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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

The Prentices of Halton, Buckingham, England and Williamsburg, Virginia

The Prentices of Halton, Buckingham, England and Williamsburg, Virginia
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
f/Summer 2006 and Revised 17 Feb 2018

Introduction: This article first appeared in our eBook entitled William Prentis of Williamsburg, VA Since then we have discovered a great deal of new information which both traces William's roots back in time as well as identifying his many new descendants.

A. Unidentified Prentis. The village of Halton, Buckingham, England lies about 5 to 6 miles SE of Aylesbury and between Tring and Wendover. A search of the IGI discloses a number of Prentis births and marriages. Since persons of the same surnqme living in a small village in that time period were generally closely related, and pending further research, they are tentatively identified as siblings. The spelling of the surname is as given in the IGI, although the original spelling may have been Prentis.

  1. William Prentis, perhaps b. c. 1640-50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1]
  2. Joyce Prentice, probably b. c. 1645-50, Halton, Buckham, m. Robert Wade on 13 Apr 1668 at Halton. No children shown in the IGI.
  3. Mary Prentice, probably b. c. 1653-58, Halton, Buckingham, m. James Hitchcocke on 10 Jan 1675 at Halton.
  4. Henry Prentice. He had a daughter:
    1. Sarah Prentice, chr. 13 Nov 1698, Halton, Buckingham.

1. William Prentis. William was born perhaps c. 1640-1650 probably in, or in the vicinity of Halton, Buckingham, England where his children were born and/or baptised. Halton lies about 5-6 miles SE of Aylesbury and between Tring and Wendover.

There is no presently available evidence that William came to America, so it is tentatively assumed that he died in England at an unknown date after 1685, the birth date of his last known child.

William m. Judy, her name given in the IGI entry for the birth of their son, Henerie Children shown in the IGI:

  1. John Prentis, chr. 8 Jun 1673, Halton, Buckingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]
  2. Joyce Prentis, b. 1675, bap. 5 Sep 1675, Halton, Buckingham. She m. Robert Crocket on 31 Oct 1698 at Halton. (per IGI) No children shown in IGI.
  3. Alyss Prentis, b. 1679, bap. 29 Jun 1679 (not shown in IGI).
  4. William Prentis, b. 19 Nov 1682, bap. 22 Dec 1682, Halton, Buckingham (IGI).
  5. Judy Prentis, b. 1685, bap. 21 Dec 1685, Halton, Buckingham (per IGI).
  6. Henerie/Henry Prentis, chr. 25 Apr 1688 Halton, Buckingham. (per IGI)
  7. (perhaps Sarah Prentice. Her birth/bap. is not shown in the IGI, but she m. Henry Gurney on 22 Apr 1701 at Halton, Buckingham (per IGI).

2. John Prentis (William-1) was chr. 8 Jun 1673, Halton, Buckingham, England (per IGI). He was apprenticed to Francis Grace, called citizen and embroderer, of London for 7 years on 12 Feb 1690. John's freedom granted September 1701. There is no presently available evidence that John came to America, so it is tentatively assumed that he died in England at an unknown date after 1685, the birth date of his last known child.

He married Sarah (surname unknown) whose birth date is not known, but who died in 1708. Children:

  1. William Prentis, b. 10 Oct 10, 1699. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  2. (perhaps) Joseph Prentis, b. c. 1790-1800. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]
  3. (3 more children) Prentis

3. William Prentis (John-2). Born 10 Oct 10, 1699, bap. St. James, Duke's Place, London. Julian Prentice has provided information from the manuscripts of Christ's-Hospital which records the entries to, and discharges from, the school. The following is a transcript of the entries relating to William Prentis, later of Williamsburg.

    The admission ledger shows: April 1708. William Prentis, son of John Prentis Citizen & Embroderer born 10th October 1699, admitted from St. John Zachary.

      Note: St. John Zachary apparently was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1666 and was not bebuilt. It was King's College now is, approximately west of the chapel. The parish was united with that of St Anne & St Agnes. The 1851 London census does, however, show a St. John Zachary as a civil registration district.

    The agreement signed by both parties is as follows: To the Right Honourable, Right Worshipful, and Worshipful, the Governours of Christ's-Hospital, LONDON. The humble Petition of John Prentis Citizen & Embroderer of London Humbly sheweth: That the Petitioner hath formerly lived in very good repute but by great losses in his Trade of a Baker is fallen to decay and hath the charge of five motherless children the which he is not able to maintains by his imploy of a Porter without the help of charity

    Therefore he humbly beseeches your Worships, in your usual Pity and Charity to distressed Men, poor Widows, and Fatherless Children, to grant the Admission of one of his Children into Christ's-Hospital, named William Prentis of the age of 8 years, Ω there to be educated and brought up amongst other poor children.

    And He shall ever Pray, etc.

    born 10 October 1699

There is a handwritten (as opposed to the rest which is in the hand of a scribe) note attached which reads:

    This is to certify to whom it may concern that William Prentis son of John Prentis by Sarah his wife was born on the 10 Day of October 1699 in St. James Dukes Place London

    March 23 1707. Wm Prentice

The discharge ledger shows:

    4th November 1714. William Prentis is this day taken and discharged from the charges of this Hospital forever by John Prentis his father, and by Archibald Blair of Williamsburg in Virginia with whom he is to serve 7 years. Witness by the hands John Prentis, Archibald Blair

    (Transcribed from microfilmed records held at the London Guildhall Manuscript Library, 16th March 2000 by Julian Prentis)

    Note: One Benjamin Prentice was b. born 1668 and m. Sarah Havering in 1689 at St. James, Dukes Place London, and it me be that Benjamin Prentice and William Prentia are related.

The store at which William worked had been founded in 1701 or 1702 by Dr. Archibald Blair, in partnership with his brother, the Rev. James Blair, and their good friend, Col. Philip Ludwell, to open a retail store in 1701 or 1702. By 1719, Archibald Blair's store was a small frame building on the north side of Duke of GloucesterStreet. In 1727 Col Ludwell died and his share of the store was bought by the Blair brothers. By 1733 the store evolved from a partnership to a stock concern.

In this same year William Prentis became proprietor, and a stockholder, of the Blair-Prentis-Cary (a son-in-law) store. Over the remaining years of his life he continued to accumulate shares until at his death he owned 9/24 of the enterprise. If one goes to Williamsburg today, one will find the Prentis home on Duke of Glochester Street and, down the road, the Prentis-Tarpley store.

One story holds that Joseph Prentis invested in English tea that was thrown overboard in Yorktown, the so-called Virginia Tea Party, but proof is presently lacking.

William Prentis m. Mary Brooke of Williamsburg, VA, daughter of John Brooke and his wife Ann of York Co., VA. He died 4 Aug 1765. She was b. 1710 and d. 9 Apr 1768. Children:

  1. John Prentis, b. 1730. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [5]
  2. William Prentis. Died 28 Sep 1735 (per TPF)
  3. William Prentis, b. c. 1750.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6]
  4. Daniel Prentis, b. c. 1740-50.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [7]
  5. Joseph Prentis, b. 24 Jan 1754.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [8]
  6. Sarah Prentis, b. c. 1740-45.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [9]
  7. Elizabeth Prentis. Born c. 1752 and d. Oct 1770, age 18, unmarried. `

4. (perhaps) Joseph Prentis (John-2), b. c. 1690-1700. At pg. 113 of TPF is mention that "In the Jones Papers, the signature of a Joseph Prentis appears in 1721. It is possible that this Joseph Prentis was (William Prentis') brother and Robert Prentis' father." It may be inferred that Joseph was then an adult and born before 1700 and probably in or near London, England if the information provided by SharonSchutte's letter of 9 Nov 2001 is correct. Children (per TPF):

  1. Daniel Prentis. Born c. 1720-40(?). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [10]
  2. Joseph Prentis. Born c. 1719, London. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [11]
  3. Robert Prentis, b. 20 Feb 1740-41 or 1741-42. Died after 1807. . . . [12]

5. John Prentis (William-3), b. 1730 (per Irma Prentice, email, 27 Jan 2004, citing "VA Colonial Soldiers). According to "The Prentis Family and Their Library, John was Justice of the Peace from 1754 to 1771, Sheriff of York County from August, 1759 to July 1761, Mayor of Williamsburg for the year 1760, Judge of the York County Court, vestryman of Bruton Parish Church in 1769, and held a number of other public offices. He was named Executor in his father's 1861 Will. John Prentis operated his father's business until John's death on ll Nov 1775, at which time the business passed to his "cousin," Robert Prentis (see TPF, pg. 22).

"The Prentis Family and Their Library," says John married Betsey Goodwin. No children were mentioned.

6. William Prentis (William-3)., perhaps b. c. 1740 and apparently an adult at the time he was named in his fatherís 1761

7. Daniel Prentis (William-3).. Born, c. 1740-50 in VA?2. At the present time, there appears to have been three men named Daniel Prentis in VA in this time frame:

	a.  Daniel (#7) the son of William Prentis (#3), b. 1740-50.
	b.  Daniel (#10), the son of Joseph Prentis (#4), b. 1720-40?
	c.  Daniel (#10i), the son of Daniel (#10), b. 1725-65?
Daniel is here tentatively identified as the son William (#3), but further investigation may show the facts to be otherwise. In any event, one of them is almost certainly the father of Lucretia Prentice who m. Solmon Carpenter on 5 Sep 1783 in Botetourt Co., VA. Daniel married Isabel (see Botetourt Co. Deed, Bk. 4, pg. 371 where his wife is named).

According to a 28 Feb 2003 posting on Prentice-L@Rootsweb.com on the internet by JWMSkip@aol.com, Daniel was in Botetourt Co. Va., 22 May 1770 where he had a survey done on 93 acres of land on the south side of James River on Potts Creek. In 1791, according to a 1791 Botetourt Co., Va. Deed (book 4, page 371), Daniel and Isabel sold their land to Samuel Dew. The sold land is described as on Potts Creek, near Carpenter's line, 170 acres, except for small parcel within the bounds, granted to members of Methodist Episcopal Church for a building and grave yard. Apparently it was at that time when Daniel and his family then moved to Madison Co., Ky where at least 3 of his children married there: William (#13), Mary, (#7v) and Daniel (#15).

Daniel is said to have died in Wayne Co., KY about 1805, but documentary confirmation is needed. Isabel was in Sevier Co., TN where she purchased 186 acres in Sevier Co. on 22 May 1810. Children:

  1. Lucretia2 Prentice. Born, circa 1765 and perhaps in Augusta Co., VA where her father is listed on a bond dated 31 Oct 1764. She married Solomon Carpenter, 5 Sep 1783, in Unk., Botetourt, VA2. An Ancestor Chart for Solomon can be found at Ancestry.com . Children:
    1. Moses Carpenter. Married Lavina West in 1810 in Wayne Co., KY. She was b. Jan 1793, KY, the dau. of Samuel West, b. c. 1770 (per Ancestry.com. Marshel Cunningham,by email of 27 Sep 1998, calls him a Rev. War soldier, but he would have been too young to be a regular soldier. Lavina was a sister of Susannah West who m. William Prentice (704/13) (per Marshel Cunningham, 10 Oct 1998).
    2. Daniel Carpenter, b. c. 1800.(per Ancestry.com)
  2. (perhaps) Zachariah Prentice, b, c, 1766-71. (See Pg. 785/1 and 787, fn. 5) He may have had a son, James Prentice, 785/1, b. c. 1793. Zachariah was an adult, living in Sevier Co., TN in 1813. James named his eldest son, ìZachariah.î Since the name is one of the less common names, the adult might be Jamesí father. In addition, descendants of James, like those of Daniel, also moved to Shelby Co., AL.
  3. William Prentice, b. 1779, in Botetourt, VA5. . . . . . . . . . . . . [13]
  4. John Prentice, b. 3 Oct 1772. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [14]
  5. Hannah Prentice, b. c. 1775, Rockingham Co., VA. . . . . . . . .[15]
  6. Mary/Polly Prentice, b. circa 1780, in VA2. She m. John Walker, 23 Jan 1806, in Unk., Madison, KY2. Resided, 1839, in Marshall Co., AL. Census: 1810, in Wayne Co., KY2. Census: 1830, in Jackson Co., AL
  7. Daniel Prentice, born, 1782, in Unk., Botetourt, VA2. . . . . . . [16]
  8. (child) Prentice, b. before 1785.
  9. (omitted). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [17]

8. Joseph Prentis (William-3)., b. 24 Jan 1754 in Williamsburg, VA He d. in Williamsburg 18 Jun 1809. Joseph Prentis graduated from William and Mary College in 1777. 1786 was speaker of the House of Delegates. 1790 was appointed by the General Assembly, with others, to revise the laws of Virginia. In 1791 was elected a visitor of William and Mary College and from 4 Jan 1788 to his death in 1809 was one of the judges of the General Court of Virginia.

He m. Margaret Bowdoin on 16 Dec 1778. She was the dau. of John Bowdoin II and Grace Stringer of Northampton Co., VA. An Ancestor Chart for John Bowdoin can be fount at Ancestry.com . Joseph and Margaret had eight children, four of whom survived to adulthood:

  1. William Bowdoin Prentis, b. 17 Apr 1780 & d. 15 Oct 1783, age 3.
  2. Joseph Prentis, b . 24 Jan 1783; d. 29 or 30 Apr 1851. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [18]
  3. William Prentis, b. 13 Jan 1785 & d. 9 Aug 1790, age 5
  4. John Bowdoin Prentis, b. 15 Feb 1787 & d. 13 Feb 1789, age 2
  5. John Brooke Prentis, b. Feb. 1789; d. 1855; m. Catherine Dabney of Richmond, VA on 11 May 1814. No children.
  6. Elizabeth Bowdoin Prentis, b. 14 Apr 1791. Married, 1st, Samuel. Vickery; m. 2nd Benjamin Pollard, both of Norfolk, VA. Children of Elizabeth and Samuel:
    1. Margaret Vickery, b. by 17 Aug 1829.
    2. Ellen Vickery.
    3. Mary Ann Vickery.
    4. George Vickery.
    5. Fanny Vickery.
    6. Nat Vickery.
  7. Robert Waters Prentis, b. 6 Nov 1794 & d. 18 Nov 1794, age 10 days.
  8. Mary Ann Prentis, b. 19 Mar 1796 & d. 5 Feb 1828. Married Capt. Edward Chamberlain of Norfolk, VA on 11 Feb 1817. Children:
    1. (son) Chamberlain, b. by 26 May 1827.

9. Sarah Prentis (William-3), b. c. 1740-45 as she was m. to William Waters at the time of her fatherís 1861 Will. She is also mentioned in the 1773 Will of her brother, William. Children (per TPF):

i.	Anne Waters.
ii.	Sally Waters, b. 21 Aug 1752 & d. 29 Sep 1828.  She m. David Meade, 
	b. 9 Aug 1743 & he d. Jul 1829.  Children (per TPF):
	a.	Susan Meade who m. Nathaniel Massey.

10. Daniel Prentis (Joseph-4). Born c. 1720-40?. At pg. 113 of TPF is mention that "In the Jones Papers, the signature of a Joseph Prentis appears in 1721. It is possible that this Joseph Prentis was (William Prentis') brother and Robert Prentis' father." It may be inferred that Joseph was then an adult and born before 1700. Children of Daniel (per TPF):Children (per TPF):

i.	Daniel Prentis.  Born c. 1725-65?.  (See discussion under #7)
ii.	Elizabeth Prentis.  Born c. 1725-65?

11. Joseph Prentis Jr. [Joseph-4] . Born c. 1719, London, England. The name of his wife is not yet known (per Sharon Schutte's letters of 9 Nov 2001 and 11 Feb 2002). Children of Joseph Prentis Jr:

  1. Mary/Polly Prentis, b. 3 Jun 1755.
  2. Anne Prentis, b. 12 Jul 1758.
  3. William Prentis, b. 4 Sep 1761, London. . . . . . . . . [19]
  4. Thomas Prentis, b. 29 May 1763.
  5. Eliza "Liza" Johana Prentis, b. 14 Aug 1769.
  6. Elizabeth "Betsy" Prentis, b. 13 Oct 1771. She m Samuel Vickery.

12. Robert Prentis (Joseph-4), b. 20 Feb 1740-41 or 1741-42. At pg. 113 of TPF is mention that "In the Jones Papers, the signature of a Joseph Prentis appears in 1721. It is possible that this Joseph Prentis was (William Prentis') brother and Robert Prentis' father." It may be inferred that Joseph was then an adult and born before 1700. Robert d. after 1807.

13 William Prentice (Daniel-7, William-3). Farmer, b. 1779, in Botetourt, VA, and d. 1850 in Marshall, AL.

He m. Susannah West, 23 Jan 1805, in Madison Co., KY. She was b. 1782 in Greenbrier,WV per Ancestry.com . They appear in the 1810 Wayne Co., KY census. Children:

  1. John Prentice. Born, 1805. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [20]
  2. Samuel Wesley Prentice. Born, 20 Jan 1809. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [21]
  3. (male) Prentice. Born, circa 18102.
  4. Joshua Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [22]
  5. James Prentice. Born, 1822, in Unk, Jackson, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [23]
  6. Tellitha Prentice. Born, 1823, in Unk, Jackson, AL2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[24]
  7. (female) Prentice. Born, circa 1825, in Unk, Jackson, AL.
  8. Wesley Garfield Prentice, b. 22 Jan 1832, Jackson Co., AL. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [25]
  9. (female) Prentice. Born, circa 1834.
  10. (female) Prentice. Born, circa 1836.
  11. Isabella Prentice. Born, circa 1838, in Marshall Co., AL2.

14. John Prentice (Daniel-7, William-3). Said to live in Blount Co., AL., and is probably the John Prentice shown in the 1850 Shelby Co., AL census (pg. 186) as born 3 Oct 1772 in VA. He d. 26 Oct 1854 and buried, with his wife, in Montevallo, Shelby, AL (per Marshel Cunningham, 18 Oct 1998). Marshel relates that ìJohn was a big slave owner. By 1870 in Shelby County, not a single white Prentice male is on the census...lots of black Prentice men, as the slaves took their masterís name when freedom came.î

John married Rhoda Lovelady who me married Apr 1804 in Sevier Co., TN. Note: Robert Prentice (775/1) was born in 1777 somewhere in Virginia. As Ensign, Robert Prentice was a member of the Tennessee Militia from Sevier Co, TN on 10 Oct 1796. It is not known whether Robert and John are related. Rhoda was b. 27 Feb 1786 and d. 23 Sep 1855), and children:

  1. William S. Prentice, b. c. 1812, TN. He is shown in the 1850 Shelby Co., AL census as a Farmer with his wife, Nancy, b. c. 1814 in TN. He is tentatively listed as John's son because of the name of one of his daughters, Rhoda, perhaps after Rhoda Lovelady, above. Children:
    1. Mary J. Prentice, b. c. 1841, AL.
    2. Martha Prentice, b. c. 1845, AL.
    3. Rhoda A. Prentice, b. c. 1850, AL.
  2. Daniel W. Prentice, b. c. 1816, TN. . . . . . . . . . . [26]
  3. Hannah Prentice.
  4. Elizabeth Prentice
  5. Julia Ann Prentice. She m. Elzy Veazy.
  6. Nancy A./Cornelia Prentice, b. c. 1827, AL. She is probably the Nancy Prentice who m. Robert Wyatt on 6 Mar 1842 (per marriage index) in Shelby Co., AL. Children:
    1. Rosebud Wyatt, b. c. 1846, AL.
    2. Daisy/Daisey Wyatt, b. c. 1848, AL
  7. Lousa Prentice.
  8. Mary H. Prentice.

15 Hannah Prentice, b. c. 1775, Rockingham Co. (formerly Augusta Co.), VA and d. 8 Oct 1845, Montevallo, Shelby, AL.

She m. Dr. Joshua West in 1793. He was b. 1771, Rockingham Co., VA, moved with his family in the 1780s to Greenbriar Co., VA and later WV, and licensed a Methodist preacher 17 Oct 1792. The moved to Savier Co., TN in 1794 and where he was licensed to practice medicine in 1812. They moved from Seveir Co., TN to Shelby Co., AL in late 1816. (Per Marshel Cunningham, 26 Sep, 10 Oct and 18 Oct 1998.) He died in Shelby Co., AL 8 Jan 1860. Children (per Marshel Cunningham, 27 Sep 1998):

  1. Isabella West.
  2. Margaret Ann West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [27]
  3. Alexander West.
  4. William West.
  5. Esther West.
  6. Mary West.
  7. Elisha West. He may have m. Ms. Randall who had a brother, B. F. Randall.
  8. Jefferson West. Living in Shelby Co., AL in 1855. He m. and had:
    1. John A. West, living in Shelby Co. in 1855.
    2. Joshua Q. West, living in Shelby Co. in 1855.
  9. John Porter West. Living in Shelby Co., AL in 1855.
  10. Isabella West.
  11. Martha West.
  12. Penelope West.

16. Daniel2 Prentice (Daniel-7, William-3). Born, 1782, in Unk., Botetourt, VA2. Died, 1855, in Wayne Co., KY7.

He married Levinia Willis Kinder, 2 Dec 1805, in Unk, Madison, KY. He also appears in the 1810 Madison Co., KY census. Children (per 1850 Autauga Co., AL census and Marshel Cunningham, 27 Sep 1998):

  1. Penelope3 Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [28]
  2. Hampton Prentice. Born, 1812. (Fn. 2) Census: 1830, in Wayne Co., KY2. Census: 1850 and 1860.
  3. (maybe son) Carroll Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [29]
  4. Caswell Prentice. See Carroll Prentice, above.
  5. (maybe dau.) Rhoda (Prentice?). Born, circa 1813. Census: 1850
  6. Isabella Prentice (per 1850 census).

Daniel appears in the 1850 census of Wayne Co., KY living in the home of his daughter, Penelope. Also listed is, Isabella, b. c. 178211. She is likely a second wife, but might be Daniel's mother. With them is Emily who is probably Daniel's daughter and is tentatively so-listed..

  1. Emily Prentice. Born, 1839. Census: 1850, in Wayne Co., KY12.

17. (Omitted)

18. Joseph Prentis (Joseph-8, William-3), b . 24 Jan 1783. He died on 29 or 30 Apr 1851. He was a lawyer, Commonwealth attorney for Nansemond Co., VA, clerk of the County Court and from 1811 to 1825 United States surveyor and inspector of Suffolk, VA. He was a member of the Virginia Convention to revise the Constitution in 1829, a visitor of William and Mary College in 1824, and "a man without an enemy." (Peter B. Prentiss' letter, 1875.)

He m. Susan Carr/Caroline Riddick on 10 Jan 1810. Joseph's wife, Susan, was born in Nansemond Co., VA and was the daughter of Col. Robert Moor Riddick and his wife, Elizabeth Riddick, daughter of Col. Willis Riddick and his wife, Mary Foulke. Susan died 19 Oct 1862. Children (per TPF):

  1. Margaret Susan Prentis, b. Nov. 1810. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [30]
  2. Robert Riddick Prentis, b. 11 Apr 1818 and d. 23 Nov 1871. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [31]
  3. Peter Bowdoin Prentis, Attorney, b. 5 Apr 1820. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [32]
  4. Marianna Saunders Prentis, b. c. 1812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [33]
  5. John Brooke Prentis, b. Jun 1822 and died, unmarried, 30 Sep 1862, age 40
  6. Eliza Jackson Prentis, b. 18 Jan 1815 to 28 Aug 1815, age 7 months.
  7. Joseph Prentis, b. c. 1816-30 and d. 8 Jan 1831, age 1 to 15 years.
  8. Elizabeth Riddick Prentis, b. 28 Jul 1824 & d. 7 Oct 1824, age 2 months.
  9. Maria Louisa Prentis, b. 28 Jul 1824 & d. 26 Sep 1833, age 9 years.
  10. Joseph Prentis, b. 1 Jan 1831 & d. 16 Jul 1831, age 6 months.
  11. Louisa Josephine Prentis, b. 29 Oct 1833 & d. 17 Sep 1844, age 10 years.

19. William Prentis (Joseph-11), b. 4 Sep 1761 in London, England and d. 29 Feb 1824 in Petersburg, Prince George Co., VA (per biographical sketch provided by Sharon Schutte's letter of 9 Nov 2001 and letter of 11 Feb 2002).

William m. Mary/Polly Geddy 5 Mar 1789 at Petersburg, VA. The following information is from "Kentucky: A History of the State," and we proceed using the information contained in that article. William Prentis, was a printer by trade and edited the "Virginia Gazette and Petersburgh Intelligencer", one of the first papers ever published in the colonies. In 1785, the edition of the laws of Virginia was printed by William Prentis and Thomas Nicholson. William also was at one time mayor of the city of Petersburg and was a subscriber to Marshall's "Life of Washington." Children:

  1. Robert Prentis, b. c. 1790, Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA. In his father's letter of 20 Dec 1806, he says that "Robert is in an English School; he goes on tolerably well...is learning reading, writing, and English grammer." That suggests he may in 1808 have been age 7 or 8 and perhaps b. c. 1790. (per Sharon Schuttes, email, 2 Nov 2001 and letter of 11 Feb 2002)
  2. James Prentis, b. 24 Sep 1793 in Dinwiddie, VA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [34]
  3. John Herbert Prentis, b. Apr 1800, VA and d. 1849, KY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [35]
  4. Martin Harrison Prentis, b. c. 1811. (per Sharon Schuttes, email, 2 Nov 2001)
  5. Lucy Harrison Prentis, b. c. 1811 (per Sharon Schuttes, email, 2 Nov 2001)

20. John Berry Prentice (William-13, Daniel-7. William-3), b. c. 1805 in Madison Cp/. KY, and d. Apr 1960 in Summit, Blount Co., AL. Farmer.

He married, c. 1827 in TN, Mariah/Marriah Green, b. 15 Dec 1807. She was b. 15 Dec 1807 in TN and d. 1879 in Giles Co., TX. Children (per Marshel Cunningham, 27 Sep 1998 and 1850 Blount Co., AL census, and Leota Miller, 10 Apr 2001):

  1. Caroline Prentice, b. 22 Jun 1827, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [36]
  2. William Prentice, b. c. 1829, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [37]
  3. Alexander Prentice, b. c. 1832, AL. He m. Susan B. Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [38]
  4. Mary Prentice, b. c. 1832, Jackson, AL, and d. 1865, Blount, AL, age 33. She is probably the Mary Prentice shown in the Marriage Index as marrying Allen Robert Self (1832-1908). Children:
    1. Martha Self
    2. Caroline Self
    3. Evaline Self
    4. Mary A Self
  5. John Prentice, b. c. 1836, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39]
  6. Susan Prentice, b. Aug 1838, Marshall, AL, and d. 1 Mar 1920, Colbert, AL, and bur. there, age 81.

    She m. 1st. L. F. J. Campbell on 26 Jun 1861, Blount, AL. She m. 2ndPresley Tharp on 1 Jan 1870, Colbert, AL. He was b. 15 Jan 1847, Franklin, AL, and d. 25 Jan 1892, Colbert, AL, and bur, there, age 45. Daughter:

    1. Eliza Tharp, b. 3 Aug 1874, in Colbert, AL, and d. there on 5 Feb 1910, age 35. She m. John W. Kirland on 3 Aug 1897, Colbert, AL, and d. 5 Feb 19100, age 35. He was b. 28 Oct 1872, AL, and d. 5 Apr 1923, Colbert, AL, age 50. Children:
      1. Moses R. Kirkland
      2. Linnie P. Kirkland
      3. Gracie Kirkland
      4. Geneva Kirkland
      5. Presley A. Kirkland
      6. John H. Kirkland
  7. James Jefferson Prentice, b. c. 1842, Blount Co., AL. He m. Fannie Brownlow and Mary Story (per John Casall, email, 20
  8. Jennie Prentice, b. c. 1870, Giles Co., TN.
  • Wesley Prentice, aka Wiley Prentice, b. c. 1844, Blount Co., AL, and d. May 1880, Giles Co., TN. He m. Mary L., b. c. 1847, TN.
    1. Mackey Prentice, b. c. 1861, TN.
    2. Jeffy Prentice, b. c. 1872, TN.
  • Eliza Jane "Jennie" Prentice, b. 30 Aug 1850, Summit, Blount Co,. AL. She m. Joseph A. Collins on 23 Dec 1875, Giles Co., TN and d. there (per John Casall, email, 20 Mar 2007).
  • Mack Pfrentice. Did not marry. Died age 22 (per John Casall, email, 20 Mar 2007).

    21. Samuel Wesley Prentice (William-13, Daniel-7. William-3), b. 20 Jan 1809 in Wayne Co., KY and d. 18 Oct 1901 in Marshall Co., Alabama.

      Note: this information, and information about all of his descendants, has been prepared and provided by Cecil Prentice Jr.

    Samuel was buried on Oct 20 1901 in Marshall Co., Alabama at Brashiers Chapel Methodist. Uncle Sammy, as he was known in the community, built the Buckhole Mill in 1880 located about 1/4 mile from the Ragsdale Falls. The power for the mill was furnished by a creek and transportation by wagon.. According to Cecil Prentice Sr., Samuel Wesley Prentice homesteaded a farm at New Canaan. The modern New Canaan Baptist Church is located inside the boundaries of that homestead. His house was in the clump of woods that border the modern cemetery's north boundary. Is known as the "Old Watwood Home"and is now owned by Clinton Skelton. ..Deed Book E of The Alabama Records on page 43 notes' "Page 219. Nathaniel Majors and wife, Sarah Majors of Jackson County to Samuel Pruntin (or Puntin) 11 Feb. 1834. Compiled by Paulin Jones Gandrud, copyright 1981, Southern Historical Press, Easley, S.C.Old Huntsville Land Office Records & Military Warrants 1810-1854, compliled by Marilyn Davis Barefield, copyfight 1985 by Marilyn Davis Barefield, 1108 South 28th Street, Apr. 1, Birmingham, AL 35205, published by Southern Historical Press, Inc. c/o Teh rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., PO Box 738, Easley, S.C. 29641.

    An entry on page 81 in this book appears as " "12/20/1836 Samuel Prentice Marshall Co. 9 7 3E " Date Purchaser Residence Sec TSP RNGOn page 151 of that book under, "Militaryh Land Warrants, Register of Recipts, Ledger 171 is the following entry: "9615 11/30/51 William Precise Jackson 31 2 5E 9615 refers to the Military Land Warrent number. Otherwise same as the above entries.On page 37 of that book under "Huntsville Land Office, Register of Receipts, 1820-1841, Book 400, is found the following entry: "10/25/1832 Samuel Prentiss, Jackson Co. Sec 10 Tnp 7 Rng 3E"

    On the 1860 Alabama Census, his real estate was valued at $200 and his personal estate was valued at $760. Samuel was a hard drinking man who loved to fight. Cecil Prentice Sr. has one of Samuel's bills for one gallon of whisky. Cecil Sr. tells the story that heard in the family of Samuel having beaten everyone in the saloon in Warrenton, AL was himself beaten pretty badly by five King Brothers. May have been because of his political views. He was pro Union or as known in the community, a "Black Republican". The family always maintained that they had never owned slaves after leaving Virginia. We think that when things got too hot in valley where the secessionist movement was strong, Samuel sold his land and moved on top of the mountain which was mostly uninhabited at the time.

    He was a hunter, famer. and mill operator. Wore size 13 shoes. He used to laugh as he told the story of spending a whole day tracking a big man before he realized that he was tracking himself.

    He built his last home with a hidden entrance in the hall closet to the attic. An English side saddle, Pennsylvania rifle, blunderbuss, double barreled shotgun and other flintlock rifles were in that attic along with his wife's spinning wheel and weaving rack. Lost all when his grandson, Daniel W., moved to town and rented the house. Only one truck left when he died

    He m. 1st Jane Morrow Griffin, dau. of W. W. and Adella/Adrian H. Griffith. She was buried in Union Methodist Church, Marshall County, Alabama. Last name may have been Griffin. In Tuttle Thompson's business diary, he listed her father as W.W. Griffin. Morrow would then be her middle name, first marriage name or possibly her mother's maiden name. Samuel and Jane had the following children:

    1. Louisa Jane Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [40]
    2. Lucinda Frances Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . [41]
    3. Polly Prentice, b 1834. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .[42]
    4. Elizabeth J. Prentice (Samuel-20, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. c. 1836-38. She m. John B. Tipton before 1855 in AL. Children:
      1. Samuel Wesley Tipton, b. c. 1855, AL.
      2. Malinda C. Tipton, b. c. 1859 in AL.

    He m. 2nd Malinda Crumerafter Aug 14 1847 in Marshall Co., AL. Malinda was b. 8 Mar 1816 in Greenville Co., SC and d. 25 Mar 1896; bur. 1896 in Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery. Children:

    1. Samuel David Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . .[43]
    2. James Franklin Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . .[44]
    3. Daniel I. Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[45]

    22. Joshua Prentice (William, 6). Born, circa 1812, in Unk, Wayne Co., KY. Died, circa 1848, in Marshall Co., AL13.

    He married Pamelia Noble, 11 Jun 1838, in Marshall Co., AL. Born, 1814, in SC. She may have married, 2nd, James Milford 9 Feb 1854. Children:

    1. Sarah Ann4 Prentice. Born, 5 Jan 1839, in Marshall Co., AL. Died, 15 May 1904, in Littleville, AL. She m. Robert Tharp, 16 May 1858.
    2. Samuel P. Prentice. Born, 1840, in Marshall Co., AL. Died in Civil War. He married Elizabeth.
    3. Mary Jane Prentice. Born, 1842, in Marshall Co., AL. Died, 1863, in IL. She married Edwin Johnson, 25 Aug 1859 in Lauderdale Co., AL.
    4. Susan N. Prentice. Born, 1845, in Marshall Co., AL. Died, 1920, in Littleville, AL. She is probably the Susan Prentice shown in the 1860 Lauderdale Co., AL census, pg. 062. She married Presley Tharp, 1 Jan 1870. Died, 8 Apr 1899, in Unk., Colbert, AL. She married John Wesley Andrews, 10 May 1867.

    23. James Prentice (son of William, #13 above). Born, 1822, in Unk, Jackson Co., AL2.

    He married 1st Eliza Jane (or Elizabeth Jane) Roberts, 25 Feb 1846, in Marshal Co., AL. Eliza Jane died about 1871, Giles Co., TN. James and Eliza Jane are buried side by side in Giles with a stone for a headstone. Children:

    1. Susan Prentice, b. 1847, Marshall Co., AL. She m. William J. Brewer on 16 Feb 1869 in Giles Co., TN. He was b. c. 1843, TN. They appear in the 1880 census in Giles Co., TN, with their children:
      1. Ansa Nat Brewer, b. c. 1870, Giles Co., TN and d. 23 Oct 1898. Bur. Fritts Cemetery/Coffee Cemetery, Lauderdale Co., AL.
      2. Elizabeth Vergamie "Jenny" Brewer, b. 27 Nov 1871, Giles Co., TN. She m. Richard Hamner. Children (per Joyce Prentice, email, 12 Dec 2005):
        1. Jim Hamner
        2. Fred Hamner
        3. Necie Hamner, b. 16 Apr 1895. She m. Ernest P. Joiner.
      3. Susan M. Brewer, b. c. 1874, Giles Co., TN.
      4. James W. Brewer, b. c. 1877, Giles Co., TN.
      5. Jeff Brewer (per Joyce Prentice, email, 8 Dec 2005)
      6. Etta Brewer (per Joyce Prentice, email, 8 Dec 2005)

      Also living with Susan and her family was her sister, Vilantie C. Prentice, below.

    2. William Wesley Prentice, b. 13 Feb 1849, Marshall Co., AL. . . . . [46]
    3. John J. Prentice, b. 1852, Blount Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [47]
    4. Bertha/Betsy Ann Prentice, b. 1854, Blount Co., AL. She m. Thomas Williamson on 25 Mar 1877, Giles Co., TN. He was b. c. 1857, TN. They had 1 or more children, including:
      1. Lee W. Williamson, b. c. 1879, Giles Co., TN.
    5. Mary Jane Prentice, b. 1859, Blount Co., AL.
    6. Louis Virgil Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [48]
    7. Vilanta C. Prentice, b. 15 Jun 1866, Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . [49]
    8. Henry Prentice, b. 1867, Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[50]
    9. Jimi Ella Prentice. She was b. Feb 1870 in Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . .[51]

    James Prentice m., 2nd, on 24 Dec.1872, Martha Annie Roberts, a sister to Jamesí 1st wife, Eliza Jane. Martha Annie was b. 8 May 1838, died 26 June 1916 in Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL and is bur in Bluewater Cemetery. Children of James and Martha (per John Skipworth, email, 1 Jul 2002):

    1. James French ìBuddyî Prentice, b. 3 Mar 1874, Giles Co., and d. 6 Feb 1951. Lauderdale Co., AL. He is bur. in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL He did not marry.
    2. Barbara Aquilla Prentice, b. 27 Mar 1876, Giles County, TN. . . . . . . . . . .[52]

    24. Tellitha Prentice. Born, 1823, in Unk, Jackson, AL2. She married Thomas J. Thompson, 23 Sep 1841, in Marshall Co., AL. Children (per 1850 Marshall Co. census):

    	(1)  Samuel Thompson, b. c. 1846, AL.
    	(2)  William Taylor/Payton Thompson, b. c. 1848, AL.

