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Alexander O. Prentice of Newark, Licking Co., Ohio

Alexander O. Prentice of Newark, Licking Co., Ohio
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Fall 2015 and Revised 11 Dec 2015

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

A. Unknown Peretzky. Born Hungary per census record of sons.

He m. Unknown. Born Hungary per census record of sons. Sons:

  1. Andrew Peretzky b. c. 1878 in Czechoslovakia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1]
  2. Stephen Peretzky, b. c. 1875, Hungary. Emigrated 1895. 1920 in Bellevue, Sarpy Co., NE. 1936 in California. 1940 in Inglewood, Los Angeles Co., CA. 8th grade education. He m. Elizabeth C., b. 29 May 1885, KS, and d. 27 Nov 1970, Los Angeles, CA.
  3. John Peretzky. 1936 in Europe.

1. Andrew Peretzky b. c. 1878 in Czechoslovakia and d. Friday, 26 Dec 1936, Canton, OH, per the Canton Repository, pg. 8. He emigrated to the U. S. in 1901. Not in 1910 or 1920 census. 1930 he was a farmer in Plain, Stark Co., OH. Both of his parents were b. in Czechoslovakia. His obituary reads as follows:

    Andrew Peretzky Sr., 59, died Friday morning in his home, RD 3, East Center Rd., following an illness from diabetes. He was a member of St. Paul's Catholic church, the Eagles, Bridgeport, Hungarian Aid society and Verhovay Hungarian Benefit society. Mr. Peretzky operated a large vineyard near his home.

    Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Susanna Peretzky, three sons, Julius and Alex of the home, and Andrew Peretzky Jr. of Cleveland, and two brothers, Stephen of California and John Perezky residing in Europe. The body is at the William C. Jacobs parlors and will be taken to the home today.

He m. Lucille Suzanne Szell when he was 25 per the 1930 census. She was b. c. 1885 in Czechoslovakia, and d. c. 8 Nov 1951. Canton, OH. Emigrated to the U.S. in 1900. Her obituary reads as follows:

    Mrs. Lucille Suzanne Peretzky, 65, died Tuesday in her home at 1423 Sperior Ave. NE after a long illness. She was the widow of Andrew Peretzky. She had been a Canton resident for 36 years coming from Newerk. Since coming here she was a member of the Hungarian PresbyterianChurch and Verhovay Society.

    Survivors include three sons, Andrew S. Peretzky, Julius J Peretzky, and Alex O Peretzky, all of Canton; a brother, John Sell of Newark, and two grandchildren...

Children of Andrew and Lucille:

  1. Andrew S. Peretzky, b. 30 May 1905. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]
  2. Julius J. Peretzky, b. 12 Mar 1907 and d. 25 Dec 1993, Canton, Stark Co., OH. He did not change his surname. He m. Ann, b. 4 Mar 1916, PA, and d. 7 Oct 1997, Canton, Stark Co., OH. They appear in the 1940 Peretzky household and he was then a Truck Driver with 3 years of High School.
  3. Alexander O. Peretzky/Prentice, b. 13 May 1914, Newark, Licking Co., Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]

2. Andrew S. Peretzky, b. 30 May 1905 and d. Oct Oct 1986 in Canton, Stark Co., OH. He did not change his surname. 1930 he was living at home in Plain, Stark Co., OH, and was then a Clerk in the Sheet Steel industry. 1932 elected First Vice President of the Hungarian Polical Club in Canton, OH. 1940 in Plain, Stark Co., OH, 4 years of college, and his occupation was the Mgr of the Canton Distributing Corp., Centlivre Beer, 600 Mulberry Rd. SE.

He is likely the Andrew Peretzky named in the newspaper article of 4 Aug 1937, Canton , OH, named in a divorce action by Mabel (Dougherty) Peretzky (dau. of James B. Dougherty) of 205 13th St. NE vs Andrew Peretzky of RD 3, Canton, gross neglece, Amerman and Mills, Attorneys.

He might be the Andrew Peretzky identified as the apparent 2nd husband of Betty J.. Her obituary reads as follows:

    Repository, The (Canton, OH) - Friday, March 24, 2000: Betty J. Peretzky

    Betty J. Peretzky, age 80 (b. c. 1920), of North Canton, died Wednesday at St. Luke Lutheran Home.

    She was a long time member of North Canton Church of Christ, graduating from Muskingum College, and retiring from the Society Bank in Canton.

    Survived by son and daughter-in-law, Drew and Cathy (Brugett) Peretzky of Bay Village; and a brother, Robert Allen of Canton. Preceded in death by her husband, Andrew, in 1986.

    Funeral services will be held Saturday at noon in the Chapel at Sunset Hills Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 4815 Munson St. NW, Canton, OH 44718. (Karlo-Feucht, 499-9644)

Son of Andrew and Betty:

  1. Drew Peretzky. He m. Cathy Brugett, 2000 in Bay Village.

3. Alexander O. Prentice (nee Peretzky) was b. 13 May 1914 in Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, and d. 14 Nov 1993, Canton, Stark Co., OH. He appears in the 1930 and 1940 census in Plain, Stark Co., Ohio. We do not yet know why Alexander changed his surname from Peretzky to Prentice, after 1940 but it may have been for business reasons. (Ref: 1930, 1940 census and LDS .

The 1940 census shows his mother as Suzanna Peretzky, b. c. 1886, Hungary, a widow. He was then an Assembler with 2 years of college.

He m. Betty Ann, b. c. 1921, Akron, OH, and d. 10 Nov 2007, North Canton, OH. Her obituary reads as follows:

    Repository, The (Canton, OH) - Wednesday, November 14, 2007.

    Betty Ann Prentice, 86, passed away November 10, 2007 at the residence of her daughter. She was born in Akron but lived most of her life in North Canton. Betty was a member of Church of the Savior United Methodist in Canton and had retired from Key Bank.

    Preceded in death by husband, Alexander O. Prentice; she is survived by daughter, Kate (J. Charles) Stein; son, Alexander C. (Colleen) Prentice; and grandchildren, Kara and Evan Prentice. A private service will be held at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to VNS-Hospice, 845 8th St., NE Suite 1 Massillon, OH 44646.

    (The Cremation Society of Ohio, 330-535-1012) Please sign the guestbook at cantonrep.com/obituaries.

Children of Alexander and Betty:

  1. Kate Prentice. She m. J. Charles Stein.
  2. Alexander C. Prentice. He m. Colleen. Children:
    1. Kara Prentice.
    2. Evan Prentice.

Who are the parents of Andrew Peretzky and Lucille Szell?

For now we have no information about the parents of Andrew Peretzky and Lucille Szell. Investigation is continuing.

Contact us: If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Joe Dewald
2015-11-10 23:17:38
Please contact Joe Dewald at Dewald@Prenticenet.com
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