but 
soon...Ralph put a big tank in the basement with a pitcher pump in the 
kitchen. I thought that was heavenly never having to go outdoors for 
water. Of course (we had no) electricity or bathroom, no telephone." 
      For the family the 1930's "were very busy years...These were the 
thirties with poor crops, and poor prices. We heard of difficulties in the
cities, no jobs, starvation, young men hitchhiking or riding the railroads
looking for work. We didn't suffer, we had our own chickens, eggs, meat, 
      In later years they acquired additional farms and eventually turned 
them over to their children, moving to town: Alexandria, NE. By the time 
she wrote her 1985 autobiography, she had 73 grandchildren and 40 great 
      Ever alert, but frail of body, in June, 1994 Fern injured her hip in
a fall. After surgery in Lincoln, she returned to the Blue Valley Nursing 
Home in Hebron where she later passed away. Children:

  69       i.  Fern Joan10 Dewald.
  70      ii.  Ralph Joseph Dewald.
  71     iii.  Benedict "Benny" Patrick Dewald.
  72      iv.  Patricia Ann Dewald.
  73       v.  Doris Marie Dewald.
  74      vi.  Philip Dennis Dewald.
  75     vii.  David Paul Dewald.
  76    viii.  Jean Francis Dewald.
  77      ix.  Jane Frances Dewald.
           x.  Mark Richard Dewald. Born, 25 Mar 1941, in Alexandria, 
               Thayer, NE. Resided, 1995, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE67. He 
               married Esther Hershey, 7 Dec 1983.       

29.   Grace9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 19 Sep 1901, in Friend, 
Saline, NE. Died, circa 1985, in San Francisco, CA. 

      Grace was the third of the ten children of Adolph Joseph Dewald and 
      his wife, Florence and the oldest daughter. In the late 1930's, or 
      perhaps in the early 1940's, Grace moved to San Francisco, CA where 
      she spent the rest of her life. In her later years, Grace was a 
      jewel in the rough. She worked at the Mark Hopkins, St. Francis and 
      the last 20 years at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco as Head 
      Cashier and Food Checker. Grace drank, smoked, swore like a trooper,
      and had a heart of gold. 

      She married, first, Leo Wiedel, 1922. Born, circa 1900 (?).   
      A Centennial History of Sacred Heart Church at Hebron, Thayer, NE 
indicates that Leo is the son of Joseph and Catherine Wiedel. His siblings
are John, Joseph, Paul, Walter, Albert, Marie, Herman, Benjamin, Leona and
Anna. Children:

           i.  Robert Leo10 Wiedel. Born, 10 Sep 1925. Resided, 1990, in 
               2306 Iona Dr., Cocoa, FL 32926. He married Arlene.

      She married, second, Mr. Heaps. Children:

          ii.  Jack Lee Heaps. Born, 25 Jul 1931. Resided, 1993, in 3560 
               Hoover St, Redwood City, CA 9406368.

      She married, third, Mr. Patterson. Children:

         iii.  Richard Patterson. Born, 15 Jun 1937.      

30.   Linus Joseph9 Dewald Sr. (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 14 Jul 1903, in 
Friend, NE. Died, 28 Apr 1971, in Santa Ana, Orange, CA. Burial in Melrose
Abbey, Orange, CA. 

Linus Sr. was the fourth of the ten children of Adolph Joseph Dewald and 
his wife, Florence. Linus was a handsome, friendly man and well liked by 
everyone who knew him. As a young lad, Linus and his siblings often posed 
for commecial photos at his father's studio. As a young man, he tought at 
a one?room country school. He later moved to Lincoln, NE to work for 
Lincoln Creamery. He met his wife at a dance to which he had escorted 
another young lady. After his 1926 marriage, both went to work for Lincoln
Bakery as route salesmen. He later worked in Lincoln for Goodyear as an 

In 1930, he transferred to Kansas City as an Asst. Store Manager, and 
bought a lot in Cunningham Highlands were he built a 2?story home. In 1939
her moved to nearby Merriam. During WW II the family moved to Albany, CA 
where he became a driver for Key System. In 1946 the family moved to Santa
Ana, CA where his parents and brother Harold lived. For the next 25 years 
he operated his own bookkeeping and income tax service. 

A religious man, he was active in, and an officer of, the local Knights of
Columbus. He died at the age of 67 in 1971 from complications following a 
brain operation. He came from a fun?loving family and often remarked that 
"the Dewalds could have fun at a funeral!" They did. 

      He married Emma Marie Casper, 28 Dec 1926, in Lincoln, Lancaster, 
NE. Born, 28 Jul 1903. Died, Oct 1989, in Manhasset, L.I., NY. Burial: 18 
Oct 1989, in Melrose Abbey, Santa Ana, Orange, CA. 

Emma was a second?generation American, daughter of Herman Garrelt Casper 
and Johanna Folkerts, both of whose parents had immigrated from the 
Ostfrieland area of northern Germany. Her 1926 wedding picture shows an 
attractive 23 year old woman. 

An intelligent woman, whe had a good head for business. While driving a 
route for Lincoln Bakery, she firmly told the propriator of one grocery 
store that if he wanted any of her products, he would have to take all the
other competitor's products off the shelf. She got the order. After moving
to CA, she obtained a Real Estate Broker's license. While her husband 
operated the bookkeeping and tax service, she regularly bought and sold 
real estate. 

After her husband's death in 1971, she lived alone until 1988, at which 
time she moved to the home of her daughter, Shirley, in Manhassett, Long 


           i.  (unknown)10 Dewald. Born, before 193269. Died, before 1932,
               in (miscarriage).
          ii.  (unknown) Dewald. Born, before 193269. Died, before 1932, 
               in (miscarriage).
  78     iii.  Linus Joseph "Joe" Dewald Jr. 
          iv.  Shirley Marie Dewald. Born, 13 Mar 1934, in Merriam, 
               Johnson, KS. Resided, 1989, in Long Island, NY. She 
               married, first, Arthur Gustave Hopkins, 8 Dec 1951, in 
               Santa Ana, Orange, CA. She married, second, Mr. Lavine, 
               circa 1955 (?). She married, third, Peter Gutmann, circa 
               1958 (?). 

31.   Ethel Alice9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 22 Jul 1905, in 
Friend, Saline, NE. Resided, 1990, in 1302 W CarltonPl, Santa Ana, Orange,

Ethel was one of the five daughters of the ten children of Adolph Joseph 
Dewald and his wife, Florence. A pretty, vivacious woman, Ethel first 
married about 1928 at the age of about 23. Ethel and her husband lived at 
Mission, SD for several years following her 1928 marriage. About 1940, and
after the death of her daughter Jackie, her family moved to Kansas City, 
and later Merriam, Johnson Co., KS. 

Later divorced, in 1957 she and her daughters moved to Santa Ana, Orange, 
CA where she lived with her family. In later years, Ethel has lived with 
her daughter Jeraldine and her family. 

      She married Orville Edwards, 11 Dec 1928 (?). Divorce, 1954, in 
Kansas City, KS. Born, circa 1905 (?). Children:

           i.  Jacqueline Dolores10 Edwards. Born, 28 Jul 1929, in SD. 
               Died, 14 Oct 1940, in SD. Died in a fall from a horse. 
  79      ii.  Betty Jean Edwards.
  80     iii.  Jeraldine Kay Edwards.

32.   Harold9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 23 May 1908, in Friend, 
Saline, NE. Died, 4 Oct 1997, in Anaheim, Orange, CA. 

Harold was one of the five sons among the ten children of Adolph and his 
wife. Harold served in the Army in Europe during WW II, receiving his 
discharge in 1945 at war's end. Harold and his wife moved to Santa Ana, 
Orange Co., CA about 1942 where their children were born. A large, 
fun?loving man with a ready laugh, he was employed for many years by the 
City of Santa Ana. 

      He married Opal Lindekugel, 23 May 1930. Born, circa 1908, in NE. 
Died, 21 Oct 1990, in Anaheim, Orange, CA. Children:

           i.  Wayne Harold10 Dewald. Born, 12 Oct 1944, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA. Resided, 1995, in 12560 Haster, #191, Garden 
               Grove, CA 9264070.
          ii.  Barbara Jean Dewald. Born, 20 Dec 1946, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA.

33.   Alice Christian9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 27 Dec 1911, in 
Friend, Saline, NE.

      She married Albert Worm, 9 Jan 1933. Born, circa 1911. Died in 
Hebron, NE. Children:
           i.  Leona Alvina10 Worm. Born, 15 Dec 1933.      
          ii.  Leonard Albert Worm. Born, 12 Oct 1935.      
         iii.  Alice Jane Worm. Born, circa 1937 (?).   
          iv.  Phyllis Jean Worm. Born, circa 1939 (?).   
           v.  Donna Lee Worm. Born, circa 1941 (?).   
          vi.  Roy Dean Worm. Born, circa 1943 (?).   

34.   Florence9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 10 Jul 1913, in Friend, 
Saline, NE. Resided, 1992, in 13181 Lampson Av, #116, Garden Grove, CA.

      She married, first, James Wessel, 6 Feb 1934. Born, Aug 1913, in NE.
Died, Jun 1980, in Lincoln, NE. Children:

  81       i.  Dixie Lee10 Wessel.
  82      ii.  Rozann Eleanor Wessel.

      She married, second, George Ryan. Born, May 1906, in San Francisco, 
CA. Died, Jan 1961, in San Francisco, CA. 

      She married, third, Bertil Skoog, 1963. Born, 28 Jun 1904, in 
Karlstad, Sweden. 

35.   Mary Amelia9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 20 Nov 1916, in 
O'Neill, Holt, NE. In 1983, Mary and her family lived in Collins, MO. She 
had 3 children and 8 grandchildren. 

      She married Wenton Jeter. Born, circa 1916. Children:

           i.  Wilton Herbert10 Jeter. Born, 16 Dec 1941.      
          ii.  Bernice Jane Jeter. Born, 1 May 1943.       
         iii.  Beverly June Jeter. Born, 19 Jun 1945.      

36.   John Patrick9 Dewald (Adolph Joseph, 13). Born, 23 May 1919, in 
Hebron, Thayer, NE. Died, 1 Jan 1995, in 4428, S 4 Mile Run Dr, Arlington,
VA 22204?350271. John was drafted into the U. S. Army in 1942 where he 
served in WW II. He received his honorable discharge at the end of the war
in 1945. At the time of his death, he was living alone. He died about 1 
Jan 1995 from natural causes, but his body was not discovered for more 
than a week. 

      He married, first, Madeline McCoy, 194472. Divorce, 1972. Born, 
circa 1919. Children:

           i.  Meralyn Estella10 Dewald. Born, 5 Sep 1947.       

      He married, second, Catherine Whitehead, 1983. Died, 1991.             

37.   Josef9 Gregor (Josef, 14). Born, 190373. Died, 1987, in Austria?. 
      A letter accompanying the pedigree chart sent by Wolfgang Morascher 
on 26 Dec 1991 appears to indicate that Josef lived in Germany and had 4 
children; the letter did not provide their names, and only 2 are known 
from previous correspondence. 