    25. William Wesley Garfield Prentice (William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. 22 Jan 1832, Jackson Co., AL.

    He married Sarah Elizabeth Acock, 20 Sep 1857, in Blount Co., AL. She was b. 1 Feb 1837 & d. 6 Jul 1903 (per headstones) and bur. in Jones Chapel Cem., Vinemont, AL. She was the dau. of Joel Aycock. Children per 1880 Cullman Co., AL census:

    1. Martha A. Prentice, b. May 1858, Blount Co., AL, per Group Sheet from Barbara Stephenson. She m. David K. Brewer on 5 Sep 1873 in Lawrence Co., TN. He was b. 1854, TN.
    2. Susannah m. L. G. Prentice, b. 8 Mar 1860, Blount Co., AL, per group Sheet from Barbara Stephenson. She m. William C. Vance on 14 May 1879 in Cullman Co., AL. She may be the Susan M. L. Prentice shown in the Marriage Index as marrying William C. Vance on 14 May 1879 in Cullman Co., AL. He was b. 26 Mar 1857.
    3. Sarah E. Roxanna Prentice, b. Apr 1869, Lawrence Co., TN. She m. William J. L. Chapman on 8 Nov 1888 in Cullman Co., AL. He was b. Nov 1869
    4. Fanny E. Prentice, b. c. 1875, AL. She m. William Elliott on 1 Oct 1893 in Cullman Co., AL.
    5. Deborah "Dezey" D. Prentice, b. c. 1879, AL. She m. Hiram J. Moore on 3 Feb 1895 in Cullman Co., AL.
    6. Cynthia/Marsillie Prentice, b. Oct 1881, Cullman Co., AL (per 1900 census). She m. Isaac Glover on 24 Feb 1901 in Cullman Co., AL. He was b. 17 May 1878, AL.
    7. (probably) Sarah L. R. Prentice, shown in the Marriage Index as marrying William J. C. Chapman on 8 Nov 1888 in Cullman Co., AL.

    26. Daniel W. Prentice (son of John Prentice and Rhoda Lovelady) b. 12 Aug 1814, Sevier Co., TN and d. 8 Dec 1868, Shelby Co., AL. He is shown in the 1850 Shelby Co., AL census with his wife, Audora Randall, dau. of Dudley Randall; she was b. c. 1830 in AL. He is buried in the Montevallo Cemetery beside his father and mother, and his grave is surrounded by a highly ornate iron fence with no gate. Children (per Marshel Roy Cunningham, 27 Sep and 27 Oct 1998:

    1. George Dryden Prentice, b. Jul 1849, AL . . . . . . . . . .[53]

    After Daniel died, Audora and George moved to live with her father, Dudley Randall, who was then living in Walker Co., Texas (per Marshal Roy Cunningham, 25 Jul 1999). In the 1900 census she was living with her son, George, in Walker Co., TX.

    27. Margaret Ann ìAnnyî West who m. Moses Johnson. Children:

    1. Rebecca Johnson m. Mr. Clayton. Children:
      1. Susan V. Clayton m. Shadrach C. Barnett. Children:
        1. Albert S. Barnett m. Nancy Louisa Lucas. Children:
          1. Shelby Barnett m. Ollie B. Evans. Children:
            1. Nettie Catherine B. Barnett m. James Kenneth Cunningham Jr. Children:
              1. Marshel Cunningham, b. c. 1956, a country schoolteacher in 1998 living in Montevallo, Shelby, AL in a log cabin built by his ancestors about 1817.
    2. Isaac Johnson, living in Shelby Co. in 1855 (per Marshel Cunningham, 27 Oct 1998)
    3. Joshua Johnson, living in Shelby Co. in 1855 (per Marshel Cunningham, 27 Oct 1998)

    28. Penelope3 Prentice (Daniel-15. Daniel-7, William-3). Born, circa 18092. Census: 1850, in Wayne Co., KY14. A Daniel Prentice, b. 1782, and his possible wife, Isabella, were living in Penelope's home in the 1850 Wayne Co., KY census. She married Squire Roberts15, 15 May 1827, in Wayne Co., KY. Born, circa 180116. Died, 1861, in Wayne Co., KY2. Census: 1850, in Wayne Co., KY. In his Will of 29 Jan 1861, proved 5 Feb 1861, he makes a bequest of $200 to "my sister in law, Isabella Prentice" and a further bequest "to my niece, Emily Prentice. Children:

    	i.	Granville C.4 Roberts. Born, 1827, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	ii.	Bowlin E. Roberts. Born, 1830, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	ii.	Daniel P. Roberts. Born, 1832, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	iv.	Edward S. Roberts. Born, 1835, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	v.	Nancy Elizabeth E. Roberts. Born, 1837, in Wayne Co., KY.  
    		She apparently married a Mr. Shepperd as she is called 
    		Nancy E. Shepperd in her father's Will.
    	vi.	Eliza Ann Roberts. Born, 1839, in Wayne Co., KY.  
    		She apparently married a Mr. Alexander as she is called 
    		Eliza Ann Alexander in her father's Will.
    	vii.	Levinia Roberts. Born, 1841, in Wayne Co., KY.  
    	viii.	Squire John M. Roberts. Born, 1843, in Wayne Co., KY.  Died, 1852.
    	ix.  	Newton Roberts. Born, 1845, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	x.  	Amanda Jane Roberts. Born, 1846, in Wayne Co., KY.
    	xi.	Mary L. W. Roberts. Born, 1848, in Wayne Co., KY.

    29. Carroll Prentice aka Caswell Prentice (Daniel-16, Daniel-7, William-3). Born, 1810, in KY17. Tentatively identified as Daniel's son because Carroll named a son, Hampton, and Daniel (#7, above) had a son named Hampton. Because of the unusual name, it probably runs within a single family; that would create an uncle-nephew relation between the two Hampton Prentices.

    Note the 1950 census, below, followed by the 1960 census, below.Caswell Printice. Although there is a slight surname spelling difference, slight age differences, name difference between Levina and Leona, they are unquestionably the same family since Perline Prentice has either died or moved away by 1960 at age 22.

      Name Age 1850 census:
      Carroll Prentice 	40
      Rebecca Prentice 	36
      Perlina Prentice 	12
      Hampton Prentice 	10
      Margaret Prentice 	7
      Levina Prentice 	5
      Susan Prentice 	1
      Name Age 1860 census
      Caswell Printice 	49
      Rebeca Printice 	44
      Hampton Printice 	20
      Margret Printice 	18
      Leona Printice 		16
      Susan F Printice 	12

    Carroll/Caswell married Rebecca, circa 1836. Born, 1814, in KY. 1850 Census in 58th Dist., Moniteau Co., MO. 1860 in census in Newton, Barton Co., MO. Died, after 1900, in Choctaw Nation, (Garland), Haskell Co., OK. Children:

    i.	Darlena Prentice. Born, 1838, in MO.      
    ii.	Hampton Prentice.   						[54]	
    iii.	Margaret Anne Prentice, b. 6 Mar 1842 in Baton Co., MO.		[55]
    iv.	Levica Prentice. Born, 1845, in MO.      
    v.	Susan F. Prentice. Born, 1849, in MO.      
    vi.	Rachel Prentice, b. c. 1850, MO
    vii.	Carroll Prentice, b. c. 1844, MO
    viii.	Rebecca E. Prentice, b. c. 1859, MO					[56]

    30. Margaret Susan Prentis, (Joseph-17, Joseph-8, William-3) b. Nov. 1810. She m. Dr. Robert Henning Webb of Suffolk, VA 22 Jan 1834 and died 24 Mar 1882. They res. Suffolk, VA. Children:

    i.	Joseph Prentis Webb, born 30 Oct 1843, died 27 Dec 1892.  Co. I, 13th VA Cav., 
    	CSA.  He married on 27 Jan 1881 Annie Jordan Darden, b. 17 Aug 1858, dau. of Algernon 
    	Sidney Darden and Mary Swepson Allen, dau. of Archibald Allen.  Children:
    	(a)	Robert Henning Webb, b. 21 Feb 1882 and m. Blanche F. Miller, Lisbon, OH.

    31. Robert Riddick Prentis (Joseph-17, Joseph-8, William-3) , b. 11 Apr 1818 and d. 23 Nov 1871. Lawyer and later proctor of the Univ. of VA until close of the war in 1865. Also clerk of the court of Albermarle Co., and Grand Master, Odd Fellows of the State of VA when he died.

    He m. Margaret Ann Whitehead on 21 Mar 1845. She was the dau. of Elliott Whitehead. Children:

    1. Joseph Prentis, b. 13 Jan 1846, Suffolk, VA. Solder in Confederate Army and killed at Malvern Hill on 1 Jul 1862. For more about Malvern Hill see Battle of Malvern Hill .
    2. Elliot/Elliott Whitehead Prentis, b. 28 Mar 1848, Suffolk. Civil Engineer, Hocking, OH. In 1860 census at home in St. Annes Parish, Albermarle, VA. 1870 census in Fredericksville Parish, Albermarle Co., VA, living at home. He d. 1876 (per Ancestry.com).
    3. Robert R. Prentis, b. c. 1849. Died young.
    4. Henning Webb Prentis, b. 22 Oct 1851, Suffolk, VA. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. The 1900 St. Louis, MO census shows he m. Mary Morton McNutt . She d. before 1910. She was the dau. of James M. McNutt and Mary Carrington Venable. 1910 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. Children:
      1. Margaret W. Prentis, b. Nov 1877, MO. 1910 at home in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY.
      2. Henning Webb Prentis Jr., b. Jul 1884, MO. 1920 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA, with his wife, Auda B., b. c. 1886, OH; no children shown. 1930 census in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA, where his wife is called Ida B.; no children shown.
      3. Hally/Hallie/Halley Morrison Prentis, b. 22 Sep 1885, St. Louis, MO, and d. Sep 1977, Slingerlands, Albany Co., NY. 1910 at home in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. She m. William Pierrepont Nelson on 5 Aug 1916, Cloumbia, MO. He was b. 28 Oct 1883, St. Louis, MO. Son:
        1. William Pierrepont Nelson, b. 9 Jan 1920, Now Orleans, LA, and d. 9 Mar 2003, Castro Valley, Alameda Co., CA per Ancestry.com . He m. Marjorie Maude Lyon. She was b. 22 Feb 1921, NY, and d. 22 Feb 2000, Castro Valley, Alameda Co., CA. They had 3 daughters:
          1. (dau.) Nelson. She m. John Buttress (1943-2006) and had 2 sons per Ancestry.com .
          2. (dau.) Nelson.
          3. (dau.) Nelson. She m. Mr. Russell and had 2 sons and a daughter per Ancestry.com .
      4. Morton McNutt Prentis, b. Jan 1887. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [57]
      5. Joseph E/Lee Prentis, b. 10 Jul 1888, St, Louis, St. Louis Co., MO. 1910 at home in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. He might be the Joseph E. Prentis shown in the 1920 and 1930 census in Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, as b. c 1889, MO, with his wife, Elenior/Eleanor G. Prentis, b. c. 1894, NY, and sons:
        1. Robert R. Prentis. b. c. 1920, CT. 1930 at home. He might be the Robert Prentis shown in the SSDI as b. 25 Dec 1919 and d. Aug 1987 in Falls Village, Litchfield Co., CT.
        2. Eugene B. Prentis. b. 8 Jul 1923, CT, and d. 12 Jan 2001, Unionville, Hartford Co., CT, per the SSDI. 1930 at home.
        3. Henning W. Prentis. b. c. 1928, CT. 1930 at home. Not in 2012 SSDI.
    5. Richard Whitehead Prentis, b. 11 Feb 1853, Suffolk. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. Died Sherman, TX 3 Jan 1875, age 22 years.
    6. Robert Riddick Prentis Jr., b. 24 May 1855, Suffolk. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. Lived in Charlottesville, VA. Circuit Judge; Judge of the Supreme Court of VA; m. Mary Allen Darden 6 Jan 1887. She was the dau. of Algernon Sidney Darden and Mary Swepson Allen. Had one child:
      1. Janet Whitehead Prentis, b. 28 Oct 1887 and d. a year later on 20 Aug 1888.
    7. Peter Bowdoin Prentis, b. 5 Apr 1857 at the U. of VA. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. In 1900 DC census with wife, Rose H., b. Jan 1862, MD and children. He m. Rose Hortense Coster on 5 Nov 1890. She was b. 8 Jan 1864, Baltimore, MD, dau. of Thomas Henry Coster. Children per Ancestry.com :
      1. Robert Riddick Prentis, b. 6 Sep 1892, Washington, DC and d. 10 Sep 1893, Washington, DC.
      2. Peter Bowdoin Prentis Jr., b. Mar 1893, DC, and d. 17 Dec 1947, Queens, NY. ` He m. 1st Marguerite Blanche Auriac on 25 Feb 1922. She was b. 4 Apr 1895, France, dau. of F ransois Louis Auriac. He m. 2nd Margaret H. Campbell who d. 15 Dec 1945.
      3. Mary Hortense Prentis, b. 12 Mar 1896, DC, and d. 28 Feb 1969, Bradenton, Manatee Co., FL. She m. Duncan Gregor McGregor (1895-1970) .
      4. Rose Marie Prentis, b. 1 Sep 1900, DC, and d. 22 Dec 1977, Silver Spring, MD. She m. Thomas John Kehoe on 16 Aug 1930, Cleveland, Cuyhoga Co., OH. He was b. 12 Jun 1899, Cynthiana, Harrison Co., KY, and d. Feb 1971, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co., MD. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com . They had a dau. who m. and had 2 sons and 2 daughters.
    8. John Brooke Prentis, b. 26 Feb 1859 at the U. of VA and d. 22 Apr 1932, St. Louis, MO. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. The 1900 & 1910 & 1920 St. Louis Census. He m. Martha Alexander. She was b. Aug 1864, NY. She was living with her son in the 1920 and 1930 St. Louis, MO, census, Children:
      1. John Brooke Prentis Jr., b. 2 Sep 1894, IN and d. c. Jan 1979 in St. Louis, St. Louis Co., MO (per SSDI). He m. Olivia, b. c. 1898 in MO. In 1920 and 1930 census living in St. Louis, MO. No children shown.
    9. Margaret Riddick Prentis, b. 23 Sep 1861, U. of VA, and d. 17 Jun 1878, age 17 years. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA.
    10. Susan Josephine Prentis, b. 10 Mar 1864, U. of VA, and d. 16 Apr 1935. At home in the 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA.
    11. Catherine Lewis Prentis, b. 16 Aug 1866, U of VA and d. Jun 1948, VA. 1870 census in Fredericksville parish, Albermarle Co., VA. She m. Nathaniel Beaman on 10 Oct 1887, VA. He was b. 10 Feb 1859, Murfreesboro, Hertford Co., NC, and d. 15 Jun 1921. His Ancestor Chart: Ancestry.com . Children per Ancestry.com .
      1. Sallie Louise Beaman 1889 ñ
      2. Robert Prentis Beaman 1891 ñ
      3. Nathaniel Beaman Jr 1898 ñ 1950

    32. Peter Bowdoin Prentis (Joseph-17, Joseph-8, William-3) , Attorney, b. 5 Apr 1820 and d. 5 Mar 1889, Suffolk, VA.

    He m. Eliza Wrenn of Isle of Wight Co., VA 23 Dec 1841. She was b. 18 Aug 1820, Smithfield, VA, and d. 3 Mar 1900. Daughter:

    1. Martha Josephine Prentis, b. Mar 1845 and d. 17 Feb 1909. She m., 1864, Capt. Charles Henry Causey on 26 Sep 1864. He was b. 14 Jul 1837 & d. 27 Aug 1890. Children:
      1. Peter Prentis Causey
      2. Marianna Prentis Causey 1861 ñ

    33. Marianna Saunders Prentis (Joseph-17, Joseph-8, William-3) , b. c. 1812.

    She m. Richard Henry Riddick in 1835, and died 16 Apr 1864. No children.

    34 James Prentis, b. 23 Sep 1793 in VA and d. 15 Apr 1874. James grew to manhood in Virginia, and was educated for the law, being a graduate of William and Mary's College, but never followed his profession. In 1845 he moved to Kentucky and settled in Hancock County, KY, owning at one time about 650 acres, and half of the lots in the original plat of the village of Lewisport. He was also magistrate in the county for some years, engaged in mercantile pursuits for a short time.

    He married Lucy W. Baugh about 1816-19. She was . 1800 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VAand d. in Hancock county 28 Aug 1865.

    James and Lucy had ten children, probably born in the period 1820-50. Some of their names are not known, but the following were living in 1885:

    1. William T. Prentis, b. 18 Nov 1820. . . . . . . . . . [58]
    2. A. B. Prentis, in Petersburgh, VA. . . . . . . . . . . . [59]
    3. Robert C. Prentis, in Lewisport, KY.
    4. Margaret J. Prentis. She may be the Margaret Prentis (born c. 1816) who appears in the 1850 Petersburg census on the same page as Andrew, below.
    5. Jane Prentis (perhaps). Born c. 1809, VA. However, she might be Andrew's wife since her name appears directly below his in the 1850 Peterstown census.
    6. Elizabeth Prentis (perhaps). Born c. 1811, VA. Appears on same 1850 Petersburg census as Andrew and Jane, above.
    7. Andrew Prentis (perhaps), b. c. 1818, VA. He appears in the 1860, Peterstown, Monroe Co., VA census as b. c. 1818. Occupation: Constable. Peterstown's name was probably changed to Petersburg.
    8. Mary Prentis, b. c. 1819 in Petersburgh, VA and d. 1857. She m. in Oct 1842 Marshall Milton Morton. He was b. 26 Apr 1817, Richmond VA, the son of Mathias Morton and Peggy Cox. A carpenter and deputy sheriff in Hancock Co., KY, he died by Feb 1893. They had 6 children, two of whom survivied:
      1. Nettie Morton
      2. Jennie Morton who m. Clinton Hancock.
      After Mary died in 1857, Marshall m. in Oct 1858 Annie White, dau. of Harry White, a native of England. Annie was b. in NY c. 1839. Marshall and Annie had 7 children:
      1. Alice Morton (wife of Mr. E. B. Hackett),
      2. Marshall Morton who m. a Miss Blincoe,
      3. James Morton
      4. Annie Morton
      5. Henry Morton
      6. Joseph Morton
      7. Wallace Morton
    9. Maria V. Prentis (perhaps), b. c. 1828. She appears in the 1850 Davies Co., KY census and may be one of the children who d. before 1885.
    10. James Prentis (perhaps), b. c. 1822, VA, Sadler. He appears in the 1850 Monroe Co., VA census with his wife, Rhonda, b. c. 1830, VA. Rhonda may be the same person as Roda I. Prentice, b. c. 1829, with no husband listed. James is not in the 1881 census. Children:
      1. Ellen Prentice, b. c. 1851, VA.
      2. Bettie Prentice, b. c. 1853, VA.
      3. Javora(?) Prentice, b. c. 1856, VA.

    35. John Herbert Prentis (son of William-18), b. 1800, VA and d. 1849, KY. He appears to be the Jno." Prentis who "The Genealogy of Virginia Families" says is the son of Capt. William Prentis.

    He m. Maria Harrison "Plumb" Peterson in 1819 in VA according to "The Genealogy of Virginia Families" which identifies him as "Jno. Prentis". son of Capt. William Prentis. (Ref: "The Ancestory of Benjamin Harrison"). "Ancestry" says they moved to Kentucky, and later to Spancer Co., IN. Both died of cholera in 1849 and so, unfortunately they do not appear in the 1850 IN census. Their children and descendants are named as follows, but some of the children of John and Maria might have predeceased John since only his siblings Daniel, John, Joseph and Sarah, and his cousin, Robert, are mentioned in John's Will (per E-mail from Cecil H. Prentice, 1 Aug 1999 and Sharon Schuttes, email, 2 Nov 2001 and letter of 11 Feb 2002):

    1. Mary Geddy Prentis, b. 1822 and d. 1822, Yelvington, KY (per Sharon Schutte)

    2. John Peterson Prentis, b. 1823, Scotland, and d. 1888. He m. Margaret M. Morton 19 Oct 1847, Perry Co., IN. Although not indicated in the published genealogy, the 1850 Troy, Perry, IN census (incorrectly?) shows John was born in Scotland and his wife, Margaret, was also born in Scotland about 1826. Children:

      1. James Peterson Prentis, b. c. 1848, Scotland. He appears in the 1850 Troy, Perry, IN census. Not in 1860 or 1870 census.
      2. Margaret Hamlen Prentis, b. c. 1852, KY. In 1870 census in Wolf Island, Hickman Co., KY. She m. George Stephens. Not in 1880 census.
      3. George Peterson Prentis, b. c. 1854, KY. In 1870 census in Wolf Island, Hickman Co., KY. Not in 1880 census. He m. Isabella Paine. Not in 1900 census.
      4. Luther Morton Prentis, b. c. 1860, KY. In 1870 census in Wolf Island, Hickman Co., KY. Not in 1880 or 1900 census.
      5. Maria Louisa Prentis. She married Davis Lincoln Conner and lived in Evansville, IN. He was killed in Union army in 1863. Children:
        1. Martin Harrison Conner who m. Martha V. Gregory. Children:
          • James Harrison Conner.
          • William Gregory Conner.
      6. William A. Prentis who m. Mary Alice McGuinney. Children:
        1. Clarence Orville Prentis
        2. Maria Olive Prentis
        3. Arch'd Harrison Prentis
        4. Robt. Peterson Prentis
        5. Wm. Clyde Prentis
        6. Hazel Rosena) Prentis
      7. Thomas Augustine Prentis, d. unmmarried, drowned in 1851,
      8. Lucy Harrison Prentis, b. probably in KY. She m., 1st, Edwin M. Fenn c. 1850s. Childen by 1856:
        • Edwin Peterson Fennwho m. Louisa Little.
        • Samuel Prentis Fenn who m. Sallie Rogers.
        She m., 2nd, Hardin P. Wood. Children:
        • Mazella Harrison Wood
        • Ida Belle Wood
    3. Maria Louise Prentis, b. c. 1826 and d. 1850, Yelvington, Ky (ibid). She m. Davis Lincoln Conner c. 1850 and d. c. 1890 and perhaps in Evansville, IN.
    4. John Peterson Prentis, b. Sep 1844.
    5. Martin/William Harrison Prentis, b. ???? and d. c. 1875. He m. Martha V. Gregory on 14 Dec 1845, Louisville, KY.
    6. Eliza Roberta Prentis.
    7. Emily Rosena "Emma" Prentis, b. 2 Nov 1835, Yelvington, KY. . . . . . . . . . . . [60]

    36. Caroline Prentice, b. 22 Jun 1827, AL, d. 9 Oct 1887, Hardin Co., TN and is buried in the Gilmore Cemetery.. She m. William Peter Gilmore, b. 1831. Peter is the son of William and Martha Gilmore. (per Steve Henry, E-mail, 17 May 1999). Children:

    	a.	William A. Gilmore, b. Nov 1850, AL.  In 1870 census.  
    		He m. Martha Ann Williams.  (Per John Casall, 10 Dec 1999).
    	b.	John P/S Gilmore, b. 1852, AL.  In 1870 census.
    	c.	Marry/Mary Gilmore, b. 1854, TN.
    	d.	Frances/Francis J. Gilmore, b. 1856, TN.  In 1870 census.
    	e.	Peter McClure Gilmore, b. 11 ;Mar 1858, TN.  In 1870 census.  
    		He m. Elizabeth Jane Harbour.
    		(i)  Ella Gilmore m. Allie Lee Williams.
         			(1) James McClure Williams m. Mary Boncha.
    				(a) Maxine Williams m. Steve Henry.
         					(i)   Laura Henry.
         					(ii)  Robert Henry.
    	f.	Martha M. Gilmore, b. c. 1861, TN.  In 1870 census.
    	g.	James R. Gilmore, b. c. 1869, VA.  In 1870 census.

    37. William C. Prentice, b. c. 1829, Jackson Co., AL.

    He m. Martha Gilmore. They had 2 or more children, including:

    1. William Riley Prentice, b. 14 Feb 1854. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [61]
    2. Peter McKenrick "Mack" Prentice, b. 8 Sep 1856. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62]
    3. Joseph Prentice.
    4. Mary Jane Prentice.
    5. Laura A. Prentice.
    6. John Frank Prentice
    7. Andrew Wilson Prentice, b. 23 Oct 1863, Campbell, Lawrence Co., , TN. . . . . . [63]

    38. Alexander Prentice (John-19, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. c. 1832, AL. 1860 census in Dist. 14, Lawrence Co., TN.

    He m. Susan B. Nelson. She was b. c. 1834-1836, AL. Children:

    1. Albert Wesley Prentice, b. 1855, Blount, AL. 1860 at home in Lawrence Co., TN. Not in 1870 or 1880 census.
    2. J. A. M. Prentice, b. 3 Mar 1856, Blount, Al. Not home in 1860 census and may be deceased.
    3. Mariah C. Prentice, b. 1859, Lawrence, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [38.1]
    4. D. W. Prentice, b. 1861, Lawrence, TN.
    5. Joseph C. Prentice, b. 1862, Lawrence, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [38.2]
    6. J. Sidney Prentice, b. 1866, Lawrence, TN who m. Emma E. Meese on 6 Sep 1885, Giles Co., TN. She was b. 1870 in Giles, TN. 1910 census in Justice Precinct 7, Hill Co., TX, with no children shown. 1920 census in Justice Precinct 1, Leon Co., TX. Emma is a widow in the 1930 census in Precinct 8, Lubbock Co., TX. Children:
      1. James "Jimmie" Milton Prentice, b. 10 Se[ 1908, TX, and d. 9 Jan 1944, Butte Co., CA. 1920 at home in Leon Co., TX. 1930 at home in Lubbock Co., TX. He m. Hazel Marie Brogden on 7 Mar 1936 in Union, NM. She was b. 13 Oct 1910 in Poolville, Parker Co., TX. Son, per John Casall's email of 11 Jun 2010:
        1. Sydne (Sydney?) Thorpes Prentice, b. 22 Mar 1944, Hayward, CA.
        After James' 1944 deat, Hazel m. 2nd Wahle Lachenmeyer on 4 Sep 1954 in Reno, NV. He was the son of Adam lLachenmeyer and Laura Klutz.
      2. Henry M. Prentice, b. c. 1909, TX. 1920 at home in Leon Co., TX. 1930 at home in Lubbock Co., TX.
    7. Ella Prentice, b. 1869, Lawrence, TN. 1880 census in Hardin Co., TN, living with the family of her sister, Mariah. She m. J. W. Howell who was b. 1865, Lawrence, TN.

    38.1 Mariah C. Prentice, b. 1859, Lawrence, TN. 1860 at home in Lawrence Co., TN.

    She m. James C. Cawthon in 1877 in Giles Co., TN. He was b. c. 1857-1861 in either Giles or Wayne Co., TN, and was the son of William and Melissa Cawthon per Ancestry.com . 1880 census, spelled "Cotham", farmer, in Dist. 5, Hardin Co.,TN. They had 1 or more children, including:

    1. Ethell/Ethel Cotham, b c. 1879, TN.

    38.2 Joseph C. Prentice, b. 1862, Lawrence, TN. 1880 census in Hardin Co., TN, living with the family of his sister, Mariah. 1900 census probably in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY. Not in 1910 or 1920 census.

    The name of his wife is unclear: (1) One source says that he m. on 2 Feb 1882 Dotia A. Goodman who was b. 1866, Hickman, TN. (2) However, he might be the Joe C. Prentice shown in the 1900 census in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY, census as b. Jun 1863, TN, with both parents b. in TN, and whose wife is Jessie, b. Mar 1868, TN, with both parents b. in TN. Their children are shown in the 1900 census as:

    1. Minnie Prentice, b. Feb 1883, TN. 1900 at home in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY.
    2. Willian/Willie Prentice, b. Aug 1885, TN. 1900 at home in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY. Not in 1910 or 1920 census.
    3. Oliver/Ollie Prentice, b. Nov 1887, TN. 1900 at home in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY. Not in 1910 or 1920 census.
    4. Sydney Prentice, b. Nov 1889, KY. 1900 at home in Paducah, McCracken Co., KY. Not in 1910 or 1920 census.
    5. Emma Prentice, b. Jan 1892, TN.
    6. Polley Prentice, b. Apr 1894, KY.

    39. John Berry Prentice (John-19, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. Jan 1837, Guntersville, Marshall Co., AL, and d. feb. 1910, Giles Co., TN, per Ancestry.com .

    He married, first, Myley Caroline Gilmore there on 20 Apr 1857 (per Leota Miller and IGI). She was b. 10 Jul 1837, in AL or TN, and d. 9 Oct 1865, Lawrence Co., TN. Children:

    1. William J. Prentice, b. 25 Dec 1857, Lawrence Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.2]
    2. John C. "Bob" Prentice, b. 25 May 1860, Lawrence Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.3]

    John m., second, Desdamona Ardora Oliver, "Fanny", on 11 Sep 1868, Lawrence, TN. She was b. either 1840 or Aug 1847, TN, and d. 13 Mar 1912, Giles Co., TN. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com .

    Children of 2nd wife, Desdamona:

    1. Benjamin Franklin Prentice, b. 29 Jul 1870, Unk., Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.4]

    2. Frank Prentice, b. c. 1871 (ibid).
    3. Alexander Prentice, b. c. 1873 (TN.
    4. Luther Lee "Lee" Prentice, b. 7 Feb 1875, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.5]
    5. Emma Prentice, b. c. 1878 (per same census).
    6. Bertha Prentice, 1883.
    7. Charles Prentice, 1886
    8. Clifford Berry Prentice, b. Sep 1888, Unk., Giles, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.6]

    39.1 Daniel Wesley Prentice (John-19, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. 14 Jul 1840, Blount Springs, AL, and d. 25 Apr 1915. Bur. in White Church Cem., Mitchell Co., TX (per John Casall, email, 16 Mar 2007).

    He m. Mary ìMollyî Lou Nowlin 14 Aug 1862, Lawrence Co., TN. She was b. c. 1846-47, Bedford Co., TN, and d. 8 Feb 1929. Bur. in White Church Cem., Mitchell Co., TX (per John Casall, email, 16 Mar 2007). She was the dau. of Benjamin Franklin Nowlin and Lucinda Webb, both b. TN (per John Casall, email, 22 Mar 2007).

    The family moved to Whitney, TX in 1885. Daniel had a jewelry store and farm there. Daniel was the Postmaster at Buford, Mitchell Co., in 1907; the Post Office was discontinued 31 Oct 1913 and transferred to Colorado City where he later also served (per John Casall, email, 22 Mar 2007). In 1920 Molly was living with her son, John, and his family (see below). Children:

    1. Levina Alice "Lura" Prentice, b. 14 Apr or 24 May 1865. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.7]
    2. Mack Alexander Prentice, b. 24 May 1869. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.8]
    3. James Jefferson "Jeff" Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1871. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[39.9]
    4. John Benjamin "Bose" Prentice, b. 14 Aug 1882, AR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.10]

    39.2 William J. Prentice, b. 25 Dec 1857, Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 19 Feb 1919, Hill Co., TN.

    He m. Malinda L. Gant on 16 Apr 1885, Hardin, TN. She was b. 30 Jan 1854, Hardin Co., TN, and d. 20 Dec 1921, Hill Co., TX. Anc. Chart Ancestry.com . Daughter:

    1. Maude Cecil Prentice, b. 2 Mar 1886 in Hardin, TN, and d. 9 Jan 1965 in Terrell, Kaufman Co., TX. She m. Hartford Clay Nixon on 15 Sep 1906, Hill, TX. He was b. 3 Oct 1882, TX, and d. 1944, Hill Co., TX. Chart: Ancestry.com : Children:
      1. James Willie Jay Nixon 1907 ñ 1987
      2. Annie Cecil Nixon 1910 ñ
      3. Raymond Clay Nixon 1913 ñ 1949
      4. George Bundy Nixon 1915 ñ 1990
      5. Archie Ward Nixon 1919 ñ 1999

    39.3 John C. "Bob" Prentice, b. 25 May 1860, Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 18 Jan 1933, Columbia, Maury Co., TN, age 72.

    He m. Fannie F. Hickman on 15 Jan 1884, Giles Co.,TN.. She was b. 1 Nov. 1869, Sullivan, Maury Co., TN, and d. 8Oct or 18 Nov 1945, Hawkins or Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN, age 75. Children:

    1. Clifford Berry Prentice, b. 29 Sep 1888 in Giles, TN, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [33.6]
    2. Bessie D. Prentice, b. 30 Apr 1898, Unk., Giles Co., TN, and d. Dec. 1985, Grass Lake, MI, age 87. She m. 1st Russell Leston King on 16 Nov 1913. He was 15 Oct 1895, TN, and d. 25 Nov 1972 and bur. Maury Co., TN, age 77. Children:
      1. Kenneth Howard King, b. 9 Aug 1919, Giles Co., TN, and d. Feb 1971, age 51. He m. Jessie Elaine Shields on 21 Mar 1943, Cape Girardeau, MO, and d. Feb 1971, age 51. She was b. 13 Oct 1919, IL, and d. 26 Jul 1989, Nashville, TN, age 69. Children:
        1. Dau. Shields. She m. and had 2 sons and 2 daughters.
        2. Son Shields. He m. and had 2 sons and 1 daughters.
        3. Son Shields. He m. and had 2 sons.
      2. Russell Leston King, Jr., b. 8 Mar 1922, Giles Co., TN, and d. 25 Oct 1962, Mt. leasant, TN, age 41. He m. Dorris Opal Foster on 13 Jan 1940. She was b. 30 Jun 1922, Maury,TN, and 23 Jan 2004, Maury, TN
      3. Joe Morris King, b. 17 Jan 1929, Giles, TN, and d. 20 Jul 1985, Mt. Pleasant, TN. Bur. Maury, TN, age 56. He m. Lesta Ann Finney. She was b. 31 May 1918 and d. 29 Jan 2010, Mt. Pleasant, TN, and bur. Columbia, TN, age 91. He aparently had another marriage, either 1st or 2nd, to Ima Evajean Bass who was b. 9 Jul 1931 and d. 10 Dec 2007, age 76. Children:
        1. Dau. King. She m. Burl Apollis Lyles and had a daughter.
        2. Wayne Morris King, b. Maury, TN, and d. 1997.
      Bessie m. 2nd Milton Barber pm 3 Sug 1921. He was b. 1 Mar 1899 and d. 6 May 1971, Grass Lake, MI, age 72. Daughter:
      1. Arlene Barber, b. 1928 and d. as a child on 3 Dec 1933, age 5.
    3. Luther Lee Prentice, b. 18 Nov 1902, Unk., Giles, TN, and d. 29 Dec 1981, Lewisburg, Marshell Co., TN, and bur. in Lone Oak Cemetery. Real estate salesman. He m. Minnie Lee Fitzgeral, b. c. 1903 and d. 7 Jun 1978 at West Side Hospital in Mashville. Burial in Lone Oak Cemetery. He appears in the 1920 census in Dist. 19,Giles Co., TN with his wife; no children shown. No surviving children are mentioned in his and her obituary.

    39.4 Benjamin Franklin Prentice, "Frank" b. 29 Jul 1870, Unk., Giles Co., TN, and d. c. 1920 in Maury Co., TN.

    He m. Nora Yokley on 21 Jul 1893 in Giles Co., TN. She was b. 24 Oct. 1875, Campbellsville, Giles Co., TN, and d. after 1920. She was the dau. of Andrew D. Yokley and Ann Hayes. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . Children:

    1. Annie D. Prentice, b. 30 Apr 1895, Giles Co., TN, and d. Apr 1987, Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN. She m. James D. Holt on 29 Aug 1917, Giles Co., TN. He was b. c. 1889, TN. Theyt had 3 sons and a daughter per Ancestry.com . See 1930 census.
    2. Emma Lular "Lula" Prentice, b. May 1895, Giles Co., TN, and d. in Lawrence Co., TN.
    3. Rose Etta/Rosetta Prentice, b. 2 Aug 1898 or 1900, Giles, TN, and d. 19 Jul 1967, Lawrence Co., TN. She m. James Calvin Brown. He was b. 24 Feb 1894, TN, and d. 27 Jan 1978 in Lawrence Co., TN. They had 11 children. More about them can be found at Ancestry.com .
    4. John Andrew Prentice, b. 6 Apr 1903, Giles Co., TN, and d. in Wayne Co., TN. He m. Mary Blanche Atkins on 22 Dec 1928, Giles Co., TN. She was the dau. of Acy Atkhins and Emma. The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, on 16 Apr 1996 reported she died of heart disease on Sunday, 14 Apr 1996 at Methodist Hospital North. Burial in Lawrence County Memory Gardens in Lawrenceburg,TN. John predeceased her. Surviving children:
      1. Okerlene Prentice. She m. Robert Holt and in 2016 lived in Franklin, TN.
      2. Marion Louann Prentice., b. 18 Jul 1933 and d. 5 Aug 2016, Memphis, She m. John T. Busby and lived in Memphis, TN. Her obituary reads as follows:

          Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) - Sunday, August 7, 2016:

          Marlon Louann Prentice Busby Bartlett, TN. Marlon Louann Prentice Busby, 83, of Bartlett, TN went to her heavenly home on Friday, August 5, 2016 at Methodist Hospice Residence-Memphis. She was born in Waynesboro, Tennessee July 18, 1933 to the late, John Andrew and Mary Blanche Atkins Prentice.

