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William McKinley Prentiss of Monroe, NY

William McKinley Prentiss of Monroe, NY
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2003 and Revised 15 Nov 2014

We are helping Joseph Patrick Prentiss in tracing his Prentiss roots. Here is what we have so far.

1. William C. Prentiss was b. 1831 in Monroe, NY. He was missing in 1864 in the Battle of the Wilderness in VA (see Battle of the Wilderness .

William m. Kate (Catharine?), b. 1836 in Lockhaven PA. They had 1 or more children, Including:

  1. William Frank Prentiss, b. 31 Jan 1858, Flemington, Clinton Co., PA . . . . . . [2]

2. William Frank Prentiss, b. 31 Jan 1858, Flemington, PA and d. 18 Apr 1941.

He m. Bertha Merhling Crouse, b. 18 Jul 1875, Frederick, MD and d. 18 Nov 1961, Laurel, MD. Bertha was the dau. of Thomas Crouse (b. PA) and Wilmehlia Merhling (b. Germany).

  1. Charles Franklin Prentiss, b. 25 Aug 1896 and d. 29 May 1961.
  2. William McKinley Prentiss, b. 18 Jul 1902. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  3. Mary Margaret Prentiss, b. 6 Nov 1904 and d. 20 Apr 1974.
  4. Walter Crouse Prentiss, b. 11 Jan 1910 and d. 7 Jan 1972.
  5. James Clark Prentiss, b. 25 May 1911 or 1912 and d. 27 Feb 1965. He was a SSgt. in the US Air Force, served in WW II, and is bur. at Sec. C, Site 39, Salisbury natl. Cem., Salisbury, NC.
  6. George Curtain Prentiss, b. 25 Jan 1913 and d. 19 Mar 1973.
  7. Harry Auturo Prentiss, b. 3 Jan 1915 and d. 3 Dec 1988.

3. LCDR William McKinley Prentiss. b. 18 Jul 1902, Bethesda, MA and d. 22 Jul 1992, Norfolk, VA. He m. Marie Frost, dau. of Freeman W. Frost (son of George William Frost) and Mary Ellen Wisiwell (dau. of John Edward Wisiwel). They had 1 or more children, including:

  1. William McKinley Prentiss Jr., b. 16 Feb 1928. . . . . . . . . [4]

4. William McKinley Prentiss Jr., b. 16 Feb 1928, Worcester, MA and d. 1Apr 1996, Virginia Beach, VA. He had 1 or more children, including:

  1. Joseph Patrick Prentiss .

Who are the parents of William McKinley Prentiss?

Although further investigation is needed for conformation, William McKinley Prentiss is probably #28e in our eBook and a descendant of Thomas Prentice.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Joseph Prentiss
2016-03-24 11:15:01
William McKinley Prentiss Jr has an incorrect death date. Should be 1 Apr 1995
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