      He married, first, Unknown. Children:

           i.  Detlev10 Gregor. Born, circa 1925 (?).   

      He married, second, Unknown. Children:

          ii.  Josef Gregor. Born, circa 1930 (?).   

38.   Gabriele9 Gregor (Josef, 14). Born, 190573. Died in Germany?. 
      Morascher's letter of 26 Dec 1991 appears to indicate she lived in 

      She married Friedrich Pommer. Resided, 1991, in Hiderslebenst. 1, 
D?2370 Rendsburg, Germany. Children:

           i.  Robert10 Pommer.
          ii.  Irmgard Pommer.
         iii.  Gertrud Pommer.
          iv.  Ilse Pommer.

39.   Maria9 Gregor (Vincent, 15). Born, 1915. Resided, 1985, in 
Klagenfurt, Austria.

      She married Mr. Morascher. Children:

  83       i.  Wolfgang10 Morascher.

40.   Lorraine Rose9 Rauner. Born, 26 Apr 1919, in Hebron, Thayer, NE.

      She married, first, Earl Edward Grice, 10 Jun 1936, in Hebron, 
Thayer, NE. Born, 1914. Children:   

           i.  Lonne Edward10 Grice. Born, 16 Jan 1937, in Hebron, Thayer,
               NE. He married Shannon Westor.
          ii.  Ladee Ann Grice. Born, 14 Jul 1939, in Mannisiee, MI. She 
               married Raymond Hynoski.

      She married, second, William Benjamin Childress Sr., 2 Feb 1945, in 
Gulfport, MI. Born, 24 Sep 1914. Children:

         iii.  Jacquelyn Rae Childress. Born, 3 Sep 1947, in Lansing, MI. 
               She married Carlton Merritt, 10 Feb 1964.      
          iv.  William Benjamin Childress Jr. Born, 11 Jun 1949, in 
               Minneapolis, MN. He married Larraine Morrell, 18 Oct 1968.      
           v.  Mitchum Deland Childress. Born, 31 Mar 1954, in Weisbaden, 
               Ger. He married Hae Ok Choe, 6 Jan 1976.       
41.   Marjorie Joan9 Rauner. Born, 11 Sep 1921, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. 
Died, 16 Jun 1983, in Gainsville, FL. Burial in Panama City,FL. Her 
mother's 1944 obit. said she was a res. of Alma, MI. 

      She married, first, Bernard Earl Hubbard. Born, circa 1921 (?).   

      She married, second, Herbert Francis Halsey Jr., 12 Nov 1955, in 
Jackson, Jackson, MI. Born, 10 Oct 1922, in Lancaster, OH. Died, 21 Jun 
1970, in San Bernadino, CA. Children:

           i.  James Joseph10 Halsey. Born, 2 Jul 1958, in Chicago, Cook, 

42.   Evelyn Rose9 Rauner. Born, 9 Aug 1926, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. He 
bought the village of Tusmere & advowson of its church ca 1374, the manner
of Caversfield c. 1386. 

      She married Richard Wellington Corl Sr., 20 Oct 1946, in St. 
Petersburg, Pinellas, FL. Born, circa 1926 (?). Children:

           i.  Richard Martin10 Corl Jr. Born, 16 Nov 1949, in St. 
               Petersburg, Pinellas, FL. He married Clair, 30 Aug 1974.      
          ii.  Debra Leigh Corl. Born, 20 Sep 1952, in St. Petersburg, 
               Pinellas, FL.

43.   Mary Ann9 Rauner. Born, 26 May 1931, in Carlton, Thayer, NE. 
Resided, 1989, in 1108 W Washingtn, Carson City, NV 89701.

      She married, first, Haines Brenneman Egulf, 27 Feb 1948. Born, circa
1931 (?). 

      She married, second, William Newell Hopkins, 14 May 1952, in Los 
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Born, 6 Oct 1929, in Los Angeles, CA. Children:

  84       i.  Cheryl Lynn10 Hopkins.
  85      ii.  Linda Kay Hopkins.
         iii.  William Michael Hopkins. Born, 9 Nov 1958, in Los Angeles, 
               Los Angeles, CA.
          iv.  Susan Colette Hopkins. Born, 26 May 1960, in Los Angeles, 
               Los Angeles, CA. She married David Oliver, 31 Aug 1984.      
           v.  Connie Sue Hopkins. Born, 3 Feb 1962, in Barberton, Summit,

44.   Albert9 Chavet. Born, 16 Apr 1919, in Ellis, Thayer, NE. Resided, 
1990, in Plainview, NE.

      He married Leota Fredinburg74, 18 Jan 1954, in Benson, Douglas, NE. 
Born, 1 Nov 1918, in Oakdale, Antelope, NE. Children:
  86       i.  Rex Lee10 Chavet.
45.   Frank Anthony9 Chavet. Born, 26 Jul 1929, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Resided, 1990, in San Diego, S.D., CA.

      He married Patricia Miller75, 6 Feb 1955, in San Diego, S.D., CA. 
Born, 4 Sep 1932, in Topeka, KS. Children:

  87       i.  Frank Anthony10 Chavet Jr. 

46.   Raymond J.9 Gregor (Albert Edward, 20). Born, 25 Apr 1931, in Elgin,
Antelope, NE61. Resided, 1992, in P.O. Box 1, Elgin, NE 68636, 
      Born in Elgin, and after High School, Raymond attended Milford Trade
School, learning body and fender technology. After serving in the Korean 
Conflict, he joined his father in the Gregor Garage in Elgin. In 1979 
Raymond received a civil service appointment as a rural mail carrier, 
serving until his retirement in 1989. 

      He married Madonna Pape76, 5 Sep 1951, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. Born,
19 Jul 1931, in Petersburg, Boone, NE. Resided, 1992, in Elgin, Antelope, 
      Madonna moved to Elgin with her parents when a small child. After 
High School, she worked as a bookkeeper at Farmers Crop Exchange in Elgin.
In 1957, Madonna received a civil service appointment as a postal clerk in
Elgin; in 1977 she was appointed Elgin Postmaster, serving until her 
retirement in 1990. Children:

           i.  Timothy Paul10 Gregor (adopted). Born, 23 Mar 1966, in 
               Omaha, Douglas, NE61. Resided, 1992, in Golden, CO. Adopted
               at 18 months, Timothy attended Elgin local schools, 
               graduating from Pope John High School in 1984, and from 
               Wesleyan University at Lincoln in 1990. After graduation, 
               he moved to Golden, CO. 
          ii.  Thomas Alan Gregor (adopted). Born, 9 Apr 1971, in 
               Columbus, Platte, NE61. Resided, 1992, in Omaha, Douglas, 
               NE. Adopted at 4 weeks, Thomas attended Elgin local 
               schools, graduated from Pope John High School in 1989, 
               attended U. of Nebraska for a year, and graduated from 
               Northeast Community College at Norfolk in 1992. 

47.   Elizabeth Jeanette9 Werning. Born, 3 Jun 1929. Resided, 1992, in 
1326 S. 51st St., Omaha, NE 68106, 553?7801.

      She married Clifford Ralph Schindler77, 16 Aug 1948, in Elgin, 
Antelope, NE. Born, 1 Aug 1929, in Ewing, Holt, NE. Children:

  88       i.  Gerald "Jerry" Ralph10 Schindler.
  89      ii.  Karen Elizabeth Schindler.
  90     iii.  Stephan Alan Schindler.
  91      iv.  Janet Ann Schindler.
  92       v.  Jean Marie Schindler.
  93      vi.  Jane Ellen Schindler.
  94     vii.  Christina Lynn Schindler.
        viii.  Randall William Schindler. Born, 24 Dec 1961, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE. Residence in 2030 Keystone Dr, Omaha, NE.
  95      ix.  Nancy Jo Schindler.
           x.  Michael John Schindler. Born, 3 Nov 1965, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE. Residence in 724 Blondo, Omaha, Douglas, NE.
  96      xi.  Carolyn Renee Schindler.

48.   Helen Amelia9 Werning. Born, 9 Jul 1931.       

      She married Harold Schmitt, 4 Oct 1950. Born, 8 May 1930. Children:

           i.  Kathryn Ann10 Schmitt. Born, 26 Oct 1951. She married 
               Robert Zobeck, 31 Jul 1971.      
          ii.  Richard Alan Schmitt. Born, 17 Feb 1968.      
         iii.  Diane Renee Schmitt. Born, 18 Dec 1969.      
          iv.  Linda Kay Schmitt. Born, 22 Mar 1972.      

49.   Kenneth Leo9 Werning. Born, 15 Apr 1937.      

      He married Mary Emma Snyder, 11 Apr 1959, in St. Boniface Ch., 
Elgin, Antelope, NE. Born, 11 Mar 1938. Children:

           i.  Kevin Lyndell10 Werning. Born, 9 Jul 1960. He married Carol
               Tedesco, 9 Oct 1981.       
          ii.  Jeffrey Scott Werning. Born, 24 Jul 1963.      
         iii.  Robert John Werning. Born, 20 Feb 1965.      

50.   Mary Alyce9 Werning. Born, 17 Oct 1939.      

      She married Gaylon Ernst, 11 Apr 1959, in St. Boniface Ch., Elgin, 
Antelope, NE. Born, 4 Jun 1935. Children:

  97       i.  Sandra Kay10 Ernst.
          ii.  Lori Ann Ernst. Born, 31 Jan 1961.      
         iii.  Gayla Jean Ernst. Born, 11 Nov 1963.      
          iv.  Becky Jo Ernst. Born, 5 Jan 1969.       

51.   William Joseph9 Fritz Jr. Born, 3 May 1930, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1988, in 1672 16th Av., Columbus, NE 68601.

      He married Mary Lou Demaray78, 14 Apr 1951, in St. Boniface Ch., 
Elgin, Antelope, NE. Born, 19 Jan 1930. Children:

  98       i.  Lawrence David10 Fritz.
  99      ii.  Diane Marie Fritz.
 100     iii.  Roger Thomas Fritz.
          iv.  Debra Kay Fritz. Born, 6 Dec 1961, in Columbus, Platte, NE.
               Resided, 1992, in 604 Victor St., Salinas, CA 93907, 
               408?758?901279. She married Michael Anthony Pontarolo80, 27
               May 1989, in St. Bonaventure, Columbus, Platte, NE79.
           v.  Donna Sue Fritz. Born, 9 Nov 1966, in Columbus, Platte, NE.
               Resided, 1992, in 1672 16 Ave., Columbus, NE 68601.

52.   Francis Jerome9 Fritz. Born, 28 Oct 1931, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1988, in Atkinson, Holt, NE. Occupation: Rancher.

      He married Mildred Ann Beckman, 11 Apr 1953, in Raeville, NE. Born, 
30 Jan 1934. Children:

 101       i.  Marvin Francis10 Fritz.
 102      ii.  Phillip John Fritz.
 103     iii.  Helen Marie Fritz.
 104      iv.  Michael Lee Fritz.