          Mrs. Busby was a member of Berclair Church of Christ since 1968. She was preceded in death by her husband, John T. Busby; brother, Billy Prentice; and is survived by her children, John Busby of Cordova, TN Gary Busby (Tina) of Bartlett, TN and Jena Busby Barnes (Steve) of Arlington, TN; sisters, [Okerlene] Holt (Robert) of Franklin, TN and Joyce Sue Green (Richard) of Las Vegas, NV; grandchildren, Julie Busby Bridger, Lee Busby, Lauren Busby Gandy (Moore), Zac Barnes (Bonnie) and Mac Barnes; great grandchildren, Owen Bridger, Adam Bridger and Hartley Gandy; many nieces and nephews.

          The family will receive friends beginning at 9:30 a.m., Monday, August 8, 2016 at Memphis Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens, 3700 N. Germantown Rd, Bartlett, TN with a graveside service to follow at 11:00 a.m. at Memorial Gardens.

        Children of Marion and John:

        1. John Busby. 2016 in Cordova, TN
        2. Gary Busby. He m. Tina and in 2016 lived in Bartlett, TN
        3. Jena Busby. She m. Steve Barnes and in 2016 lived in Arlington, TN
      3. Joyce Sue Prentice. She m. Richard Green and in 2016 lived in Las Vegas, NV.
      4. Billy Prentice per obituary of his sister, Marion, above.

    5. Robert Mckinley Prentice, b. c. 1906, Giles Co., TN (but his death record says b. 15 Nov 1910, Maury Co., TN) and d. 1 May 1942, Lawrence Co., TN. Bur. Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN. 1910 at home in Civil District 6, Maury Co., TN. 1920 a pupil in school away from home. 1930 single living with sister, Annie, above.
    6. William Buford Prentice, b. 4 Oct 1908, Maury Co., TN, and d. 14 Feb 1947, Orange, GA, age 38. 1910 at home in Civil District 6, Maury Co., TN. 1930 in Army Militia Dist 1104, enlisted man, infantry, Cattahoochee, GA.
    7. (dau.) Prentice.
    8. (son) Prentice.

    39.5 Luther Lee Prentice "Lee" b. 7 Feb 1875, TN, and d. 12 Jul 1969, Columbia, Maury Co., TN.

    He m. Annie Estelle Allen, b. 19 May 1886, Hickman, TN, and d. 10 Jan 1977, Columbia, Maury Co., TN. Children per 1910 Giles Co. census and Ancestry.com :

    1. Velma Ardora Prentice, b. 12 Jun 1904, TN, and d. 22 May 1992, Madison, Davidson Co., TN. She m. John Napoleon Burch on 23 Nov 1927, Maury Co., TN. He was b. 13 Apr 1902, AL, and d. 30 Dec 1956, Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. Children:
      1. John Napoleon Burch Jr. 1930 ñ 1978. He m. Carol Ann Hudson (1938-1972) on 26 May 1957, Putnam, TN.
      2. Charles L. Burch 1932 ñ 2009
      3. Robert A. Burch, b. c. 1937, TN
      4. Walter Patrick Burch 1939 ñ 2008
      5. Dau. Burch Charles Klingman Prentice, b. 16 Nov 1909, Giles Co., TN, and d. 23 Nov 2006, Alachua Co., FL. He m. Ina Waters 1937, Alachua. She was b. c 1916, FL, and d. 8 Nov 2013, Alachua Co., FL. 1940 a salesman with 3 years of college. Children:
        1. Sylvia Clare Prentice, b. 1940, Alachua, Alachua Co., FL. 1940 at home, age 2 mos.
        2. Dau. Prentice
        3. Son Prentice
        4. Son Prentice
        5. Son Prentice
        6. Barron Allen Prentice, b. 23 Mar 1945, FL, and d. 24 Mar 1993, Marion, FL.
      6. William Eugene Prentice, b. 24 Jul 1912, Giles, TN, and d. 24 Dec 1993, Columbia, Maury Co., TN. He m. 1st BessieEugenia Gifford on 20 May 1938, Lawrence, TN. She was b. 25 Sep 1918, Fountain Creek, Maury Co., TN, and d. 3 Oct 1963, Alachua, FL.

      William m. 2nd Nancy Alta Minks. Her obituary reads as follows:

        Nancy Alta Prentice: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice, Daily Herald, The (Columbia, TN) - Friday, October 30, 2009.

        SENECA, S.C. ó Nancy Alta Minks Risley Prentice, 91, resident of Lila Doyle Nursing Home, died Wednesday, October 28, 2009.

        A native of Pettigrew, AR, Mrs. Prentice was the daughter of the late Thomas Edwards and Mary Lucinda Seals Minks. For most of her life, she resided in Middle TN. She was a social worker for the Department of Human Services in Nashville, TN and was a member of Crieve Hall Church of Christ in Nashville, TN. She also attended Seneca Church of Christ. Mrs. Prentice was a wonderful mother and friend.

        Mrs. Prentice is survived by daughter, Sammie R. Lipscomb and son-in-law, Bob Lipscomb of Tamassee; son-in-law, John Hansen; sister, Rena Shipman of Wittier, CA; grandchildren, Eric Hansen, Barbara Pennington, Richard Hansen, and Jennifer Raulie; and great-grandchildren, Hillary Pennington, Holloway and Bren Raulie, and Brayden Hansen.

        In addition to her parents, Mrs. Prentice was predeceased by husbands, Charles Clark Risley and William Eugene Prentice; daughter, Charlotte Risley Hansen; brothers, Andy and Wheeler; and sisters, Cleo, Myrtle and Hester.

        In lieu of flowers, memorials may made to Northwest Arkansas Food Bank, 1378 June Self Drive, Bethel Heights, AR 72764. Please make check to the food bank and note that it is for Nancy Alta Prentice. Memorial services will be conducted at a later date. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.davenportfuneralhome.com http://www.davenportfuneralhome.com/ DAVENPORT FUNERAL HOME is in charge of the arrangements.

      Children of William and Nancy:

      1. Emma Lane Prentice, b. c. 1921, Giles Co., TN, and d. 26 Jan 2003, Nashville, Davidsson Co., TN. She m. John Franklin Heath on 24 Dec 1941. He was b. 10 Sep 1922, Davidson Co., TN, and d. 8 Mar 1996, Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. 2 sons and 5 daughters.
      2. John Allen Prentice, b. 23 Dec 1925, TN, and d. 6 Oct 1995, Culleoka, Maury Co., TN. He m. Julia G. on 18 Jan 1967, Maury Co., TN. She was b. 1926, TX.
      3. Robert Anderson Prentice, b. 23 Dec 1925, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.11]

      39.6 Clifford Berry Prentice, b. Sep 1888, Unk., Giles, TN, and d. 30 May 1929 in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN.

      He m. Edna Mai Green. She was b. 16 Jan 1894 and d. 11 Jan 1980, Maury Co., TN, age 85 years. She was the dau. of John Nichols Green. In 1920 Giles Co. census with children per Peter Green.htm :

      1. Magdalene Prentice, b. 29 Apr 1911 and d. Jan 1963 at age 51. Bur. in Arlington Cem., Maury Co., TN. She m. Raymond A. Holt. He was b. 1915 and d. 1980. Bur in Arlington Cem., Maury Co., TN.
      2. Mary Louise Prentice, b. 19 Aug 1913, TN, and d. 15 Oct 1989, in Mount Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. age 76 years. She m. Maynard Lovell (1906-1975). Both bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. Children:
        1. Helen Jewel Lovell , b. 1931 an d d. 2011 . She m. R. L. Thomas and had a daugher, Pamela.
        2. Sandra Josephine Lowell, b. 15 Feb 1934. Bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. She m. Alfred Ray Davis, b. 17 Mar 1936 and d. 13 Feb 2004. Bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. He was the son of Herman Davis and Evelyn Hicks. Children of Sandra and Alfred:
          1. Michael Ray Davis,
          2. Sandra Kay Davis. She m. Steve Dalworth and had Alisha and Adam Dalworth.
          3. Travis Davis who m. Trina Lemay.
        3. Patsy Ann Lovell, b. 15 Feb 1937 and d. 1983 at age 46. She m. Lester Bell.
        4. Billy Wayne Lovell Sr., b. 22 Feb 1937 and d. 19 Oct 1980 at age 43. Bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. He m. Carol Davis in 1957.and had:
          1. Holly Davis,
          2. Midy Davis
          3. Brianna Davis.
        5. Jacqueline Lovell, aka Jackie Lovell, b. 1951 and d. 2013.

      3. Wilburn Berry Prentice, b. 20 Jul 1915 and d. 16 Jan 1998, age 82 years. He m. Dixie Juanita Staggs. Children:
        1. June Wilbernette Prentice, b. c. 1935. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.12]
        2. Edna Lou Prentice

      4. Albert Sherley Prentice, b. 26 Mar 1926, Lawrenceburg, Lawrence Co., TN, obtained his SS# inTN, and d. Oct 1984 in Columbia, Maury Co., TN. Bur Glenwood Cem., Southport, Maury Co., TN. Albert m. 1st Juanita Mae Thomas on 10 Aug 1947. She was b. 6 Apr 1929, Maury Co., TN, and d. 4 Mar 1999 in Columbia, Maury Co., TN, per SSDI. Children per Green Web and John Casall, email, 25 Aug 2010:
        1. Beverly Ann Prentice. She m. Carl J. Martin. 2017 in Mt. Pleasant, TN. Children:
          1. Carl Allen Martin. He m. Jennifer Jones.
          2. Amy Darlene Martin. She m. Kenny Glover. Daughter:
            1. Minlie Carolann Glover, b. 7 Oct 1999.
            2. Jackson Edward Glover, b. 27 Aug 2001.
          3. Brent Woodard Martin. Not home in 2011.
          4. Brittney Woodard Martin. Not home in 2011
        2. Janice Faye Prentice. She m. Charles Hardison. 2017 in Cornersville, TN.Children:
          1. April Dawn Hardison.
          2. Alice Jane Hardison.
        3. Clifford Thomas Prentice, b. 5 Jun 1952, Maury Co., TN, and d. 1 Apr 2017, Duck River, TN. His obituary reads as follows:

            Daily Herald, The (Columbia, TN) - Monday, April 3, 2017: Clifford Thomas Prentice.

            Clifford Thomas "Tommy" Prentice, 64, retired employee of Union Carbide and Rogers Group, died Saturday, April 1, 2017 at his residence on Poplar Union Road in Duck River, Tenn.

            Born June 5, 1952 in Maury County, Tenn., he was the son of the late Albert Shirley Prentice and the late Juanita Thomas Prentice. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoyed hunting and fishing. Mr. Prentice was a member of Anderson Bend Church of Christ.

            Survivors include his wife, whom he married July 15, 1994, Peggy W. Prentice of Duck River; sons, Darrell (Donita) Prentice of Columbia; David (Brook) Prentice of Santa Fe; daughter, Holly (Orlando) Gaines of Wesley Chapel, Fla; sisters, Beverly (Carl) Martin of Mt. Pleasant; Janice (Charles) Hardison of Cornersville; brother, Billy (Micah) Prentice of Columbia; nine grandchildren; one great grandson; and several nieces and nephews.

            Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. at Oakes & Nichols Funeral Home with Joe Rhodes officiating. The family will visit with friends Tuesday from 4:00 ñ 7:00 P.M. at the funeral home. Inurnment will be held at later date in Poplar Union Cemetery. Condolences may be extended online at www.oakesandnichols.com. Honorary pallbearers include Jeremy Alsup, Tom Gordon, Ernie Mobley, past and present employees of Union Carbide and Rogers Group. The family would like to express a special thanks to the Hospice Compassus nurses, Antonio, Lisa, Lynn, and Amanda.

          Clifford m. Pam Howell (she may be the Peggy W. in the above obituary who he m. 15 Jul 1994). Living 2017 in Duck River, TN.Children:

          1. Thomas Darrell Prentice. He m. Julie Derryberry. He is likely the Darrell Prentice in the above obituary who m. (a 2nd wife?) Donita and in 2017 lived in Columbia,TN.
          2. David Albert Prentice. He m. Brook Webster. 2017 in Santa Fe, TN.
          3. Holly Prentice. She m. Orlando Gaines. 2017 in Wesley Chapel, FL.
          Clifford m. 2nd Peggy Witherspoon.

        Albert m. 2nd Micky Witherford. Son:

        1. William Berry Prentice. He m. Angie Suiter. The obituary of his brother, Clifford, above, appears to call him "Billy," and identifies his (2nd?) wife as Micah, and says he lives in Columbia, TN.

      39.7. Levina Alice "Lura" Prentice, b. 13 Apr or 24 May 1865 in Cambellville, Giles Co., TN and d. 7 Dec 1934, Gruver, Hansford Co., TX.

      She m. 1st, George Holt. Children of Levina and George:

      1. Wesley Holt, b. c. 1882, AR. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX, with his mother and step-father, Isaac Templeton Spivey, below.
      2. Mack/Mark Holt, b. c. 1887, AR. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX, with his mother and step-father, Isaac Templeton Spivey, below.

      By email of 21 Feb 2006, Barbara Dolloff advises that Levina "Lura" has a grandson named Troy Holt who lives in DeLeon, Tx, that he m. Doris, that they are her aunt and uncle, and that they are up in year's but still very active.

      Levina m. 2nd Isaac "Ike" Templeton Spivey of Bosque Co., TX. He was b. c. 1842, MS, and d. 1909. Levina and Ike are buried in Texhoma, OK, on the Texas Oklahoma line. They appear in the 1900 census in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX.

      Children of Levina and Ike:

      1. Alice Spivey, b. 5 Dec 1896, TX, and d. 9 Aug 1980, Contra Costa Co., CA, age 83. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX. She married Orville Walker.
      2. Ernest Carpentar Spivey, b. c. 1896, TX. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX. He m. Ollie Mae Moore. They had 3 children who grew up in Gruver, TX (per Tom Watkins, email, 21 Jul 2008)
        1. Mae Ernestine Spivey. She m. Ralph Leon Watkins. They had 2 or more children, including:
          1. Tom Watkins.
          2. Ralph Leon Watkins, b. 10 Jun 1940, Hansford Co., TX.
        2. Isaac Terrell Spivey, b. c. 1886, TX. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX. He m. Jessie Evelyn Hatch. They had 1 or more children, including:
          1. Terry Elaine Spivey, b. 19 Sep 1946, Potter Co., TX.
        3. John "Johnnie" Spivey, b. c. 1887, TX. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX.
      3. Thomas Lee Spivey.
      4. Maye Spivey. She m. Mr. Hughes.
      5. Anna Spivey. She m. Mr. Forrester.
      6. Jeffie Spivey. She m. Earl M. Gainey,
      7. Ludy Spivey. She m. Mr. Duncan.
      8. Robert Spivey.
      9. Joseph Spivey, b. c. 1878, TX. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX.
      10. Mary Spivey, b. c. 1900, TX. At home in 1900 in Justice Precinct 6, Bosque Co., TX.

      39.8 Mack Alexander Prentice He was b. 24 May 1869 (or 21 May 1868 per John Casall, email, 16 Mar 2007) in Giles Co., TN & d. 20 Dec 1942 in Colorado City, TX. (Alternate birth date: 21 May 1868, Nashville, TN (per Barbara F. Hold Dolloff, email, 21 Feb 2006). He is bur. in Colorado City Cem., Mitchell Co., TX.

      John Casall's email of 11 Jun 2010 says that "a cousin told [John] that M. C. "Mack" Prentice of Colorado City, Mitchell Co., TX, was hospitalized in the State Mental Hospital due to being struck in the head by a baseball bat."

      He m. Ammer Milner, Whitney, TX, 1891. Ammer d. 1896. Children:

      1. Lavania Ardelia "Della" Prentice, b. 26 Feb 1894, Hill Co., TX, and d. 24 Jan 1982, Lamesa, Dawson Co., TX. She m. m. Dolphus Edward Richards and lived at Lamesa, TX. He was b. 19 Aug 1894 in Wood Co., and d. 27 Jan 1987 in Lubbock Co., TX. Children per John Casall, email, 23 Mar 2007"
        1. Amma Inez Richards (Inez Alma on birth records), b. 11 July 1916 in Colorado City, Mitchell Co., Texas, and d. 29 Mar 2006.
        2. Edward Lee Richards, b. 2 Dec 1917 in Lamesa, Dawson Co., TX, and d. there 26 Feb 2005.
        3. Mac Elgin Richards, b. 8 March 1918 in Lamesa, Dawson Co., Texas, and d. 17 May 1858, Dawson County, TX.
        4. Elbert Elton Richards, b, 14 Dec 1920 in Lamesa, Dawson Co., Texas
        5. Iona Fay Richards, b. 1 Sept 1924 in Lamesa, Dawson Co., Texas
        6. Iola May Richards, b. 1 Sept 1924 in Lamesa, Dawson Co., Texas

      2. Artie Lillian Prentice, b. 29 Mar 1896 and d. 25 Jaan 1972 (headstone dates). She m. Glen Jones on 22 Aug 1912. He was b. 27 Aug 1888 and d. 10 May 1970. Bur. Dawson Co., Cem., La mesa, Dawson Co., TX. Children per John Casall, email, 23 Mar 2007:
        1. T. C. Jones, b. 1917
        2. Lenoard Jones, b. 1919
        3. Maxine Jones, b. 1922
        4. Lillian Jones, b. 1923
        5. Helen Jones, b. 1925
        6. Glen Jones, b. 25 Sep 1927m Mitchell Co., TX, and d. 22 Sep 2005. Cpl, US Army, Korea. Bur Dawson Co., Cemetery..
        7. Prentice Jones, 9 Jun 1929, Mitchell Co., Texas
        8. Lee Roy Jones, b. 5 Mar 1932, Mitchell Co., Texas
        9. Eva Mae Jones, b. 18 Feb 1934, Mitchell Co., Texas
        10. Charles Edward Jones, b. 21 Jul 1936, Mitchell Co., Texas
        11. Merle Dovie Jones, b. 6 Mar 1939, Mitchell Co., Texas
        12. Melba Marlene Junes, b. 14 Nov 1941.

      Mack Prentice m. 2nd Judith Anna "Anna" Wesley Linam on 13 Jan 1898 at Dover, Pope Co., AR. She was b. 19 Apr 1870 in Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 25 Aug 1945, dau. of Andrew Jackson Linam and Mary Ann Bowden (per John Casall, email, 22 Mar 2007). She is bur. in Colorado City Cem., Mitchell Co., TX. She is a 1st cousin to Ada Bowden, wife of #39.40 James Prentice, below. Her siblings, including William Sebastian Bowden and Charles Winston Bowden, are set out at Ancestry.com .

      They moved to Clio, Brown Co., Texas as soon as they were married, and to Rising Star, Eastland Co., Texas in 1899. Mack is shown as a "patient" at the "N. Texas Hospital for Insane" in the 1920 Terrell, Kaufman Co., TX census. Children:

      1. Andrew Linam Prentice, b. 5 Feb 1908, Mitchell Co., TX, and d. 19 Jan 1994 in Tom Green Co., TX. He m. Cora Pearl Smith. She was b. 7 Oct 1913 and d. 1 Sep 1999, Robert Lee, Coke Co., TX. Son:
        1. John Wesley Prentice, b. 3-5-1944, Mitchell Co., TX.

      2. Mary Maxie Prentice, b. 26 Jul 1899, TX, and d. 25 Jun 1963 (per John Casall, email, 16 Mar 2007). Bur. Colorado City Cem., Colorado City, (per John Casall, email, 19 Jun 2010). She m. William "Willie" Lafayette Gamble. He was b. 14 May 1892 and d. 15 Aug 1975. Children per John Casall, email, 22 Mar 2007:
        1. Mack Wesley Gamble, b. 11-16-1930, Dawson Co., Texas. Children:
          1. Valorie Marie Gamble.
          2. Gary Dewayne Gamble, b. 22 Jul 1957 in Howard Co., TX. Lived in Big Spring, and later Dover, Pope Co., AR he runs Mack's Pines a resort or RV Park. He m. Helen R.
        2. Mattie Lou Gamble, b, 4-8-1928, Dawson Co., Texas, and d. 20 Aug 1977, Sterling Co., TX. She m. Clifford Carpenter (son of Jarvis Dale Carpenter) on 14 Sep 1949, Mitchell Co., TX. Son:
          1. Jarvis Dale Carpenter, b. 14 Sep 1949 per John Casall, email, 19 Jun 2010.
        3. Ray Prentice Gamble, b. 1-25-1933, Dawson Co., Texas
        4. Carlos Ewell Gamble, b. 23 Apr 1940, Mitchell Co., Texas, and d. 26 May 1997, Arlington, Tarrant Co., TX. He m. 1st Viola M. Barfield on 18 Oct 1958. Divorced, 2 or 3 children, including:
          1. Rodney J. Gamble, b. 14 Apr 1962, Howard Co., TX. He m. Laura J. Almond on 14 Feb 1987, Tarrant Co., TX.
          He m. 2nd Frances J. Malone on 5 Jul 1980, Tarrant Co., TX. Son: He m. 3rd Jeannette. His obituary, provided by John Casall's email of 19 Jun 2010, reads as follows:

            Carlos E. Gamble: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX) - May 28, 1997

            FORT WORTH - Carlos E. Gamble, 57, a self-employed builder, died Monday, May 26, 1997, at a Fort Worth hospital. Funeral: 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Mount Olivet Funeral Home. Burial: Mount Olivet Cemetery.

            Carlos Gamble was born April 23, 1940, in Colorado City, Texas.

            Survivors: Wife, Jeannette Gamble of Fort Worth; daughter and son-in-law, Carla and Craig Martin of Fort Worth; sons, Tony Gamble of Fort Worth and Rodney Gamble of Big Spring; daughters and sons-in-law, Angelia and Ronnie Groover of Dallas, Sheila and Doug Richards of Fort Worth and Tera and John Teague of Kennedale; son and daughter-in-law, Courtney and Carrie Preston of Albuquerque, N.M.; sons, Sean Preston of Tempe, Ariz., and Clayton Senn of Fort Worth; brothers, Joe, Vernon, Mac and Prentice; sisters, Frances and Marie; and grandchildren, Chase, Chad, Ryan, Kira, Bailee, Britnee, and J.D. Mount Olivet Funeral Home 2301 N. Sylvania Ave., 831-0511

          Children of Carlos E. Gamble, per his obituary, including step-children:

          1. Carla Gamble. She m. Craig Martin and in 1997 lived in Fort Worth, TX.
          2. Tony Gamble. In 1997 lived in Fort Worth.
          3. Rodney Gamble. In 1997 lived in Big Spring.
          4. Angelia Gamble. She m. Ronnie Groover and in 1997 lived in Dallas, TX.
          5. Sheila Gamble. She m. Doug Richardsand in 1997 lived in Fort Worth, TX.
          6. Tera Gamble. She m. John Teague and in 1997 lived in Kennedale.
          7. Courtney Preston. He m. Carrie and in 1997 lived in Albuquerque, NM.
          8. Sean Preston. In 1997 he lived in Tempe, AZ.
          9. Clayton Senn. In 1997 he lived in Fort Worth.

        5. Florence Marie Gamble, b. 14 Jan 1938, Mitchell Co., TX.
        6. Vernon Monroe Gamble, b. 24 Oct 1936, Mitchell Co., TX. Lives in Big Spring, TX. He m. 1st Miss Barefield and had 3 children. He m. 2nd Margaret A. Dunnam on 18 Nov 1977 in Howard Co., TX.
        7. William Lafayette Gamble, Jr. He m. Ruby Ruthelle Bunn. Son:
          1. Billy Ray Gamble, b. 19 Aug 1944, Howard Co., TX.
        8. Joe Troy Gamble. He m. 1st Miss Darden and had a child. He m. 2nd Alva Rose Lassetter and had 2 children. He m 3rd Mildred Foster on 15 Apr 1991, Glasscock Co., TX. Her obituary is provided by John Casall's email of 16 Jun 2010 and reads as follows:

            Mildred Raye ìNemaî Gamble, 79, of Big Spring died Sunday, Feb. 18, 2007, at her residence.

            Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Myers & Smith Chapel with the Rev. Jim Binnix, pastor of Midway Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be at Trinity Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday at Myers & Smith Funeral Home.

            She was born April 29,1927, in Howard County to Thelma and Samuel Foster. She graduated from Coahoma High School where she was valedictorian of her class. She worked as a telephone operator for Southwestern Bell and also as a telephone operator for Malone and Hogan Clinic and Scenic Mountain Medical Center. She also had been a dental assistant. She was a member of the American Womenís Business Club, as well as a member of the Howard County Sheriffís Posse for more than 30 years. But most of all she was ìNemaî to many friends, family and relatives. She was a lifetime resident of Howard County.

            She is survived by her husband, Joe T. Gamble of Big Spring; one daughter, Janice Gaskins and her husband, Ronnie of Big Spring; four sons, Buddy Owens and his wife, Diann of Big Spring, Terry Gamble and his wife, Galynn, Michel Gamble and his wife, Janie, all of Colorado City, and Perry Gamble and his wife, Wanda of Big Spring; 17 grandchildren; and 27 great-grandchildren.

            In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her first husband, Jack Owens in 1964; and one granddaughter, Tera Gaskins.

            Pallbearers will be Chris Evans, Matthew Gamble, Nathan Greer, Logan Gamble, Justin Gamble and Johnny Russworm.

            Arrangements are by Myers & Smith Funeral Home. Pay your respects online at www.myersandsmith.com

        9. Elsie Francis Gamble. She m. Beldon Walden Jr., (probably the son of Beldon Walden, shown in the SSDI as b. 20 Aug 1891 and d. Sep 1963 in TX). Children of Elsie and Beldon Jr.:

          1. Beldon Walden III, b. 25 Jul 1945 in Mitchell Co., TX.
          2. Aubrey Jeanette Walden, b. 18 Nov 1948 in Mitchell Co., TX.

        10. Linam Prentice Gamble. Lives in Big Spring, Howard Co., TX. Although confirmation is needed, he is probably the Prentice Gamble, who m. Pat, called the parents of the following son:

          1. Randy Gamble, Midland, TX.
          2. Ricky L. Gamble, b. b. 22 Jun 1958, BigSprings, obtained his SS# in TX, and d. 17 Jan 2007, per the SSDI. Rick's obit. is as follows:

              "Ricky [L.] Gamble, 48, of Big Spring died Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007, at Midland Memorial Hospital.

              "Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Myers & Smith Chapel. The Rev. Clydel Chapman, pastor of North Side Baptist Church in Odessa, will officiate, assisted by Ulis Johnson. Burial will be at Trinity Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. Friday at Myers & Smith Funeral Home.

              "Ricky was born June 22, 1958, in Big Spring to Pat and Prentice Gamble. He graduated from Big Spring High School and attended Howard College. Ricky married Lesa Huckabee, Feb. 14, 1991, in Big Spring. He owned Rickís Auto Shop for nine years. Ricky was an automotive master technician and was also a carpenter. He loved anything mechanical. Ricky had a God given talent and passion for fixing anything, starting with cars at age 10 and motorcycles at age 13. Rickyís family said he was ìMr. Fix-it.î He loved fast cars, motorcycles, muscle cars and his John Deere Tractor. Ricky was a Baptist.

              "Ricky is survived by his wife, Lesa Gamble of Big Spring; two sons, Kenneth Gamble of Flower Mound and Kasey Huckabee of Big Spring; one daughter, Kendra Carlile of Big Spring; one granddaughter, Paige Carlile of Big Spring; father, Prentice Gamble of Big Spring; and one brother, Randy Gamble of Midland.

              "Ricky was preceded in death by his mother, Pat Gamble.

              "Pallbearers will be Joe Mansfield, Kevin Crawford, Kenny Davis, Gary Fuqua, Lance Telchik, Todd Darden, Michael Gamble, and Tommy Payne. Arrangements are by Myers & Smith Funeral Home. Pay your respects online at www.myersandsmith.com."

            Ricky m. 1st Cheryle L. Schaefer on 23 May 1980, Howard Co., TX. They had 2 children per John Casall, email, 19 Jun 2010. Daughter:

            He m. 2nd Lesa Bruton on 14 Feb 1991, Howard Co., TX, per John Casall, above.

            1. Kendra Dawn Gamble, b. 2 Jun 1981, Howard Co., TX.

            He m. 3rd Lesa Huckabee on 14 Feb 1991,Big Spring. Children per obituary:

            1. Kenneth Gamble, Flower Mound.
            2. Kasey Huckabee, Big Spring. (May be son of Lesa by a prior marriage).
            3. Kendra Carlile, Big Spring. (Unclear who mother and father are).

        11. Anna Thelma Gamble. Lived only 2 weeks.

      3. Daniel Wesley " D. W." Prentice, b. 3 Mar 1910, TX, and d. 12 Mar 1985. Bur in Newcastle Cem., Newcastle, Young Co., TX. Living at home in 1920 Mitchell Co., TX census. 1930 census as "D. W. Prentice" in Mitchell Co., TX,with his wife, Pauline, b. c. 1912. TEC 5 US Army in WW II. Not in SSDI. Also bur. in Newcastle Cem. is Theresa Mae Jones Prentice, b. 2 Dec 1907 and d. 23 Nov 1984; it is unclear whether she may be a 2nd wife

      4. Ida Wesley Prentice, b. 1902, TX. Living at home in 1920 Mitchell Co., TX census.

      5. Anna Josephine "Joe" Prentice, b. 3 Nov 1905, Mitchell Co., TX, and d. there 30 Dec 1985. Bur. Mitchell Co., Colorado City Cemetery. Living at home in 1920 Mitchell Co., TX census. She m. Roy Alfred Carey. He d. 30 Nov 1975, Mitchell Co., TX, and bur. same cemetery. Children:
        1. Angie Ruth Carey, b. 10-15-1931, Mitchell Co., TX, and d. there 11 Dec 1935, age 4 years.
        2. Nelda Allene Carey, b. 1-5-1937 F Mitchell Co., TX.
        3. Phyllis Lane Carey, b. 3-1-1927 F Mitchell co., TX. She m. O.S. Welch. They had 1 or more children, including:
          1. Linda Elaine Welch, b. 3 Sep 1948, Mitchell Co., TX.

      39.9 James Jefferson "Jeff" Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1871, Campbellville, Giles Co., TN & d. 20 Aug 1950, in May, Brown Co., TX. Buried there. (Reference: John Casall, 10 Dec 1999)

      He m. Ada Madora Bowden 15 Jul 1891 in Clio (now called Owens), Brown Co. TN (per marriage index). They were m. by Rev. John Wesley Bowden, MG Methodist Epis. Church South. She was b. 10 May 1874 in Moreland, Pope Co., AR, dau. of Charles Winston Bowden and Mary Jane Austin who moved to Clio in 1890; Charles was a farmer and Methodist. Ada d. 1 Mar 1973 and is buried in the cemetery in May, Brown Co., TX. Ada is a 1st cousin to Judith Linam, wife of #39.3 Mack Prentice, above. Children:

      1. Melvin Jefferson Prentice, b. 31 Jul 1892, Whitney, TX and d. 9 Oct 1926. Bur. Greenwood Cemetery, Fort Worth, Texas. He was gassed during WWI, while serving as an ambulance driver, and never recovered.

        Married Nola Earle Keene on 10 October 1920 in Albuquerque. She was b. 16 Sep 1898 and d. 22 Jan 1986, Dallas Co., TX.

        An article about their marriage was provided byh John Casall's email of 14 Jun 2010 and reads as follows:

          "10-24-1920 Albuquerque Journal: Word has reached here of the marriage of Miss Nola Keen, a former Portales girl, but recently a student at the State University. Miss Keen was married Sunday night in Albuquerque to Melvin Prentice of Dallas, Texas. Mr. & Mrs. Prentice left immediately after the ceremony for Dallas where they will make their home."

      2. Ralph Emerson Prentice, b. 26 May 1895, Whitney, TX, and d. Mar 1979, Kelseyville, Lake Co. CA, per SSDI. He m. Velma Douglas. She was b. c. 1902, KS, but does not appear in the SSDI. They appear, without children, in the 1930 census in San Francisco, CA.

      3. Laura Marjorie Prentice, b. 8 Jun 1900 at Rising Star, TX, Eastland Co., TX. She m. James Ortho Cade on 23 Aug 1922, Brown Co., TX. Neither in SSDI.

      4. Mack/Max George Dennison Prentice, b. 10 Jun 1902, Rising Star, TX. In 1910 census.

      5. Noble Winston Prentice, b. 1 May 1904, Rising Star, Eastland Co., TX, and d. c. 1 May 1992 in Austin, Travis Co., TX (per SSDI). Noble m. Lena Mildred Archer on 20 Aug 1930, Brownwood, Brown Co., TX. She is shown in the SSDI and her obituary as b. 11 Nov 1910, Hall, San Saba Co., TX, obtained her SS# in TX, and d. 3 May 2007 in Austin, Travis Co., TX. Bur. in Richland Srprings Cem., Richland Springs, San Saba Co., TX. She was the dau. of Willie Mae Bell and Albert Enboch Archer. Her obituary reads as follows:

          Lena Mildred Archer was born in Hall, San Saba County, Texas, on November 11, 1910, the eldest child of Willie Mae Bell Archer and Albert Enoch Archer, and she died in her Westminster Manor home on May 30, 2007. She graduated from Richland Springs High School in 1928 and majored in music at Hardin-Simmons University and Howard Payne College; she also attended The University of Texas. On August 20, 1930, she married Noble W. Prentice, who was then superintendent of schools in Richland Springs. She taught public school music in Richland Springs for ten years until their move to Sonora, Texas, when her husband became school superintendent in Sonora. In 1942 they and their young family moved to Austin, where she lived for the rest of her life. For all her 96 years she was a devoted daughter, sister, wife, mother, ìNana,î and friend.

          Mildred Prentice was interested in education and music throughout her life. While her husband was in U.T. Law School in the late 1940s she resumed her music education career by teaching private piano lessons in her home. She excelled as a pianist, and she volunteered her service as pianist for many years at the Richland Springs Baptist Church and much later at Westminster Manor, where she played for Sunday Vespers for eleven years and in the Manorís Health Care Center, where her music enriched the lives of its residents.

          Mildred was the consummate homemaker and mother. Her motherly duties began at age 14 when her own mother died, leaving her to be surrogate mother to her three younger brothers, and for the rest of her life, as long as she was able, she was happiest when she was caring for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was a wonderful cook and hostess and loyal supporter of her husbandís business, professional and civic activities, and her children could not have had a stronger cheerleader for whatever they did. She loved card games, and she spent many happy hours with her bridge club or with her husband and their coupleís poker club. Rarely did she miss her Dallas Cowboys on TV, and she had great knowledge about their NFL opponents. She was a loyal fan of U.T. sports, especially football and basketball. But she most looked forward to her annual summer stay in Ruidoso and the horseraces where she became adept at betting and winning.

          Mildred Prentice was active in the life of her community. She was a loyal member of Hyde Park Baptist Church, a charter member of The Austin Lawyersí Wives Club, a longtime member of The Modern Study Club, a member of The Austin Womenís Club and The Heritage Society of Austin. She and Noble Prentice were members of The Country Club of Austin, Headlinersí Club, Onion Creek Club and charter members of Westwood Country Club.

          Of all her own activities Mildred was most proud of her association with The Settlement Club of Austin, which she joined in 1953. Her proudest achievements there were the purchase of land on Peyton Gin Road, where The Settlement Home campus now stands, and the hiring of the first full-time director of The Settlement Home, both occurring during her 1962-63 presidency.

          Mildred was preceded in death in 1992 by her husband of 62 years. She was also preceded by her three brothers, Norman D. Archer, Girvice W. Archer, Sr., W. T. Archer, Sr., and by Normanís wife, Tommy Ruth Archer, and by her husbandís sister and three brothers and all their spouses and by countless friends.

