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Newsletter 97.1.2

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Daniel Prentis of Virginia: Take your pick of three

In researching the various Prentis families of coloniel Virginia, we discovered that there were three men, all named Daniel Prentis, who might be the ancestor of the Prentis, Prentice and Prentiss families who letter resided in TN, AL, TX and elsewhere.

  • One was Daniel Prentis, son of William Prentis of Williamsburg, VA. He was born about 1750.

  • Another was Daniel Prentis, son of Joseph Prentis, also probably born in VA. We have no further information about him, but he was likely born in the time period 1720-1750.

  • The third is Daniel Prentis, son of the above Daniel and grandson of Joseph, perhaps born in VA.

One of those Daniels married Isabel (surname unknown) and they are the parents of Lucretia Prentis who married Solmon Carpenter on 5 Sep 1783 in Botetourt Co., VA. And one or more of those Daniels later moved To TN and then to AL.

If you have any information which can help us sort out the various Daniels and their respective descendants, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com..

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Ronald Prentice
2016-11-24 17:14:47
Daniel Prentis (William) lives in the coastal areas of Virginia, specifically Williamsburg City and Warwick County; whereas Daniel Prentice (Joseph) lives in the mountain inland areas of Augusta and Botetourt Counties. Thankfully the men spell the surname differently, one P R E N T I S, the other P R E N T I C E. There does not seem to be any close relationship between the families. If anyone has comment or further documentation for either Daniel I would appreciate being contacted. Thank you.
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