53.   Donald Raymond9 Fritz. Born, 18 Jul 1933, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1988, in PO Box, 1257, Buckeye, AZ 85326. Occupation: 

      He married Margaret Nadine McDermott, 11 Aug 1956, in O'Neill, Holt,
NE. Born, 22 Dec 1933, in O'Neill, Holt, NE. Residence in P.O. Box 1257, 
Buckeye, AZ 85326. Children:

 105       i.  Donald Raymond10 Fritz Jr. 
 106      ii.  Barbara Jean Fritz.
 107     iii.  Karla Marie Fritz.
          iv.  Steven John Fritz. Born, 14 Oct 1966, in Loveland, CO.
           v.  Travis Jon Fritz. Born, 15 Jun 1977, in O'Neill, Holt, NE.

54.   Joseph Leo9 Fritz. Born, 20 Mar 1935, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1988, in RR 1, Box 112B, O'Neill, NE 68763. Occupation: 

      He married Marie Loreen McDermott, 27 Sep 1958, in O'Neill, Holt, 
NE. Born, 24 Oct 1940. Children:

           i.  Thomas Joseph10 Fritz. Born, 1 May 1959, in Atkinson, Holt,
 108      ii.  Nancy Eileen Fritz.
         iii.  Regina Susan Fritz. Born, 20 Nov 1965, in Norfolk, Madison,
               NE. Died, 20 Nov 1965, in Norfolk, Madison, NE. Burial in 
               O'Neill, Holt, NE.
 109      iv.  Jean Theresa Fritz.
           v.  Maria Christina Fritz. Born, 24 Nov 1967, in Atkinson, 
               Holt, NE.
          vi.  Matthew Michael Fritz. Born, 16 Feb 1971, in Atkinson, 
               Holt, NE.

55.   George Anthony9 Fritz. Born, 24 Sep 1937, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1992, in 1103 S llth St., Norfolk, NE, 68701. Occupation: 
      George and Bonnie met in 1958 in O'Neill. After 2 years military 
service, they married at St. Patrick's Church. Three of their children 
were born at O'Neill where George worked as an electrician at Northwest 
Electric Motor. In 1966, after a company transfer, the family moved to 
Norfolk. In January, 1967 they moved to their present home on S. llth 
street. Their fourth child was born in Norfolk. 

      He married Bonnie Lee Howard81, 8 Apr 1961, in St. Patrick Ch., 
O'Neill, Holt, NE. Born, 20 Dec 1941, in Opportunity, Holt, NE. Children:

           i.  Delores Jean "Dee"10 Fritz. Born, 12 May 1962, in Atkinson,
               Holt, NE. Resided, 1992, in 613 Elm Av, #2, Norfolk, NE 
               68701. She married Norman James Smith82, 26 Sep 1987, in St
               Mary's Ch., Norfolk, Madison, NE. Divorce, 1991, in 
               Norfolk, Madison, NE. 
                     Delores' family moved to Norfolk, NE in 1967 where 
               she attended local schools, graduating from Norfolk Cath. 
               High School in 1980. In 1981 she graduated from Patricia 
               Stevens Fashion & Secretarial College in Omaha, receiving 
               her diploma in Fashion Merchandising, which included Bridal
               Consulting, Interior Design, Secretarial & Finishing 
               School. Since 1976 Delores has worked for: Northwest 
               Electric, Inc., Bookkeeper & Purchasing Agent; Norfolk Area
               Shopper as Circulation Manager and Office Manager; Vicki's 
               Bridal & Formal Wear as a Bridal Consultant. All are in 
               Norfolk, NE. Hobbies include: Stamps, coin and unicorn 
               collections, reading, bicycling, working out and camping. 
          ii.  Sandra Lee Fritz. Born, 28 Jun 1963, in Atkinson, Holt, NE.
               Resided, 1992, in 2302 Western Cir, Norfolk, NE 6870183. 
               She married Larry Dale Spence84, 12 Oct 1991, in United 
               Meth. Ch., Norfolk, Madison, NE. 
                     Sandra graduated from Norfolk Catholic High School 
               and Lincoln School of Commerce in Lincoln where she earned 
               an Associate Degree in Accounting. Since 1983 she has 
               worked at Affiliated Foods in Norfolk, first in the 
               Advertising Department and later as a Buyer's Assistant. 
         iii.  Randy Steven Fritz. Born, 16 Jan 1965, in Atkinson, Holt, 
               NE. Resided, 1992, in 1100 S. 2nd St., Norfolk, NE. A 
               graduate of Norfolk Catholic High School, Randy earned his 
               Associate of Applied Science Degree in Electrical at 
               Southeast Community College in Milford, NE in May, 1985. In
               1992 he is employed as an electrician at Northwest 
          iv.  Lisa Mae Fritz. Born, 21 Jun 1981, in Norfolk, Madison, NE.
               Resided, 1992, in Norfolk, Madison, NE. In the Fall of 
               1992, Lisa is a 6th grader at Sacred Heart Grade School in 

56.   Alice Marie9 Fritz. Born, 10 Jan 1944, in Clearwater, NE. Resided, 
1992, in Rt. 2, Bx. 152, Clarkson, NE. 
      Alice grew up on her parents' farm 14 miles west of Elgin. She 
attended a one room school, Sunny Side School, a half mile east of the 
farm. Beginning in the 9th grade, she attended St. Boniface High School, 
graduating in 1962. After graduating, she went to work in Columbus where 
she met her husband who was on leave from the Army. As of 1992, Alice has 
worked at the Stanton Nursing Home for the preceding 18 years; she is the 
Activity Director. Alice is the proud mother of three boys and two girls. 

      She married Donald Gene Stodola, 18 Sep 1965, in Elgin, Antelope, 
NE. Born, 26 Aug 1941, in Leigh, NE. Son of Albin & Adeline (Richtig) 
Stodola of Clarkson, Colfax Co., NE. Donald was born at Leigh and has 
spent his life on the farm, now living on the home place. Children:

 110       i.  Jeffrey Scott10 Stodola.
          ii.  Linda Sue Stodola. Born, 3 Nov 1967, in Schuyler, Colfax, 
               NE. Resided, 1992, in Stanton, NE. She works at the Stanton
               Nursing Home. 
         iii.  Laurie Ann Stodola. Born, 12 Apr 1969, in Schuyler, Colfax,
               NE. Resided, 1992, in Fremont, NE. Laurie works at the 
               Housing Authority in Fremont. 
 111      iv.  John Anthony Stodola.
           v.  Jason James Stodola. Born, 24 Sep 1980, in Schuyler, 
               Colfax, NE. Resided, 1992, in Clarkson NE.

57.   James Andrew9 Fritz. Born, 1 Mar 1949, in Elgin, Antelope, NE. 
Resided, 1988, in PO Box 395, Osmond, NE 68765. Occupation: BigJohnMfg.

      He married Candace Faye Baumann85, 18 Nov 1972, in Denison, IA. 
Born, 22 Jul 1950, in Battle Creek, Ida, IA. Children:

           i.  Brian James10 Fritz. Born, 10 Jul 1977, in Columbus, 
               Platte, NE.
          ii.  Daniel William Fritz. Born, 3 May 1987, in Osmond, Pierce, 

58.   Lavern9 Beckman. Born, 4 Nov 1930, in Bloomfield, NE.

      He married Elaine Hansen, 2 Jul 1954. Born, after 1930 (?). 

           i.  Keri Lynn10 Beckman.
          ii.  Cynthia Beckman.
         iii.  Timothy Beckman.
          iv.  Paul Beckman.
           v.  Joseph Beckman.

59.   Laura Mae9 Beckman. Born, 8 Apr 1932, in Bloomfield, NE.

      She married Robert Carlson, 15 May 1951. Born, after 1920 (?). 

           i.  Jerome10 Carlson. Born, after 1951 (?). He married Mary 
               Shack, 23 Jun 1973.      
          ii.  Robert Carlson. Born, after 1951 (?). Robert is married 
               with 2 children. 
         iii.  Virginia Carlson. Born, after 1951 (?). Married with 2 ch. 

60.   Joann9 Beckman. Born, 10 May 1935, in Bloomfield, NE.

      She married Robert Koltes86, 31 Jul 1955, in Crystal, (St. Raphael),
MN. Born, 3 Jan 1935, in Minneapolis, MN. Children:

 112       i.  Rebecca Ann10 Koltes.
 113      ii.  Christine Marie Koltes.
 114     iii.  Theresa Lynn Koltes.
          iv.  Elizabeth Lee Koltes. Born, 27 Feb 1962, in Golden Valley, 
               MN. Residence in Wayzata, MN.
           v.  Joseph Damien Koltes. Born, 26 Jul 1967, in Golden Valley, 
               MN. Residence in Mankato, MN.

61.   Judy9 Gregor (Martin John, 24). Born, 25 Aug 1939.      

      She married William H. Kruse, 26 Nov 1961. Born, circa 1939 (?). 

           i.  Kirk Allen10 Kruse. Born, 24 Oct 1962.      
          ii.  Brenda Lee Kruse. Born, 9 Aug 1964.       
         iii.  Bridget Lynn Kruse. Born, 9 Aug 1964.       

62.   Lawrence "Larry" Lee9 Gregor (Martin John, 24). Born, 20 Jul 1944, 
in Elgin, Antelope, NE.

      He married Patricia Sue Keegan87, 11 Jun 1966, in St. Johns Ch., 
Monroe, MI. Born, 13 Jul 1946, in Monroe, MI. Children:

           i.  Randal Lee10 Gregor. Born, 27 Mar 1967, in Monroe, MI. He 
               married Nancy Denee Ford88, 4 Feb 1989.       
          ii.  Rebecca Lynn Gregor. Born, 31 Jan 1968, in Monroe, MI. 
               Blackmans of Knight's Creek provides an alternate father 
               and grndfather: #29/91 Richard Fitz Randolph and 30/75, 
               Ralph the Moneyer. 
         iii.  Jeffrey Scott Gregor. Born, 25 Jun 1970, in Monroe, MI.
          iv.  Laurine Sue Gregor. Born, 25 Jun 1972, in Monroe, MI.

63.   Lois Jean9 Gregor (Francis Jeremiah, 25). Born, 5 Jun 1957. Resided,
1992, in TX. Lois was in the Army, stationed in Hawaiee for 4 years and in
Ft. Ritchie, MD for 2 years. 

      She married Richard Thorne, before 1977. Divorce, after 1985. Born, 
circa 1957. Children:

           i.  Alyssa Dorothy10 Thorne. Born, 8 Sep 1977.       
          ii.  Matthew Charles Thorne. Born, 14 Jan 1985.      
64.   James9 Burbach (Joseph Jr., 26). Born, circa 1919 (?). Residence in 

      He married Dorothy Helen Long. Born in of Omaha, Douglas, NE. 

           i.  (7 children)10 Burbach.

65.   Max9 Burbach (Joseph Jr., 26). Born, circa 1921 (?). Residence in 
Atchison, KS.

      He married Jeannine Ziegler89, 27 Dec 1956. Born in of Hebron, NE. 

           i.  (6 children)10 Burbach.