          She is survived by her children, Dr. James A. Prentice and his wife Dr. Linda Gilbert Prentice, Sharon Prentice Eisenberg and her husband Jack C. Eisenberg, and Linda Prentice Dill; by her grandchildren, Alexandra Prentice Saenz (Paul B.), Dr. Laura Prentice Masters (Dr. Joseph D.), James G. Prentice, Kathy Elledge Boccieri (Michael C.), Deborah Elledge Brown (Rev. Dr. Dale), Amy Elledge Carrier (Larry), Blake A. Pounds (Dawn) and Melinda Pounds Plante, and by nineteen great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sisters-in-law, Ruth Archer and Vera Archer, who with Tommy Ruth Archer she loved as much as real sisters, by her niece and nephews, Nancy Archer Ford (Jon), Dayton Archer, Dr. Girvice W. Archer, Jr., William T. Archer, Jr. (Sandra), Robert A. Archer and Ted Archer; by several cousins, and by her loyal friends and longtime lunch mates, Tura Hobbs and Rose Catherine Chote.

          Her funeral service will be conducted by The Rev. Dr. Ralph M. Smith, Pastor Emeritus of Hyde Park Baptist Church, in the chapel of Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 3125 North Lamar Blvd, at 10 A.M. on Monday, June 4. Music will be provided by Mildredís friend, Terry Heller, and her granddaughter, Deborah Elledge Brown. Burial will be later that day at a family service to be conducted by Mildredís grandson-in-law, the Rev. Dr. Dale Brown, in the Richland Springs Cemetery in Archer family plot next to her husband and her parents. Honorary pallbearers will be her five nephews and Jon G. Ford.

          Mildred Prenticeís family especially thank her loving and dedicated caregivers of the past several years, Norine Cruz, Ruth Norris, Patsy Estorga, Kim Walls, Juna Gonzales, Liz Delgado, Nora Cabello and the late Mary Lupercio. Thanks go also to her physicians, Drs. Scott Ream, Terry Collier, Robert Pederson, William Holcomb, John ìChipî Oswalt and the late James E. Kreisle, Sr., for providing such excellent care for so many years that she lived very well for many years in spite of diabetes and severe heart disease. Finally, they thank Mr. Joe Snyder and his superb staff at Westminster Manor for providing a real home to Mildred since 1985 with many new and interesting friends, who continually renewed and enriched her life in its later years.

          Mildred Prentice asked that memorial contributions be made to The Settlement Home, 1600 Peyton Gin Road, Austin, TX 78758, or to Westminster Manor Library, 4100 Jackson Avenue, Austin, TX 78731.

        Children of Noble and Lena::

        1. Dr. James Archer Prentice, b. 22 Jan 1937, Brady, McCulloch Co., TX. He m. Dr. Linda Gilbert on 22 July 1967 in Austin, Travis Co., TX. Children per John Casall, email, 13 Jul 2010:
          1. Alexandra Prentice, b. 12 Jun 1970, Washington DC/ She m. Paul A/B Saenz.
          2. Dr. Laura Marjorie Prentice, b. 12 Aug 1972, MN. She m. Dr. Joseph David Masters on 8 Jun 996 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.

        2. Sharon Ann Prentice, twin, b. 22 Jan 1937, Brady, McCulloch Co., TX. She m.1st Vernon Elledge Jr. on 6 Jun 1958, Travis Co., TX. Dv. 29 Aug 1986. She m. 2nd Jack C. Eisenberg on 21 Mar 1987, Travis Co., TX. Children:
          1. Linda Katherine "Kathy" Elledge, b. 27 Jun 1959, Galveston Co. ?). She m. 1st William M. King on 19 May 1979 Travis Co., TX. She m. 2nd Michael C. Boccieri on 22 Apr 2006, Travis Co., TX.
          2. Deborah Ann Elledge, b. 24 Oct 1961, Dallas Co., TX. She m. Rev. Dr. Dale Jackson Brown on 21 May 1983, Travis Co., TX.
          3. Amy Prentice Elledge, b. 5 Jul 1967, Travis Co., TX. She m. Larry Evan Carrier on 28 Apr 1990, Travis Co., TX.

        3. Linda Marjorie Prentice, b. 8 Feb 1944, Austin, Travis Co., TX. She m. 1st Herbert Eugene Pounds on 18 Jun 1966, Austin, Travis Co., TX. She m. 2nd Mr. Dill per her mother's obituary, above. Children:
          1. Blake Allyn Pounds. He m. Adrienne Dawn Dietrich on 3 Aug 1991 Harris Co., TX.
          2. Melinda Gay Pounds, b. 3 Jun 1968, Taylor Co., TX. She m. Mr. Plante.

      39.10 John Benjamin "Bose" Prentice, b. 14 Aug 1882, AR, and d. 1949. Bur. in Artesia, NM, near his wife, Twillie (per John Casall, email, 21 Mar 2007)

      He m. Twillie/Twilla E. Gist on 20 Jan 1903, Brown Co., TX (per John Casall, email, 17 Mar 2007 and 12 Jun 2010), b. c. 1885, TX, and d. 1962. Bur. near her husband, John (per John Casall, email, 21 Mar 2007). Twillie was the dau. of Armstead R. Gist and Sarah Charlotte "Lottie" Mallow.

      Children of John and Twillie (per 1920 Mitchell Co., TX census):

      1. Mabel Prentice, b. 5 Apr 1906, TX and d. 3 Aug 1992, age 86 years in Tulare, CA. She m. John Venard Stewart. He was b. 25 May 1905, AL, and d. 19 Mar 1965, age 60. Children per John Cassals, email, 23 Mar 2007:
        1. John Venard Stewart Jr., b. 10 Jul 1929, Mitchell Co., TX, and d 8 Aug 1954, age 25, in an auto accident in Strathmore, CA . He m. Doris who was living in Porterville, Tulare Co., CA in 1992.
        2. Hazel Stewart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.10a]
        3. Yantis Edward Stewart 4 Nov 1925 d. 18 Aug 1981 Tulare Co., CA. The name "Yantis" comes from his mother's aunt, Ellender Elizabeth Mallow who married Thomas Caldwell Yantis. He served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M. 1909 - 1910.
        4. Deanna Stewart. She m. Mr. Brown and lived in Strathmore and Port Natchez, TX. Her mother's obit. calls her Deanna Lowell of Henderson, NV.
        5. Jack Stewart. He lived in Strathmore.

      2. Harold C. Prentice, b. c. 1911-12, TX. He might be the Harold C. Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 16 Jun 1911 and d. c. 28 Feb 1991 at an unspecified location. By email of 17 Mar 2007, John Casall suggests that he may be the Harold C. Prentice who m. Maggie Rue Tayloron 27 Dec 1939 in Artesia, Eddy Co., NM, and that he is the Harold C. Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1911, d. 2 Mar 1991, and bur. in Lovington Cem., Lovington, Lea Co., NM, along with Maggie R. Prentice, b. 21 Jun 1921. By another email of 17 Mar 2007, John Casall cites the SSDI as showing that a Maggie R. Prentice was b. 23 Jun 1921, An, TX, and d. 15 Apr 2005 in Abilene, Taylor Co., TX. John Casall's email of 12 Aug 2010 says that after Harold died, she went to Alaska for several years and lived with her daughters. Her obituary reads as follows:

          HOBBS, NM, NEWS-SUN ï SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2005

          LOVINGTON [NM]ó Maggie Prentice, 83, of Abilene,Texas, was born June 21,1921, in Anson, Texas. She died April 15, 2005, at Abilene Regional Medical Center.

          She married H. C. ìPeteî Prentice in December 1940 in Artesia, N.M.

          Maggie and Pete raised their family in Lovington [NM] with their daughters graduating from LHS. Maggie was a supervisor at GTE, retiring after 34 years of service. She also lived in Hobbs for more than 30 years and was an everyday visitor at Del Norte swimming pool. She was an avid swimmer, enjoyed reading and crocheting, and was a CASA member for many years. She was a dedicated Christian with a strong faith and a longtime member of Northern Heights Baptist Church in Hobbs.

          Survivors include two daughters, Delores and husband, Steve Carter of Kasilof, Alaska, and Doris Sanborn of Shemya, Alaska; a sister, JoAnn Hayes of Clovis, N.M.; four grandchildren, Jennifer and husband Tim Farrar of Abilene, Texas; Melissa Crezee of Soldotna, Alaska; Tara Carter of Anchorage, Alaska, and Chase Carter of Kasilof, Alaska; and four great-grandchildren.

          She was preceded in death by her parents, J.E. and Bird Taylor; her husband, Pete; six brothers, Jay, Clovis, Buddy, Idos, Charlie and Ed Taylor; and two sisters, Nadine Mahan and Pauline Renshaw.

          Funeral services will be at 2p.m. Monday, April 18, 2005, at Smith-Rogers Chapel. Keenan Witcher, pastor of Northern Heights Baptist Church in Hobbs, will officiate. Burial will follow at Lovington Cemetery. Visitation will be 1-5 p.m. Sunday, April 17, and 8 a.m.until service time Monday.

        Children of H. C. and Margaret:

        1. Delores Prentice. She m. Steve Carter and in 2005 lived in Kasilof, Alaska.
        2. Doris Prentice. She m. Mr. Sanborn and in 2005 lived in Shemya, Alaska

      3. Lottie Lou Prentice, b. c. 1914, TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.13]

      39.10a Hazel Stewart, b. 22 Nov 1923 and d. c. 7 Mar 1977, Big Spring, TX. Her obituary reads as follows:

        From the Big Spring Newspaper, March 7, 1977:
        Hazel Eleanor Thorp (Dau of Mable E. Prentice & John Venard Stewart)

        Mrs. J. W. (Hazel) Thorp, 53, was pronounced dead by Justice of the Peace Bob West at her residence at 5;33 p.m. Saturday. Services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Nalley Pickle Rosewood Chapel. Burial will be in Mount Olive Memorial Park.

        She was born November 22, 1923.

        Survivors include her husband, J. W. Thorp, Big Spring; three sons, Wayne Thorp, Odessa, Kenneth Thorp, Franston, and Jack Thorp, Lubbock; three daughters, Jane Thorp of the home, Mrs. Peggy Ramsey, Big Spring, and Lou Wona Thorp of the home; her mother Mrs. Mabel Stewart, Portersville, Calif.; and one sister, Mrs. Gale Brown, Las Vegas, Nev.

      She m. John William Thorp Jr. He was b. 29 Nov 1917, Big Spring, Howard Co., TX, and d. there on 26 May 1986. He was bur. there in Mount Oive Memorial Park. His obituary reads as follows:

        From the Big Spring Newspaper, May 28, 1986:

        Services for J. W. Thorp Jr., 68, will be at 10 am. Saturday at Myers and Smith Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Logan Peterson, pastor of Baptist Temple Church, officiating. He died Monday at his home, 1908 Thorp, following a sudden illness. Burial will be at Mount Olive Memorial Park.

        Thorp was born Nov. 28, 1917, in Big Spring. He married Hazel Stewart Nov. 25, 1940, in Roswell. N. M. She died Feb. 5, 1977. He was a lifetime resident of Big Spring and a member of the Baptist Church. He had been a member of the Baptist church. He had been a rancher in Howard County most of his life.

        Survivors include three sons, Wayne Thorp of Odessa, Kenneth Thorp of Jacksonville, and Johnny Jack Thorp of Big Spring; three daughters, Jane Thorp of Big Spring, Peggy Garner of Big Spring, and Louwona Phemister of Big Spring; one brother, F.F. Thorp of Loving, N.M.; and two sisters, Lottie Bell Newsume of Bakersfield, Calif. and Dorothy Sneed of Colorado City. He also is survived by 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

        Pallbearers will be Dewayne Mullins, Ray Stokes, Boyce Sneed, Roy Allred, Gary Bradbury and Richard Nix.

        He was married to Hazel E. Stewart (daughter of John Venard Stewart Sr. and Mabel Prentice) on 25 Nov 1940 in Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. Hazel E. Stewart was born on 22 Nov 1923 in Mitchell County, Texas. She died on 5 Mar 1977 in Howard County, Texas. She was buried in Mount Olive Memorial Park, Big Spring, Texas.

      Hazel and John had the following children:

      1. Ravis (Travis?) Wayne "Wayne" Thorp. He m. Faye. 1977 lived in Odessa, TX. In 2010 lived in Odessa, TX. Daughter:
        1. Kimberlie Michelle Thorp
      2. Kenneth Lewis Thorp b. 14 Aug 1944 Howard Co., TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.14]
      3. Joyce Jane "Jane" Thorp, b. 19 Mar 1949 Howard Co., TX. 1977 lived in Big Spring, TX.
      4. Peggy Louise Thorp b. 22 Aug 1950 Howard Co., TX. She m. 1st Hilton Tommie Ramsey Jr. on 1 Aug 1967; divorced 28 Oct 1975 in Bexar Co., TX. Children:
        1. Rodney Lee Ramsey was born on 28 Sep 1969 in Howard County, Texas. He died on 13 Feb 1988

        Peggy Louise Thorp m. 2nd Ronald E. Gardner on 26 Feb 1983 Howard Co., TX. In 2010 they lived in Big Springs, TX.

      5. Johnny "Jack" Thorp .b. 10 Jun 1952 Howard Co., TX. He m. Jinny. 1977 lived in Big Spring, TX. In 2010 they lived in CO. He m. Linda Kay Stephens on 25 Aug 1979, Howard Co., TX. Children:
        1. Jay Stewart Thorp
        2. Jessie Wayne Thorp
      6. Louwona Faye Thorp 26 Oct 1964 Howard Co., TX. She m. Joe Lynn Phemister on 6 May 1982, Howard Co., TX. In 1977 they lived in Big Spring, TX. Children:
        1. David Lee Phemister

      39.11 Robert Anderson Prentice, b. 23 Dec 1925, TN, and d. 30 Mar 1998, Columbia, Maury Co., TN.

      He m. Betty Ann Richardson, b. c. 1931 and d. 16 Jan 2012, Colunbia, TN. Her obituary reads as follows:

        Betty Prentice: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice, Daily Herald, The (Columbia, TN) - Monday, January 16, 2012

        Mrs. Betty Ann Richardson Prentice, 81, resident of Spainwood Street, died Monday, January 16, 2012, at Maury Regional Medical Center.

        The Maury County native was the daughter of the late Sam Garrett Richardson and Virginia Wilkes Richardson. On October 9, 1948 she married Robert Anderson "Bobby" Prentice who preceded her in death March 30, 1998. She was employed by South Central Bell for ten years during the late 1950's and early 1960's but spent most of her life as a wife, mother and homemaker. Mrs. Prentice was a member of Collegevue Church of Christ and a former longtime member of Lanton Church of Christ.

        Survivors include three sons, Robert Lee (Angela) Prentice, Donald Allen (Yvonne) Prentice, Robert Scott Prentice all of Columbia; a brother, Donald (Mildred) Richardson of Columbia; four grandchildren, Paula (Corey) Jacoby of Membane, North Carolina, Samuel Todd (Norma) Prentice of Houston, Texas, Savannah Prentice, Delana Prentice both of Columbia; and five great-grandchildren.

        Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Oakes & Nichols Funeral Home with Dalton Cole and Greg Gwin officiating. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Cemetery. The family will visit with friends Tuesday from 4 ñ 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Notes of sympathy may be sent to the family at www.oakesandnichols.com. Pallbearers will be Robert L. Prentice, Donald Prentice, Doug Richardson, Terry Boatright, Michael Thompson and Brian Thompson.

      Children of Robert and Betty:

      1. Robert Lee Prentice. He m. Angela and in 2012 lived in Columbia, TN.
      2. Donald Allen Prentice. He m. Yvonne and in 2012 lived in Columbia, TN.
      3. Robert Scott. In 2012 lived in Columbia, TN.

      39.12 June Wilbernette Prentice, b. c. 1935 and d. 29 Jan 2013, Mack Branch Rd., Lynville, TN. Her obituary reads as follows:

        June Prentice Dillehay: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice, Daily Herald, The (Columbia, TN) - Friday, February 1, 2013.

        Mrs. June Prentice Dillehay, 78, resident of Mack Branch Rd. in Lynnville, died Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at her sister's residence on Bradshaw Drive in Columbia.

        The Giles County native was the daughter of the late Wilburn Berry Prentice and Dixie Juanita Staggs Prentice and was a graduate of Jones High School in Lynnville. On February 17, 1962 she married Clint Moore "Punk" Dillehay who preceded her in death September 4, 2009. She was a homemaker and attended the Church of Christ.

        Survivors include her daughters, Melissa Howell (fiancÈe, Terriel Malone) of Lynnville, Mitzi (Rob) Andrew of Spring Hill; sons, Tom Dillehay (Stephen Huff) of Memphis, Berry (Sandy) Sands of Lynnville; sister, Edna Lou Folsom of Columbia; grandchildren, Charlene (Bryan) Russell of Pulaski, Wil (Lindsey) Sands of Lynnville; four great grandchildren; a very special niece, Shannon Watkins of Alabama; and very special friends and second family, Sharon Wells and Ben Yokley both of Lynnville.

        Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at Oakes & Nichols Funeral Home with Allen Armstrong officiating. Burial will follow in Polk Memorial Gardens. The family will visit with friends Friday from 3 ñ 7:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.oakesandnichols.com. Friends and family will serve as pallbearers.

      She m. Clint Moore Dillehay. He d. 4 Sep 2009. Children of June and Clint:

      1. Melissa Howell (fiancÈe, Terriel Malone) of Lynnville,
      2. Mitzi (Rob) Andrew of Spring Hill,
      3. Tom Dillehay of Memphis,
      4. Berry (Sandy) Sands of Lynnville

      39.13 Lottie Lou Prentice, b. c. 1914, TX and d. 1941. Bur. in Artesian, NM, near her probable husband.

      She m. Forrest F. Thorp, b. 22 Aug 1910, Big Spring, Howard Co., TX, and d. 17 Aug 1989 in Artesia, Eddy County, NM. He was buried in Woodbine Cemetery, Artesia, New Mexico. His Artisia Daily Press obituary reads as follows:

        Forrest Floyd Thorp was born on 22 Aug 1910 in Big Spring, Howard County, Texas. He died on 17 Aug 1989 in Art

        He was married to Lottie Lou Prentice (daughter of J. B. Prentice and Twillie) on 23 Dec 1931 in Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. Lottie Lou Prentice was born on 13 Feb 1914 in Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. She died on 5 Jan 1991 in Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. She was buried in Woodbine Cemetery, Artesia, New Mexico. Forrest Floyd Thorp and Lottie Lou Prentice had the following children:

        1. Bobby Gene Thorp. Living in 2002 in Ruidoso, NM.. He m. Emma Neatherlin and had the following children:
          1. Forrest Gene Thorp
          2. Kelly MarlettaThorp
          3. Lyndel Marc Thorp
          4. Serilda Ruth Thorp
        2. Betty Jo Thorp. Living in 2002 in Artesia, NM. She m. 1st Curtis Teel and had the following children:
          1. Randall Raye Teel
          2. Michael Duane Teel
          Betty Jo Thorp. Living in 2002 in Artesia, NM. She m. 2nd Walter M. "Joe" Gray had the following children:
          1. Debra Louellen Gray
          2. Darrell Joe Gray
          3. Danny Ray Thorp. He m. Jeanine Benson and had the following children:
            1. Stephen James Thorp
        3. Donny R. Thorp, b. 28 Aug 1940, Big Springs, TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [39.15]

      39.14 Kenneth Lewis Thorp, b. 14 Aug 1944 Howard Co., TX, and d. 25 Mar 2010, Jacksonville, TX. 1977 lived in Jacksonville, TX. His obituary reads as follows:

        Kenneth Lewis Thorp: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice
        Jacksonville Daily Progress (TX) - March 31, 2010
        Date of birth: 14 Aug 1944
        Date of death: 25 Mar 2010

        JACKSONVILLE - Funeral services for Kenneth Lewis Thorp, age 65, of Jacksonville, are scheduled for 10:00 am Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at Autry Funeral Home chapel, Jacksonville with Mark Waldman and Don Harvey officiating.

        Mr. Thorp died passed away Thursday, March 25, 2010 in Jacksonville. He was born August 14, 1944 in Big Springs, TX.

        Mr. Thorp was a member of Trails to Christ Cowboy Church in Jacksonville, was a rancher, life long cowboy and worked and managed ranches.

        He is preceded in death by his sister Janie Thorp, parents J. W. and Hazel Thorp.

        Survivors include sons Randy Thorp of Caddo Mills and Shane Thorp of Jacksonville; daughters Kelly Martin and husband Kenny of Alto, Cindy Rains and husband Brian of Grand Saline and Cathy Ford and husband Keith of Loranger, LA; brothers Wayne Thorp and wife Faye of Odessa, Jackie Thorp and wife Jinny of Colorado, sisters Peggy Gardner and husband Ron of Big Springs, Louwanna Phemister and husband Joe, fifteen grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and special friend Hazel Simmons of Jacksonville.

        Pallbearers will be Larry Dison, Cody Dison, Rickey Jones, Billy Powell, Derek Rains, Dillion Thorp and Harold Harvey. The family will receive friends from 6:00 - 8:00 pm Monday, March 29, 2010 at Autry Funeral Home, Jacksonville.

      Children of Kenneth Lewis Thorp::

      1. Kenneth Randall Thorp. In 2010 lived inCaddo Mills, TX.
      2. Kelly Marie Thorp. She m. Kenny Martin and in 2010 lived ion Alto, TX.
      3. Anthony Shane Thorp. In 2010 lived in Jacksonville, TX.
      4. Cynthia Diane Thorp. She m. Brian Rains and in 2010 lived in Grand Saline, TX.
      5. Cathy Ann Thorp. She m. Keith Ford and in 2010 lived in Loranger, LA.

      39.15 Donny R. Thorp, b. 28 Aug 1940, Big Springs, TX, and d. 28 Dec 2002, age 62. His obituary reads as follows:

        Thorp, Donny R. - December 31 issue

        Born Aug. 28, 1940 in Big Spring, Texas to Forrest F. and Lottie L. (Prentice) Thorp, he married Karen Brannan on March 4, 2000 in Artesia. Thorp came to Artesia in 1947 from Texas and was a banker. He helped organize and was a charter member for the Carlsbad and Raton Optimist Clubs. He was also a veteran and served in the Navy.

        Survivors include his wife, Karen Thorp of the family home; three sons, Stephen Thorp of Lubbock, Texas, Curtis Wiley of Lufkin, Texas and Brian Halstead of Newton, Kan.; three daughters, Kara Halstead of Newton, Kan., Dennette Kurimski of Carlsbad, N.M. and Tamera Hannon of Lubbock, Texas; one brother, Bob Thorp of Ruidoso, N.M.; one sister, Betty Gray of Artesia; eight grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Thorp was preceded in death by his parents.

        Services are scheduled at 10 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 2 at Terpening & Son Chapel for Donny R. Thorp of 1005 Sears Ave. in Artesia. Thorp, 62, died Dec. 28, 2002 at his home. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Jean Riley with burial at Woodbine Cemetery. Pallbearers will be his nephews. Visitation will begin at 1 p.m., Wednesday at Terpening & Son Mortuary. Memorial contributions can be made to Carlsbad Optimist Club or Clark Memorial United Methodist Church.

        # Burial: Woodbine Cemetery, Artesia, Eddy County, New Mexico
        # Event: Military Vietnam
        # Note: United States Navy

      He m. Karen Brannan. Children per his obituary, above:

      1. Stephen Thorp of Lubbock, TX.
      2. Curtis Wiley (stepson?) of Lufkin, TX.
      3. Brian Halstead (stepson?) of Newton, KS.
      4. Kara Halstead (stepdaughter?) of Newton, KS.
      5. Dennette Kurimski (stepdaughter?) of Carlsbad, NM.
      6. Tamera Hannon (stepdaughter?) of Lubbock, TX.

      40. Louisa Jane Prentice (Samuel-20, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), 29/30 in AL. She m. Stephen Tuttle Thompson on 20 Jul 1851, Marshall Co., TN. Children:

      i.  	William Tuttle Thompson, b. c. 1852.
      ii. 	James R. N. Thompson, b. 1856.
      iii.	Joseph Samuel Thompson, b. c 1859.
      iv.	Robert William Thompson, b. c. 1861.

      41. Lucinda Frances Prentice (Samuel-20, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. 1832, AL. She m. James B. Parrott c. 1832 in TN. Children:

      i.  	Uriah W. Parrott, b. c. 1854, AL.
      ii. 	Martha F. Parrott, b. c. 1856, AL.
      iii.	John W. Parrott, b. c. 1859, AL.

      42. Polly Prentice

      43. Samuel David Prentice (Samuel-20, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. 28 Jun 1849, Marshall Co., AL and d. 18 Oct 1916 in Montague, Montague Co., TX. Bur. in Montague Cemetery.

      He m. Jane Caroline Nabours 4 Mar 1869, Marshall Co., AL. She was b. c. 1849 and d. 1913. Died in Montague, Montague, TX, and bur. in Montague Cemetery. Children:

      1. Charles Gustaves Prentice, b. Sep 1870, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [64]
      2. Zannia Louise Prentice, b. 1872, MS and d. 1916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [65]
      3. Samuel Paul Prentice, b. c. 1878, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[66]
      4. Ellie A. Prentice, dau., b. c. 1879, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [43.1]
      5. Willie Franklin Prentice, b. 1881, Marshall Co., AL.
      6. Rebecca/Bessie Leonora Prentice, b. 2 Jun 1884, Guntersville, OK. She m. Harry Walker on 25 Dec 1905. He died 1943. She was still living in 1983 at the age of 99. She had five children, including:
        1. Eva, who m. Roger Giles and in 1998 lived in Lubbock, TX. (per Frank Kilcrease, 15 & 30 Aug 1998)
        2. Ruby Marie Walker, b. 19 Mar 1916, Montague Co., TX., and d. 3 Apr 1998 in Bowie, Montague Co., TX. Bur in Brushy Cem., Montague Co., TX. She m. Herbert Eldon Jackson on 6 Jul 1940 in Bowie. He was b. 4 Sep 1915 in Bowie. They had 3 children, one of whom, a daughter, m. Mr. Jackson.

      7. John M. Prentice, b. 1886 and d. 1951. Bur. in Montague Cem., Montague, Montague Co., TX.
      8. Sudie Smith Prentice, b, 1888.
      9. Margaret/Maggie Myetta Prentice, b. 22 Jul 1893, AL, and d. 21 Oct 1978, Union Clounty Gen. Hosp. Clayton, Union Co., NM, age 85 years. Her obituary reads as follows:

          WETSEL, Margaret Etta b. 22 Jul 1893, AL. d. 21 Oct 1978, Union County General Hospital, Clayton, Union, NM; 85 yr 2 mo 29 da; came to NM from Mangum, OK in 1916; homesteaded near Cuates, NM; moved to Clayton, Union, NM about 1920. Husband: Robert Otis WETSEL; md. 25 Dec 1914, Mangum, OK. Parents: Samuel David PRENTICE and Carolyn NABORS. Survived by husband, Clayton, NM; son, Buster WETSEL, Clayton, NM; 2 daughters: Lava BUTT, Clayton, NM and Gracie June CONNELL, Stead, NM; sister, Bessie WALKER, Montague, TX. Burial: cemetery inscription; Schooler-Hass; Union County Leader, 25 Oct 1978, Clayton, NM.

        She m. Robert Otis Wetsel on 25 Dec 1914, Mangum, OK. He was b. 30 Dec 1894, Mangum, OK, and d. 9 May 1979, Union Co. Gen. Hosp., Calyton, Uniion Co., NM. He was living in 1978 in Clayton, Union Co., NM. His obituary reads as follows:

          WETSEL, Robert Otis b. 30 Dec 1894, Mangum, OK. d. 9 May 1979, Union County General Hospital, Clayton, Union, NM; 84 yr 4 mo 9 da; came to NM in 1916 from Mangum, OK. Wife: Margaret Etta PRENTICE; she d. 21 Oct 1978. Parents: Robert WETSEL and Beulah REYNOLDS Survived by son, Buster, Clayton, NM; 2 daughters: Lava BUTT, Clayton, NM and Gracie June CONNELL, Stead, NM; 2 brothers: Merrell, Taos, NM and Jack, Seminole, OK; 4 sisters: Mae BOGGS, Lilla FARMER, Viola HIGGINS, and Katherine WERSONIC, all of Albuquerque, NM. Burial: 12 May 1979; cemetery inscription; Schooler-Hass; Union County Leader, 16 May 1979, Clayton, NM.

        Children of Margaret Etta and Robert:

        1. Buster Wetsel. In 1978 lived in Clayton, NM.
        2. Lava Wetsel. She m. Mr. Butt and in 1978 lived in Clayton, NM.
        3. Gracie June Wetsel. She m. Mr. Connell and in 1978 lived in Stead, NM.

      43.1 Ellie Ann Prentice, dau., b. 27 Jul 1879, AL, and d. 18 Feb 1977 in Ector Co., TX. Incorrectly entered in the 1880 census as "Elliot A.". T

      She m. William Edward Arledge. They had 1 or more children, including:

      1. W. M. "Bid" Arledge
      2. Dorothy Arledge. She m. Mr. Burnett,
      3. Bess Shirley Arledge. She m. Mr. Jones,
      4. Alma Arledge. She m. Mr. Moore,
      5. Ann Arledge. She m. Mr. Moore.
      6. Joe Arledge. In 2004 lived in Gilmer, TX.
      7. Frances Arledge. She m. Mr. Gleaton. In 2004 lived in Odesssa, TX.
      8. Gertrude Margaret Arledge, b. 31 Jan 1907, Montague Co., TX. She m. Mr. Weeks, but he is not mentioned by name in her obituary as living or predeceasing her, so they may have been divorced.. Her obituary reads as follows:

          Gertrude Margaret Arledge Weeks

          ODESSA Gertrude Margaret Arledge Weeks, age 97, died Wednesday, November 3, 2004, at Seabury Nursing Center in Odessa. She was born January 31, 1907, in Montague County, TX, to William Edward and Ellie Ann (Prentice) Arledge. Graveside services will be held 10 a.m. Monday, November 8, 2004, at Sunset Memorial Gardens. Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church with Rev. Nora Fitch officiating.

          She was preceded in death by her daughter Peggy Jo Pool Richards, grandson, Mark Pool, brother, W.M. (Bud) Arledge, sisters, Dorothy Burnett, Bess Shirley Jones, Alma Moore, Ann Moore, niece, Judy Longino, and by her parents. She is survived by her grandson, Mickey Ray Pool of Missouri City, TX, brother, Joe Arledge of Gilmer, TX, sister, Frances Gleaton of Odessa, and cousin, Oleta Worley of Fort Worth, four nieces of Odessa, JoAnn Harry, Linda Meyer, Jerri Brown, and Candy Homsey, and many other nieces and nephews.

          Gertrude, her mother, Ellie Arledge, and her sister Frances Gleaton were longtime members of First Presbyterian Church in Odessa. The family has lived in Wink and Odessa since the mid- 1930s and had many friends here. She raised her grandson, Mickey Ray Pool through High School here.

          If desired memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, in Odessa. Arrangements by Frank W. Wilson Funeral Directors.

      Children of Gertrude and Weeks:

      1. Peggy Jo Weeks Pool Richards.

      44. James Franklin Prentice, b. 3 Jan 1857, AL and d. 25 Mar 1924 in Marshall Co., AL. He took a train to Birmingham to have an operation. After the operation, he returned by train to Guntersville and walked 12 miles to his home near Arab, AL. He died shortly therafter from complications arising from his surgury.

      James was a justice of the peace, a deacon of the Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church as well as well as being the church's Sunday school suuperintendent and a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge in Arab. Seems to have been a rather inflexable person in view of the fact that he bannished his daughter, Millie, from his sight when she eloped with a man under the yoke of the demon alcohol. He never saw or talked to his daughter after that,

      In the "Arab Historian", an article stated that he owned and operated a griss mill on Beach Creek. The 1880 Alabama Census, Blount County shows him living in the Red Hill Community.In the book, "HISTORY OF THE PRENTICE FAMILY", James bought 80 acres in the 1880s from William Nabors and lived there until 1890, Sold the place to Rev. E. T. Presnall . The house on that place was a log cabin which was still standing when the book was written in the 1900's. James F. installed and operated a griss mill on Beach Creek powered by a water wheel. Sold the mill to John Teal. Sold his home place purchased after the home, to West Claiborn. He served as Justice of the Peace in the Warrenton Beat while he was living in this home.

      After the sale of this home, he bought a farm from Robert (Bob) Thompson that bordered the city limits on the east side of Arab, AL. His son Daniel W. Prentice inherited and lived at this place until 1955 or so. New Canaan was in Marshall County before Cullman County was organized. At that time, Blount County extended to the Arab City limit. Mr. Elliot, Union soldier, liked the area when he passed through it so much that he came back after the Civil War and homesteaded a 120 acres in Arab, AL.

      James m. Martha Jane Nabors, dau. of Joseph Nabors and Sarah Heaton Jenkins, on 7 Feb 1878 in Marshall County. Martha was b. c. 1859 in AL and was d. 21 Sep 1941 and was bur. in Brashiers Chapel Methodis in Marshall County. Children:

      1. William Forest Prentice, b. Dec 1878, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [67]
      2. Millie Jane Prentice, b. 28 Apr 1882 in AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [68]
      3. Joseph Wesley Prentice, b. 21 Aug 1883, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [69]
      4. James Andrew Prentice, b. 14 May 1886, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [70]
      5. James Cleveland Prentice, b. Nov 188
      6. Daniel Washington Prentice, b. Aug 1891, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [71]
      7. Tempie Lula Prentice, b. 29 Jul 1894, Marshall Co., AL and d. there 29 Jun 1914. Bur. in Brashier Chapel Methodist. Unknown whether she married.
      8. J. F. (James Franklin?) Prentice, b. 3 Jan 1898, AL and d. that same day. Buried in Brashiers Chapel Methodist, Marshall Co., AL.
      9. Henry Terrell Prentice, b. 12 Sep 1900, Marshall Co., AL, and d. 24 Sep 1998 (per SSDI). In 1910 census. He was living in 1968 and mentioned in the Obit. of his brother, James, in Guntersville, Marshall Co., AL. He appears in the 1930 Arab census as b. c. 1900 in AL He m. Ina Bell Hunt on 16 Sep 1920, Marshall Co., AL. She was b. 18 Sug 1897, Cullman Co., AL, and d. 23 Jun 1988, Arab, Marshall Co., AL and bur. there. Children:
        1. Earlene Prentice (twin), b. 20 Jun 1923, Marshall Co., AL. She m. Walker Teal on 20 Oct 1946, Marshall Co., AL. He was b. 16 Oct 1922 and d. 15 Aug 2003, Guntersville, Marshall Co., AL (per SSDI).
        2. Florence Prentice (twin) , b. 20 Jun 1923, Marshall Co., AL. She m. Lonnie O'Neal Garrett on 22 Mar 1945, Marshall Co., AL. He was b. 27 Mar 1923 and d. Aug 1979, Arab, Marshall Co., AL (per SSDI).

      45. Daniel I. Prentice (Samuel-20, William-13, Daniel-7, William-3), b. 19 Aug 1861, Marshall Co., AL and d. 1 Jan 1911; bur. Caddo., Bryan Co., OK. J.A. Thompson wrote in the Guntersville Deomocrat (later The Advertiser then The Gleam). His column was titled, "South Fry News". In his column dated 12/'26/1945 and titled, "History of Eddy", he writes:

        " W H Perkins, D J Prentice, J W Cranford, J D Bell operated saw mills. D I Prentice and J. W. Prentice operated Gins. N R Nabors ran a gin, grist mill and saw mill; Oliver Nabors, John Hipps, J W Fieling, Henry Whitlock and C B Mc Clure."

        He continues later in the article, " The first school house was built about 1905, a two room building. The late Riley Nabors sawed the lumber free and gave an acre of land. The late L U (Bud) Slaton gave five acres of land and was liberal toward building the new school house. J W Cranford said " the first school I went to was at the log building at Gilliam Creek. Miss Mollie Simpson was the teacher. They built a log house near the home of D I Prentice, just above the mill at Eddy. They used the house for school till the frame building was built."

      Daniel m. Arlissa Elizabeth (Teat) Cranford on 4 Aug 1878, Marshall Co., AL. She was b. 4 Apr 1862 in Blount Co., AL, and d. 28 Sep 1940. She was buried in Caddo, Bryan Co., OK. She was the dau. of Lewis Mason Cranford and Arlissa Tawren Posen. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . The 1930 census in Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK shows her living with her son, Alphy, and another son, Precely. The following is a letter written by her to Frank and Martha Prentice dated 9/22/1912 from Caddo, Oklahoma:

        "Dear Brother and sister I try and rite you all a few lines this leaves all Sick. I had sickness ever since I came home. Preasley has had the walking feaver about three weeks. Richard has been sick two weeks thier both in bed today. I was nearly gave out when I got here and I been up and down ever since.

