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Ceder Grove Cemetery, New London, CT

To see full list of articles in this Winter '97 Issue, Click Here
Ceder Grove Cemetery, New London, CT
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 1997 and Revised 11 Dec 2005
(This is a reprint of an article appearing in our Spring '95 Issue)

We have been working with June Prentice of Waterford, CT to identify a number of Prentices interred in the Ceder Grove Cemetery in New London, CT. So far we have not been able to identify the parents and ancestors of the following persons:

  • Alfred Prentis and his wife, Mary. Their daughter, Nellie, was b. c. 1871 in Mystic, CT and was buried 24 Sep 1882. They do not appear in the 1870 or 1880 CT census.

  • Charles Prentice, b. c. 1835-47, and Nancy, b. c. 1846 in New London and bur. 24 Apr 1881. Update: He is the son of Edward Prentice and a descendant of Valentine Prentice's son, Jonathan.

  • Charles Prentis, b. c. 1850-65, and Susan DeWolf, b. 19 Sep 1865 and d. 30 Sep 1948. Update: He is the son of Edward Prentice and a descendant of Valentine Prentice's son, Jonathan. Nancy, above, was his first wife and Susan was his second wife.

  • George Prentis, b. c. 1843 and d. 11 Jun 1889. Called "of New York City." He might be a son of Sylvanus B. Prentis, below. He might be the George W. Prentice, Bookkeeper, shown in the 1880 New York City census who was b. c. 1843 in CT (with both parents b. in CT) and whose wife is identified as Georgianna, b. c. 1844, NY. Living with them was Elizabeth Cranston, called a sister to George, who was b. c. 1831 in CT.

  • George Francis Prentis, b. c. 1866 and d. 31 Aug 1897. Update: He is the son of Edward Prentice and a descendant of Valentine Prentice's son, Jonathan.

  • James C. Prentis, b. c. 1834-40 who m. Emma, b. 1840 and d. 8 May 1918. He might be a son of Sylvanus B. Prentis, below.

  • Mary A. Prentis, b. c. 1810 in Long Island, NY. Died 26 Jun 1878. Update: She is probably the wife of Sylvanus B. Prentis, below.

  • Sylvanus B. Prentis, b. c. 1800 in New London and bur. 19 Jul 1871. Update: See now our Spring 2004 article on Sylvanus B. Prentis of New London, CT

Correspondence:   If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Benjamin Prentiss
2014-04-07 07:07:38
Hello... Could you please tell me if these are the names of people who are buried there? For example, Sylvanus B Prentiss is my great-great-great grandfather - I would love to make the trip back from Morocco to visit his grave if he is there for sure. Thanks much in advance.
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