66.   Raymond9 Burbach (Adolph "Dolph", 27). Born, 1 Nov 1923 (?), in 
Belvidere, NE. Residence in Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. Lord of the honour of 
Dudley & of lands in Le Passels in Normandy 

      He married Margaret Elizabeth (Betty) Landkamer90, 20 Nov 1948, in 
Hebron, NE. Born, 23 Jan 1929, in Valier, MT. Residence in Lincoln, 
Lancaster, NE. Children:

           i.  Phil10 Burbach. Born, 9 Sep 194945.     
          ii.  Patricia Burbach. Born, 5 Nov 1950.       
         iii.  Joseph Burbach. Born, 20 May 1952.      
          iv.  John Burbach. Born, 15 Aug 1954.      
           v.  Bill Burbach. Born, 27 Apr 1956.      
          vi.  Steve Burbach. Born, 9 Jul 1959.       
         vii.  Mary Ann Burbach. Born, 9 Sep 1966.       

67.   (John) Kenneth9 Burbach (Adolph "Dolph", 27). Born, circa 1924 (?). 
Residence in Pittsburg, KS.

      He married Jean Ann Cremer. Born in of Pittsburg, KS. Children:

           i.  Katherine10 Burbach.
          ii.  Mary Elizabeth Burbach.

68.   Charles Edward9 Burbach (Adolph "Dolph", 27). Born, circa 1926 (?). 
Residence in Wichita, KS.

      He married Ida Birkel in David City, NE. Children:

           i.  Carol10 Burbach.
          ii.  Janice Burbach.
         iii.  Jeffrey Burbach.
          iv.  David Burbach.
           v.  Gregory Burbach.


69.   Fern Joan10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 2 Jun 1924, in Powell,
Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1989 (?), in 437 N. 3rd St., Hebron, NE 68370.

      She married Charles Votipka, 1 Sep 1945, in Powell, Jefferson, NE. 
Born, 16 Sep 1921, in Oak, Nuckolls, NE. Died, 4 Jan 198091. Burial in St.
Mary's Cem., Alexandria, NE. Son of Charles W. Votipka and Elizabeth 
Lazum. Children:

 115       i.  John Charles11 Votipka.
          ii.  Daniel Thomas Votipka. Born, 3 Oct 1948, in Alexandria, 
               Thayer, NE. Died, 7 Jun 198692. Burial in St. Mary's Cem., 
               Alexandria, NE.
 116     iii.  Kathryn Ann "Kathy" Votipka.
 117      iv.  Tom Allen Votipka.
           v.  Mary Jane Votipka. Born, 29 Oct 1952, in Alexandria, 
               Thayer, NE. Resided, 1994, in Beatrice, NE. She worked at a
               day care center for 15 years, and in 1989 took a job at the
               Martin Luther Home for 3 hrs/day cleaning. 
 118      vi.  Nancy Marie Votipka.
 119     vii.  Cynthia Rose Votipka.
 120    viii.  Pauline Viola Votipka.
 121      ix.  David Mark Votipka.
           x.  JoAnne Elizabeth Votipka. Born, 12 May 1959, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1994, in Bouduel, WI. She married 
               Rick Fink, 8 May 1993, in St. Martin's, Cecil, WI. Grad. in
               1988 fron Univ. of NE. In 1989 doing post?graduate work in 
               speech pathology. In 1992 she was self employed. She 
               planned to marry Rick Fink on 3 July 1993 in Bonduel, WI. 
          xi.  Mark Francis Votipka. Born, 9 Sep 1961, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1994, in College Park, MD. Enlisted
               in Army. Spent 30 mos. in Germany. Grad. 1989 fron Denver 
               Univ. with B.S. in Business Communication. Re?entering Army
               Feb., 1990 and to go to Abridene Prooving Grounds, MD for a
               few months, and then to Germany as an officer. His mother's
               1992 Christmas newsletter reports he was then out of the 
               service and living in Washington DC. 
 122     xii.  Benny Ralph Votipka.
        xiii.  Rhonda Jean Votipka. Born, 23 Aug 1965, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1994, in Alexandria, NE. She 
               married Ritchie Burthart, 26 Jun 1993, in Sacred Heart Ch.,
               Hebron, NE. She plans to marry Richie Burkhart on 26 Jun 

70.   Ralph Joseph10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 21 Jul 1925, in 
Powell, Jefferson, NE. Died, 2 Jan 1967, in Tobias, Saline, NE. Burial: 5 
Jan 1967, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE.

      He married Lieselotte Bender, 13 Apr 1946. Born, 20 Jul 1930, in 
Heidelberg, Ger. Dau. of Fredrick Bender and Elizabeth Kaufmann. Children:

 123       i.  Doris Margaret11 Dewald.
 124      ii.  Carol Ann Dewald.
 125     iii.  Ralph Dennis Dewald.
 126      iv.  Rosa Linda Dewald.
 127       v.  Gary Jean Dewald.
 128      vi.  Mary Lou Dewald.
 129     vii.  Karlene Kay Dewald.
        viii.  James Dewald. Born, 25 Aug 1957, in Tobias, Saline, NE. 
               Died, 25 Aug 1957, in Tobias, SAline, NE.
 130      ix.  Patricia Helen Dewald.
 131       x.  Lori Elizabeth Dewald.
          xi.  Joseph Frederick Dewald. Born, 27 Jul 1962, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
         xii.  Peter Mark Dewald. Born, 3 Apr 1964, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.

71.   Benedict "Benny" Patrick10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 24 Sep 
1926, in Powell, Jefferson, NE. Died, before 199393.    

      He married Bonnie Williamson, 28 Mar 1951, in Alexandria, Thayer, 
NE. Born, 29 Jul 1931, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Resided, 1995, in 
Alexandria, Thayer, NE94. Dau. of William Williamson and Rose Dau. of 
William Williamson and Rose De Long. Children:

 132       i.  Douglas Jean11 Dewald.
 133      ii.  Janice Rose Dewald.
 134     iii.  Joyce Maria Dewald.
 135      iv.  Jeanne Lou Dewald.
 136       v.  Robert Mark Dewald.
 137      vi.  William Ben Dewald.
         vii.  Dean Allen Dewald. Born, 13 May 1964, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1993, in Colorado Springs, CO.
        viii.  Van Dewald. Born, 20 May 1970. Resided, 1993, in Hugo, CO. 
               Occupation: Meteorologist. He married Deirdre Johnson95, 3 
               Jun 1993, in Hugo, CO96.

72.   Patricia Ann10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 9 Jan 1928, in 
Powell, Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1995, in Hebron, Thayer, NE67.

      She married Paul A. Hergott, son of Joseph Hergott and Matilda 
Rauner, 25 May 1950, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Born, 5 Apr 1922 (?), in 
Gilead, Thayer, NE97. Son of Joseph Hergott and Matida Rauner. Children:

 138       i.  Barbara Jean11 Hergott.
          ii.  Betty Jo Hergott. Born, 25 Jan 1952, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
         iii.  Robert Charles Hergott. Born, 21 Jan 1953, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
 139      iv.  Richard Paul Hergott.
 140       v.  Herbert Leo Hergott.
 141      vi.  Margaret Ann Hergott.
         vii.  Cheryl Kay Hergott. Born, 19 Dec 1957, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
        viii.  Michael Allen Hergott. Born, 15 Mar 1959, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
 142      ix.  Cynthia Kay "Cyndi" Hergott.
 143       x.  Rebecca Lee Hergott.
 144      xi.  Rita Diane Hergott.
         xii.  Stephen Patrick Hergott. Born, 14 Jul 1965, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
        xiii.  Brian Dean Hergott. Born, 20 Oct 1966, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
         xiv.  Jeffrey James Hergott. Born, 9 Sep 1968, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
          xv.  Jan Katherine Hergott. Born, 23 Nov 1969.      
         xvi.  Janelle Robin Hergott. Born, 5 Mar 1971.       

73.   Doris Marie10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 16 Apr 1930, in 
Powell, Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1995, in Tobias, NE67.

      She married Lester Henkel, 20 Aug 1955, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Born, Jun 1935, in Carleton, Thayer, NE. Son of Elmer Henkel and Nellie J.
Walkemeyer. Children:

           i.  Timothy Anthony11 Henkel. Born, 25 Aug 1956, in Lincoln, 
               Lancaster, NE.
 145      ii.  Leslie Ann Henkel.
         iii.  Todd Kennedy Henkel. Born, 20 Dec 1960, in Lincoln, 
               Lancaster, NE.
          iv.  Lisa Marie Henkel. Born, 17 Nov 1964, in Lincoln, 
               Lancaster, NE.
           v.  Lynn Jennefer Henkel. Born, 16 Mar 1967, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.

74.   Philip Dennis10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 8 Nov 1931, in 
Powell, Jefferson, NE. Died, before 199567.    

      He married Dixie Radke, 2 Oct 1953, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Born,
31 Jul 1933. Resided, 1995, in Hebron, Thayer, NE94. Dau. of Albert Radke 
and Hazel Lee. Children:

           i.  Scott Joseph11 Dewald. Born, 12 Dec 1954, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
 146      ii.  Teresa Lee Dewald.
         iii.  Deborah K. Dewald. Born, 29 Jul 1957, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
          iv.  Kelly Diane Dewald. Born, 29 Jul 1957, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
           v.  Michael Dewald. Born, 11 Aug 1960, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 
          vi.  Jacqueline Sue Dewald. Born, 3 Feb 1963, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
         vii.  Sandra Dee Dewald. Born, 26 May 1968, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.
        viii.  Vicki Lynn Dewald. Born, 31 Jul 1969.      

75.   David Paul10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 18 Dec 1936, in 
Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Resided, 1995, in RR 1, Alexandria, NE 6830367.

      He married Doris De Long, 14 Aug 1956, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Born, 6 Dec 1938, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Dau. of Ralph De Long and 
Chrisena Bruning. Children:

 147       i.  Audrey Lynn11 Dewald.
 148      ii.  Aaron David Dewald.
 149     iii.  Jason Paul Dewald.
          iv.  Terrence Sean Dewald. Born, 13 Nov 1962, in Fairbury, 
               Jefferson, NE.

76.   Jean Francis10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 16 Nov 1939, in 
Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Residence in Battle Creek, NE67.

      He married Barbara Price, 9 Jul 1966, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Born, 11 Jan 1948, in Sioux City, Woodbury, IA. Children:

           i.  Lance Joseph11 Dewald. Born, 25 May 1967, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.
          ii.  Jodi Mae Dewald. Born, 30 Oct 1971.      
         iii.  Jay Dewald. Born, 7 Jun 1973.       
          iv.  Heath Dewald. Born, 7 Dec 1974.       

77.   Jane Frances10 Dewald (Ralph Orville, 28). Born, 16 Nov 1939, in 
Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Resided, 1995, in Lincoln, NE67.

      She married Herbert Cords, 12 Aug 1961, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Born, 16 Feb 1934, in Wahoo, Saunders, NE. Son of William J. Cords and 
Viola C. McElfresh. Children:

           i.  Stephane Jane11 Cords. Born, 17 Jul 1962, in Lincoln, 
               Lancaster, NE.
          ii.  Staci Jean Cords. Born, 30 Oct 1964, in Lincoln, Lancaster,
         iii.  Steven Allen Cords. Born, 8 Dec 1968, in Lincoln, 
               Lancaster, NE.
          iv.  Stannon Cords. Born, 25 Jul 1974.      