        We have out 4 bales of cotton. Cotton picking going 75 cents a hundred and Bord are 95 cents and Board yourself. It will go to a $1.00 before long. Our crop hant very good. I am made $11.00 last week picking. be getting 75 cents and Board. I set of about 100 little chickens since I got back. Victorio sure had lots of chickens set off when I got home. The children sute was proud to see me. they didnt Know I was back untill I plane out. Columbus meat me.

        Marthy I havent had any chance to send them pictures of and as soon as I can I will send them back to you. I will send you one Victorio and Etto Pictures. Allso one of Etto and his sister in law made to geather. Well I will close for this time. Hopping an early answer.

        As ever your sister Mrs A E Prentice"

      Daniel and Arlissa had the following children:

      1. George Fayette Prentice, b. 11 Aug 1879, AL and d. 15 Feb 1970. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [72]
      2. Walter Lonzo Prentice, b. 25 Feb 1881, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[45.1]
      3. Della Ann Prentice, b. 20 Feb 1883, Marshall Co., AL, and d. 12 Sep 1970, Burleson, Johnson Co., TX. She m. Floyd Gerald Carter in 1901, TX. He was b. 6 Feb 1879, AL, and d. 14 Oct1972, Tarrant, TX, age 93, and bur in Burleson, TX. Children:
        1. Annie Lee Carter
        2. Daniel H. Carter
        3. Marie Carter
        4. Dortha Morine Carter
        5. Cevilla Carter
        6. Floyddean C. Carter, dau.
      4. Towney Euginia Prentice b. 14 Jan 1885 in Eddy, Marshall Co., AL and d. 15 May 1953, Hutchinson, TX, age 68. She m. James Edward Gipson on 19 Jan 1902. He was b. 17 Nov 1878 and d. 17 Dec 1950 in Borger, TX, age 72. Son: Per email, 12 Feb 2000 and Ancestry.com :
        1. Myrtle E Gipson
        2. Cora Avos GIPSON
        3. Ely C Gipson
        4. Eldon Gipson
        5. Eby E Gipson
        6. Jack Talmadge Gipson, "Tab". Son:
          1. Douglas Gayle Gipson.
        7. F Inez Gipson
        8. Prentice Gipson
        9. Edd Hanford Gipson
        10. Maxine E Gipson
        11. Truitt L Gipson
      5. Minnie Victoria Prentice, 1 Jun 1887, Cooke, TX, or AL, and d. 5 Oct 1975, Brownfield,Terry Co., TX. She m. Ollie Ellwood Raynes. He was b. 19 Jun 1889, TX, and d. 28 May 1947, Lane, OR, age 57. Both are bur. in Terry Co. Mem. Cem., Brownfield, Terry Co., TX. Children:
        1. Thelma Elzada Raynes
        2. Jewel Raynes
        3. Ruby Raynes
        4. Son Raynes
        5. Son Raynes
        6. Son Raynes
      6. Vada Etta Prentice, b. 13 Apr 1889, Centre, Cherokee Co., AL, and d. 22 Dec 1977, Dallas Co., TX, age 88 She m. Samuel Wesley Fielding (1875-1957). Daughter.
        1. Cephas Daniel Fielding
        2. Cephas Daniel Fielding
        3. Pauline Elizabeth Fielding
        4. Jim Daniel Fielding
        5. Ilona C Fielding
        6. Ivey Fielding
        7. Annie Mae Fielding
        8. Otis Fielding
        9. Precely Paul Fielding
        10. John W. Fielding
        11. Dau. Fielding. She might be one of the above daughters. She m. Wilson Morgan Yost. Son:
          1. Son Yost.
      7. Earnest Prentice, b. 18 Dec 1890, Arab, Marshall Co., AL and d. 27 Jan 1891, age 1 month.
      8. Columbus Prentice, b. 20 Dec 1892, Marshall Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [73]
      9. Samuel Louis Prentice, b. 13 Sep 1895, ALor TX, and d. 7 Mar 1980, Caddo, Bryan Co., OK, age 84. In 1910 Bryan census. Not in 1930 census. He may be the same person as S. L. Prentice shown in the 1920 census in Matoy, Bryan Co., OK, as b. c. 1896, TX, with his wife, Eula Verde Jones (m. 4 Aug 1916, OK), b. 1 Jan 1897, Cado, Bryan Co., OK, and d. 30 Jun 1987, Grayson Co., TX. Children:
        1. Louis/Lewis Prentice, b. c. 1918, OK.
        2. Morea Prentice, b. 6 Ma 1922, Bokchito, OK, and d. 15 Jun 2016, Tulsa, OK, age 94.
        3. Gertrude Prentice.
      10. Daniel Prentice, b. 26 Nov 1897, Marshall Co., AL and d. 15 Oct 1902, age 5.
      11. Richard Lincoln Prentice, b. 6 Dec 1898, AL, and d. 12 Dec 1976, Grayson, Co., TX. Bur Fairview Cemetery, aka Maple Grove Cemetery, Denison, TX. In 1910 Bryan Co., OK census. Not in 1930 census. Died 12 Dec 1976. He m. 1st Lillie Turner on 20 Feb 1925 in Bryan Co., OK. He m. 2nd Thelma. He m. 3rd Georgia Gladys Bible or Gladys Georgia Bible. She ws b. 10 Mar 1899 and d. 3 Feb. 1973. Also bur. in Fairview Cemetery with Richard. They had 1 or more children, including:
        1. Billy Richard Prentice, b. 18 Jan 1944.
      12. Precely Prentice, son, b. 13/16 Jan 1901, TX. He d. 20 Nov 1968, Mineola, Wood Co., TX. At home in 1910 and 1920 census. Living with his brother, Alphy (below) in the 1930 census. He m. Della Mae Harrison on 29 Jul 1924, Bryan Co., OK. She was b. 21 Aug 1908, OK. Della m. 2nd Charles Autrey. Children of Precely and Della:
        1. Peggy Pauline Prentice, b. 17 Mar 1925, OK, and d. 13 Jul 1969, Orange Co., CA. She m. Winfred Lee Cox on 10 Feb 1942.
        2. Charles Edward Prentice, b. 26 Dec 1928. He m. Nuss Goodwin.
        3. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Thacker.
        Victoria/Cora/Corene Prentice, b. 10 Sep 1903, TX and d. 19 Feb 1999, Wichita Co., TX. At home in 1920 census. She m. Dreyfus Newton Cato on 29 Nov 1925, Bryan Co., OK.
      13. Alpha Omega Prentice, b. 9 Dec 1905, TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [45.10]

      45.1 Walter Lonzo Prentice, b. 25 Feb 1881, AL. Died 10 Sep 1969, Calera, Bryan Co., OK.

      He m. Vina Mae Jutson on 12 Dec 1900. She was born 15 Nov 1884, Limestone Co., TX and d. 2 Feb 1917 in Durant, Bryan Co., OK. Children per 1910 and 1920 Bryan Co., OH census and per Corey Prentice, email, 27 Nov 2000):

      1. Roy Madison Prentice, b. 5 Jan 1902, Gruesbeck, TX, and d. 28 Oct 1982, Denison, Grayson Co., TX. He m. Lora Thomas on 19 Sep 1931. She was b. 6 Mar 1905 in Calera, OK, and d. 19 Oct 1988, Calera,Bryan Co., OK. Children:
        1. Royce Dean Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [45.2]
        2. Ricky Dan Prentice. He m. Thelia;
      2. Pam Prentice, b. c. 1904, TX. At home in 1910 in Bryan Co., OK.
      3. Powell Lonzo "Coon" Prentice, b. 20 Jul 1906, OK, and d. 23 Aug 1986, Durant, Bryan Co., OK. per SSDI. At home in 1910 in Bryan Co., OK. He m. Pauline Francis 'Polly' Prentice on 14 Sep 1940, Durant, Bryan Co., OK. She was b. 14 Oct 1918 in Kemp (OK?), and d. 13 Jun 2005, age 86 years. Her obituary reads as follows:

          Pauline Francis 'Polly' Prentice.

          She was born Monday, Oct. 14, 1918, in Kemp to James Porter Rice and Melissa Belle Sweeney. She married P.L. "Coon" Prentice Sept. 14, 1940, in Durant. She was a clerk and floor manager for Woolworth's for 27 years and a manager for Ideal Bakery.

          She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, brothers Harvey Earl, James William "Bill," Fred Huel, Archie Kier; and sisters Thelma Sally Corbin and Sybil Rice.

          She is survived by her son Joe Don Prentice and wife Dottie, Durant; granddaughter Jodi Lyn Waldo and husband R.J., Durant; great-granddaughter Sabrina Kay Waldo, Durant; sister Rosalee Houk, Durant; step-granddaughters Mona Whitt and husband Tony, Cartwright, Angie Ellis and husband Gary, Muskogee, Joy Morton and husband Bobby, Durant; step-grandson Roy Jones, Durant; and eight step- great-grandchildren.

          A service will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Dalton-Holmes Funeral Chapel for Pauline Francis "Polly" Prentice, 86, Durant, who died Monday, June 13, 2005, at Medical Center of Southeastern Oklahoma. Rev. Jacob Toews will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery with Bill Corbin, Jim Corbin, R.J. Waldo, Roy Jones, Bobby Morton and Austin Garrison serving as pallbearers.

          Family hour will be from 7-8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Condolences may be sent to the family at dhfh@communicomm.com. Dalton-Holmes Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Published in the Durant Daily Democrat [Durant, OK] on June 16, 2005.

        Son of P. L. and Pauline:

        1. Joe Don Prentice. He m. Dottie and 2005 lived in Durant, Bryan Co., OK.

      4. Eugene Prentice, b.13 Dec 1925 in Amherst, Lamb Co., TX, and d. 16 Mar 1967 in Lubbock, TX. At home in 1910 in Bryan Co., OK.

      45.2 Royce Dean Prentice, b. 7 Dec 1943, Durant, OK and d. 30 Sep 2011,Calera, Bryan Co., OK. His obituary reads as follows:

        Royce "Dink" Prentice: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice, Durant Daily Democrat (OK) - Sunday, October 2, 2011.

        Deceased Name: Royce "Dink" Prentice. On Friday, September 30, 2011, the guiding light of our life was called home at the age of 67 years 9 months and 23 days. He was born on Tuesday, December 7, 1943, in Durant, Oklahoma to Roy and Lora Prentice. Dink will be loved and missed.

        Royce was preceded in death by his parents, Roy and Lora Prentice.

        He is survived by his son, Corey Prentice and wife Kara; daughter, Reginia (Cissy) Prentice; brother, Rickey Prentice and wife Thelia; grandchildren, Roy Joe and Brittiney Prentice, Kaylee and Michael Trammell; nephew, Robert Prentice and wife Tina; niece, Tina Pigg and husband Jason, LaDonna Barkley Hobbs; greatnieces, Hanna Pigg, Sophie Pigg, Preslie Pigg, and Ciara Hobbs; great-nephews, Wyatt Prentice and Eli Hobbs; his best friends, Odis and Carolyn Row; the mother of his children, Virginia Hansen; and his caregiver, Crystal Thomas.

        Family and friends are invited to say their goodbyes to Dink at his home in Calera Oklahoma, Monday, October 3, 2011, from 6-8 P.M. In lieu of flowers, bring ice cream and/ or marbles. We love you, Dad. Family and friends may send online condolences and view tributes at www.coffeymurray.com. Services are under the direction of Holmes-Coffey-Murray Funeral Home, Durant, Oklahoma.

      He m. Kara. Children:

      1. Corey Dean Prentice. He m. Karalee Rachal Hickenbottom. Children:
        1. Roy Joe Prentice,
        2. Brittiney Gayl Prentice.
      2. Reginia Mae Prentice. "Cissy".

      45.10 Alpha "Alphy" Omega Prentice, b. 9 Dec 1905, Bryan, OK and d. 21 Jul 1989 in Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK. At home in 1920 census. In 1930 census in Bokchiton, Bryan Co., OK with his wife and family.

      Alpha m. 1st. Clara Lee Cody. She was b. 10 Feb 1904, Val Desta, Collin Co., TX, and d. 21 Aug 1996, Jacksboro, Jack Co., TX. per Ancestry.com . Her gravestone can be found in the Cottage Hill Cem., Collin Co., TX. An Ancestor Chart for Clara can be found at Ancestry.com . They had 1 or more children, including (per Eleanor Brown, email, 17 Jan 2011):

      1. Billy Warren Prentice, b. 6 Jan 1927, Collin Co., TX, and d. 29 Jun 2007, Mineral Wells, TX. He renamed himself Billy Warren Cody. He m. Anna Lee Darland. She was b. 2 May 1930 and d. 11 Jan 2011. Children:
        1. Billy Jack Cody, b. c. 1945-48. Died in a car accident as a teen.
        2. Donald Lewis Cody, b. 13 Oct 1951, McKinney, Collin Co., TX. He m Eleanor Brown per her email of 17 Jan 2011.

      Clara Lee Cody m. 2nd Carl Rucker Hamill He was b. 1905 and d. 1963 in Grand Prairie, Dallas Co., TX per Ancestry.com . Children:

      1. Donald Cody Hamill, b. 1 Jan 1934, Collin Co., TX.
      2. Richard Hamill

      Alpha m. 2nd Roenia Marie Barnes in 1928, OK. She was b. 27 Dec 1909, Arkansas City, AR, and d. 8 Nov 2001, Liberal, Seward Co., KS, per SSDI. They had 1 or more children, including:

      1. Wayne L. Prentice, b. c. 1929. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [45.20]

      45.20 Wayne L. Prentice was b. 20 Feb 1930, Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK and d. 13 Feb 2007 in Liberal, Seward Co., KS per the SSDI. His obituary of 15 Feb 2007 in The Hutchinson (KS) News reads as follows:

        LIBERAL - Wayne L. Prentice, 76, died Feb. 13, 2007, in Liberal.

        He was born Feb. 20, 1930, at Bokchito, Okla., the son of A.O. and Marie Barnes Prentice. He graduated in 1947, from Caddo High School, Caddo, Okla. and received his associate of art degree from Frank Phillips College in Borger, Texas in 1957. He has been a resident of Liberal for the past 39 years. He was founder and owner of Service Janitorial Supply Inc. He had been employed as a manager for 22 years with Weskem Chemical Co. in Liberal and was a clerk for 15 years with Phillips Petroleum Co, in Borger, Texas.

        He belonged to United Methodist Church, Willow Tree Golf Course and Liberal Chamber of Commerce, all of Liberal. He was a past member of the Kiwanis, Toast Masters, Liberal Country Club, and the Elks Club, all of Liberal.

        On January 6, 1951, he married Margaret Caroline Eklund in Dallas. She survives. Other survivors include: a son, Ronald Wayne Prentice, Liberal, and two daughters, Carla Marie Prentice, Liberal, and Christy Lynn McCabe and husband, Bill, San Antonio; seven grandchildren, Andrea Harris and husband, Brannon, Robbie Zibilski and husband, Chad, Ryan McCabe, Brad McCabe, Mike McCabe and wife, Amy, Donna Witters and husband, Ben, and Lindsey Moody and husband, Tim; four great-grandchildren, Grace Caroline Harris, Madison Caroline Moody, Kennedy Lynn Zibiliski and Connor Joseph McCabe.

        Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the First United Methodist Church, Liberal, with Rev. Tim Brittain presiding. Visitation time will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, with family to greet friends from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday, at Kitch-Brenneman Funeral Home, Liberal. Burial will be in Liberal Cemetery. Memorials may be sent to the First United Methodist Church, American Cancer Society or charity of donor's choice in care of Kitch-Brenneman Funeral Home, 1212 W. 2nd, Liberal, KS 67901.

      He m. Margaret Caroline Eklund on 6 Jan 1951 in Dallas, TX. Living 2009. Children per obituary:

      1. Ronald Wayne Prentice. In 2007 lived in Liberal, Seward Co., KS.
      2. Christy Lynn Prentice. She m. Bill McCabe and in 2007 llived in San Antonio.
      3. Carla Marie Prentice, b. 24 Dec1951, Borger, TX, and d. 11 Nov 2007, age 55 years, at her residence in Liberal. was a graduate of Liberal High School and attended the Elks Training Center in Wichita.

        Her obituary of 13 Nov 2007 in the Liberal, KS, Southwest Daily Times reads, in part, as follows:

          Carla Marie Prentice, 55, died Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007, at her residence in Liberal. She was born Dec. 24, 1951, to Wayne and Margaret (Eklund) Prentice in Borger, Texas. She was a graduate of Liberal High School and attended the Elks Training Center in Wichita.

      46. William Wesley Prentice, b. 13 Feb. 1849 Marshall Co., AL and d. 8 Jan 1930, Giles Co., TN. He is bur. in Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.

      He m., 1st, Genvilla "Rose". Seagraves on 27 Sep 1874 in Giles Co., TN. She d. 24 Dec 1883, Giles Co., TN and is bur. in Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.

      1. Calvi0n Alexander Ell Prentice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [46.10]

      2. William/Wiley J. Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1877, Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [46.20]

      3. John Willis Prentice, b. 29 Jul 1879, Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[46.30]

      4. William G. Thomas Prentice, b. 24 Apr 1881, Giles Co., TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[46.40]

      William Wesley Prentice m., 2nd Martha Jane Seagraves on 8 May 1884. She was b. 4 Nov 1844, TN. She was an older sister of his first wife, Genrella. Martha d. 19 Sep 1916, Giles Co., and is bur in Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN. They had no children.

      He m., 3rd, Nancy Ann Beck on 29 Dec 1916 in Giles Co., TN. She was b. c. 1886.

      46.10 Calvin Alexander Ell Prentice. He is likely the Calvin Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 13 Jul 1874, Giles Co., TN and d. 20 Mar 1966 in Summertown, Lawrence Co., TN. He is bur. in Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN.

      He m. 1st Rosa A. Cooper c. 1900, Giles Co., TN. She was b. 29 Oct 1878, TN. Daughter:

      1. Rosie Belle Prentice, b. 5 Aug 1900 and d. 23 Dec 1900. Burial in Baker Cemetery, Lawrence Co., TN.

      Calvin m. 2nd Lula F. Vick on 25 Dec 1902, Giles Co., TN. She was b. 27 May 1881, TN and d. 20 Mar 1966, Barnsville, Lawrence Co., TN. She is bur. in Arlington Cem., Maury Co., TN. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . She appeara in the 1910 census in Civil Dist. 14, Giles Co., TN. Children:

      1. Cecil Alexander Prentice, b. 13 Oct 1904 in TN and d. c. 13 Oct 1904 at an unspecified l ocation (per SSDI). However, his headstone, Section H, indicates he d. 27 Apr 1952. He m. 1st Susan/Lonnie Phillips on 3 Jan 1932 in Giles Co., TN. She might be the Lomie V. Prentice in the Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN, Sec. H, shown as b. 22 Mar 1909 and d. 31 Aug 1954. He m. 2nd Ura/Urah Dickie.

      2. Ines/Inez "Ina" Belle Prentice (dau.), b. 1906 Giles Co., TN. She m. Grady Allen. He was b. c. 1904. They had 1 or more children, including:
        1. Alton Eugene "Gene" Allen, b. 20 Nov 1931, Giles Co., TN, and d. 12 Dec 2002. Bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. Served in US Army, Korea. He m. Dolse Vick on 26 Dec 1952. She was b. 24 Aug 1932, Giles Co., and d. 4 Jul 2003. Bur. with Alton in Arlington Cemetery. She was the dau. of John Arlin Vick and Irene Adams.

      3. Leona (Neomi) Prentice, b. 1908 Giles Co., TN. She m. Robert Houston Cummins/Cummings.

      4. Raymond Howard Prentice, b. 1 or 12 May 1910, TN and d. 23 Mar 1970 in Summertown, Lawrence Co., TN. Bur. in Arlington Cem., Sec. H, Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN. He m. Susie Phillips on 30 Nov 1930 in Giles Co., TN (Ref: Marriage Record Vol. 23 Page 288). She was b. 9 Aug 1911, Lawrence Co., and d. 4 Oct 1980. Bur. in Arlington Cem. with her husband. She was the dau. of John Phillips and Eula Phiffer. They had 1 or more children, including:
        1. Geneva E. Prentice, b. 18 Apr 1935 and d. 4 Apr 2002. She m. Johnny R. Workman Jr. on 7 Mar 1955. He was b. 8 May 1931 and d. 23 Jun 1981. Both bur. Arlington Cem., Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., TN.
        2. Bonnie

      5. Gertrude Prentice, b. 1914 Giles Co., TN. She has TN and NC roots, and an Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . She m. Audie Bon Porter. He was b. 13 Aug 1911. He was the son of David Riley Porter and Martha Ann Swader France. Children:
        1. (son) Porter. He m. Willie Sue McDonald. She was b. 9 Nov 1929
        2. (son) Porter. He m. 1st Miss Kish and 2nd Miss Thompson.
        3. (son) Porter, b. and d. 27 Sep 1931.
        4. (Dau.) Porter. She m. Mr. Cummins and had:
          1. (son) Cummins.
          2. (son) Cummins. He m. Miss Bernest and had a child.

      6. Allen Prentice, b. 1915 in Giles Co., TN. He m. 1st Miss Morris. He m. 2nd Miss Curuana.

      7. Janie Prentice, b. 1919, Giles Co., TN. She m. Reese Colvett.

      46.20 Wiley J. Prentice, b. 16 Jun 1877, Giles Co., TN and d. 1939 in Giles Co., TN. He is bur. in Stella Cem., Giles Co., TN.

      He m. 1st Ella F. Drake on 16 Mar 1902, Giles Co., TN. (Ref: Marriage Record 1902-1908 Vol. 6 Page 43). She was b. 1873, Giles Co., TN. Son:

      1. Grady Prentice, b. 1903, Giles Co., TN. He m. Helen Cardin on 23 Dec 1926 in Giles Co., TN (Ref: Marriage Bond Book Vol. 21 Page 50). They appear in the 930 census in Dist. 4, Davidson Co., TN. No children shown. It is unclear whether he is the Grady Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 7 Mar 1903 and d. c. Jan 1988 in Richmond, Richmond City, VA.
      2. Lloyd Prentice, b. 1905 Giles Co., TN. He m. Louise Birdsong. Not in 1930 census. Not in SSDI.
      3. Geneva Lee Prentice, b. 19 Nov 1906 Giles Co., TN. and d. 20 May 1930 Giles Co., TN. Burial Stella Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.
      4. Edward Prentice, b. Born 1908 Giles Co., TN. He m. Argus(?), b. c. 1905, TN and living with his brother, Grady, in the 1930 census and unmarried. Not in SSDI.
      5. Janie Prentice, b. and d. 22 Aug. 1917 Giles Co., TN. Burial Stella Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.
      6. Francis Prentice, b. and d. 11 June 1921 Giles Co., TN. Burial Stella Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.

      He m. 2nd Minerva Cox on 19 Dec 1923, Giles Co., TN (Ref: Marriage Bond Vol. 19 Page 351).

      46.30 John Willis Prentice, b. 29 Jul 1879, Giles Co., TN and d. there on 6 Jan 1967. Bur. in Lucy, Colvett, Roper Cem. in Giles Co., TN.

      He m. Maggie Vicks on 28 Feb 1913 in Giles Co., TN (Ref: Marriage Bond Vol. 19 Page 351). She was b. 26 May 1892, TN and d. 13 Mar 1967, Giles Co., TN. She is bur. in Mt. Mariah Cem., Giles Co., TN. Children:

      1. Ruthie Prentice, b. 7 Oct. 1913, Giles Co., TN, and d. there 20 Jun 1985. She m. Mr. Stone.
      2. Rosa Prentice, b. 1915, Giles Co., TN.
      3. William T. J. Prentice, b. 1917 Giles Co., TN.
      4. Reba Prentice, b. 10 Sept 1918 Giles Co., TN. She m. her 1st cousin, W. Jackson "Jack" Prentice on 9 Jan. 1937 Giles Co., TN. He was the son of William Thomas Prentice and John Ella Holt.
      5. Annie S. Prentice, b. 1924 TN

      46.40 William G. Thomas Prentice, b. 24 Apr 1881, Giles Co., TN and d. Feb 1968, Lynnville, Giles Co., TN. Burial Lucy, Colvett, Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.

      He m. 1st Joan Ella Holt on 13 Sep 1903 in Giles Co., TN (Ref: Vol. 6 Page 73). She was b. c. 1883 in TN. Children:

      1. Rubie A. Prentice, b. 8 Nov 1904 and d. 25 Mar 1905. Bur. Campbellsville Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.
      2. Etta Prentice Born 1906 Giles Co., TN.
      3. Willie Daisy Prentice, b. 1908 Giles Co., TN.
      4. Alice Virgie K. Prentice, b. 1909 Giles Co., TN and d. there 1912. Bur. Lucy, Colvett, Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.
      5. Katherine Prentice Born 1909 Giles Co., TN and d. 10 Mar 1981, Giles Co. Hospital. Bur 12 Mar 1981, Maplewood Cemetery. She m. James Alex Peden.
      6. Emma Prentice Born 1913 Giles Co., TN.
      7. James Prentice (From obituary of Sam Owen Prentice, half-brother to James)
      8. Lillie Mae Prentice. She m. Mr. Wilson. (Married name from obituary of Sam Owen Prentice)
      9. W. Jackson "Jack" Prentice, b. 1918 in Giles Co., TN. He m. Reba Prentice on 9 Jan 1937 in Giles Co., TN. She was a first cousin and the dau. of John Willis Prentice, # iii, above.
      10. J. Flournoy Prentice (male). Born 1920 TN.
      11. Louise Prentice Born 1925 TN. She m. Mr. Rogers (Married name from Sam Owen Prentice Obit.)

      William m. 2nd Alice Barnett on 27 Aug 1838, Giles Co., TN (Ref: Vol. 10 Page 135). They were first cousins. She was b. 1912 , d. 1985, and bur. in Lucy, Colvett, Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN. Children:

      1. Sam Owen Prentice, b. 25 Jan 1942, Giles Co., TN and d. 29 Jun 1983. Bur Lucy, Colvett, Roper Cemetery, Giles Co., TN. He m. Demple A. Griggs. She was b. 28 Feb 1940.
      2. William Thomas Prentice Jr., b. c. 1942, Pulaski, TN and d. 23 Oct 2000 at Allen Bennett Hospital. Bur. Holly Springs Bap. Church Cemetery. He m. Helen Lucille Johnson. He was an employee of Tex-Tube Mfg. Company and a member of the East North Street Baptist Church. He had 1 or more children, including:
        1. James T. Prentice.
      3. John/Johnny Prentice of TN.
      4. Geneva Prentice. She m. Mr. Colvett of TN.

      47. John Jefferson Prentice, b. Jun 1852, Blount Co., AL and d. 25 Mar 1913, Jefferson Co., AL. Bur at Spruce Pine, AL. He appears in the 1900 Franklin Co., AL census with his wife and family.

      He m. 1st Peggy A. Storey on 16 Nov 1873,Giles Co., TN (Ref: Bond Book 1872-1874 Page 165).

      He m. 2nd Rhoda Aycock/Acock on 16 Apr 1876 in Blount Co., AL (Ref: Book A, Page 323). She was b. 1853, AL, dau. of Joel Acock and Lucy Nance.

      Rhoda is the sister of Elizabeth Aycock who married Wesley G. Prentice. They are the daughters of Joel D. Aycock (various spellings) and Louisa (Lucy) M. Nance. Rhoda and her son, Jefferson, were living with Joel and Lucy in the 1880 (Blount or Cullman?) AL Census, where she is listed as their daughter and Jeff as their grandson.

      Children of John and Rhoda per 1900 Mountain Springs, Beat #9, Franklin Co., AL census:

      1. Jefferson Prentice, b. 1878, Blount Co., AL. Not in 1900 and later census.
      2. James Albert Prentice, b. 11 May 1883, Blount Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [47.1].
      3. John H/W. Prentice, b. Jun 1887, Blount Co., AL.
      4. Willis Vergil Prentice, b. Jan 1889, Blount Co., AL. Not in 1900 and later census.
      5. Jesse Lee Prentice, b. 11 June 1891, Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [74]
      6. Norman Prentice, 1991 in Griffin, GA, per Jaames's obituary, above,
      7. Carrie Bell Prentice. She m. Mr. Coffey. 1991 in Fort Myers, FL, per James' obituary, above.

      47.1 James Albert Prentice, b. 11 May 1883, Blount Co., AL. His obituary reads as follows:

        Greensboro News & Record (NC) ó Friday, September 27, 1991

        SOUTHERN PINES - Retired Air Force Maj. John Patrick "Pat" Prentice, 82, died Wednesday at Moore Regional Hospital.

        A native of Iuka, Miss., he was active in real estate sales and in the state attorney's office in Florida.

        Surviving are wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren Bellamy Prentice; brother, Norman Prentice of Griffin, Ga.; sister, Carrie Bell Coffey of Fort Myers, Fla.

        Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Powell Funeral Home. Military burial will be in Post Cemetery at Fort Bragg. Memorial contributions may be made to Bethlehem United Methodist Church, Warrenton, N.C. 27589. Greensboro News & Record (NC) ó Friday, September 27, 1991

      He m. Elizabeth Warren Bellamy. No children shown in James' obituary, above.

      48. Louis Virgil Prentice (aka Louis Vergil Prentice), b. 22 Apr 1867, TN (his family Bible says 1867 but his headstone says 1866), and d. 16 Dec 1922 Madison Co., AL. He is bur in Maple Hill Cemetery, Huntsville, Madison Co., Al. Block 202, Lot 62 (Ref: Alabama Death 1908-59 L V Prentice died 16 Dec 1922 Madison Co., Al. Vol. 51 Roll 2 Page 2526.)

      He appears in the 1870 Giles Co., TN listed as Louis V. Prentice, age 3 born in TN. He appears in the 1900 Franklin Co., AL census as Alford V. Prentice.

      He m, 1st, c. 1888, Franklin, Co., AL. Susan O. Bertia Fleming. She was b. 15 Apr 1871, AL and d. at the age of only 36 on 26 Aug 1907, Franklin Co., AL. She is bur. in Robinson Cem., Russellville, Franklin Co., AL. Susan was the dau. of Charles Franklin Fleming (b. 1837, Monroe, GA) and Elisa L. "Sara" Walker (b. 1841,NC).

      By email of 4 Dec 2005, Joyce Prentice writes:

        On the 1900 Franklin Co., Al. Census that you wrote about he is listed as Alford V. Printis. This is the first and only time we have ever heard of the name Alford being connected to Louis Vergil's name but all the children listed match his children born to that point in time, and after finding his wife Susan O. listed on the 1880 Census Franklin Co., AL with her original family, and having known who her father (Charlie Fleming) was, we are convinced that this is our Louis Vergil Prentice and his first wife who we knew as Beria."

      The following is a list of Louis Vergil Prentice and Susan O. (Beria) Fleming ten children (per Joyce Prentice, email, 6 Dec 2005):

      1. Rosa E. Prentice. Born 10 May 1889 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . [75]
      2. Susie Etta Prentice. Born 28 Dec. 1890 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . [76]
      3. Charles Eston Prentice. Born 6 Mar 1892 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . [77]
      4. Rather Prentice. Born 15 Apr 1894 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . .[78]
      5. Colie/Collie Anderson Prentice. Born 26 May 1896 Franklin Co., AL. . [79]
      6. William Coffee Prentice. Born 12 Jan. 1901 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . [80]
      7. Richard Prentice . Born 24 Sept. 1902 Franklin Co., AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [81]
      8. Mary Lou Prentice. Born 10 Oct. 1904 Franklin Co., AL and d. 7 Jul 1971, San Gabriel, CA. She is bur in Roosevelt Memorial Park, Gardena, CA. She m. 1st Claud Childer. She m. 2nd Robert Baron. She had no children by either marriage.
      9. Grace Prentice. Born 18 Feb 1906 Franklin Co., AL and d. 2 May 1908, Madison Co., AL. She is believed to be bur. in Rice Cemetery, Madison Co., AL.
      10. Addie Pearl Prentice. Born 16 Jul 1907 Franklin Co., AL and d. 4 May 1908, Madison Co., AL, 2 days after her sister, Grace. She is believed to be bur. in Rice Cemetery, Madison Co., AL.

      After Susan O. (Beria) Fleming Prentice d. in 1907, Louis Vergil Prentice and children traveled by train to Huntsville, Madison Co., Al., where he m. 2nd Mary McDaniels on 28 Oct 1909, Madison Co., AL. Mary was b. in Fayetteville, TN and d. 19 Apr 1944 with burial at Prosperity Cemetery, Lincoln Co., TN. (Ref: Ala, Death Records 1908-59 Mary M. Prentice died 19 Apr. 1944 Madison Co., Al. Vol. 16 Roll 4 Certificate 7720.)

      49. Vilanta C. Prentice, b. 15 Jun 1866, Giles Co., TN, and d. 1 Sep 1946. She is bur. in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TN.

      She m. George Henry Cothern on 25 Aug 1887, Giles Co. (Ref: Book 4 , Page 45, Bond Book 1885-1883 Page 235) in Giles Co., TN. He was b. 10 Jan 1856, KY, and d. 10 Nov 1927. He is bur in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TN. They had 11 children (per Joyce Prentice, email, 8 Dec 2005):

      1. Magnolia (Nolia) Cothren Born 25 May 1888 Lawrence Co., TN and d. 14 Nov 1970 in San Antonio, Bexar Co. TX. Bur. in Plain Cemetery, Carlsbad, Plain Co., NM.. She m. Howell "Nat" Monroe Collier on 1 Oct 1905. He was b. 3 Nov 1878 and d. 28 JHan 1943. Bur. in Plain Cemetery, Carlsbad, Plain Co., NM.. Children (per Joyce Prentice, email, 14 Dec 2005):

        1. Henry Howell Collier, b. 24 Jan. 1907. He m. Lillian Rowena Shelton, born 20 Feb. 1914.
        2. Mary Ruth Collier, b. 3 Jan. 1916. She. m. Floyd Shook on 22 Sep 1934.
        3. Miles Monroe Collier, b. 15 May 1920 and d. 6 Nov. 1988. Bur. Ft. Bliss National Cemetery, El Paso, TX.
        4. Vilanta Joan Collier, b. 10 Aug. 1923. She m. 1st Harry Aden Foster on 14 Sep 1942. Div. 12 Oct 1951. She m. 2nd John Fleming Cotnam, M.D., on 20 Oct 1951. By email of 8 Dec 2005, Joyce Prentice added the following information:

            "Per telephone call of 7 Feb. 1999 from Vilanta Joan Collier to Joyce Prentice, her Grandmother Vilanta Prentice was raised by Susan Prentice (sister of Vilanta). Their brother William W. Prentice was in the Spanish-American War in 1898, when he was leaving for service he came by his sister Vilantaís home to tell her good-bye. Magnolia Cothren was 10 years old at that time and he picked her up and lifted her to the porch and gave her a sugar shacker. Joan said it was very pretty and it is now in her possession. Joan said her mother called William W. Prentice ñ Uncle Bill."

      2. Clifford May Cothren Born 4 May 1890 Giles Co., TN, and d. 21 Jan 1959. Bur. in Ashland Cem., Ashland, OH. He m. Ada Francis Brannon on 29 Dec 1917. She was b. 11 Nov 1898 and d. 4 Mar 1988, Ashland, Ashland Co., OH. Children:

        1. Clifford Michael Cothren, b. 7 Feb 1922. He m. June Prudhamme on 10 Oct. 1947. She was b. 28 Jun 1928.
        2. Dorothy Jean Cothren, b. 20 Oct .1923. She m. DaleSigafoos on 7 Apr 1943.
        3. Richard Lynn Cothren, b. 15 Oct 1928. He m. Lois Hammrick in Apr. 1952. She was b. 16 Dec 1930.

      3. Rosella (Rossie) Cothren Born 13 Mar. 1892 Giles Co., TN. She d. 24 Sep 1892 and is bur. in Anderson Creek/Lee/Bennett Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.
      4. George Corbett Cothren Born 23 Oct. 1893 Giles Co., TN. He d. 1 Nov. 1895 and is bur Anderson Creek/Lee/Bennett Cemetery, Giles Co., TN.

      5. Pattie Elizabeth Cothren Born 24 Nov. 1895 Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 5 May 1988. Bur. in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TN.. She m. Will Mack West on 30 Dec. 1913. He was b. 19 Dec 1891 and d. 14 Nov 1926 at the age of only 35. He is bur. in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TNThey had 6 children:

        1. Ellen Louise West, b. 30 Jan 1916. She m. Marvin L. Hood on 4 Oct 1941. He was b. Mar 1907,
        2. Baxter Leroy West, b. 12 Oct 1917 and d. 29 Jan 1919. Bur. in Ethridge Cemetery, Lawrence Co., Ethridge, TN.
        3. Brownie Juanita West, b. 25 Aug 1921. She m. James Harding Thomason on 25 Jan 1946. He was b. 11 June 1921
        4. Elizabeth Mack West, b. 21 Nov 1922. She m. Edward Keel Acree on 6 May 1946. He was b. 20 Aug 1919.
        5. Hugh Douglas West, b. 4 Oct 1924. He m. Alma Jean Parson on 8 Jun 1957. She was b. 31 May 1932
        6. Syble Clint West, b. 8 May 1926. She m. William Craig Robertson on 8 Jun 1952. He was b. 29 Feb (year not known).

