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Wilbur Robert Prentice of Freedom, NY and Phoenix, AZ

Wilbur Robert Prentice of Freedom, NY and Phoenix, AZ
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2005 and Revised 4 Jul 2006

Update of 4 Jul 2006: Wilbur Robert Prentice is Wilbert Robert Prentice son of Barton W. Prentice who is discussed in our Winter 1998 issue, and a descendant of Valentine Prentice.

We found the following information posted by Theresa Berry in Ancestry.com:

1. Wilbur Robert Prentice was b. 2 Aug 1913 in Freedom, NY, and d. 16 Mar 1985 in either Phoenix or Glendale, Maricopa Co., AZ (per SSDI). He served as a T5 in the US Army in WW II. Bur. at Sec. 17, Site 3066, National Mem. Cem. of AZ, next to his wife.

He m. Elizabeth Alice Phillips, b. 19 Jul 1920 in Rochester, NY, and d. 27 Apr 1992; bur. at Sec. 17, Site 3066, National Mem. Cem. of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ..Children:

  1. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Wilkinson.
  2. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Queen and had (1) a daughter who m. 1st Mr. Vega and 2nd Mr. Galarza had a son, and (2) a daughter who m. Mr. Murphy and had son.
  3. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Cater.

Who are Wilber Robert Prentice's Parents?

For now, we have no clue. He does not appear in the 1920 or 1930, nor does any Prentice family appear in the 1900, 1910 or 1920 census in Freedom, NY.

However, and lthough there is a slightly different spelling of his first name (Wilbert vs. Wilbur), there is a good chance that he may be the same person as Wilbert R. Prentice, shown in the 1920 census as b. c. 1915, NY, and in 1920 living in "Cancadea", Allegany Co., NY. "Cancadea" is probably the same place shown on current maps as "Caneadea" in Allegany Co. which lies only about 10 miles SE of Freedom.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Lynn Evans
2017-05-04 08:29:26
I believe he is the same person Wilbert R and Wilburt R
Lynn Evans
2017-05-04 08:28:50
i. Daughter: Betty Lou Prentice m. George H Wilkinson Divorced ~1983 ii. Daughter: Kathleen Elizabeth Prentice m. Chuck Queen Kathy died ~2009 iii. Son: Wilbur R Prentice Jr. m. Nancy Cater Wilbur Died ~ 2007
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