78.   Linus Joseph "Joe"10 Dewald Jr. (Linus Joseph Sr., 30). Born, 5 Jul 
1932, in Merriam, Johnson, KS. Resided, 1989, in 9190 Oak Leaf, Roseville,
Placer, CA 95661. 

Linus, "Joe", was born in 1932 near Kansas City where his father was an 
accountant for Goodyear. In 1939, the family moved to nearby Merriam and 
was living there at the outbreak of WW II. In June, 1982, the family moved
to Albany, CA, and in 1946 to Santa Ana, Orange, CA. 

In 1949 Joe enlisted as a photographer in the Naval Air Reserve, but 
continued his education. In 1954 he graduated from the U. of C. at Long 
Beach, and in 1957 from the UCLA School of Law. He was admitted to the Bar
as an attorney. 

He served as a consultant to the California Legislature in Sacramento in 
1957?8. In Sept., 1958 he was appointed Deputy District Attorney in Placer
County. For the next 30 years he held a number of legal posts with the 
county in both the criminal and civil departments, specializing in trial 
work and personnel law. He served at Secretary?Treasurer, and later 
President, of the local Bar Association. He was a founding Director of the
county's Legal Aid Service and served for a number of years as 

He retired from county employment in 1989, but continued to serve as a 
Referee for the State Bar Court and as an Arbitrator for the Superior 

Joe and his wife are active outdoor enthusiasts. Both snow ski, water ski,
sail, swim, and bicycle. He is also a dedicated computer genealogist who 
has traced some of his Prentice maternal lines back to Middle Ages 

      He married Paula Mary Perron, daughter of Walter Clement Perron and 
Muriel Doris Stevens, 10 Jul 1965, in Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. Born in 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Resided, 1994, in Roseville, Placer, CA. Paula 
was born in Montreal, Canada. After graduating from college, she entered 
personnel work with Allstate Ins. Co. at Vancouver. She later transferred 
to Seattle, WA and then Sacramento, CA. When Allstate transferred its 
personnel functions to San Jose, she transferred to Allstate's Claims 
Adjusting division where she worked until she retired. Children:

           i.  None 11. 

79.   Betty Jean10 Edwards. Born, 30 Aug 1936. Resided, 1989, in P.O.Box 
2222, Blue Jay, CA 92317.

      She married Ronald Harker, 30 Sep 1967, in Santa Ana, Orange, CA. 
Divorce, circa 198998. Born, circa 1935 (?). Resided, 1989, in Blue Jay, 
CA. Occupation: Attorney. Son of Donald Dakota Harker and Rheta Emerson of
SD. Children:

           i.  David Emerson11 Harker. Born, 22 Aug 1968, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA.
          ii.  Daniel Edward Harker. Born, 27 Jul 1970, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA.
         iii.  Suzanne Marie Harker. Born, 24 Apr 1972, in Orange, Orange,

80.   Jeraldine Kay10 Edwards. Born, 13 Aug 1940. Resided, 1994, in 12841 
Pospect, Santa Ana, CA 92705, 714?633?7222. Occupation: Homemaker. Jerry 
is the daughter of Ethel Alice Dewald and Orville Edwards. 

      She married Andrew "Andy" Joseph Popp Sr. Born, 5 May 1934, in 
Reteste, Satu Mare, Romania. Resided, 1988, in 1302 W CarltonPl, Santa 
Ana, CA, 714?545?8859. Occupation: Electrician. As of 1990, Andy was 
employed as an electrican at Disneyland, Anaheim, CA. Children:

           i.  Cynthia Joyce Marie11 Popp. Born, 6 May 1962, in Garden 
               Grove, Orange, CA. Resided, 1989, in Sun Valley, Los 
               Angeles, CA. She married James Landsberger, 8 Sep 1988, in 
               Lake Arrowhead, CA.
          ii.  Veronica Jean Popp. Born, 20 May 1964, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA. Resided, 1989, in Long Beach, Los Angeles, CA. 
               She married Michael Oates, 8 Apr 1989, in Long Beach, Los 
               Angeles, CA.
         iii.  Andrew Joseph Popp Jr. Born, 20 Feb 1967, in Santa Ana, 
               Orange, CA. Resided, 1989, in Los Angeles, CA.

81.   Dixie Lee10 Wessel. Born, 11 Jul 1935. Resided, 1992, in Bx 72, 
Chester, NE 68327.

      She married Martin Raatz. Children:

           i.  Lonnie11 Raatz.
          ii.  Russell Raatz.

82.   Rozann Eleanor10 Wessel. Born, 11 Nov 1937. Resided, 1992, in 1410 
NW 119th, Vancouver, WA 98685.

      She married James R. Campbell, 20 Jun 1959, in San Francisco, S.F., 
CA. Born, 3 Jul 1935, in Missoula, MT. Children:

           i.  Kimberly Marie11 Campbell. Born, 26 Nov 1964, in San 
               Francisco, CA. Resided, 1992, in PO Bx 30312, Walnut Grove,
               CA 94598.
          ii.  Alyson Theresa Campbell. Born, 24 Nov 1968, in Oakland, 
               Alameda, CA. Resided, 1992, in 1410 NW 119th, Vancouver, WA
         iii.  Mairi?Kate Heather Campbell. Born, 5 Nov 1976, in 
               Vancouver, WA.
83.   Wolfgang10 Morascher. Born, 25 Mar 1942. Resided, 1989, in 
Ziggulnstrasse, 29, A9020 Klagenfurt, Austria.

      He married Huberta Sturm. Born, 17 Oct 1949. Resided, 1989, in 
Vienna, Austria. Children:

           i.  Manuela11 Morascher. Born, 19 Jul 1972. Resided, 1989, in 
               Vienna, Austria.
          ii.  Barbara Morascher. Born, 13 Nov 1974. Residence in Vienna, 
         iii.  Arnold Morascher. Born, 16 Jan 1979. Residence in Vienna, 

84.   Cheryl Lynn10 Hopkins. Born, 12 Jan 1953, in St. Paul, MN.

      She married, first, Dave Powers. Born, circa 1953 (?).   

      She married, second, Lewis Arthur Cavalier III, 11 Mar 1978, in S. 
Lake Tahoe, Douglas, NV. Born, 15 Aug 1949, in Honolulu, HA. Children:

           i.  Wyatt11 Cavalier. Born, 13 Apr 1979, in Reno, Washoe, NV.

85.   Linda Kay10 Hopkins. Born, 21 Jun 1956, in Aurora, Adams, CO.

      She married Curtis Parke Fisher, 26 Dec 1981, in Carson City, 
Carson, NV. Born, 25 Jan 1956, in Ely, NV. Children:

           i.  Nicholas Warren11 Fisher. Born, 12 Oct 1984, in Carson 
               City, Carson, NV.

86.   Rex Lee10 Chavet (Albert, 44). Born, 29 Jun 1957, in Plainview, 
Pierce, NE.

      He married Nadene Wiese99, 1 Jul 1978, in Osmond, Pierce, NE. Born, 
23 Sep 1957, in Osmond, Pierce, NE. Children:

           i.  Benjamin Lee11 Chavet. Born, 31 Oct 1978, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.
          ii.  Alysha Janahn Chavet. Born, 2 Jun 1980, in Osmond, Pierce, 
         iii.  Miranda Sue Chavet. Born, 15 Mar 1982, in Osmond, Pierce, 
          iv.  Jillienne Rose Chavet. Born, 28 Aug 1984, in Osmond, 
               Pierce, NE.
           v.  Jacob Daniel Chavet. Born, 28 Jun 1986, in Osmond, Pierce, 

87.   Frank Anthony10 Chavet Jr. (Frank Anthony, 45). Born, 15 Jul 1959, 
in San Diego, S.D., CA.
      He married Patricia Lothrop100, 6 May 1987, in San Diego, S.D., CA. 
Born, 3 Feb 1953, in Minneapolis, MN. Children:

           i.  Kathryn Christine11 Chavet. Born, 17 Mar 1988, in Dallas, 

88.   Gerald "Jerry" Ralph10 Schindler. Born, 4 Sep 1949, in Elgin, 
Antelope, NE. Died, 17 Jul 1992, in 4501 Hickory St, Omaha, NE. Jerry 
worked at M & S Grading, Inc. and his wife is a sergeant at the Omaha 
Police Department. He had graduated from Ryan High in 1967, studied 
criminal justice at the U. of Nebraska, enlisted in the Army and flew a 
helicopter in Vietnam. Later he served in the National Guard. Jerry died a
week after an accident in a private pool near his home. He struck his head
on the pool bottom, snapping his top vertebra. A good diver and swimmer, 
he dove into an area too shallow. Although apparently uninjured at the 
time, a blood clot later formed in a blood vessel to his brain. He lapsed 
into a coma from which he did not recover. 

      He married Mary Ellen O'Neill101, 8 Aug 1970, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.
Born, 23 Jul 1951. Children:

           i.  William Ralph11 Schindler. Born, 4 Sep 1977, in Scottsdale,
          ii.  Brian Thomas Schindler. Born, 21 Aug 1979, in Scottsdale, 
         iii.  Katie Elizabeth Schindler. Born, 25 Sep 1981, in 
               Scottsdale, AZ.

89.   Karen Elizabeth10 Schindler. Born, 25 Apr 1951, in Elgin, Antelope, 
NE. Residence in 1323 So. 51st St, Omaha, NE.

      She married Harry Louis Dall102, 29 Aug 1970, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.
Born, 20 Jul 1948, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. Children:

           i.  Tracy/Traci Lynn11 Dall. Born, 25 Oct 1971, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
          ii.  Jenny Marie Dall. Born, 21 Oct 1973, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.
         iii.  Nichole Ann Dall. Born, 26 May 1975, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.
          iv.  Scott Louis Dall. Born, 26 Jul 1979, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.

90.   Stephan Alan10 Schindler. Born, 22 Jan 1954, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Residence in 5613 Frederick, Omaha, NE. 

      He married, first, Charlene Helen Boylan103, 15 Nov 1975, in Omaha, 
Douglas, NE. Divorce, Mar 1980. Born, 16 Jan 1957. Children:

           i.  Angela Marie11 Schindler. Born, 13 Mar 1976, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.

      He married, second, Kathy Gagliola104, 26 Oct 1986. Born, 28 Jul 
1963. Children:
          ii.  Joseph Schindler. Born, 24 Aug 1986, in Omaha, Douglas, 

91.   Janet Ann10 Schindler. Born, 10 Jul 1956, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Residence in 6603 S. 92 Circl, Omaha, NE.

      She married Kent Zimmerman106, 27 Sep 1975, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Born, 19 Oct 1954. Children:

           i.  Cassie Ann11 Zimmerman. Born, 5 Aug 1976, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
          ii.  Michelle Marie Zimmerman. Born, 28 Feb 1978, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
         iii.  Kelly Lynn Zimmerman. Born, 16 Jul 1979, in Omaha, Douglas,

92.   Jean Marie10 Schindler. Born, 27 Jun 1958. Residence in 419 Locust, 
Plattsburg, NE.

      She married, first, Ronald William McCoy, 3 May 1980, in Omaha, 
Douglas, NE. Divorce, circa 1982. Born, 31 May 1958.      