      6. John Killis Cothren Born 9 Oct. 1898 Lawrence Co., TN and d. 27 Dec 1990. Br in Lawrence Co. Memorial Garden, Lawrence Co., TN. He m. Cora Elizabeth McMahan on 28 Aug 1917. She was b. 8 Apr 1900 and d. 1 Jan 1972, Bur also in Lawrence Co. Mem. Garden. They had six children:

        1. Edna Lurline Cothren, b. 9 Nov 1918. She m. John W. Farrell on 26 Jul 1940. He was b. 29 Nov 1920.
        2. Everett Neal Cothren, he was b. 21 Dec 1919 and d. Jun 1978 in Toledo, Lucas Co., OH. He m. Velma Geneva McGee on 21 Jan 1949.
        3. Velma Lucille Cothren, b. 16 Mar 1922 and d. 1997. She is bur. in Lawrence County Memorial Garden, Lawrence Co., TN.
        4. Gwindle Leo Cothren, b. 12 Jul 1926. He m. Frances Loretto Terry on 15 Jan 1955.
        5. Elizabeth Olene Cothren, b. 27 Nov 1934. She m. James Edward White on 17 Dec 1955. He was b. 7 Sep 1935.
        6. Infant dau. Cothren, b. 21 Jan 1943 and d. 3 days later. Bur. in Houser Cem., Lawrence Co., AL.

      7. James Harvey "Huey" Cothren Born 22 Mar. 1901 Lawrence Co., TN. He d. 5 Oct 1960 and is bur. in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TN. He m. Louise Burleson on 25 Sep 1926. She was b. 11 Jun 1906 and d. 28 Jan 1940. Bur. in Spring Hill Cem., Nashville, TN. They had 2 children:

        1. Vollie Regene Cothren, twin, b. 17 Apr 1938.
        2. George Washington Cothren, twin, b. 17 Apr 1938 and d. that same day. Bur. in Spring Hill Cem., Nashfille, TN.

        James m. 2nd Ella Hollis,

      8. Regie Ray "Gary" Cothren Born 27 Dec. 1902 Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 9 Sep 1923 at the age of only 21. He is bur. in Ethridge Cem., Lawrence Co., TN. He m. Ethel Vandevier on 2 Mar 1923. She was b. 26 Jun 1903, TN, and d. 28 Jan 1940. Bur. Spring Hill Cem., Nashville, TN. They had 1 son:

        1. Regie (Reginald?) Cothren, b. 2 Jan 1924

      9. George Eugene Cothren Born 20 Apr. 1905 Lawrence Co., TN and d. 1 Apr 1991. He m. Chapel Rochelle on 20 Jan 1929. She was b. 7 Aug 1908. Children:

        1. Mary Imogene Cothren, b. 12 Nov 1949. She m. Richard Neil Yoho on 22 Oct 1949. He was born 30 Sept. 1930.
        2. Barbara Sue Cothren, b. 2 Dec 1937. She m. Lowell Edwin Bender on 26 Nov 1955. He was b. 30 Dec 1936.

      10. Mackie Lee Cothren Born 7 Feb. 1907 Lawrence Co., TN. He m. Ellen Tidwell on 27 May 1928. She was b. 6 Jun 1906. Seven children:

        1. Larrel Maxine Cothren, b. 21 Apr 1929. He m. Emma Nola Williams on 19 Apr 1922. She was b. 15 May 1934.
        2. Bobby Dean Cothren, b. 30 Oct 1931. He m. Velma Davis on 30 Aug 1952. She was b. 18 Apr 1936.
        3. Annie Mae Belle Cothren, b. 11 Jan 1934. She m. James Marcus Davis on 22 Mar 1958. He was b. 22 Apr 1935.
        4. Vilanta Juanita Cothren. b. 13 Feb 1936. She m. Billy Bailey on 24 Aug 1957.
        5. Grady Lee Cothren, b. 1 Sep 1938. She m. Francis Craig on 14 mar 1964.
        6. George Leon Cothren, b. 28 Aug 1943.
        7. Francis Regene Cothren, b. 20 Sep 1945. She m. John Robert Rasson on 12 Aug 1966.

      11. Vivian Ailene Cothren Born 29 Sept. 1909 Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 16 Mar 1979. Bur. Arlington, VA. She m. John Palmer "Tot" Glover on 30 Dec 1926. He was b. 21 May 1900 and d. 6 Jun 1960. Bur. in Arlington, VA. They had a son:

        1. James Edward Glover, b. 7 Dec 1927. He m. June Elizabeth Fuschine on 18 Dec 1950 She was b. 4 Dec 1929.

      50. Henry Townsend Prentice, b. 25 Mar 1867, Giles Co., TN and d. 10 May 1928. Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. Oakland Cemetery, Birmingham. Occupation: Upholsterer. Ref: AL Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974.

      He m. Mandy Alice English who was b. Jan 1872, TN, and d. 31 Jan 1957, Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. there in Oakland Cem. with her husband. Dau. of Susan ChapmanThey appear in the 1920 census, also in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. (Note: The above AL Deaths and Burials Index names his wife as "Mandy" but the "Find a Grave" for Henry identifies her as "Mandy Alice".) They had 2 or more children, including:

      1. Murray Prentice was b. 4 Jul 1894 in AL and d. 17 Dec 1932 in Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. in Elmwood Cemetery is located in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL (per Joyce Prentice, email, 23 Feb 2006). Murray appears in the 1930 census in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL, with his wife, Louise, b. c. 1899, AL, and their daughter:

        1. Marion J. Prentice, dau., b. 23 Jul 1922, AL and d. 20 Mar 1998, Birmingham, Jefferson, AL (per SSDI). Apparently unmarried. Her obituary reads as follows:

            Birmingham News (AL) - Monday, March 23, 1998: PRENTICE, MISS MARION J.

            PRENTICE, MISS MARION J., age 75, of Fairfield, passed away Friday, March 20, 1998. She was a member of Fairfield First Baptist Church. Visitation will be held on Monday, March 23, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Bell Funeral Home in Forestdale. Graveside services will be Tuesday, March 24, at 12:30 p.m. at Oakland Cemetery. Rev. Eric Bell will officiate. She is survived by cousins, Bedford Taylor, of Forestdale, Joseph Michael Taylor, of Roebuck, and Ann Black, of Dora. Bell Funeral Home in Forestdale (798-2890) is directing.

      2. Maude Prentice.

      Also living with Henry and his wife in 1930 was Murray's mother, Alice Prentice, b. c. 1871, TN. The 1930 census also indicates that Murray's father was b. in TN and a birth year guess may be about 1865-71. Murray Prentice's c. 1894 AL birth indicates that both of his parents had moved to AL at some date before 1894.

      Murray Prentice may, or may not, be the Murray Prentice shown in the AL Death Index as dying Dec 1932 in Jefferson Co., AL.

      51. Jimi Ella Prentice. She was b. Feb 1870 in Giles Co., TN and d. 1932, Roswell, Chaves Co., NM. Bur. there.

      She m. William Tays on 5 Jul 1891, Lauderdale Co., AL. He was b. 7 Oct 1869, Jefferson Co., AL and d. 1 Oct 1960, Roswell, Chaves Co., NM where he is buried. They moved to NM and had 7 children (Ref: Joyce Prentice, email, 16 Dec 2005):

      1. Veneera (Verera) Tays Born 19 May 1892 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 5 Jun 1969, Chowchilla, Madera Co., CA. . She m. Wallace Warren Henegar. He was b. 23 Jan 1893, Jackson Co., AL and d. 15 Oct 1960.

      2. William (Willie) Samuel Tays Born 4 Oct. 1894 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 21 Mar 1976, Midland, Midland Co., TX. He is bur. in South Park Cemetery, Roswell, NM. He m. Addie Pearl Shelton on 1 Sep 1917, Hugo, Choctaw Co., OK. She was b. 9 May 1901 Weatherford, Parker Co., TX and was the dau. of George Washington Shelton and Addie Green Waddle. William and Addie had 6 children:

        1. Raymond Gabriel Tays, b. 3 Oct 1918 Hugo, Choctaw Co., OK, and d. 14 Jan 1972.
        2. Melvin Earl Tays, b. 2 Dec 1921 and d. 10 Jun 1998. He m. Helen Day Knox. She d. 10 Jan 1987.
        3. William Samuel Tays Jr., b. 25 Apr 1924 Chandler, Maricopa Co., AZ, and d. 4 Feb 1986. He is bur at Ft. Bliss Natl. Cem., El Paso Co., TX, AGM US ARMY, PLOT F941. He m. 1st. Sue D. Wisdom. He m. 2nd Charlotte Legig.
        4. Addie Florine/Florene Tays, b. 20 Aug 1926, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ and d. 1 Oct 1988. She m. Bill Gregg.
        5. George Donald Tays, b. 23 Jun 1930, Roswell, NM. He m. Joyce Findley.
        6. Betty Jean Tays, b. 4 Sep 1937, Roswell, NM. She m. Bobby J. Tucker.

      3. Jack Crite Tays Born 24 Feb. 1898 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 11 Feb 1992. H is bur. in South Park Cem., Roswell, NM. He m. 1st Agnes Virginia Squires on 25 Oct 1925 Catesville, TX. She was b. 31 Mar 1903 and d. Jan 1967, Roswell, Chaves Co., NM. They had 2 children:

        1. Bobby Lee Tays, b. 23 Jan 1936, Roswell, Chaves Co., NM, and d. 30 Jan 1987, Bell Co., TX. Resided Marlin, Falls C., TX. He is bur. in Hillcrest Cem., Marlin, TX. He m. Geraldine Bohn Bates. She was b. 4 Jun 1930 and d. 12 Dec 1995, Falls Co., TX.
        2. W. C. Tays.

        Jack m. 2nd Lottie Beatrice McCarty on 22 Mar 1972, Post, Garza Co., TX. She d. Sep 1983 in Roswell, Chaves Co., NM.

      4. Fred James Tays (aka James Fred Tays). Born 18 Dec. 1899 Lauderdale, Co., AL and d. 5 Apr (1970?) in Fresno, Fresno Co., CA at ate 71.. He m. Bonnie Belle Harris c. 1925. They had a daughter:

        1. Shirley Janet Tays. b/ 11 Aug 1925. Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ.

        Fred m. 2nd Grace (surname not known). They had a daughter:

        1. Jonnie Tays (dau.), b. 1929 in Roswell, Chaves Co., NM.

      5. Johnie Tays Born Sept 1907 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 2 Oct 1989 in Lakeview, Lake Co., OR. Byr. in Sunset Park Cemetery. She m. William Lively. He d. 23 Oct 1963, Lakeview, Lake Co., OR. Burial in Sunset Park Cemetery. It is unclear whether they had children.

      6. Moma Duke (Marmaduke) Tays Born 3 Jan. 1904 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 29 Dec 1929, Roswell, NM. He m. Maude Lorene Moore in 1921 in Hugo, OK. She was b. 22 Nov 1900, Detroit, TX and d. 18 Jul 1996, Roswell, NM. They had 7 children:

        1. Stanley Tays, b. 1923.
        2. James (JD) Tays, b. 1927.
        3. Ed Tays.
        4. Dorothy Mae Tays, b. 14 Feb 1924, Chandler, Maricope Co., AR
        5. Norma Tays, b. 1928.
        6. Dora Juanita Tays, b. 1929. She m. Robert Milton Garrett on 9 Oct 1946,Roswell, NM> He was b. 29 Dec 1927, Oskaloosa, IA, and d. 1 Feb 1995, Lubbock Co., TX.
        7. Horace Edward Tays, b. 15 May 1934, Roswell, NM.

      7. Berthyl (Beatrice) Tays Born 27 June 1913 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 28 Apr 1975, Hutchinson Co., TX. She m. Wayne Graham. Known children:

        1. William B. Graham
        2. Joan Graham. She m. Hugh Jackson.

    52. Barbara Aquilla Prentice, b. 27 Mar 1876, Giles County, TN and d. 12 Mar 1964 in Lauderdale Co, AL. She is bur. in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL.

    She m. William David Richardson on 4 Jan 1893 in Lauderdale Co., AL. He was b. 22 Mar 1868, Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 26 Jun 1941. Bur in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL. They had 10 children, including:

    1. Telia A. Richardson Born 18 Sept. 1895 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. Sep 1979. She m. 1st Luther Butler. He d. in the Flu Epidemic of 1918. Sons:
      1. Willie T. Butler
      2. Kenneth Butler

      Telia m. 2nd Grover Butler and after his death she m. 3rd Doxie Cox. No children from either marriage.

    2. Hollis Richardson Born 16 Aug. 1897 Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 1 May 1927. He is bur. in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL. He m. Matilda Lightbelue. No children.

    3. Willie Mae Richardson, b. 16 Jun 1899, Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 6 Feb 1971. She m. Tolliver Mitchell. Sons:
      1. James Mitchell. He m. Polly (surname unknown).
      2. Jesse Mitchell. He m. Helen Guise.

    4. Johnny (Johnie) Richardson, 30 Apr 1901, Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 1 Jun 1926 at the age of 25. He is bur. in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL. He m. Lilly Skipworth (1st cousin to Paul Edison Skipworth, husband of Mary Ethel Richardson). Son:
      1. Johnny Richardson Jr., b. and d. 18 Nov 1926. Bur. Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL.

    5. Mary Ethel Richardson, b. 13 Feb 1906, Lauderdale Co., AL and d. 26 Dec 1994. She m. Paul Edison Skipworth on 16 Dec1923, Lauderdale Co., AlL. He was b. 28 Oct 1901 and d. 11 Jan 1973. They had three sons:
      1. Mancel Paul Skipworth, b. 9 Sep 1924. He m. Agnes Myrick. She was b. 9 Aug 1925 and d. 2 Oct 1984. Mancel Paul Skipworth served his country in the armed services. Mancel was in the 33rd Infantry Division and served in the Pacific during World War II. He served in the 6th Army in the Phillippines on Luzon from 1944-1946. He was also in the occupational army that moved into Japan after the war.

        Mancel Paul Skipworth married 2nd Signa Snoddy Belue. She was b. 29 Nov.1923.

      2. John William (JW) Skipworth, b. 11 Jul 1929. John William (JW) Skipworth served his country in the armed services. He served with the 973rd Engineering, B. N. from 1950-52. He served in Greenland, Labrador and in Newfoundland. He m. Mavoline Burchell who was b. 20 Dec 1929, TN.

      3. Edward Glenn Skipworth, b. 11 Oct 1932 and d. Feb 2000. Edward Glenn Skipworth served his country in the armed services. He was In the Infantry, 3rd Division, 33rd Regiment and served from 1953-1955. Glenn spent his overseas duty in the Panama Canal zone.He m. Jo Ann White.

    6. Annie Ella Richardson, b. 29 Mar 1908, Lauderdale, AL and d. 12 Mar 1993. She m. Gilbert Williams. He was b. 1905 and was killed during the construction of TVA's Wheeler Dam on 17 Jun 1935. They had four children:
      1. Corrine Williams, b. 19 Dec. 1930. She m. Coy White.
      2. Cloud Williams, d. in infancy.
      3. Mildred Williams (twin to Gilbert Ann), b. 23 Jan1936. She m. Carlon Barnette.
      4. Gilbert Ann Williams (twin to Mildred), b. 23 Jan 1936. He m. Lois T. Michael.

    7. Barbara Naomi Richardson, b. 22 Aug 1910, Lauderdale Co., AL. She m. John Henry Parker. They had 7 children:
      1. Aquilla Parker. She m. Elbert Lanford.
      2. Jimmy Parker. He m. Catherine Snoddy.
      3. David Parker, he m. 1st Bobbie Gooch. He m. 2nd. Brenda Randolph.
      4. Sue Parker. She m. Freddie Clemmons.
      5. Cloyd Parker. He m. Judy Howard.
      6. Jane Parker. She m. Eddie Behel.
      7. Douglas Parker. He m. 1st Stella Smith. He m. 2nd Jan Hanback.

    8. William David "WD" Richardson Jr., b. 3 Jul 1912, Lauderdale Co., AL, and died in an auto accident on 6 Mar 1960. Bur in Bluewater Cem., Killen, Lauderdale Co., AL. He m. Claudie White. She was b. 23 Jan 1915 and d. 1 Jan 1998. Bur. also in Buewater Cemetery. They had two children:
      1. Barbara Mae Richardson. She m. Thurston Putman.
      2. Joe David Richardson. He m. Betty Britnell.

    9. Birdie L. Richardaon, b. 3 Apr 1915 Lauderdale Co., AL. She m. Virgil Briggs. He was b. 5 Feb. 1914 and d. 21 Mar 1944. Son:
      1. Charles Edward Briggs, b. 28 Feb 1942. He m. 1st. Patsy Gooch. He m. 2nd Wilda Green.

    53. George Dryden Prentice, b. Jul 1849, AL, and d. 1929. Bur in Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX. He appears in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 census records.

    He m. Emma J. Oliphint on15 Jan 1874 (per Marriage Index). She was b. 26 Oct 1855, Huntsville, Walker Co., Tx and d. 18 Dec 1929, Huntsville, TX. Bur. in Oakwood Cem., Huntsville. George and Emma are shown in 1920 Huntsville, Walker Co., TX census. Children (per 1880 & 1900 Walker Co., TX census):

    1. Reginald Delos Prentice, b. Jan 1875, TX, and d. 1923. Bur in Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX. He appears in the 1900, 1910 and 1920 Walker Co., TX census with his wife, Emma Cole, who he m. 13 Dec 1899, Walker Co., TX. She was b. Aug 1877, TX. Children:
      1. Jack Delos Prentice, b. 14 Jan 1901 and d. c. 22 Dec 1994 in Austin, Travis Co., TX (per SSDI). Living with grandparents in 1920 Huntsville, Walker, TX census. He is probably the Jack Delos Prentice who m. Agnes Norine Phillips. She d. 28 Jul 1982, Walker Co., TX. Children:
        1. Jack Dudley Prentice, b. 29 Dec 1932, Walker Co., TX, and d. 2 years later in 1934. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX..
        2. Margaret Vivian Prentice, b. 5 May 1946, Walker Co., TX.
        3. Jerry Lamar Prentice, b. 19 Nov 1935, Walker Co., TX.
      2. Emma/Minnie O. Prentice, b. 22 Dec 1902, TX, and d. 22 Dec 1977. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX. She m. Henry Everett Small.
      3. Eunice Vivian Prentice, b. 5 Oct 1903, TX, and d. 2 Jul 1989, Walker Co., TX. Bur in Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX, under surname, Prentice, so may not have married.
      4. Edna Ethel Prentice, b. 5 Mar 1905, TX, and d. 7 Oct 1997, Huntsville, Walker Co., TX, per SSDI. Bur Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co. TX. She m. Mr. Dippel. Not in 1930 census.
      5. Ruth Prentice, b. c. 1907, TX, and d. 1919, age 12 years. Bur in Ebenezer Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX..
      6. Margaret Evelyn Prentice, b. c. 1909, TX, and d. 1989. She m. William Hayden An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com .. He was b. c. 1900 and d. 1962. Children per Ancestry.com .
        1. (dau.) Eanes who m. Kincaid and had 2 sons.
        2. (son) Eanes who m. 1st Miss Schofield and had a son and daughter. He m. 2nd Miss Wallace.
      7. William Curtis Prentice (called Billie A. in 1920 census), b. 6 May 1913, TX, and d. 5 Apr 1972.. He m. Rosalie Caroline Vern in Jul 1938 in Walker Co., TX. She was b. 19 Feb 1917 and d. 14 Feb 2005. Both are bur. in Ebenezer Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX. They had the following children: (per Robert Archer email of 24 Aug 2001)
        1. Wayne Curtis Prentice, b. 2 Dec 1942, Walker
        2. Gloria Gayle Prentice, b. 1 Oct 1946, Walker
        3. Ramsey Delos Prentice. b. 4 Jan 1948, Walker
        4. Robert Ashley Prentice b. 28 Feb 1950, Walker
      8. Mabel Prentice, b. c. 1917, TX.
    2. Allie M. Prentice, female, b. Sep 1877, TX.
    3. William Wolfe Prentice, b. Jun 1882, TX and d. 12 Jun 1928, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. At home in 1910 census. He m. Alice Bamberge Weekly on 12 Apr 1920, Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. She was b. 25 Jul 1881 in Milford, Ellis Co., TX, and d. 23 May 1951, Dallas. She was the dau. of William Frederick Weekly and Mary Ann Cottrell Oliphint.
    4. Ruby D. Prentice, b. Oct 1883, TX.
    5. George Drydon Prentice, b. Jul 1887, TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [53.50]
    6. Ruth Oliphant Prentice, b. 18 Oct 1890 and d. 5 days later on 23 Oct 1890. Bur.Martha Chapel Cem., Walker Co., TX.
    7. Vivienne Manly Prentioce, b. 6 Jul 1880 and d. a year later on 9 Jul 1881. Bur. Martha Chapel Cem., Walker Co., TX.

    53.50 George Drydon Prentice, b. Jul 1887, TX, and d. 1918. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Huntsville, Walker Co., TX. Perhaps he m. Carrie Sallie, called a daughter in law and living in the home of George D. and Emma Prentice, without a husband but with her sons:

    1. Dryden Lawton Prentice, b. 27 Mar 1917, TX and d. 1 Mar 1972. Victoria, TX. He m. Mary Elizabeth Scrivner on 28 May 1966, Bell, TX. She was b. 8 Dec 1918, Fort Worth, TX, and d. Friday, 11 Feb 2005. Mary was the dau of Arthur James and Helen Saunders Scrivner. At her death, she was a retired legal secretary, she was a member of the National Association of Legal Secretaries, She was a former member of the Pilot Club, and she was a member of the Altar Guild of St. Francis Episcopal Church. Services at St. Francis Episcopal Church, the Rev. James Abernathy officiating. A private burial was held. Grace Funeral Home, Victoria, 361- 573-4341. (per her obituary).
      1. Patricia Carol Prentice, b. 27 Jan 1948 in Travis Co., TX. She m. Mr. Turner and in 1995 and 2005 lived in Victoria, TX. They had a daughter.
      2. Arthur Lawton Prentice, b. c. 1953, Austin, TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [53.52]

    53.52 Arthur Lawton Prentice, b. c. 1953, Austin, TX. His obituary reads as follows:

      Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX) ó Friday, August 25, 1995: Arthur Lawton Prentice, 42, of Arlington, TX

      ARLINGTON - Arthur Lawton Prentice, 42, a production technician, died Tuesday at home. Mr. Prentice was born July 9, 1953, in Austin.

      He served in the Air Force at Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin and was employed by Del Norte Technology.

      Survivors: Wife, Patricia Prentice of Arlington; daughter, Sarah Prentice of Arlington; mother, Mary Beth Prentice of Victoria; and sister, Pat Turner of Victoria.

      Funeral: 2 p.m. Saturday at Emerald Hills Funeral Home. 500 Sublett Road, 572-1681

    He m. Patricia. 1995 in Arlington, TX. Daughter:

    1. Sarah Prentice. 1995 in Arlington, TX.

    54. Hampton Prentice (Carroll-25, Daniel-15, Daniel-7, William-3), Born, 22 Feb 1840, in Cassville, MO 19. Died, 4 Feb 1916, in Garland, OK 20. Bur. in Garland Cem., Haskall Co., OK. His headstone indicatres he served in the "Civil War, CSA." He is probably the Hampton Prentice appearing in the 1870 and 1880 Flat Creek, Barry Co., MO census with his wife and family.

    He m. 1st America Minor. She was b. c. 1844, MO. Daughter:

    1. Pauline A. Prentice, b. . 1865, MO.
    2. Betty Prentice, b. c. 1873, Barry Co., MO, and d. c. 1902, Indian Terr., OK., She m. Benjamin Crump on 20 Sep 1891, Tamaha, CN. He was b. Mar 1873, Harrison, Boone Co., AR. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com . A Descendants Chart for his John Crump, Jr. ancestor can be found at Family Tree Maker Genealogy.com . Children per Jahn Casall, 1 Jul 2010 and Ancestry.com:0
      1. Nevada Crump, dau., b. 1895, Choctaw Indian Terr., OK.
      2. Etta/Ettie Crump, b. May 1897, Chocaw Indian Terr., OK.
      3. Annie Crump, b. 1899, Choctaw Indian Terr., OK.

    He married, apparently second, Eliza Jane Black. Born, 12 Jun 1847, TN. Died, 17 Nov 1917. Both appear in the 1900 OK census, together with his mother Rebecca. Hampton and Eliza also appear in the 1910 Haskell Co., OK census. Children:

    1. Grace Prentice. Born, circa 1875.
    2. Burl Prentice. Born, 24 May 1877, MO. Died, 20 Sep 1965. He Callie Belle Kitchens. She was b. 23 May 1882 and d. 18 May 1976. She was the dau. of T. J. Kitchens and his wife, Mary E. Burl appears in the 1930 Taloka, Taloka, Haskell Co., OK census. Children (per 1920 Haskell and 1930 Taloka census):

      1. Burl Prentice, b. 30 Sep 1903, OK, and d. c. 2 Jul 2001 in Stigler, Haskell Co., OK (per SSDI). However, his Garland Cem., Haskall Co., OK, record says he was b. 12 Oct 1905, Garland Indian Territory, and d. 12 May 2006. He appears in the 1930 Taloka, Haskell Co., OK census with his wife, Willie Yancy Garland who he m. 5 Oct 1924. She was b. 12 Oct 1905, OK. She was the dau. of William Greenwood Garland and Mary Lavina Beller. She was an original enrollee of the Choctaw Nation of OK. Ancestor Charts for her can be found at Ancestry.com . Children:
        1. Hershal Murray Prentice, b. 10 Jan 1926, OK. . . . . . . . . [54.1]
        2. Billye Beryle Prentice. She m. Mr. Glover.
        3. Marianne Prentice. She m. Mr. Johnson and in 2010 lived in Graveside, per the obit. of her brother Hershal, above.

      2. Beulah Prentice, b. c. 1906, OK. Not home in 1930.
      3. Virgil Prentice, b. c. 1912-13, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [82]
      4. Vaughn "Vonnie" Prentice, b.30 Nov 1914, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . [54.2]

    3. Frank Prentice. Born 12 Jun 1879, AR, and d. 8 Jun 1954. Bur. in Garland Cem., Haskall, OK. He married Rose ìNellieî Nell Clem. She was b. 30 May 1876 and d. 7 Jun 1954. Bur. Garland Cemetery. He appears in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 Stigler, Haskell Co., OK census. Children:

      1. Fred C. Prentice, b. c. 1903, OK. 1930 census in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK, with his wife, Cinda Rilla (Cinderella?) "Cynda" Tidmore, b. c. 1902, Haskell, OK, and d. 1997, dau. of Christoper W. Tidmore and Martha W. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . Children per 1930 census:

        1. Jermaine Prentice, b. c. 1922, OK. She is likely the dau. who m. Earl Steele. Children per Karn Ellyson, email, 29 Aug 2010:
          1. Jim Steele, b. c. 1949
          2. Cindy Steele, b. c. 1952
          3. Kent Steele, b. c. 1956

        2. Fred Tidmore Prentice, b. 10 Apr 1923, OK, and d. 13 May 1994, Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ per Ancestry.com and the SSDI. He m. June Eleanor Cowart 19 Dec 1948. Divorced 19 Sep 1972, Wichita Co., TX. Known children:

          1. Fred David Prentice, b. 22 Sep 1949, Young Co., TX.
          2. Junen Allen Prentice, b. 2 Jul 1952, Young Co., TX, per John Casall, email, 15 Aug 2010.

          Fred m. 2nd Barbara G. Sperbert on 13 Apr 1974, Baylor Co., TX. Div. 22 May 1990, El Paso Co., TX. An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . Son:

          1. (son) Prentice.

        3. Thomas Prentice, b. c. 1926, OK. Tom married and had, per Karen Ellyson, email, 29 Aug 2010:
          1. Thomas Prentice, b. c. 1949
          2. Renine Prentice, b. c. 1951
          3. Daniel Prentice, b. c. 1951

      2. Linnie (Leonard?) Prentice, b. c. 1905, OK. He might be the Leonard H. Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 12 Sep 1904 and who obtained his SS# in CA and d. c. 2 Aug 1991 at an unspecified location.
      3. Velma V. Prentice, b. 24 Nov 1907, Garland, OK, and d. 13 Jul 1991, Weston Hadden Convalescent Center, Bennington Co., VT. At the time of her death she lived in the Una Bella Mobile Home Park in Bennington. She m. Mr. Adams. He d. before 1991. He is probably the Don Lester Adams, b. 11 Oct 1899, KS, and who d. 19 Oct 1988 in Bennington, Bennington Co., VT. His parents are likely Ira G. and Ella M. Adams who appear in the 1900 census in Centerville Twp., Linn Co., KS. Velma and Don had 1 or more children and grandchildren, including a grandson, Alan Finney whose address in 1991 was RD 2, Box 665, Hoosick Falls, NY, 12090.
      4. Iva M. Prentice, b. c. 1912, OK.
      5. Frank V. Prentice, b. c. 1915-16, OK. At home in 1930.
      6. Maris Prentice, dau., b. c. 1918, OK. 1930 census living with family of her brother, Fred.

    4. Fannie M. Prentice. Born Jan 1883. TX, d. 1972. She m. John W. Brown on 3 Dec 1902, Garland. He was b. c. 1875.
    5. Grover Prentice. Born Aug 1885, OK, and d. 28 Nov 1966. Bur. in Garland Cem., Haskall, OK. In 1910 Haskell Co., OK census. He married Emma M. Phillips c. 1911. Haskall Co. marriage records identify her as "Mrs. Emma McGehee," so she apparently had a prior marriage. Emma was b. 1887 and d. 22 Nov 1966. Bur. Garland Cem., Haskall, OK. Children per 1920 and 1930 Haskell Co. Census and Garland cem. records:

      1. Neal Prentice, b. c. 1912, OK. Not in SSDI in 2010.
      2. (infant) Prentice, b. 21 Nov 1913 and d. 24 Nov 1913. Bur. Garland cemetery.
      3. (infant) Prentice, b. 1914 and d. 3 Nov 1914. Bur. Garland cemetery.
      4. (Infant) Prentice, b. 1916 and d. 8 Feb 1916. Bur. Garland cemetery.
      5. (infant) Prentice, b. 18 Feb 1917 and d. 5 Mar 1917. Bur. Garland cemetery.
      6. Thelma Prentice, b. c. 1919, OK
      7. Cora Bell Prentice, b. c. 1924, OK

    6. Grace/Gracie Prentice, b. Mar 1889, OK. She m. Charles Short on 6 Nov 1904, Garland. He was b. c. 1881,

    54.1 Hershal Murray Prentice, b. 10 Jan 1926, Stigler, OK, and d. there 29 Oct 2010. His obituary reads as follows:

      Hershel "Hutch" Prentice, 84 Yrs. old Stigler, Oklahoma. Hershel "Hutch" Prentice of Stigler, Oklahoma was born January 10, 1926 in Stigler to Burl and Willie (Garland) Prentice and passed away October 29, 2010 in Stigler at the age of 84.

      He is survived by; His Wife: Ramona Prentice of the home One Son: Hershel Wayne Prentice of Stigler, Oklahoma One Sister: Billie Glover and family of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hutch was preceded in death by his parents, Burl and Willie Prentice; and one daughter, Marianne Prentice Johnson.

      Graveside service will be 10 am Monday, November 1, 2010 at Garland Cemetery with Rev. Gene Murry officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Mallory-Martin Funeral Home & Crematory of Stigler.

    Hershal m. Ramona. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Southwest Times Record (Fort Smith, AR) - Saturday, March 8, 2014, Deceased Name: Ramona Prentice STIGLER - Ramona Prentice, 85, of Stigler died Thursday, March 6, 2014, in her home. She was born Aug. 22, 1928, in Scranton. She was a graduate of Stigler High School, worked for Southwestern Bell as a telephone operator, owned Ramona's Dress Shop, was a member of Stigler First Baptist Church and the widow of Hershel Prentice.

      Graveside service will be 2 p.m. today at Garland Cemetery under the direction of King & Shearwood Funeral Home in Stigler.

      She is survived by a son, Hershel Prentice of Stigler; a sister, Margaret LaFave of Richardson, Texas; and a brother, Guy Weir of Tulsa.

    Children of Hershel and Ramona:

    1. Hershel Wayne Prentice. In 2011 lived in Stigler, OK.
    2. Marianne Prentice. She m. Mr. Johnson. Deceased by 2010.

    54.2 Vaughn "Vonnie" Prentice, b.30 Nov 1914, OK, and d. 16 Jan 1978, OK. Bur in Garland Cem., Haskall, OK. At home in 1930. Not in SSDI in 2004.

    He m. Edith Lucille Cook on 27 Dec 1937. She was b. 28 Dec 1917, and d. 4 Aug 2014, Tulsa, OK. She was the au. of Willie and Myrtle Garland. She is also bur. in Garland Cemetery. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Edith Lucille Prentice: Newspaper Obituary and Death Notice, Southwest Times Record (Fort Smith, AR) - Friday, August 8, 2014

      STIGLER - Edith Lucille (Cook) Prentice, 96, of Stigler died Monday, Aug. 4, 2014, in Tulsa. She was the widow of Vaughn "Vonnie" Prentice.

      Funeral will be 2 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Stigler with burial at Garland Cemetery in Stigler under the direction of Mallory-Martin Funeral Home and Crematory in Stigler.

      She is survived by two daughters, Rose Risenhoover of Jenks, Okla., and Edith Burton of Skiatook, Okla.; two sons, Vonnie Prentice of Nixa, Mo., and Rick Prentice of Coweta, Okla.; two sisters, Francille Neal of Claremore, Okla., and Alice Stout of Stigler; nine grandchildren; and 20 great- grandchildren.

      Pallbearers will be Brent, Russell and Dek Prentice, Jeremy and Eric Burton and Kyle Risenhoover. Viewing will be 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the funeral home, where the family will visit with friends from 10 a.m. to noon. Saturday.

    Vonnie and Edith had the following children:

    1. Rose Prentice. She m. Mr. Risenhoover and in 2014 lived in Jenks, OK.
    2. Edith Prentice. She m. Mr. Burton and in 2014 lived in Skiatook, OK.
    3. Vonnie Prentice who in 2014 lived in Nixa, MO.
    4. Rick Prentice who in 2014 lived in Coweta, OK.

    55. Margaret Anne Prentice, b. 6 Mar 1842 in Baton Co., MO and d. 1934 in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co, OK. It is said that in Margaret's old age, she kept telling everyone that her name was Margaret Anne Prentice, unable to connect the Webber name to her own. Another family story says there was a small pox epidemic and John walked across the country to get vaccinated for small pox. At that time they did not live anywhere close to a town and it was a difficult journey. When he finally returned home, Margaret scratched the pus pocket left by the vacine with a straw. She then took a sterile needle and vacinated herself and all of their children with the serum removed from John. None of them contracted small pox.

    Another story says that after her one of her children chopped off his toe with an axe, Margaret grabbed the toe and took the membrane from a chicken egg and wrapped it around the toe and the foot and the toe eventually reattached to the foot.

    She married John R Webber on 16 Jun 1861. He was b. c. 1842, KY (as were his parents) and d. 1923). They are bur. in the Mt. Park, Oklahoma, cemetery and the dates come from their headstones. Her place of birth is not yet known, but Michelle Fiedler says they were in Lamar Co., TX in 1866 and in Kiowa Co., OK in 1918.

    Children of Margaret and John:

    1. Rebecca Adeline Webber, b. 26 Jan 1866 in Lamar Co., TX and d. 1960.
    2. Caswell Webber, died in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co., OK. He married Fanny.
    3. John A. Webber.
    4. Monroe Webber.
    5. Nannie Webber.
    6. Lina Webber. She married McKinsie.
    7. Adda Webber. It is unclear whether she is the same person as Rebecca Adeline Webber, above.
    8. Annie Webber.
    9. Cora Webber.
    10. Santford Webber, born 1882; died 1933 in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co., Ok. He married Erie Emma.
    11. Rosetta Bell Webber, born 24 March 1884 in Big Valley, Mills Co., Missouri; died 1972 in Snyder, Kiowa Co., Oklahoma. She married (1) A.D. Guest. She married (2) Daniel McCager Preston. She married (3) "Tops" Ryan.
    12. Maud L. Webber, born 26 April 1887, TX, and d. 4 October 1944 in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co., Ok. She married N.Tom Holly. He was b. c. 1883, TX. They are living with her parents in the 1920 census in Mountain Park, Kiowa Co., OK.