      She married, second, Terry Lee Thompson, 9 Apr 1983. Born, 16 Jun 
1950. Children:

           i.  Jeremiah11 Thompson. Born, 14 May 1983, in Omaha, Douglas, 
          ii.  Joshua Michael Thompson. Born, 18 Feb 1986, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
         iii.  Jacob Lee Thompson. Born, 12 Aug 1987, in Kansas City, MO.

93.   Jane Ellen10 Schindler. Born, 27 Jun 1958, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.

      She married, first, Randy Kim Koch107, 1 Oct 1977. Born, 29 Oct 
1955. Children:

           i.  Jason Michael11 Koch. Born, 19 Feb 1978, in Omaha, Douglas,
          ii.  Melina Renee Koch. Born, 10 May 1981, in Omaha, Douglas, 

      She married, second, Steven Morris, 27 Nov 1987. Born, 20 Dec 

94.   Christina Lynn10 Schindler. Born, 24 Feb 1960, in Omaha, Douglas, 
NE. Residence in 15129 Madison St, Omaha, NE.

      She married James Urzendowski108, 22 Aug 1981, in Omaha, Douglas, 
NE. Born, 9 Nov 1958, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. Children:

           i.  Ryan Michael11 Urzendowski. Born, 2 May 1984, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
          ii.  Ashley Anne Urzendowski. Born, 16 Jun 1986, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
         iii.  Angela Marie Urzendowski. Born, 27 Nov 1987, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.

95.   Nancy Jo10 Schindler. Born, 19 Jan 1964, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Residence in 62 Oak St., Omaha, Douglas, NE.

      She married Randy Melton, 8 Jun 1983, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 

           i.  Jami Lee11 Melton. Born, 15 May 1984, in Omaha, Douglas, 
          ii.  Jillian Melton. Born, 7 Sep 1987, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.

96.   Carolyn Renee10 Schindler. Born, 26 Feb 1968, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.
Residence in Camdenton, MO.

      She married Patrick Jackson109, 16 Aug 1986, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. 
Born, 23 Feb 1966, in Omaha, Douglas, NE. Children:

           i.  Chad11 Jackson. Born, 24 Jan 1987, in Omaha, Douglas, NE.

97.   Sandra Kay10 Ernst. Born, 20 Oct 1959.      

      She married Dean Held, 16 Sep 1978. Born, circa 1959 (?). Children:

           i.  Darcy Lyy11 Held. Born, 11 Feb 1979.      
          ii.  Todd Jerome Held. Born, 6 Sep 1980.       
         iii.  Timothy Lyle Held. Born, 24 Mar 1982.      

98.   Lawrence David10 Fritz (William Joseph Jr., 51). Born, 16 Oct 1953, 
in Fort Sill, OK. Resided, 1990, in 6758, Country Club Dr, Columbus, 
Platte, NE. He is the business manager of a motor shop; self employed. 

      He married Sheri Kay Fuehrer110, 20 Apr 1974, in St. Bonaventure, 
Columbus, Platte, NE. Born, 1 Mar 1954, in Fullerton, Nance, NE. Children:

           i.  Kerry Anne11 Fritz. Born, 3 May 1977, in Columbus, Platte, 
          ii.  Amanda Elizabeth Fritz. Born, 2 Sep 1982, in Omaha, 
               Douglas, NE.
         iii.  Kyle Damien Fritz. Born, 30 Jun 1984, in Columbus, Platte, 

99.   Diane Marie10 Fritz (William Joseph Jr., 51). Born, 13 Apr 1956, in 
O'Neill, Holt, NE. Resided, 1988, in 3716 21st St., Columbus, NE 68601.

      She married Bill Joseph Sandman111, 14 Feb 1976, in St. Bonaventure,
Columbus, Platte, NE. Born, 15 Mar 1955, in Columbus, Platte, NE. 
Residence in 3716 21st St., Columbus, NE 68601. Children:

           i.  Dawn Marie11 Sandman. Born, 31 Dec 1976, in Columbus, 
               Platte, NE.
          ii.  Steven Michael Sandman. Born, 24 Jun 1979, in Columbus, 
               Platte, NE.

100.  Roger Thomas10 Fritz (William Joseph Jr., 51). Born, 30 Jan 1958, in
O'Neill, Holt, NE. Resided, 1992, in 5545ViaCervantes, Yorba Linda, CA 

      He married Deborah Sue Griffin113, 16 Jun 1979, in St. Bonaventure, 
Columbus, Platte, NE. Born, 21 Jan 1960, in Lakewood, L.A., CA. Children:

           i.  Heidi Ann11 Fritz. Born, 2 Sep 1980, in Columbus, Platte, 
          ii.  Brenden Roger Fritz. Born, 6 Sep 1983, in Chico, Butte, CA.
         iii.  Landon Thomas Fritz. Born, 4 Apr 1991, in Irvine, Orange, 

101.  Marvin Francis10 Fritz (Francis Jerome, 52). Born, 29 May 1954, in 
Tilden, NE.

      He married Patricia Marie Morgan, 1 Sep 1973, in Stuart, NE. Born, 
circa 1954 (?). Children:

           i.  Jeremy Lee11 Fritz. Born, 19 Feb 1974, in Syracuse, KS.
          ii.  Julie Fritz. Born, 26 Oct 1975, in Lakin, NE.
         iii.  Jeffrey Francis Fritz. Born, 25 Feb 1982, in O'Neill, Holt,

102.  Phillip John10 Fritz (Francis Jerome, 52). Born, 27 Mar 1956, in NE.

      He married Linda Wortman114, 2 Jun 1979, in Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. 
Born, 19 Nov 1958, in Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. Children:

           i.  Bruce Edward11 Fritz. Born, 2 Feb 1983, in O'Neill, Holt, 
          ii.  Pamela Kay Fritz. Born, 29 May 1984, in O'Neill, Holt, NE.
         iii.  Matthew Francis Fritz. Born, 21 Nov 1985, in O'Neill, Holt,
          iv.  Aaron Joseph Fritz. Born, 23 Nov 1990, in O'Neill, Holt, 

103.  Helen Marie10 Fritz (Francis Jerome, 52). Born, 10 Mar 1960, in 
Neligh, NE.
      She married Scott Lee Plugge115, 19 Jun 1982, in Atkinson, NE. Born,
26 Jun 1960, in Burwell, NE. Children:

           i.  Chad Lee11 Plugge. Born, 14 May 1984, in O'Neill, Holt, NE.
          ii.  Bradley Scott Plugge. Born, 4 Jun 1987, in O'Neill, Holt, 
         iii.  Jessica Marie Plugge. Born, 13 Mar 1991, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.

104.  Michael Lee10 Fritz (Francis Jerome, 52). Born, 4 Aug 1961, in 
Neligh, NE.

      He married Juliann Knust116, 17 Sep 1983, in Petersburg, NE. Born, 
14 Aug 1962, in Neiligh, NE. Children:

           i.  Adam Michael11 Fritz. Born, 27 Sep 198879.    
          ii.  Eric William Fritz. Born, 19 Feb 1991.      

105.  Donald Raymond10 Fritz Jr. (Donald Raymond, 53). Born, 20 Aug 1957, 
in Tilden, NE. Resided, 1988, in PO Box 1257, Buckeye, AZ 85326. 
Occupation: Welder/Rancher.

      He married Janice Beth Deering, 23 Nov 1979, in New Underwood, SD. 
Born, circa 1957 (?). Children:

           i.  Lanny Christopher11 Fritz. Born, 5 Jul 1980, in Alliance, 
          ii.  Cody Winston Fritz. Born, 4 Jul 1982, in Atkinson, Holt, 
         iii.  Kristen Marie Fritz. Born, 9 Nov 1983, in Crangevild, ID.

106.  Barbara Jean10 Fritz (Donald Raymond, 53). Born, 11 Dec 1959, in 
Hassett, NE. Resided, 1988, in DoubleCircleRnch, Birney, MT. Occupation: 

      She married Terry Ray Becklund, 5 May 1982, in Casper, WY. Born, 
circa 1959 (?). Children:

           i.  Derek Wayne11 Becklund. Born, 24 Jun 1982, in Casper, WY. 
               Died, 30 Aug 1984, in Grangeville, ID. Burial in 
               Grangeville, ID. Died in house fire. 
          ii.  Adam Grant Becklund. Born, 18 Aug 1983, in Grangeville, ID.
               Died, 30 Aug 1984, in Grangeville, ID. Burial in 
               Grangeville, ID. Died in house fire. 
         iii.  Stephanie Marie Becklund. Born, 29 Mar 1985, in Sheridan, 

107.  Karla Marie10 Fritz (Donald Raymond, 53). Born, 8 Feb 1964, in 
Norfolk, Madison, NE. Resided, 1988, in PO Box 203, Arlington, AZ 85322.
      She married Daniel Jay McCumber, 12 Oct 1981, in Rapid City, SD. 
Born, circa 1964 (?). Residence in Box 203, Arlington, AZ 85322. 
Occupation: Farmer?Rancher. Children:

           i.  Justin Daniel11 McCumber. Born, 19 Nov 1981, in Atkinson, 
               Holt, NE.
          ii.  Patrick Joseph McCumber. Born, 4 Jan 1986, in Goodyear, AZ.

108.  Nancy Eileen10 Fritz (Joseph Leo, 54). Born, 13 Nov 1960, in 
Atkinson, Holt, NE.

      She married Daniel Moore117, 5 May 1984, in O'Neill, Holt, NE. Born,
10 Jul 1963, in Norfolk, Madison, NE. Children:

           i.  Ashlea Nicole11 Moore. Born, 28 Jan 1985, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.
          ii.  Brittany Danelle Moore. Born, 27 Apr 1987, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.

109.  Jean Theresa10 Fritz (Joseph Leo, 54). Born, 4 Dec 1966, in 
Atkinson, Holt, NE. Resided, 1990, in O'Neill, Holt, NE.

      She married Joseph Wegner118, 5 Nov 198879. Born, circa 1966 (?). 
Resided, 1990, in O'Neill, Holt, NE79. Children:

           i.  Zachary Joseph11 Wegner. Born, 15 May 198979.    
          ii.  Christopher James Wegner. Born, 7 Apr 1991.       

110.  Jeffrey Scott10 Stodola. Born, 4 Nov 1966, in Schuyler, Colfax, NE. 
Resided, 1992, in Clarkson, Colfax, NE. Jeff works at the Farmers Union 

      He married Mary Margaret Brabec119, 17 Sep 1988, in Clarkson, NE79. 
Born, 3 Mar 1966, in West Point, NE79. Resided, 1990, in Clarkson, NE. 

           i.  Melissa Jo11 Stodola. Born, 15 Dec 1989, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE79.
          ii.  Stephanie Kay Stodola. Born, 9 Aug 1992, in Norfolk, 
               Madison, NE.

111.  John Anthony10 Stodola. Born, 12 Apr 1970, in Schuyler, Colfax, NE. 
Residence in Rt 2, Bx 1410, Madison, NE 68748.

      He married DeAnn Marie Graves120, 14 Sep 1991, in Clarkson, Colfax, 
NE. Born, 6 Aug 1969, in Seward, Seward, NE. Children:

           i.  Elizabeth Marie11 Stodola. Born, 22 Apr 1992, in Schuyler, 
               Colfax, NE.

112.  Rebecca Ann10 Koltes. Born, 6 Sep 1956, in Robbinsdale, MN. 
Residence in Maple Grove, MN.

      She married Donald Cromek121, 7 Oct 1978, in Brooklyn Cener, MN. 
Born, 28 May 1953, in Minneapolis, MN. Children:

           i.  Nathan11 Cromek. Born in Minneapolis, MN.
          ii.  Chad Cromek. Born in Minneapolis, MN.

113.  Christine Marie10 Koltes. Born, 21 Feb 1958, in Robbinsdale, MN. 
Residence in Maple Grove, MN.

      She married Douglas Strande122, 14 Feb 1981, in Robbinsdale, MN. 
Born, 22 Oct 1951, in Crookston, Polk, MN. Children:

           i.  Derek11 Strande. Born, 17 Feb 1982, in Robbinsdale, MN.
          ii.  Kelley Strande. Born, 21 Feb 1984, in Coon Rapids, MN.
         iii.  Emily Strande. Born, 22 Jan 1985, in Coon Rapids, MN.

114.  Theresa Lynn10 Koltes. Born, 23 Dec 1960, in Robbinsdale, MN. 
Residence in Brooklyn Park, MN.

      She married Timothy Johnston123, 15 Aug 1979, in Brooklyn Center, 
MN. Born, 7 Mar 1958, in Minneapolis, MN. Children:

           i.  Timothy11 Johnston Jr. Born, 23 May 1981, in Minneapolis, 
          ii.  Erica Johnston. Born, 28 Feb 1984, in Minneapolis, MN.
         iii.  Michael Johnston. Born, 23 Mar 1985, in Minneapolis, MN.


115.  John Charles11 Votipka. Born, 29 May 1946, in Alexandria, Thayer, 
NE. Resided, 1994, in Knoxville, MD124. John is a 1964 of Alexandria High 

      He married Vivian Howe125, 19 Aug 1967. Born, circa 1946. Children:

           i.  Josette Renee12 Votipka. Born, 29 Dec 1968. In 1989, 
               Josette was in her senior year at the Univ. of Md. In 1993 
               she was at Virginia Univ. in her 4th year of medical school
               and graduated in 1994. 
          ii.  Lisa Stanford Votipka. Born, 18 Apr 1970. Resided, 1994, in
               Tulsa, OK. In 1993, Lisa graduated from the University in 
               Baltimore, MD and then enrolled in law school at Tulsa, OK.

116.  Kathryn Ann "Kathy"11 Votipka. Born, 28 May 1950, in Alexandria, 
Thayer, NE. Resided, 1989, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Lived in Gilead, later 
Hebron, NE in 1987. 

      She married Roger Retzloff, 24 Aug 1974. Born, circa 1950 (?). 
Resided, 1989, in Hebron, Thayer, NE. Children:

           i.  Eric Dennis12 Retzloff. Born, 2 May 1979.       
          ii.  Erin David Retzloff (adopted). Born, 15 Apr 1984.      
         iii.  Elizabeth Ann Retzloff (adopted). Born, 10 Nov 1986.      
          iv.  Emily Marie Retzloff (adopted). Born, 5 Nov 1991, in TX126.

117.  Tom Allen11 Votipka. Born, 11 Jun 1951, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Resided, 1989, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. In 1989, Tom was employed at a 
large local farm. 

      He married Georganna Vollmer, 9 Feb 1973. Born, circa 1951 (?). 

           i.  Thomas Allen12 Votipka Jr. Born, 18 Jul 1974.      
          ii.  Charles Michael Votipka. Born, 21 Jan 1980.      
118.  Nancy Marie11 Votipka. Born, 1 Apr 1954, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. 
Resided, 1994, in Portland, OR.

      She married Byron Bond, 31 Oct 1976. Born, circa 1954 (?).   
      Byron retired from the Marines on 30 August 1988 with 20 years of 
service. In 1987 he lived in Portland. In 1989 empl. as a security guard 
at the Veterans Hospital and attended college 4 hours/day. Children:

           i.  Sabrina Maria12 Bond. Born, 28 Jul 1977.      
          ii.  Drusilla Angelina Bond. Born, 7 Dec 1978.       
         iii.  Lloyd Charles Bond. Born, 8 Jan 1980.       

119.  Cynthia Rose11 Votipka. Born, 17 May 1955, in Alexandria, Thayer, 
NE. Resided, 1994, in Columbia, SC. 

      She married Rick Navarro, 19 Jun 1976. Born, circa 1955 (?). 

           i.  Kendria Rose12 Navarro. Born, 29 May 1978.      
          ii.  Andria Marie Navarro. Born, 22 Jan 1981.      
         iii.  Edwin Navarro. Born, 3 May 1988. Edwin is an adopted child 
               from Honduras. 

120.  Pauline Viola11 Votipka. Born, 31 Jul 1956, in Alexandria, Thayer, 
NE. Resided, 1994, in San Antonio, TX. Entered the service in 1973. In 
1987, Pauline was stationed at the Army Medical Center at Fort Bliss. On 1
Dec 1989 she was scheduled to be send to Ft. Jackson, SC where she had 
previously been stationed. In 1990 she bought a home in Columbia, SC two 
blocks from her sister, Cynthia. Pauline's plans are to retire in 1993 and
live near Alexandria with her family. In 1992 she was a Physician's Asst. 
and an instructor at the Phase II Coordinator of the Army's 2 year 
program. She was on the staff and faculty of the U. of Oklahoma. In 1994 
she will have and her 20 years in the Army and has. 

      She married Larry Gross, 2 Oct 1982. Born, circa 1956 (?). Children:

           i.  Megan Margaret12 Gross. Born, 15 May 1984.      
          ii.  Marisa Mallorey Gross. Born, 2 Nov 1985.       
         iii.  Morgan Gross. Born, May 1988 (?), in El Paso?, TX.
          iv.  James Gross. Born, 8 Oct 1989 (?), in El Paso?, TX.

121.  David Mark11 Votipka. Born, 2 Nov 1957, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE. 
Resided, 1992, in Germany. 1987 lived at Colo. Spr., CO; 1989 at Monument,
CO. In 1994 he was a Major in the Air Force, stationed in Germany. 

      He married Debrah "Debbie" Weiman, 24 Jul 1982. Born, circa 1957 
(?). Children:

           i.  Christina Marie12 Votipka. Born, 8 Aug 1983.       
          ii.  Melissa Renee Votipka. Born, 26 Mar 1985.      
         iii.  Christopher Votipka. Born, 23 Jan 1987.      
          iv.  Nicholas Alexander Votipka. Born, 5 Jan 1989. Resided, 
               circa 5 (?).

122.  Benny Ralph11 Votipka. Born, 21 Jul 1963, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 
NE. Resided, 1994, in Rocky Mount, NC. In 1987 Ben was stationed in the 
military at Fort Bragg, NC. In Jan. 1989 graduated from OTSD School at 
Lackland AFB, and sent to Lance AFB at Enid, OK for jet pilot training. He
graduated 15 Feb 1990 and transferred to MacDill AFB in FL for further 
training. It is believed his duty station after graduation will be 
Homestead AFB south of Miami, FL. In 1994 he received his orders for 

      He married Pam Fisher, 28 Mar 1987 (?), in NC. Children:

           i.  Andrew Benedict12 Votipka. Born, 10 Sep 1990.      
          ii.  Daniel Votipka.
         iii.  Turner Lee Votipka. Born, 21 Feb 1993127.   

123.  Doris Margaret11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 21 Mar 1947, in 
Heidelberg, Ger.

      She married Gary Mitchel, 27 Aug 1966. Born, circa 1947 (?). 

           i.  Lara Lea12 Mitchel. Born, 12 Jun 1970. Died, 24 Jun 1982.      
          ii.  Andrew Mitchel Mitchel. Born, 19 Oct 1977.      

124.  Carol Ann11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 13 Sep 1948, in Powell,
Jefferson, NE.

      She married Don Boley, 20 Oct 1967. Born, circa 1948 (?). Children:

           i.  Brenda Sue12 Boley. Born, 20 Oct 1969.      
          ii.  Donald Dean Boley. Born, 21 Mar 1973. Died, 21 Mar 1973.      

125.  Ralph Dennis11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 3 Apr 1950, in 
Daykin, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Unknown. Children:

           i.  Dennis David12 Dewald. Born, 6 May 1981.       

126.  Rosa Linda11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 11 Sep 1951, in 
Daykin, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Thomas Throckmorton, 24 Dec 1968. Born, circa 1951 (?). 

           i.  Todd Michael12 Throckmorton. Born, 12 Jul 1969.      
          ii.  Erin Throckmorton. Born, 22 Aug 1980.      
         iii.  Gregory Throckmorton. Born, 4 Jul 1985.       

127.  Gary Jean11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 21 Sep 1952, in Daykin,
Jefferson, NE.

      He married Pat, before 1978 (?). Born, circa 1952. Children:

           i.  Andrea Nicole12 Dewald. Born, 8 Jan 1978.       
          ii.  Stephanie Rae Dewald. Born, 13 Mar 1984.      

128.  Mary Lou11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 19 Jun 1954, in Powell, 
Jefferson, NE.

      She married Terry Mau, before 1974 (?). Born, circa 1954 (?). 

           i.  Jeffrey Scott12 Mau. Born, 17 Jul 1974.      
          ii.  Tonya Leigh Mau. Born, 15 Dec 1975.      
         iii.  Nicholas Cole Mau. Born, 7 Oct 1982.       

129.  Karlene Kay11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 22 Jan 1956, in 
Tobias, Saline, NE.

      She married Mardy Rentschler, before 1972 (?). Born, circa 1956 (?).

           i.  Cherie Rene12 Rentschler. Born, 4 Oct 1972.       
          ii.  Mikala Meagan Rentschler. Born, 4 Aug 1979.       

130.  Patricia Helen11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 19 Mar 1959, in 
Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Bob Bourre. Born, circa 1959 (?). Children:

           i.  Cassidy Robbyn12 Bourre. Born, 2 Dec 1982.       

131.  Lori Elizabeth11 Dewald (Ralph Joseph, 70). Born, 30 Jul 1960, in 
Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Daryl Flgert. Born, circa 1960 (?). Children:

           i.  Zachary12 Flgert. Born, 1 Feb 1983.       

132.  Douglas Jean11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 31 Oct 
1951, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Debb. Born, circa 1951 (?). Children:
           i.  Lee Anthony12 Dewald. Born, 2 Dec 1981.       
          ii.  Sarah Larain Dewald. Born, 27 Sep 1985.      

133.  Janice Rose11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 10 Oct 
1952, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE. Resided, 1993, in Colorado Springs, CO.