    56. Rebecca E. Prentice, b. c. 1859, MO. She is the Rebecca Ellen Prentice identified in Sandi Carter's email of 14 Apr 2001 who was b. 3 Feb 1860 and d. 2 Dec 1903, and bur. in the Napoles Cem., Grady Co., OK.

    Although our original information from Gerri L. Moffitt and the IGI was that Ellen was b. in Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, where she d. in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK, the 1910 census record for her children, William, Ethel, Guy and Ruby, confirms that Ellen was b. in Missouri and not in Indian Territory.

    She m. Thomas Jefferson Harris who was b. 10 Jun 1855, Van Buren, Van Buren Co., AR and d. 5 Nov 1928, Alex, Grady Co., OK.

    Children of Rebecca and Thomas:

    1. Melviny Harris, b, 16 Sep 1876. He m. 16 Sep 1876
    2. Tandy Harris, b. 5 Oct 1880, Indian Territory, OK
    3. Amber Harris, b. 16 Feb 1883, Indian Territory, OK. She m. Wallace Dixon on 24 Jan 1902, Foster, OK.
    4. William Vest Harris, b. 22 Feb 1886, Indian Territory, OK and d. 16 Mar 1945, OK. At home in 1910 in Bradley.
    5. Dora Harris, b. 8 Apr 1886, Indian Territory, OK
    6. Lizzy Myrtle Harris, b. 25 Sep 1888, Indian Territory, OK and d. 3 May 1983, Pawnee, OK. She m. 1st Frank S. Fitzpatrick on 16 Sep 1906. He was b. 28 Dec 1881, Indian Territory, OK. Children:
      1. (Living) Fitzpatrick.
      2. (Living) Fitzpatrick.
      Lizzie m. 2nd Henry Gerded Behrens in 1914, Chickasha, Grady Co., OK.

    7. Ethel Harris, b. 4 Nov 1893(?), Chactaw Nation, OK. At home in 1910 in Bradley, Grady Co., OH. She m. Inger Jordan (per Wood Harris, email, 21 Sep 2007).
    8. Guy Jennings Harris, b. 20 Oct 1897 (per Wood Harris, email, 21 Sep 2007), Chactaw Nation, OK and d. 28 Sep 1957, Chickasha, OK. At home in 1910 in Bradley, Grady Co., OH..He appears with his family in the 1920 census in Bradley, Grady Co., OK, where he was a farm laborer. Bradley lies a few miles SE of Chickasha.

      He m. Bertha Dearman (per grandson, Bob Harris, email, 7 Jul 2001). Bertha was b. c. 1899, TN, as were her parents, James T. Dearman (b. c. 1865, KY, with his parents b. in NC) and Margaret/Maggie (b. c. 1868, TN, as were her parents) with whom Bertha and Guy were living in 1930. (per 1920 census).

      Shown in the 1930 census 4 doors down from James and Margaret are 4 more Dearmans; Sterling is probably the son of James and Margaret, Willie his wife, and Thelma and Howard their children.

      1. Sterling T. Dearman, b. c. 1901, KY.
      2. Willie Dearman, b. c. 1901, TN.
      3. Thelma A. Dearman, b. c. 1922, KY.
      4. Howard R. Dearman, b. c. `918, KY.

      Also living in Chickasaw in the 1930 census is Robert C. Dearman, b. c. 1894, TX and his family, Living with them is Josephine Dearman, b. c. 1862, Robert's mother. Her relationship of to Joseph Dearman, above, is not yet known.

      Guy and Bertha had 1 or more children, including:

      1. Woodrow Harris, b. c. 1918, OK (per 1920 census and Woodrow Harris, email, 21 Sep 2007),

    9. Ruby Pearl Harris, b. 26 Apr 1900, Chactaw Nation. At home in 1910 in Bradley, Grady Co., OH.

    After Rebecca died, Thomas Jefferson Harris m. 2nd Mary Lavinia Fitzpatrick b: 27 July 1887 Indian Territory m: 17 May 1905 Naples, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory d: 22 Aug 1953 Oakland, Alameda, California

    1. Josephine Jewel Harris b: 29 Sep 1906. She m. Mr. Nothalf. It is unclear whether he is John L. Nothalf who appears in the 1910 census in Harrison, Grady Co., OK, as b. c. 1902, OK, with his father, Willie C. (b. c. 1859 in Germany, and widower living in Harrison in 1930) and his mother, Mary J. (b. in MO, and deceased by 1930 census.

    2. Margarett Harris b: 30 Oct 1908. She m. Pruett Burch. She m. 2nd Mr. Dearmon. Not in 1930 census under Harris, Burch, or Dearman/Darmon.

    3. John Jefferson Harris b: 11 May 1911. Not in 1930 census.

    4. Gus Oliver Harris b: 10 Oct 1915. He m. Fern Beatrice Holder on 7 Jul 1934 in Alex, or Rush Springs, Grady, OK. Fern was b. b. 23 Jan 1919 and d. 4 Dec 1996, Chickasha, Grady, OK. It is unclear whether she is the Fern Holder who appears in the 1930 census in Parks, Stephens Co., OK, dau. of M. E. and Grace Holder.

    5. Douglas Mondavis Harris b: 19 Mar 1918 Alex, Grady,OK and d: 28 Mar 1972. He m. Emily Pearl Tuck, b: 9 Mar 1921, Chickasha, Grady County, OK; m: 3 Jul 1940, Chickasha, Grady Co, OK; d: 24 Feb 1989. CA. She appears in the 1930 census in Chickasha, Grady Co., OK as the dau. of Daniel G. Tuck (b. c. 1882, TX with his father b. in TN and mother in MO) and Effie M. (b. c. 1892, IL, with her father b. in IN and mother in MO).

    6. J. T. Harris b: 19 Feb 1923

    7. Wanda Virginia Harris b: 5 May 1925 and d. 1Jul 1994.

    8. Lois Gerline Harris b: 28 Mar 1928. She m. 1st Linkin Jarnigan. She m. 2nd Bill Hayes.

    57. Morton McNutt Prentis, b. 2 Jan 1887, Albermarle Co., VA, and d. 28 Sep 1956, age 69. Bur. Raphine, VA. He was a Banker and founded a major Baltimore Bank. He was also U. S. Treasurer under Herbert Hoover's Administration.

    He m. Frances Celeste Lusk 19 Nov 1921. She was b. 23 Nov 1895, Aberdeen, MS, and d. 31 Dec 1963, age 68. Bur. Raphine, VA. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com. Children:

    1. Morton McNutt Prentis, b. 30 Dec 1922, Baltimore, MD and d. 26 Mar 1997 in Fort Lauderdale, Broward Co., FL, age 74. He was active in Republic politics, married several times, and in the 1960s and 1970s lived in Chevy Chase, MD. He m.

    2. Garnett M. Prentis, b. 18 May 1925, MD and d. 6 Oct 1966, MD, age 41. 1929, 1935, 1940 Baltimore, MD. In Army in WW II.

    58. William T. Prentis (James-18i, William-18, Joseph-11, Joseph-4) was born in Petersburg, Va., November 18, 1820, and d. Oct 1900 in Lewisport, KY, age 79. He received his schooling at Petersburgh, Va.; read medicine with Dr. Walter F. Jones for one year and then attended lectures at the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, graduating in the class of 1844. In December of that year he moved to Lewisport, Ky., and entered upon the practice of medicine.

    He remained at that point until 1849, and then moved to Yelvington, Daviess County, remained one year and then returning to Lewisport, he remained five years. His next move was to Bloomfield, Nelson County, where he practiced two years and then again returned to Lewisport. In 1862 he moved to Folsomville, Ind. In 1870 he again came back to Lewisport and remained until 1873, and then moved again to Yelvington, Ky. After practicing a short time he came back to Hancock County and practiced until 1877, when he again moved to Lewisport, where he was living in 1885. William Prentis had three wives:

    1. He m. 1st Maria Vanette Stephens, married in 1846, daughter of Joseph Stephens and Elizabeth Moore (daughter of John Gay Moore and Averilla Allender of Maryland} of Bullitt County, Ky. She was born in Bullitt County, Ky., and died at Yelvington, in 1850. John Gay Moore was the brother of James Francis Moore of "Fishpools" in Jefferson Co. KY. The Stephens family maintained close ties to Bullitt Co. and Jefferson Co. along Floyds Fork, near Preston Highway, which follows the Wilderness Road. (per Alex Luken, email, 15 Jan 2002)

    2. He m. 2nd Sallie Duncan, married in 1855, dau. of George & Nancy Connelley) Duncan. She died in 1857. She is probably the same person identified in the Marriage Index as Sarah A. Duncan, married at Nelson Co., KY on 20 Oct 1854.

    3. He m. 3rd Anne Butler, married in December, 1859, daughter of Caleb and Lucy W. (Payne) Butler. Anne Prentis was born in Albion, Edwards Co., IL, in March, 1836 and apparently deceased by 1900 as she does not appear with her family in the 1900 census. She and Dr. Prentis had six children:

      1. Earnest Prentis, b. 27 Nov 1860, Lewisport, KY and d. Hancock, KY, 4 Sep 1928, age 67. Res. at Golconda, IL. He appears in the 1900 census in Yellow Creek, Hancock Co., KY, living with his father and siblings. Not in 1920 census.
      2. Hallick Prentis, b. 1862, Hancock, KY. Not home in the 1900 or 1920 censuscensus.
      3. Boisseau Prentis, b. 1864, IL. Not in the 1900 census
      4. William Prentis, b. Feb 1866, IL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [58.1]
      5. Lucy Prentis, b. Aug 1869, IN, and d. 10 Jan 1908, Daviess, KY. She m. Peter Best in 1893, Lewisport, KY. 7 children:
        1. Peter Boisseau Best
        2. Robert Prentis Best
        3. Charles William Best
        4. Marianne J 'Mary' Best
        5. James Louis Best
        6. Archie Balzer Best
        7. Infant Best
      6. Robert B. Prentis, b. 22 Mar 1876, Hancock Co., KY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [58.2]

    William and his family were members of the Baptist Church, and Dr. Prentis was a member of the S. of T. and G. T. fraternities and has also served as school examiner for Hancock County for a number of years.

    58.1 William Prentis, b. Feb 1866, IL. At home in the 1900 census, age 34. He appears in the 1920 census in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI with his wife. 1934 in Lake Charles, LA.

    He m. Livonia Escoubas Miller, b. 23 Feb 1873, New Orleans, LA, and d. 1 Aug 1963, age 90. No children are shown.

    58.2 Robert B. Prentis, b. 22 Mar 1876, Hancock Co., KY, and d. 8 Oct 1948, Daviess Co., KY. At home in the 1900 census, age 24. Not in 1920 census.

    He m. Cora Pell Brown. She was b. 12 Jan 1877, Lewisport, Hancock Co., KY, and d. 7 Nov 1948, Daviess Co., KY. Children per Ancestry.com :

    1. Halleck Prentis, b. c. 1902, Hancock Co., KY, and d. 28 Mar 1917, Daviess Co., KY, age 15.
    2. Robert B. Prentis, b. 24 Dec 1907, KY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[58.3]
    3. Edward Walker Prentis, b. 3 Jun 1917, Daviess Co., KY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[58.4]

    58.3 Rev. Robert B. Prentis, b. 24 Dec 1907, KY, and d. 5 Nov 1992, Welcome, Davidson Co., NC, age 84.

    He m. Edna Beatrice Zimmerman. She was b. 15 Nov 1915 and d. 7 Mar 2012. Her Obituary reads as follows:

    Edna Z. Prentis 15 Nov 1915, Welcome, NC, and d. 7 Mar 2012. Edna Beatrice Zimmerman Prentis, 96, of Old Highway 52, went home to be with her Lord and Saviour, Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at her birthplace in Welcome, NC. The funeral will be 11:00 a.m. Saturday, March 10, 2012, at Center United Methodist Church with the Rev. Dr. Stephen Pillsbury and Rev. Herman Powell officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.

    The family will receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Friday, at Davidson Funeral home; 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. prior to the service at the church and following the service at the church.

    Mrs. Prentis was born November 15, 1915, in Welcomed, NC, to Emanuel Jackson Zimmerman and Lula Beatrice Craver. She was a member of the first graduating class of Welcome High School; she attended Duke University for two years. Mrs. Prentis was a former columnist for The Dispatch, writing the notes for the Welcome community; she was also an artist, author, poet and piano teacher. She enjoyed her community service activities and was instrumental in encouraging the addition of a center turn lane in Welcome on Highway 52; she also was an advocate for the Senior Country Store. Mrs. Prentis loved her family and the heritage she had in Welcome. She enjoyed the responsibilities given to her as a Pastor's wife while her husband was a minister.

    In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her loving husband, the Rev. Robert B. Prentis, whom she married October 23, 1934; brothers, Emery Zimmerman, Harvey Zimmerman, and Ray Zimmerman; sister, Ruth Zimmerman Fritz.

    Surviving are her daughter, Linda Prentis Cecil and husband, Ron, of South Carolina; extended family, Elizabeth Zimmerman Sink, Rachel Zimmerman Nifong, Betsy Ridge, Jack Zimmerman, Martha Ann Fritz Schneider, and Sarah Fritz Lewis; and her poodle, Daisy.

    I would like to personally thank, Elizabeth Sink, Rachel Nifong, Shirley Wilson, Annette Montgomery, and her caregiver, Fay Linkous; Reggie's Florist, Randy's Restaurant, Newbridge Bank, Advance Auto Parts, Hospice of Davidson County, Davidson County EMS Service, Davidson County Sheriff's Department and the Welcome Fire Department for all they have done. I would also like to thank all the people of Welcome, Davidson County, and the surrounding areas. My mother loved and treasured Welcome and this community. Everyone showed their love and care for her by always being there and helping her. May God bless and keep you all. Sincerely, Linda Prentis Cecil P.S. I know I may have missed many individuals that helped my mother over the years. Please accept my apology and thank you. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Seniors Country Store, P.O. Box 475, Welcome, NC 27374. Online condolences may be made at www.davidsonfuneralhome.net.

    Published in Winston-Salem Journal on March 9, 2012

    Daughter of Robert and Edna per her obituary:

    1. Linda Prentis. She m. Ron Cecil and in 2012 lived in SC.

    58.4 Edward Walker Prentis, b. 3 Jun 1917, Daviess Co., KY, and d. 7 Jun 2000 in Lexington, Davidson Co., NC, age 83

    He m. Katherine. She had a 2nd husband, William Odell Leonard, either before or after Edward Walker Prentis, above. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Dispatch, The (Lexington, NC) - Monday, December 18, 2006: Katherine Prentis

      CLEMMONS | Katherine Charnock Leonard "Kitty" Prentis, 84, died Friday, Dec. 15, 2006. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Arcadia United Methodist Church by the Revs. Patrick Marion and G. Thomas Shelton.

      Mrs. Prentis was born March 25, 1922, to Victoria Belda Charnock and Orgin Thomas Charnock in Northampton County, Va. She resided in the Arcadia community most of her adult life.

      She was a faithful, serving member of Arcadia United Methodist Church for over 45 years. She was chairwoman of worship for 20 years, member of the Ladies Missionary Society and an avid member of the choir. She retired as medical practice manager for Dr. William M. Satterwhite, whom she held in highest regard. She was a gallant and courageous lady, beautiful inside and out. Her family was her greatest source of joy, and she loved them deeply.

      She was preceded in death by her husbands, William Odell Leonard and Edward Walker Prentis, and one sister, Verleader C. Elsner.

      Surviving are two daughters, Loretta Beck and her husband, Steve, and Vicki Jo Kimel and her husband, Dwain, all of Arcadia; one son, Tommy Leonard and his wife, Debbie, of Winston-Salem; and two sisters, Victoria Rudy and Cecelia Malarkey, both of Virginia. She was the proud, loving and devoted grandmother to 15 grandchildren and 10 \ great-grandchildren and many dear nieces and nephews.

      The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 tonight at Hayworth-Miller Funeral Home, Silas Creek Parkway, and other times at the home of Steve and Loretta Beck, 213 Sunset Road, Clemmons. Memorials may be made to Arcadia United Methodist Church, 117 Boulevard Road, Clemmons, NC 27102. The family expresses its deepest appreciation to the staff of the Oaks of Forsyth for its loving, dedicated care during her stay there. A special thank- you goes to Brenda Patrick, R.N., and Susan Jenkins, R.N., and also to Hospice Palliative Care of Winston-Salem.

    59. Archy B. Prentis (James-18i, William-18, Joseph-11, Joseph-4), in Petersburgh, VA. He is probably the Archy/Archie Prentice (b. c. 1825, VA), dry goods clerk, who appears in the Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co., VA census of 1870 with his wife.

    He m. Eva B., b. c. 1849, VA. Son:

    1. James Prentis, b.11 Jul. 1851, VA, and d. 14 May 1922, age 70. In 1870 "working at factory." James is probably the same person as James B. Prentis who appears in the 1900 Petersburg Co., VA census with his wife, Ida E. Johnson. ,/ 1 Mpv 1876, Northampton, NC. She was b. Apr 1860 in VA. Children:
      1. Herbert Prentis, b. May 1878, VA.
      2. Lillian Prentice, b. 1879, VA.
      3. Lucy C. Prentis, b. Mar 1881, VA.
      4. Ida E. Prentis, b. Apr 1885, VA.
      5. Louise H. Prentis, b. Jun 1893, VA.
      6. Eva Baugh Prentis, b. 31 Aug 1894, Dinwiddie, VA, and d. 11 Dec 1960, VA, bur. Arlington, VA, age 65. She m. Johnson Camden Brady c. 1919-22. He was b. c. 1886 and d. 30 Mar 1964, age 78. Children:
        1. Johnson Camden Brady Jr., b. 12 Aug 1919, VA, and d. 22 Oct 1958, in his hometown, VA, age 39. He m. Unknown and had 1 on and 2 daughters.
          1. Jeri Brady, b. 29 Sep 1955, Norflok, VA, and d. 12 Aug 2010, age 54. She m. Fred Randolph Barrow and had 1 daughter.
          2. Son Brady. He m. and had a daughter.
          3. Dau. Brady. She m. and had 2 daughters.
        2. Herbert Prentis Brady, b. 8 Dec 1922, Washington DC, and d. 23 Mar 1995, Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA, age 72. 1935 in Norfolk, VA. 1 Apr 1940 in Kempsville, VA. 1993 in Tacoma, WA.


    1. Lucy, Louise and Eva are living together in the 1910 Petersburg, Petersburg, Co., VA census.
    2. James is living alone in Dinwiddie Co. at the time of the 1920 census.

    60. Emily Rosena "Emma" Prentis, b. 2 Nov 1835, Yelvington, KY and d. 1876, Louisville, Adair Co., KY, age 41..

    She m. 1st Caswell Bledsoe Watts on 30 Jun 1854, Hancock, KY.. He was b. c. 1834, KY. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com . Children:

    1. Elijah M. S. Watts, b. 1853, Lewisport, Hancock Co., KY, and d. 5 Oct 1898, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. He m. who m. Nancy R. Beatty. She was b. 1856, KY, and d. 1 Jul 1908, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. Children:
      1. Mary C. Watts 1879 ñ 1966
      2. Emma "Prentice" I. Watts 1881 ñ 1950
      3. Carolyn V. Watts 1894 ñ 1946

    Family legend, related by Sharon Schuttes, is that she then:

      ...found 2 men to marry and told both men she would marry the first one to get to her home. I guess Robert Porter had the fastest horse.

    She m. Robert Porter , b. c. 1837, IN, who was a very handsome man. They had several children. Sharon Schuttes adds that "...the youngest, my grandmother, Elinar (sic) Rosena Porter. Emma [Emily] died shortly after Elinar was born. Robert took the baby to Emma's sister, Maria, to raise. Elinar never saw her family or father again. "

    1. Elinor/Elinar/Eleanor Porter. She became a school teacher and married Walter E. Bates Sr., a journalist.
    2. Chas. Porter who m. Laura Arnold.
    3. Anna L. Porter who m. William Jones.
    4. Sallie Porter.
    5. Maria B. Porter who m. Wm. Hargist.
    6. Ella Rosena Porter.

    61. William Riley Prentice, b. 14 Feb 1854 in Blount Co., AL and d. c. 1895-8, TN.

    He m. (1) Mary Elizabeth Hartgrove in 1872. Children:

    1. William N. Prentice, b. 1875.
    2. John Frank Prentice, b. 1876.
    3. James M. Prentice, b. 1877. He might be the James Prentice of Cabin Creek, WV, discussed in our Spring 2004 Prentice Newsletter.
    4. Edward L. Prentice, b. 1879. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [83]

    William m. (2) Mary Franks in 1882; she was b. Sep 1862, TN. Children:

    1. Mattie Prentice, b. 1888.
    2. (unknown) Prentice, b. 1890.
    3. Clarence Prentice, b. 13 Sep 1894, TN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [84]

    62. Peter McKendrick "Mack" Prentice, b. 8 Sep 1856 in Campbellsville, Giles Co., TN and d. 25 Dec 1947 and is bur. in Prairie Valley Cem., Whitney, TX. He was a peanut farmer.

    He m. Cora Beatrice "Beedie" Shelton on 17 Jul 1883, Prairie Valley, Hill Co., TX. She was b. 26 Mar 1867 in Prairie Valley, TX, and d. 18 Oct 1959, Whtney, Prairie Valley, TX. She, too, is bur. in the Prairie Valley Cemetgery. The Hillsboro Mirror of 31 Dec 1947 reports as follows:

      "Peter Mack Prentice, 91, a resident of Hill county for 68 years and a retired farmer, died at his home at Prairie Valley, Thursday afternoon. Funeral services,were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Missionary Baptist Church at Whitney with the Rev.F.E.Weller officating, interment was in the Prairie Valley Cemetery.

      Mr. Prentice was a native of Kimbleville, TN. He was married to Miss Cora B. Shelton in 1883. Survivors include his widow, two sons, Ed Prentice of Holtville,CA, and Frank Prentice of Whitney; one daugther, Mrs Iona Simmons, residing in TN, 11 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren."

    Children (per Ancestral File):

    1. Iona Prentice, b. Aug 1884, Hillsboro, Hill Co., TX, and d. 26 Feb 1980. She is bur. in Ridge Park Cem., Hillsboro, Hill o., TX. She m. Williamn Albert Simmons on 12 Oct 1902, Whitney, Hill Co., TX. He was b. 21 Aug 1884, Whitney, and d. 23 Apr 1964 and was the son of Jesse Thomas Simmons and Frances Elizabeth Majors. They had 3 sons and 1 daughter per Ancestry.com :
      1. Lawrence M. Simmons b. 25 May 1905 d. 20 Oct. 1989. He m. Laura Annie Wallace, b. 4 Oct. 1910, Freestone, Co. TX. Laura d. 13 Mar. 1941, Crosbyton, TX, and bur. Crosbyton, Cem. Crosby, Co. TX. Children:
        1. Lawrence Montaque Simmons Jr., b. 15 Feb 1929, and d. 28 July 1957.
        2. Billy Charles Simmons, b. 24 Oct 1930. He m. Anita Joyce Wheeler and had 3 children:
          1. Albert Priestly Simmons, b. 27 Oct 1903 and d. 8 Feb. 1991.
          2. Ada Jewel Simmons, b. 3 Feb 1906. She m. John A. Anderson.
          3. Everett Horton Simmons, b. 13 Jan 1910 and d, 6 Jul 1992, San Bernadino Co. CA.

    2. Edward/Eddie Cornelius Prentice, b. 20 Jan 1886, Whitney, Hill Co., TX, and d. 27 Feb 1948 in Imperial, Imperial Co., CA. He appears in the 1920 Waco, McLennan Co., TX census with his wife, Mary Louise "Louise" Harris. She was b. 3 Oct 1894 in Peoria, TX, and d. 25 Apr 1980 in Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ. She was the dau. of John W. Harris and Ruth C. Miller. Children:

      1. Lewis McKendrick Prentice, b. c. 1 Jul 1917, Whitney, Hill Co., TX, and d. 24 Jun 1942, in Whitney. He m. Catherine Cypert. She was b. 10 Jul 1917 and d. 24 in 1942, Whitney. They both died in a drowning accident in the Brazos River. Lewis was a Sargent in the Army/Airforce and served in WWII.

      2. John Douglas Prentice, b. 27 May 1919 in Prairie Valley, TX, and d. 20 May 1991 in Glendale, Maricopa Co., AZ.. He was the surviving son mentioned in Louise's obituary, J. D. Prentice of Maye Yavapai Co., AZ. He was a master mechanic and during the building of the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant in Az. he was called on to assemble a giant crane that arrived unassembled by train and no one knew how to put it together. He began to have so many people watch him work on it that they had to rope off the place where he worked. He successfully assembled the crane. He also traveled to Alaska and worked on the Alaska Pipeline for a time.

        He m. Orma Irene Ogier who was b. 29 Jul 1923 in Burbank, Los Angeles Co., CA. Her obituary reads as follows:

          Arizona Daily Sun, The (Flagstaff, AZ) - Sunday, February 11, 2018: Orma Irene Prentice

          Arizona Daily Sun, The (Flagstaff, AZ) - Sunday, February 11, 2018 Orma Irene Prentice passed into her heavenly home on January 30, 2018, in Flagstaff, Arizona, following a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. Orma was born July 29, 1923 to Charles D. Ogier and Gertrude M. Gurney Ogier in Burbank, California. She was the first of five children, and survived the longest, at 94 years of age. Her siblings preceded her in death: Orrin Ogier, Ardell Waters, Dale Ogier and Verdalyn Roderick.

          Orma met John Douglas Prentice at the young age of 16, and they were married on August 14, 1940. They became parents of four children, all of whom survive her: Carolyn Troyer of Rimrock, Arizona; Janice DeWall (Alfred) of Flagstaff, Arizona; John D. Prentice Jr. (Shirley) of Prescott, Arizona; and Dale Taylor of Flagstaff, Arizona. She is also survived by 10 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren.

          Orma and Doug moved around, following his jobs in southern California. They moved to Arizona in 1952, settling first in Mesa for a year, then choosing Mayer as their permanent home, as it was centrally located. Douglas, known as "Tex" or "J.D.", worked as a Master Mechanic on road construction after his service in the Army-Air Corps during WWII and the Korean Conflict. Doug died in 1981, in an auto accident.

          Orma was clever with her hands, and could do any kind of needlework and crafts. She was an expert seamstress, sewing beautiful garments for her family. She was co-owner of a ceramic shop for several years. A life-long butterfly lover, Orma collected anything and everything with a butterfly theme. Family always came first with her, and she loved her children unconditionally. She was known and loved for her sweet disposition.

          A Memorial Service will be held on March 3, at 2:00 PM at the Mayer Recreation Center, 10001 Wicks Avenue in Mayer, Arizona. Friends are invited to share memories, as we celebrate Orma's life and how her life impacted all of ours. Memories and condolences may be posted for the family at www.norvelowensmortuary.com.

        Children of John and Orma per Ancestry.com :

        1. Carolyn Grace Prentice, b. 2 Sept. 1943, Lancaster, Los Angeles County, CA. Children and husbands:
          1. Living dau. Heckethorn, by Mr. Heckethorn, b. 4 Jan 1963. She m. Mr. Carmichael on 15 Oct 1983. He was b. 26 June 1960,
          2. Living son Heckethorn, by Mr. Heckethorn, b. 15 Nov. 1964. He m. Miss Reynolds, b . 24 Jan. 1966, on 24 Feb. 1990.
          3. Living son Holmes, by David Holmes who d. in a car accident, b. 14 Aug. 1970. He m. Miss Kloss b. 04 Oct. 1972, on 17 Jan. 2004.
          4. Living dau Purdin, by Daniel Purdin, b. 12 Oct. 1977. She m. Mr. Keeley, b. 8 June 1976, on 2 Jun 2007.
          5. No children by her present husband, Eric Kaiser.

        2. Janice Beatrice Prentice, b 8 Sep 1946, Calexico, Imperial Co., CA. She m. Mr. DeWall on 4 Apr 1967 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. Children:
          1. Living dau. Dewall b. 15 Nov. 1967. She m. Mr. Tucker on 2 Nov 2002. He was b. 11 Aug. 1966.
          2. Living dau. Dewall, b. 14 Feb. 1969. She m. Mr. Wallin on 6 Jun 1990. He was b. 4 Sep 1968.

        3. John Douglas Prentice Jr,, b. 10 Nov 1953 in Tempe, Maricopa Co., AZ. He m. Shirley Eileen Mertz on 24 May 1974 in Prescott Valley, Yavapai Co., AZ. She was b. 8 Jan 1952 in Hillsboro, Montgomery Co., IL. Children:
          1. (son) Prentice, b. 18 May 1971 in New Port News, VA. He m. Miss. Mongini on 11 Jun 1997 at St. Thomas, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Children:
            1. (dau) Prentice, b. 2 Apr 1999, Prescott, Yavapai Co. AZ.
            2. (son) Prentice, b. 15 Feb 2002, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ.
            3. (dau) Prentice, b. 13 Mar 2004, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ.
          2. (dau.) Prentice, b, 15 Jan 1977, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ. She m. Mr. Olson on 25 May 1966, Prescott. They had 3 sons and 2 daughters per Ancestry.com.
            1. Adopted (son) Olson, b. 21 Mar. 1990, Prescott, Yavapai Co. Az. .
            2. Adopted (dau) Olson, b. 23 June 1991, Prescott, Yavapai Co. Az. .
            3. Adopted (dau) Olson, b. 18 June 1996, Prescott, Yavapai Co. Az. .
            4. (son) Olson, b. 27 Feb. 2003, Prescott, Yavapai Co. Az. .
            5. (son) Olson, b. 17 Mar. 2009, Prescott, Yavapai Co. Az.
          3. (son) Prentice, b. 29 Jun 1979, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ. He m. Miss Zepeda on 22 Jun 2009. Children:
            1. (son) Prentice, b. 4 Oct 2002, Cottonwood, Yavapa Co., AZ.
            2. (dau) Prentice, b. 14 Dec 2004, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ.
            3. (son) Prentice, b. 6 Nov 2006, Prescott, Yavapai Co., AZ.

        4. (dau.) Prentice, b. 12 Dec 1957, Prescott, Yvapai Co., AZ. She m. Denis Taylor on Feb. 1981. Son:
          1. (son) Taylor b. 19 Oct. 1981.

    3. William N. Prentice, b. Feb 1889, Hill Co., TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62.3]

    4. Lawrence Prentice, b. Nov 1895, Hill Co., TX and d. there c. 25 Apr 1905, age 9 years.

    5. John Frank (or Frank J.) Prentice Sr., b. 20 Aug 1900, Hill Co., TX. Living at home in 1910 and 1920 census. He m. 1st Mary Flossie "Flossie" Foster. She was b. c. 1900, TX. They appear in the 1930 census in Precinct 4, Limestone Co., TX. Son:
      1. John Frank "Frank" Prentice Jr. b. 17 Oct 1920, Whitney, TX, and d. 23 May 1999. At home in 1930. He was the cartoonist of ìRip Kirbyî for 43 years. His work on Kirby was awarded the National Cartoonists Societyís silver plaque for best story strip three times. He survived the bombing of Pearl Harbor and served on two destroyers through eight major military campaigns. He was married and had one daughter.

      John Frank Prentice Sr. m. 2nd Lillie Mae Chatham on 19 Jan 1939. She was b. 17 Oct. 1912 and d. 1 Jun. 2006. Bur. Whitney Memorial Park.

    6. Burton/Buren McKenzie Prentice, b. 28 Jul 1902, Whitney, Hill Co., TX, and d. 17 Feb 1942 in Waco, McLennan Co., TX. Living at home in 1910 and 1920 census. Not in SSDI. He m Cara Estelle Overton on 10 Sep 1921 in Prairie Valley, TX. She was b. 9 Jan 1907 and d. 10 Jun 1983 in Whitney. Daughters.
      1. Juanita Montrel Prentice, b. 23 Nov 1923 and d. 14 Apr 1991 in Whitney, Hill Co., TX.
      2. Ray Dell Prentice, dau., b. 19 Jul 1928, Prairie Valley, TX, and d. 14 Jan 2001, Dallas,Collin Co., TX. She m. Darrell Wayne Knox on 29 Aug 1963. He was b. 23 Dec 1934 and d. 30 Jan 1991. Son:
        1. Michael Knox, b. after 1963.

    62.3 William N. Prentice was b. Feb 1889, Hill Co., TX and d. 9 Mar 1933, CO, age 44. He appears in both the 1930 census in Clyde, Baca Co., CO and 1930 cnsus in Springfield, Baca Co., CO..

    He m. Josephine Smith. She was b. c. 1895, TX. Children per 1930 census and obituary, below:

    1. Dortha R. Prentice, b. c. 1918, TX.
    2. Glenn Prentice was b. 29 Apr 1923, Ratcliff TX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62.4]
    3. Bonnie S. Prentice, son, b. 29 Apr 1923, ouston, TX, and d. 4 un 2011, Albuquerque, Bernalillo, NM. He m. & had 3 sons per Ancestry.com :
      1. (son) Prentice.
      2. (son) Prentice.
      3. John K. Prentice, b. 4 Oct 1954, Albuquerque, NM, and d. 5 Jan 2010, Boulder, CO, age 56. He m. (unknown).
    4. William J. "Billy" Prentice, son, b. c. 1927, CO Deceased before 4 Jun 2011.

    62.4 Glenn Prentice was b. 29 Apr 1923, Ratcliff TX, and d. 4 Jun 2011 in Albuquerque, NM per John Wayne Prentice, email, 4 Jun 2011. curiously, Glenn is not shown at home with his parents in the 1930 census in Clyde, CO, but is shown with his parents in the 1930 census in Springfield, CO. By 1954 he was living in Albuquerque, NY, when his son, John, was born. Living in 2010 in Albuquerque. Glenn's obituary reads as follows:

      PRENTICE, B, GLENN. Died on Saturday,m Jun4 4 2011 at home after an extended illness. Glen was born in Ratcliff, TX on Apr 29 1923.

      He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Evelyn; son Dr. Glenn D. Prentice and his wife, Marguerita; their son, David Prentice and daughter, Cassandra Prentice Shore and her husband, Michael, their daughters Alexandra and Olivia; son Stephen R. Prentice and his wife, Elaine, their sons, Daniel Prentice and his wife, Sara, and Christopher Ortiz Y Prentice and his wife, Ambrosia; daughter in law Dr. Mary Fuka; brother, William Prentice and his wife, Juanite; sister in law Frances Miller and her husband, Wilkie; and many nieces and nephews.

      He was preceded in death by his parents, WilliamPrentice and Josephine Smith, his in-laws, Wiley Dee and Alta Hale; and his beloved son, Dr. John K. Prentice.

      After graduating from high school in 1941, in Durango, CO, Glenn enlisted in the Army Air Force and was a co-pilot on B-24 Bombers in the 15th Air Force. After he was discharged in 1945, he enrolled in the University of Colorado were he received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, Glenn worked for Boeing Aircraft Co. in Seattle, WA, and was proud of the work in helping to develop the B-52 Bomber. In 1952 he accepted an engineering position with Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque and worked there for over 33 years on many different projects.

      He retired in January, 1986. Glenn was active for many years at La Mesa Presbytyerian Church and served 3 terms as an elder. He was a Professional Engineer and served as a longtime board member and volunteer for Keep New Mexico Beautiful. He was a super fisherman and he and his family spent many weeks fishing in the Jamez Mountains. Glenn and his family traveled to many national parks and his wife enjoyed traveling in their trailer and flying to other destinations.

      Services will be held Friday, June 10, 2011, 10:00 am at Frency Wyoming Chapel, followed by a short reception. Interment will follow at the Santa Fe National Cemeteruy at 1:30 pm. . .

    Glenn Prentice m. Evelyn c. 1944. Children of Glenn and Evelyn:

    1. Glenn D. Prentice. 2010 lived in Portland, ME. Dr. Prentice practices geriatric psychiatry and and Psychiatry in Portland, ME. Children per his father's obituary:
      1. David Prentice.
      2. Casandra Prentice. She m. Michael Short. Children:
        1. Alexandra Shore.
        2. Olivia Shore.
    2. Stephen "Steve" R. Prentice. 2010 lived in Albuquerque, NM. He m. Elaine: Children:
      1. Daniel Prentice. He m. Sara.
      2. Christopher Ortiz Y Prentice. He m. Ambrosia.
    3. John K. Prentice, b. 4 Oct 1954, Albuquerque, NM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [62.5]

    62.5 John K. Prentice, b. 4 Oct 1954, Albuquerque, NM, and d. 5 Jan 2010, Albuquerque, NM as a result of injuries from falling from a ladder (per John Wayne Prentice, email, 5 Jun 2011). His obituary reads as follows:

      Albuquerque Journal (NM) - January 24, 2010: Dr. John K. Prentice

      Dr. John K. Prentice was born October 4, 1954 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Prentice's life was cut short on January 5th, 2010, in Boulder, Colorado, when he died from head injuries sustained in an accident [fall from a ladder] several days earlier. His wife was with him at the end, as was her brother, Daniel Fuka, who John loved as his own brother. John is survived by his beloved wife, Dr. Mary Z. Fuka; by Agbeli Ameko, who was like a son to him; by his parents, Glenn and Evelyn Prentice; by his brothers, Glenn and Steve Prentice; by his brothers-in-laws Louis, Joseph and Daniel Fuka & their wives, Lisa, Jean and Melissa; by his niece, Cassandra Prentice, her husband Mike Shore; and daughters, Alexandra and Olivia; by nephews, Daniel Prentice, Christopher Prentice and their wives Sara and Ambrosia; by nephews, Cornell and Luke Fuka; by many friends and colleagues; and by his two feline companions, Chisum and Luna.