      She married Robert Berkey, before 1973 (?). Born, circa 1952 (?). 

           i.  Rachel Denice12 Berkey. Born, 15 Apr 1973.      
          ii.  Elizabeth Marie Berkey. Born, 29 Feb 1980.      

134.  Joyce Maria11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 19 Feb 
1954, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE.

      She married Al Wichman, before 1978 (?). Born, circa 1954 (?). 

           i.  Paul Allen12 Wichman. Born, 31 Jan 1978.      
          ii.  Brian Joseph Wichman. Born, 30 Jul 1981.      

135.  Jeanne Lou11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 10 Jan 
1955, in Alexandria, Thayer, NE.

      She married Dennis Greening Sr., before 1967 (?). Born, circa 1955 
(?). Children:

           i.  Dennis Dean12 Greening Jr. Born, 20 Jan 1967.      
          ii.  Amanda Jean Greening. Born, 6 May 1981.       
         iii.  Isaac Bennett Greening. Born, 10 Apr 1982.      
          iv.  Margaret Rose Greening. Born, 26 Sep 1983.      

136.  Robert Mark11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 5 May 
1958, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Renae. Born, circa 1958. Children:

           i.  Nicole Renae12 Dewald. Born, 16 Sep 1981.      
          ii.  Nicholas Robert Dewald. Born, 14 May 1985.      
         iii.  Nolan Mark Dewald. Born, 7 Aug 1986.       

137.  William Ben11 Dewald (Benedict "Benny" Patrick, 71). Born, 5 May 
1958, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Unknown. Children:

           i.  Corinne Danielle12 Dewald. Born, 3 Oct 1981.       

138.  Barbara Jean11 Hergott. Born, 10 Mar 1951, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 

      She married Daniel Arner, before 1974 (?). Born, circa 1951 (?). 

           i.  Jennifer Dawn12 Arner. Born, 17 Nov 1974.      
          ii.  Shannon Laurel Arner. Born, 13 Jul 1977.      
         iii.  Daniel Paul Arner. Born, 28 Jul 1981.      

139.  Richard Paul11 Hergott. Born, 1 Feb 1954, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 

      He married Pat. Born, circa 1954 (?). Children:

           i.  Camille Nicole12 Hergott. Born, 7 Nov 1981.       
          ii.  Evan Jacob Hergott. Born, 7 Dec 1984.       

140.  Herbert Leo11 Hergott. Born, 2 Mar 1955, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Vicki, before 1980 (?). Born, circa 1955 (?). Children:

           i.  Chris12 Hergott. Born, 4 May 1980 (?).   
          ii.  Jeffry Hergott. Born, 20 Feb 1982 (?).  
         iii.  Mathew Ryan Hergott. Born, 3 Dec 1986.       

141.  Margaret Ann11 Hergott. Born, 12 Sep 1956, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 

      She married Kurt Kobel, before 1977 (?). Born, circa 1956 (?). 

           i.  Joshua Philip12 Kobel. Born, 28 Jan 1977.      
          ii.  Kerry Patrice Kobel. Born, 7 Dec 1979.       

142.  Cynthia Kay "Cyndi"11 Hergott. Born, 31 Oct 1960, in Fairbury, 
Jefferson, NE. Resided, 1992, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Mr. Shinn. Children:

           i.  Ryan Ann12 Shinn. Born, 22 Aug 1980.      
          ii.  Johanna Shinn. Born, 1988, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE128.

143.  Rebecca Lee11 Hergott. Born, 23 Mar 1962, in Fairbury, Jefferson, 

      She married Tom Hoover, before 1985 (?). Born, circa 1962 (?). 

           i.  Amanda12 Hoover. Born, 4 Jan 1985.       
144.  Rita Diane11 Hergott. Born, 8 Oct 1963, in Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      She married John Loungo, before 1986 (?). Born, circa 1963 (?). 

           i.  Jonathan12 Loungo. Born, 9 Jun 1986.       

145.  Leslie Ann11 Henkel. Born, 24 Dec 1957, in Lincoln, Lancaster, NE.

      She married Sam Santacroce, before 1979 (?). Born, circa 1957 (?). 

           i.  Melissa Eileen12 Santacroce. Born, 18 Sep 1979.      
          ii.  Brian Scott Santacroce. Born, 23 Apr 1981.      

146.  Teresa Lee11 Dewald (Philip Dennis, 74). Born, 11 Feb 1956, in 
Hebron, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Fred Siebe, before 1986 (?). Born, circa 1956 (?). 

           i.  Ross Philip12 Siebe. Born, 28 Aug 1986.      

147.  Audrey Lynn11 Dewald (David Paul, 75). Born, 28 Oct 1957, in 
Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      She married Gary Pingel, before 1981 (?). Born, circa 1957 (?). 

           i.  Jonathan Grant12 Pingel. Born, 21 Sep 1981.      
          ii.  Vanessa Lynn Pingel. Born, 2 Mar 1985.       
         iii.  Hillary Ann Pingel. Born, 26 Nov 1986.      

148.  Aaron David11 Dewald (David Paul, 75). Born, 10 Dec 1958, in 
Fairbury, Jefferson, NE.

      He married Donna, before 1986 (?). Born, circa 1958 (?). Children:

           i.  Nicholas Anthony12 Dewald. Born, 19 Jun 1986.      

149.  Jason Paul11 Dewald (David Paul, 75). Born, 22 Jun 1960, in 
Fairbury, Jefferson, NE. 

      He married Vicki, before 1981 (?). Born, circa 1960 (?). Children:

           i.  Nathan Paul12 Dewald. Born, 31 Jul 1981.      
          ii.  Ryan Sean Dewald. Born, 21 Apr 1984.      


    1Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992.
    71095/116, twin of Jan Gregor.
   10It is assumed before Jan Gregor's second marriage in 1734.
   221097/99; Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992.
   24Assumed she died before husband's 2nd marriage about 1788.
   351099/27; Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992.
   37Kathryn Dankowski.
   41Wolfgang Morascher, 9 Dec 1991; Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992; 1167/171.
   42Copy of Sacred. Heart Church record.
   43Ped. Ch. from Morascher, 9 Dec 1991.
   44Kathryn Dankowski, 21 Apr 1992.
   45Centennial History of Sacred Heart Church.
   47Birth record, 1169/77; her obit. erroneously says 1848.
   48Czech Immigrants, CCC library.
   49Morascher, 9 Dec 1991; Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992; 1169/125.
   50Just a guess based on birth dates of childen.
   51Obituary; Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992; 1169/234.
   52Sister Eva Fritz; 1900 Thayer Co. Census.
   53Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992; 1170/56.
   54Sister Eva Fritz, 11 Jul 1992.
   55Centennial History of Sacreed Heart Church.
   56Otto Cejnar, 22 Sep 1992; 1170/105.
   57Sister Eva Fritz, 29 Jun 1992.
   581900 Thayer Co., NE Census.
   59Son of Joseph Chavet and Rose Aeschliman.
   60Dau. of John & Rose (Meis) Werning Sr.
   61Raymond Gregor, 10 Oct 1990.
   62Son of John & Rose (Meis) Werning Sr.
   63Son of Frank and Margaret (Bushkamp) Beckman.
   64Dau. of Charles James & Myrtle Pearl (Carey) Warden.
   65Dau. of Joseph Anton Willy & Hedwig Huber Willy.
   66Blue Valley Nursing Home; Obit.
   67Obit. of mother.
   68Bob Wiedel letter of 3 Jan 1990.
   69Lucille Fitzke, oral, 18 Jan 1994.
   70Tel: 714?971?1282.
   71John Dewald, 30 Jun 1993; Det. Greg Smith, 13 Jan 1995 
   72John Dewald, 30 Jun 1993.
   73Ped. Ch. from Morascher, 26 Dec 1991.
   74Dau. of Guy & Bertha (Timm) Fredinburg.
   75Dau. of T. R. "Ted" Miller & Cora (Cody) Srites.
   76Dau. of Gregory A. & Hilda C. (Fritz) Pape.
   77Son of Wm. Albert & Anna Marie (Burk) Schindler.
   78Dau. of Louis A. Demaray & Gladys Marie Moore.
   79Eva Fritz.
   80Son of Tony Frank & Blanche Inez (Montgomery) Pontarolo.
   81Dau. of Ora Sylvester & Mary Theresa (Van Buren) Howard.
   82Son of Leonard Dale & Clara Marie (Stephenson) Smith.
   83Tel. (402) 371?3935.
   84Son of John J. & Anna Mae (Wiseman) Spence.
   85Dau. of Winston Dale & Delores Louise (Jablonski) Baumann.
   86Son of Joseph E. & Mildred (Magnuson) Koltes.
   87Dau. of Frank Thomas & Virginia Louise (Pursiful) Keegan Jr.
   88Dau. of Billy Ray & Jimmie Nell (Reynolds) Ford.
   89Dau. of Frank and Norene Zigler of Hebron.
   90Dau. of Geo. Landkamer and Alice Brophy Landkamer.
   911990 Fern Votipka Christmas newsletter.
   92Letter from Fern Dewald.
   93Hebron Journal, 25 Aug 1993, re marriage of son, Van.
   94Obit. of Ferne Dewald.
   95Dau. of Ronald & Nancy Jodhnson of Papillion, NE.
   96Hebron Journal, 25 Aug 1993.
   97History of Sacred Heart Cath. Ch., Hebron, NE.
   98Andy Popp, 23 Mar 1994.
   99Dau. of Delhart & Deloris (Schlake) Wiese.
  100Dau. of Donald & Inez (Davis) Lothrop.
  101Dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth (Sheehan) O'Neill.
  102Son of Harry & Rose (Krapcek) Dall.
  103Dau. of Richard Boylan.
  104Dau. of Anthony Gagiola.
  105Sister Eva Fritz, 13 Jul 1992.
  106Son of Donald and Joan Zimmerman.
  107Son of Harlan and Pat Koch.
  108Son of Al and Donna Urzendowski.
  109Son of Robert Jackson.
  110Dau. opf Edward & Loretta (Engel) Fuehrer of Fullerton, NE.
  111Son of Loren & Bette (Marker) Sandman.
  112Tel. 714?693?1382.
  113Dau. of Bill Joe & Bette Ann (Pearson) Griffin.
  114Dau. of Ed & EWmily (Sindelar) Wortman.
  115Son of Walter Lee & Beverly (Couch) Plugge.
  116Dau. of William & Patricia (Dozler) Knust.
  117Son of James Richard & Delores Marie (Uttecht) Moore.
  118Son of Dale Wegner.
  119Dau. of Ervin & Agnes (Vacha) Brabec of Clarkson, Colfax Co., NE.
  120Dau. of Roger & Carole (Bergantzel) Graves of Clarkson, Colfax Co., 
  121Son of Henry & Dorothy (Reeves) Cromek.
  122Son of Sidney & Esther (Haugan) Strande.
  123Son of Abner & Pat Johnston.
  124Fern Votipka, 24 Dec 1994.
  125Dau. of Mary Howe.
  126Fern Votipka, 24 Dec 1992.
  127expected on Valentine's Day, 1993.
  128Omaha World Harold, 4 Jul 1992 (See Sister Eva letter of 11 Jul 

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