      He was a physicist who possessed an infinitely supple and curious mind. John's scientific career began in his mid-teens tracking satellites for the Smithsonian across the northern New Mexico skies. Over the next 40 years he went on to explore a broad spectrum of scientific questions, pursuing projects in fields as diverse as computational physics, solid dynamics, quantum mechanics, medicine, biological physics and geophysics. Computers and computing were a unifying theme in his career. He often reminisced about carting 100-pound boxes of computer cards on the back of his bike between Sandia High School and the UNM computing center on a route that was uphill both ways and buried most times of year in ten feet of snow. His claims that in those days all computing was done by flickering candlelight were disregarded by most. Another highlight of his teenage years was his participation in the 1972 International Science Fair where he won a variety of awards for his project on calculating satellite orbitals.

      He continued as an avid science fair supporter throughout his adult life, achieving notoriety among friends and colleagues for his persistent and insistent springtime e-campaigns to recruit judges. John studied mathematics and physics at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, where he completed his PhD in quantum scattering theory in Physics in 1992 under the guidance of Dr. Colston Chandler. His professional career began early when he was hired at the Phillips Laboratory (then AFWL) on Kirtland Air Force Base in the mid-1970's to develop computer codes to model solid hydrodynamics phenomenology. He went on from there to work as a computational physicist for a number of scientific R&D companies in Albuquerque through the 1980's.

      In 1981 he married Mary Z. Fuka, also a physicist, sealing a love affair of heart, mind and spirit in a partnership that gave shape to their best work and happiest adventures. Together, they founded Quetzal Computational Associates in 1992 to provide scientific consulting services to the national labs, military and private industry. They moved the company to Durango, Colorado, in 1996, where it was reorganized in 2000 as Quetzal Biomedical, Inc., an investor-funded medical technology startup. They relocated with it to Boulder, Colorado in 2003. John led Quetzal as CEO to develop new pacing therapies and devices for treating congestive heart failure. He regarded this work as the most satisfying of his career. John's interests turned to the geosciences in 2005 when he was recruited to direct the Boulder-based scientific R&D efforts of Terralliance, an innovative technology-driven exploration startup. He also very much enjoyed teaching as a lecturer during that time in the University of Colorado's Department of Applied Mathematics. Most recently,

      John started TriplePoint Physics LLC, a consulting venture focused on developing new technologies for geothermal energy exploration and development. Beyond his love of science, John's life was fuelled by a passion for the outdoors. He was a long-time member of the American Alpine Club. He was a rock-climber, ice-climber, tele-skier from the days of true double-cambered skinny skis, and mountaineer who ascended peaks in Colorado, Mexico, The Pacific Northwest and South America. In recent years he most enjoyed hiking and camping trips in the Colorado Rockies and Utah's desert canyon country, especially if there was a little trout stream nearby to provide a pan of fish for breakfast (and perhaps for dinner, too). John

      We terribly miss his fearless optimism, the constant stream of ideas and conversation that flowed in his company and e-mail correspondence, his wit and enthusiasm for finding out what might lie around the next corner, his mentorship and support in all our dearest projects and ambitions. An online memorial open to all visitors is being established at www.johnkprentice.org. John's wife and family would especially like to thank Dr. Lee Nelson of Boulder Neurological Associates and the staff of the Boulder Community Hospital ICU for their wonderfully compassionate care of John in his final hospitalization. In lieu of a memorial service, John's family and friends plan to celebrate his life in an informal gathering in the place and season he loved most, the Rocky Mountains at the height of summer. For those who would like to honor him with a donation in his name, organizations dear to his heart included: The Central NM Science & Engineering Research via the STEM Education Outreach Programs at UNM (https://unm.securesites.net/give-online/fdn/); The Southern Utah Wilderness Association (http://www.suwa.org); and The Colorado Science & Engineering Fair (http://www.csef.colostate.edu/).

    63. Andrew Wilson Prentice, b. 23 Oct 1863, Campbell, Lawrence Co., TN, and d. 20 Feb 1947 in Hill Co., TX. Bur. in Whitney Cemetery, Whitney, Hill Co., TX. For a photo of Andrew and his wife, see Ancestry.com .

    He first appears, at age 6, in the 1870 census in Dist. 19,Giles Co., TN, living in the home of Lopon J. Campbell (b. c. 1843) and his wife, Susan R. (b. c. 1841). They are living just 3 houses down from the family of Daniel W. Prentice (b. c. 1841, AL) and his wife, Mary (b. c. 1848, TN).

    He next appears in the 1880 Hardin Co., TN census under the name, Wilson Prentice (spelled Printin), age 17, and was living in the home of his brother, Riley Prentice, age 25 and born about 1855, TN,

    He m. Mary Jane Rose on 26 Mar 1885, Hillsboro, Hill Co., TX (Ref: Vol. 3 Page 333),. She was b/ Dec 1869, TN, and d. 8 Feb 1919, Fannin, TX. In 1900 and 1910 Erath Co., TX census and 1920 Fannin Co., TX census. Children (per Leota Miller, 8 Apr and 10 Apr 2001 and Joyce Prentice, email, 22 Dec 2005)):

    1. Martin V. Prentice, b. 29 Dec 1885, Hill Co., TX. He has a WW I Registration Card. At home in 1920 census, unmarried, in Justice Precinct 4, Fannin Co., TX.
    2. Martha "Mattie" Prentice, b. 30 Mar 1888, Hill Co., TX.. . . . . . . . . . . [85]
    3. Clinton Prentice, b. 28 Nov 1899, Earth Co., TX. He d. 19 Dec 1979 in the Whitney Hospital, Whitney, Hill Co., TX. Unmarried in 1920 census. Clinton was a veteran of World War II. He lived in the Whitney area the preceding 36 years and in the city the past 15 years. He was a retired farmer. Bur. in Whitney Cemetery.
    4. Fannie B. Prentice, b. 1903, Erath Co., TX. At home in 1910 census.
    5. Marcelle Prentice, dau. b. 19 Nov 1904, Stephenville, Earth Co., TX, and d. 7 Feb 1981, Whitney, Hill Co., TX. Bur. Whitney Cemetery. In 1930 census in Dallas Co., TX, living with siblings. Her obtuary in the Whitney Mesenger of 13 Feb 1981 reads as follows:

        Miss Marcelle Prentice, age 76 of Whitney died Saturday, February 7, 1981 at the Whitney Hospital. Funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m. at the Marshall and Marshall Funeral Home Chapel in Whitney with the Rev. W.L. Walker officiating. Interment was in the Whitney Cemetery. Miss Prentice was born Nov. 19, 1904 in Stephenville, Texas, the daughter of Mary Jane and Andrew Wilson Prentice. She had lived in Whitney for 42 years. Survivors are 1 brother, C.P. Prentice of Dallas and several nieces and nephews.

    6. Mack Dennis Prentice, b. c. 1907, Earth Co., TX and d. 6 May 1978, McClennan TX, per Texas Death Index . Bur. Whitney Cemetery. The SSDI shows he d. 6 May 1978 in VA. In 1930 census in Dallas Co., TX, living with siblings. He might also be the Mack D. Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 16 Nov 1906, received his SS# in TX, and d. 6 May 1978 in VA. He m. Clara Dehtan per Ancestry.com.
    7. Clemuel Porter "Porter" Prentice, b. 25 Dec 1910, Earth Co., TX and living in Dallas, TX in 1981. In 1930 census in Dallas Co., TX, living with siblings. He m. Frances Irene Rogers. The SSDI shows he d. 23 Apr 1993 in Dallas, Dallas Co., TX. The 1993 Dallas phone book gave his address as 1029 Rose Garden St., Dallas, Phone (214) 391-3804. They had 1 or more children, including (per Prentice Newsletter, Fall 2000, Texas Birth Records):
      1. Jimmie Andrew Prentice, b. 15 Sep 1946, Dallas Co., TX.
    8. Marcell Prentice, b. c. 19 Nov 1904, Earth Co., TX, and d. Feb 1981, Whitney, Hill Co., TX. Bur. in Whitney Cemetery. Unmarried in 1979 and living in Whitney.
    9. James "Jim" Prentice, b. c. 1911, Earth Co., TX. At home in 1920 census. In 1930 census in Dallas Co., TX, living with siblings. He d. in WW II.

    64 Charles Gustaves Prentice, b. Sep 1870, AL. He is probably the Charles G. Prentice who appears in the 1900 Montague Co., TX census and the 1920 Washita Co., OK census with his wife.

    He m. Lula L., b. Aug 1870 in MS. Children:

    i	Anne/Annie Prentice, b. Nov 1894, TX.
    ii.	Jesse P. Prentice, b. Feb 1897, TX.  Not in SSDI.
    iii.	Edward G. Prentice, b. 19 Aug 1899, TX and d. c. Feb 1964, OK (per SSDI).  
    	He apears in the 1920 Mt. View, Kiowa Co., OK census with his wife, 
    	Pauline, b. c. 1899, OK and children:
    	a.	Clarence M. Prentice, b. c. 1919, OK.
    iv.	Oliver D. Prentice, b. c. 1903, TX.  Not in SSDI in 2002.
    v.	William M. Prentice, b. c. 1905, TX.
    vi.	LeRoy Prentice, aka Lee Prentice, b. c. 1908, TX.  1990  living in Salt Lake City, UT.  Not in SSDI in 2002.
    vii.	Julia Icel Prentice, aka Icel Prentice, b. c. 1912, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .[64.5]

    64.5 Julia Icel Prentice, b. c. 1912, OK, and d. 7 Apr 1990, Houston. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Wichita Eagle, The (KS) ó Wednesday, April 11, 1990: Julia Icel Prentice Best, 78

      Julia Icel (Prentice) Best, 78, of Houston, former Fredonia resident, homemaker, died Saturday, April 7, 1990, Service 3 p.m. Thursday, Fredonia City Cemetery.

      Survivors: husband, Frank; daughters, Jane Miniard of Clinton, Tenn., Janice Cox of Fort Worth; brother, Lee Prentice of Salt Lake City; six grandchildren. Timmons Funeral Home.

    She m. Frank Best. Children:

    1. Jane Best. She m. Mr. Miniard and in 1990 lived in Clinton, TN.
    2. Janice Best. She m. Mr. Cox and in 1990 lived in Fort Worth.

    65. Zannia Louise Prentice, b. 22 Jan 1874, MS and d. 22 May 1916. Bur. Montague Cem., Montague, Montague County.

    She m. James A. Teasley, b. 9 Mar 1871 & d. 6 Jul 1921. Also bur. with wife in Montague Cemeter. He was the son of Thomas H. and Emelie (Taylor) Teasley. Children (per Bunny Teasley, 29 Jul 1998):

    i.	Robert David Teasley, b. 1894 and d. 6 Jun 1973, Montague Co., TX.  He m. Ethel (Pete) Dawdy who 
    	was b. 1901 and d. 13 May 1988, Montague Co. TX..  Children:
    	a.	Anna Louise Teasley, b. c. 1944, d. 1968.  She m. Hoben Salmon.
    ii.	James Allen Teasley, b. 2 Feb 1898 and d. 1 Jun 1981, El Paso Co., TX.  Bur. in Ft. Bliss National Cemetery.  
    		He m. Eva Mae Ballard, b. 1913.  Children:
    	a.	James Allen Teasley Jr., b. 1931 who m. Nancy Gearldine Westphal, b. 1937.  
    		1.	Terry Allen Teasley b. 1957.
    		2.	Randall Bruce Teasley, b. 1960.
    		3.	Dana Kenneth Teasley, b. 1961.
    	b.	Kenneth Lee Teasley, b. 6 Apr 1933, Winbkler Co., TX.  He m. Barbara Wade.  Children:
    		1.	Lee Teasley, b. 14 Jun 1966, El Paso Co., TX..
    iii.	J. C. Teasley, b. 27 Aug 1902 and d. 3 Mar 1978, Gregg Co., TX.			[86]
    iv.	Louise Cornelia Teasley, b. 1904.  She m. Homer Huie Tumbleson.  He was b. 2 Aug 1904 
    	and d. 18 Oct 1985, Montague Co., TX.  Daughter:
    	a.	Patsy Ruth Tumbleson, b. 16 Oct 1930, Wichita Co., TX.			[87]
    v.	Willie "Billie" Ann Teasley, b. 1906.  She m. U. W. Rhodes, 1899-1979.  Children:
    	a.	Billie Jean Rhodes, b. 29 Mar 1927, Navarro Co., TX..  She m. Alvis Dewey Tucker, Jr.  Children:
    		1.	Jimmie'Jimmy Dan Tucker, b. 9 Jul 1951, Montague Co., TX.  
    			He m. Martha Elizabeth Brown on 28 Dec 1974, Denton Co., TX.  
    			a.	Roby Brandon Tucker, b. 2 Jul 1981, Dallas Co., TX..
    			b.	Rachel Annette Tucker, b. 24 Jun 1983, Dallas Co., TX.
    vi.	Charlie Brown Teasley, b. 1909 and d. 15 Aug 1969, Winkler Co. TX..

    66. Samuel Paul Prentice, b. 11 Jul 1877, Gunterville, Marshal, AL. Died 9 Aug 1963 & bur. Littlefield, TX.

    He m. Ada Ratliff on 24 Dec 1897, Montague Co., TX. She was b. 4 Jan 1879 at Montague, TX, dau. of James Henry Ratliff and Mary Evuleoner Walker. She d. 1 Dec 1948 & bur. Littlefield, TX. He appears in the 1900 census in Montague Co., TX and in the 1910 census in Greer Co., TX. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Ada Prentice, 69, of Littlefield ,Texas. She was a resident of Lamb county for 13 years. She was survived by her husband Samuel Paul Prentice. She is also survived by six children: Three daughters, Mrs. J. T. Jamieson of Littlefield, Mrs. Molly James of San Patricio, N.M., and Mrs. C. Bruce of Alameda. CA, three sons, Frank, Monroe, and Elwood, all of Littlefield.

      Grandchildren attending the funeral were Mr. Y Mrs. Buddy Williams of Amherst, Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Womack, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson, Freddie, W. D., Jimmy and Ronnie Jamieson and Floyd, Don, and Verna Jean Prentice, all of Littlefield: Troy and Eugene James of San Patricio.

    Children of Samuel and Ada (per Frank Kilcrease, 15 Aug 1998, and obituary, above):

    1. Cora Lee Prentice, b. 26 Feb 1900, Montague, TX, and d. 5 Oct 1982, Alameda Co., CA.. She m. Chuck Bryant and had 8 children. She m. 2nd Charley Bruce (per Frank Kilcrease, above) and in 1948 lived in Alameda Cp., CA.
    2. Mary Jane ìMollieî Prentice, b. 27 Jan 1903, Mangum, OK & d. 11 Dec 1948 & bur. S. Park Cem., Roswell, NM. She m. Leon Artie James and had 8 children. (per Frank Kilcrease, above) In 1948 lived in San Patricio, NM.
    3. Floyd Franklin Prentice, b. 26 Mar 1905 in Mangum, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [88]
    4. Ada Pearl Prentice, b. 19 Mar 1907, Mangum, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [66.1]
    5. William/Will Slivey Prentice, b. 10 Dec 1909, Mangum, OK and d. in an accident in 1930; b. Childress, TX.
    6. Louis Paul Prentice, b. 12 Feb 1911, Mangum, OK and d. 1931; b. Childress, TX.
    7. Marvin Elwood Prentice, b. 30 Jul 1913, Mangum, OK and d. 18 Dec 1997, Childress, TX & bur. Childress, TX. He m. Mildred A. Russell, dau. of J. T. Russell and Pearl Morris. His obituary reads as follows:

        CHILDRESS - Marvin Elwood Prentice, 84, died Thursday, Dec. 18, 1997. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in Childress Cemetery with the Rev. Alan Lee Egerton, pastor of Bible Baptist Church, and Don McFarland, pastor of Parkview Baptist Church, officiating. Arrangements are by Johnson Funeral Home.

        Mr. Prentice was born in Childress County. He farmed in Littlefield before moving to Childress in 1977. He was a veteran of World War II.

        Survivors include a sister, Pearl Jamieson of Guymon, Okla.; a brother, Monroe Prentice of Childress; five grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and two greatgreat-grandchildren.

      Children of Marvin and Mildred (per Frank Kilcrease and obituary):

      1. Bill Jack Prentice, b. 27 Apr 1935, Childress, TX. He m. Alice Faye Shoemack, dau. of Frank Shoemack. Children per John Casall, email, 7 Aug 2010:
        1. Billy Lynn Prentice, b. 27 Jun 1957, Lamb Co., TX.
        2. Brenda Faye Prentice, b. 4 Jan 1959, Lamb Co.. TX.
        3. Debra Kay Prentice, b. 26 Oct 1960, Lamb Co., TX.
        4. Bobby Allan Prentice, b. 7 Oct 1962, Lamb Co., TX.
        5. Jackie Ray Prentice, b. 16 Dec 1966, Lamb Co., TX.

    8. Monroe Milledge Prentice, b. 5 Mar 1918, Clayton, Union Co., NM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [66.2]
    9. (2 children) Prentice. Date of birth not known; died at birth.

    66.1 Ada Pearl "Pearl" Prentice, b. 19 Mar 1907, Mangum, OK, and ld. 16 Apr 2001. iving in 1997, Guymon, OK. Her obituary reads as follows:

      Potter Co. TX - Obits from Amarillo Online Newspapers 19 Apr 2001

      GUYMON, Okla. - Ada Pearl Jamieson, 94, died Monday, April 16, 2001. Services will be at 10 a.m. today in the Panhandle Bible Center with her son, Jim Jamieson, officiating. Burial will be in Elmhurst Cemetery by Bunch-Roberts Funeral Home.

      Miss Prentice married Johnny T. Jamieson on Feb. 14, 1926, in Childress, Texas. They lived in Lamb County, Texas, from 1927 to 1981, when they moved to Guymon.

      Survivors include two sons, Dub Jamieson and Jim Jamieson, both of Guymon; three daughters, Betty Pearl Sinning and Charlotte Pauline Jamieson, both of Guymon, and Norma Louise Womack of Amarillo; a brother, Monroe Prentice of Childress; 26 grandchildren; 31 greatgrandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.

      The family suggests memorials be to Loaves and Fishes; or the Oaks of Mamre Homeless Shelter. Memorials will be accepted at the funeral home. Amarillo Daily News, April 19, 200

    She m. John Tom Jamieson on 13 Feb 1926 in Childress, TX. He was b. 5 Jun 1907 and d. 19 Apr 1997, Guymon, OK. (His headstone date, which is different, is incorrect.) He is the son of John Wallace Jamieson and Josephine Pauline Binson. He d. 1977 and is bur. in Guymon, OK. His obituary reads as follows:

      Amarillo Globe News 21 Apr 1997
      GUYMON, Okla. - John T. "Johnny'' Jamieson, 89, died Saturday, April 19, 1997.

      Services will be at 10:30 a.m. today in the Panhandle Bible Center with Jim Jamieson, son, and Danny W. Jackson Jr., grandson, officiating. Burial will be at Elmhurst Cemetery. Arrangements are by Bunch-Roberts Funeral Home. The family requests memorials be to Dunaway Manor. Memorials will be accepted by Bunch-Roberts Funeral Home, P.O. Box 1112, Guymon, Okla. 73942.

      Mr. Jamieson was born in Harmon County near Hollis. He married Ada Pearl Prentice in 1926 at Childress, Texas. He retired in 1970 as a self-employed farmer and carpenter. He moved to Guymon from Littlefield, Texas, in 1981. He was a member of the Panhandle Bible Center.

      Survivors include his wife; three daughters, Betty Jamieson and Charlotte Jamieson, both of Guymon, and Norma Womack of Fort Smith, Ark.; three sons, Dub Jamieson, Jim Jamieson and Ron Jamieson, all of Guymon; 26 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and three greatgreat-grandchildren.

    Children of Ada and John (per obituary and Frank Kilcrease, above):

    1. Betty Pearl Jamieson, b. 21 Dec 1926, Childress Co., TX. Living in 1997 and 2001, Guymon, OK. She m. ìBuddyî Williams on 21 Dec 1946. Her mother's 2001 obituary calls her "Betty Pearl Sinning" and living in Guymon, OK.
    2. Norma Louise Jamieson, b. 15 Oct 1929, Childress Co., TX. Living in 1997 in Ft. Smith, AR. 2001 in Amarillo, TX. She m. ìJohnnyî Womack on 18 Jun 1948.
    3. John Tom Jamieson, b. 21 Aug 1931, Childress Co., TX and d. 1946.
    4. Charlotte Pauline Jamieson, b. 15 Oct 1932, Childress Co., TX. Living in 1997 and 2001 in Guymon, OK.. She m. Dan Jackson on 21 Nov 1948.
    5. Freddy Lee Jamieson, b. 2 Nov 1934 and d. 8 May 1988. He m. Emma Lou Colson on 7 Nov 1959. Served in US Army in Korea.
    6. William "Dub" Dennis Jamieson, b. 6 Jun 1936, Childress Co., TX. Living in 1997 in Guymon, OK. He m. Frankie Edwards on 30 Jul 1957.
    7. Jimmy Ray Jamieson, b. 23 Sep 1937, Childress Co., TX. Living in 1997 and 2001 in Guymon, OK. He m. Lillie Green on 19 Aug 1961.
    8. Ronald Joe Jamieson, b. 12 Jan 1941, Lamb Co., TX, and d. 2 Aug 2002. Bur. Elmhurst Cemetery. Living in 1997 in Guymon, OK. He m. Sharon Parker on 24 May 1969.

    66.2 Monroe Milledge Prentice, b. 5 Mar 1918, Clayton, Union Co., NM. He was a veteran and served in the Army Air Corps. He was a member of First United Methodist Church of Childress and bur. Childress cemetery. His obituary reads as follows:

      Amarillo Globe-News, May 9, 2004; CHILDRESS - Monroe Prentice, 86, died Friday, May 7, 2004.

      Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Childress Cemetery with the Rev. Johnny Robertson, of First United Methodist Church of Childress, officiating. Arrangements are by Johnson Funeral Home. Mr. Prentice was a veteran and served in the Army Air Corps. He was a member of First United Methodist Church of Childress. Survivors include a son, Mark Prentice of Childress.

    He m. Helen Bernice Kirkpatrick on 17 Jan 1948 in Clovis, NM. She was b. 10 Apr 1924 in Jacksonville, Cherokee Co., TX and is the dau. of John M. Kirkpatrick and Clifford Mae Pierce. Not in SSDI in 2002. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):

    1. Mark Kyle Prentice, b. 29 Apr 1963, Littlefield, TXIn 2004 he lived in Childress, TX.

    67. William Forest Prentice, b. Dec 1878, AL. He d. 29 Jun 1961 in Haralson Co., GA. He m. Dora Manon Presnell c. 1898 in Marshall Co., AL. She is probably the Dora M Prentice who d. 11 Mar 1973, Carroll County. Children:

    1. Tempie J. Prentice, b. Aug 1899, AL. Not in SSDI.
    2. Herschel F. Prentice, b. c. 1906, AL. Not in SSDI.
    3. Clyde N. Prentice, b. c. 1909, AL. It is unclear whether he is the Clyde Prentice shown in the SSDI as b. 13 Aug 1909 and d. c. May 1987 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH.)
    4. Elsie L. Prentice, b. c. 1910, AL. She worked for the Sowell manufacturing company in Breman, GA. She and her husband openned a jewelry store. She m. Joseph Reeves Cole. He was b. 1907 in Carroll Co., GA. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters surnamed Cole.
    5. Gartha Prentice. Not in SSDI in 2002. She m. Joe Wheeler c. 1920, Had a big family. Lived in Breman, GA. Joe was a supervisor of a railroad. He also ran a drey business. moved people, goods and material with horse and wagon.
    6. William Forest Prentice Jr. Chris George, a grandson, by email of 3 Mar 2001 tells the following story about his uncle, Chris Prentice: ìA little scottish couple went to the car dealership where my uncle Chris was working. When he introduced himself as Chris Prentice, they didnít believe him; they made him get out his ID and prove it. It seems that the Prentice family, from where they are in Scotland, is some kind of high ìto doî family. I donít want to call them royalty, but maybe lesser nobliity, who knows? Just thought it was funny.î

    68. Millie Jane Prentice, b. 28 Apr 1882 in Arab, Marshall Co., AL and d. 12 Feb 1940 in Wilburton, Latimer Co., OK. She was buried 12 Feb 1940 in Elias Chapel, Wister, LeFlore Co., OK.Millie and her husband lived west north west of the Arab High School. When the land opened in OK for the Boomers, Millie's family got the fever and moved out there. Several Prentice Families were already living in Cato, Ok at the time.

    Millie m. Isaac Smith Brown (son of Isaac B. BROWN and Sophronia A. UNKNOWN) was born on May 5 1879 in Alabama. He died on Apr 2 1959 in Corona, Riverside Co., California. He was buried on Apr 5 1959 in Sunnyslope Cem., Corona, Riverside Co., California.

    Cecil Prentice Sr. remembers that his aunt, Millie Prentice, did not live much beyond 55 years. When she died, Ike must have joined his son, Willie, in CA. Willie owned some houses out there in California.

    Ike was a confederate army veteran. Cecil remebers playing with Ike's civil was musket. Cecil may have confused him with his father or another Issac. This Ike was too young to have been in the War.

    J. A. Thompson wrote an article in the Guntersville Democrat later called the Advertiser then the Gleam called the South Fry News. In it he gave histories and stories of the people and families and events living in Marshall county. In an article writen may 21, 1952 titled New Friendship Church, he writes:

      "When this history was given Mrs F C Lee said, "I went to school to the late Isaac Brown about 45 years ago. It was built in 1886. That was the date of the organization of the Church". Later in this article he writes, " There is a school named Friendship. Among the teachers:. . . J W Prentice and others".

    Millie Jane PRENTICE and Isaac Smith BROWN had the following children:

    1. Willie Franklin Brown, b. 27 Jul 1903 in Arab, Marshall Co. and d. 12 Oct 1918 in Wister, LeFlore Co., OK.
    2. Beaulah S. Brown, b. c. 1906 in Arab abd d, 1923 in Summerfield, LeFlore Co., OK.
    3. Elvin Wellington Brown.
    4. Clara Elnora Brown.
    5. Velva Lou Browhn.
    6. Madie Estelle Brown.

    69. Joseph Wesley Prentice, b. 21 Aug 1883, AL and d. 12 May 1965 in Arab, Marshall Co., AL (per SSDI). He was buried in 1965 in Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery.. His father in law gave him a farm near Shoal Creek. Earned his teaching degree from the school at Joppa, AL located some 4 miles west of Arab, AL on the road to Cullman, AL. His daughters also taught school. His farm was located just one mile north of Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church. Lived all of his life there. Was named after his father's youngest brother, Wesley. Joseph and his family appear in the 1930 census in Grassy, Marshall Couty, AL.

    Joseph m. Charity P. Willis, dau. of James T. and Mary H. Willis. Charity was b. was born 15 Jan 1884, AL and d. 14 Mar 1976 in Marshall County, AL. Daughter:

    1. Lillian Prentice, b. 8 Oct 1909, KY and d. 9 Feb 1958, AL. Buriedin New Canaan Baptist, Cullman Co., AL. Lillian was was of the teacher at a three room schoolhouse on Georgia Mountain west of Guntersville at Mt. Carmel Community. She was living at home, unmarried, inthe 1930 census in Grassy, Marshall Co., AL.

    70. James Andrew Prentice, b. 14 May 1886, Decatur Co., AL and d. c. Aug 1968 in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN, age 82 (per SSDI). He was then living at 1494 Dolan Rd., Davidson Co., TN.

    He m. unknown They lived near Warrenton, AL, which was the old site of the original county seat for Marshall County, AL. They later moved near Cullman, AL, from Browns Valley, south of the site of old Warrenton and about 1 mile north of Beech Creek. Funeral arrangements: Buena Vista Funeral Home (Bratten & Martin Directors. Services Tue. Aug 6th 2 pm at Buena Vista Funeral Home 3634 Clarksville Hwy. Burial: Springhill Cemetery. Officiating: Rev W. Chester West. Pallbearers: Grandsons. Children of James and Martha b. probably after 1900:

    1. Grace Prentice. She m. Mr. Stone, Gadsden, AL. Named in father's 1968 Obituary
    2. Eleanor/Ellie Prentice
    3. Della Prentice.
    4. Velma Prentice.
    5. Jewell Prentice.
    6. Sarah Prentice. She m. Mr. Carter. Named in father's 1968 Obituary
    7. Virginia Prentice. She m. Mr. Provance, Nashville. Named in father's 1968 Obituary

    James' 1968 obituary named the following surviving married daughters, but is unclear which of the above daughters married each named man, or whether one or more are additional daughters:

    1. Mrs. Ernest Barnes. Living in 1968.
    2. Mrs. Joseph Greer. Living in 1968.
    3. Mrs. Hubert Morrow. Living in 1968.
    4. Mrs. Ernest Waldroup, Redwood City, CA. Living in 1968.

    71. Daniel Washington Prentice, b. Aug 1891 in Marshall Co., AL and d. 20 Jan 1961 in Huntsville, Madison Co., Alabama. He was buried on Jan 21 1961 in Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery, Marshall Co., Alabama. Owned his father's home place and about 80 acres of land. Taught school and was a school principal. Taught at Summit, Al. Sold land during the depression to make ends meet. Loved University of Alabama baseball. Listened to the games on radio in his kitchen in the dark. Quiet, humerous man. His grandson remembers a whistle that Grandpa Dan carved for him.

    Kept a cow and a mule well into the 1950s. In the loft of the old home place, there were Kentucky flintlocks, Civil War muskets, a brass Blunderbuss and rabbit eared double barreled shotgun. His mother's spinning wheel and loom were in the loft along with three chests of clothing and papers. An English side saddle sat on the bannister along the openning to the bottom floor. The entrance to the loft was through a false wall in the hall closet. His son, Cecil H., had his golden glove boxing equipment in the loft as well. All of the above was lost through thieft after the old place was when the house was put up for rent. Only one of the chests remained after Dan's death. Gail Clark Sheppard of Arab, Al has a picture of the old school house at Green Brier where he taught from 1946 through 1952-53 school year.

    Daniel m. 1st Ruth Ann Skelton, (daughter of Asa Jones Skelton and Nancy Carolyn Cleveland c. 1913 in Alabama. Ruth Ann SKELTON was born on Apr 5 1894 in Cullman County, Alabama. She was buried in 1918 in New Canaan Baptist Church Cemetery, Cullman Co., Alabama. She died on Mar 4 1918. Have a post card that she wrote for her five year old son on her death bed. Her pictures present a young and very attractive woman to the eye of the beholder. Her father left her 500 acres in his will. Her son stayed with relatives near Shoal Creek Church while she was ill with TB. They were afraid that he might contract it if he remained near her. He has only very vague memories of her. Her post card was carried to Russia by Baptist Missionaries. There it had a strong impact that a dying mother should worry about her son's salvation to the point that her last communication for him was to urge him to come to know Jesus. They had:

    1. Cecil Howard Prentice, b. c. 1914, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [89]

    Daniel m. 2nd Tera Hudson after 1925 in Arab, Marshall County, AL. She was b. c. 1905, AL, with both parents b. in AL. Daniel and Tera had the following children, all b. after the 1930 census.:

    1. Daniel Washington Prentice
    2. Doris Glenda Prentice.
    3. Ila Fay Prentice.
    4. Robert Henry Prentice, b. 15 Jul 15 1930 in Arab, Marshall County, Alabama. He died on Dec 31 1951 as the result of an artillery round. He was buried in 1951 in Korean soil His body was never found. A memorial plaque was placed in the Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery. Was a tall, red haired man with a gentle disposition. His family tried to talk him out of joining the Alabama National Guard but he was determined to do his duty. His unit was one of the first to be called into action when the "Police action in Korea" began. His brother learned of the facts of Robert's death from a member of his unit. Cecil Sr. ran into that fellow at the Guntersville Courthouse while doing genealogy research and began chatting. Cecil was making arrangements for the memorial for Robert at the time..

    72. George Washington William Lafayette "Fate" Prentice (aka Fait Prentice and Fate Prentice), b. 11 Aug 1879, Arab, Marshall Co., AL and d. 15 Feb 1970, Durant, OK. Bur. Durant in Highland Cemetery.

    He m. Ella Frances Day on 12 Nov 1900, Oletha, limrestone Co., TX. Ella was b. 15 Mar 1884, Wortham, Freestone Co., TX and d. 7 Oct 1963, Durant, OK. Bur. Durant Highoand Cemetery. Children:

    1. Lillie May Prentice (aka Lillah Prentiss), b. c. 1903, TX (per 1910 Atoka Co., OK census) and d. Jun 1993 in Ladonia, Fannin Co., TX, per Ancestry.com . She m. Ben Franklin Morris. They had 1 or more children, including:
      1. Wendell Gene Morris, b. 15 Jul 1946, Fannin Co., TX.
    2. Gaspard Lafayette Prentice, aka Jack George Prentice, b. 12 Nov 1904, Wortham, Freestone Co., TX and d. 12 Dec 1960, Randlette, Cotton Co., OK where he is buried.
    3. Otha Prentice, b. c. 1905, TX (per 1910 Atoka Co., OK census).
    4. Margaret "Maggie" Pearl Prentiss was b. c. 1922 and d. 25 Oct 2003 at her home in Booneville, MS after an extended illness. She had been a resident of Longwood Community Living Center for some time before her last stay in the hospital. Before her health failed, she loved quilting and many will remember her while warming themselves with her quilts. She was a homemaker, a member of the Lakeview Baptist church and a past member of the Northeast Miss. CB Club. She also loved cooking. Services were held at 2 p.m. (26 Oct 2003) at the McMillan Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Floyd Carpenter officiating. Burial was in the Pine Grove Cemetery. She m. 1st. James P. Wilhite who d. before 2003. She m. 2nd Edgar Simmons who d. bef. 2003. Children:
      1. James M. Wilhite of Booneville. He m. Melissa.
      2. Don E. Wilhite and his wife, Becky, of Kenosha, WI.
      3. Linda A. Wilhite, d. bef. 2003.
      4. Clarence A. Wilhite, d. bef. 2003. He might have m. Nancy, mentioned in Margaret's obituary as a daughter in law.
    5. Dorothy (Prentiss) Spencer, Booneville.
    6. Faye (Prentiss) Miller, Boonville.
    7. Catherine (Prentiss) Lewis, Booneville.
    8. Charles "Pete" Prentiss, Booneville.
    9. Evelyn Prentiss, d. bef. 2003.
    10. James Prentiss, d. bef. 2003.

    73. Columbus E. Prentice, b. 20 Dec 1892, Marshall Co., AL (1920 census says b. in TX), and d. 29 Jan 1929. In 1910 Bryan Co., OK census. In 1920 census as C. E. Prentice in Matoy, Bryan Co., OK with his wife, Gladys,, b. c. 1899, TX. Gladys, a widow in 1930, is shown in the Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK census as the head of the household with her children:

    1. Alvie/Alvis F. Prentice, b. c. 1917, OK. At home in 1930.
    2. Bruce C. Prentice, b. c. 1920, OK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [90]
    3. Nadine S. Prentice,b. c. 1921, OK.
    4. Kathleene E. Prentice, b. c. 1923, OK.
    5. Carmen I. Prentice, b. c. 1925, OK.
    6. William/Billy Ray Prentice, b. 31 Jan 1927, OK and d. 28 Mar 2004, Seguin, Guadalupe Co., TX... His obit. reads as follows: Billy Ray Prentice passed away March 28, 2003 in Seguin. A memorial service will be held Monday, March 31, 2003 at 11 a.m. at Forest Hill Baptist Church with Rev. M. E. ìMitchî Kolenovsky officiating. Interment and visitation private. Arrangements by Goetz Funeral Home, 379-2313." Bur. in San Geronimo Cem., Sequin, TX. He m. Shirley Anita. She was b. 9 Jan 1935 and is bur. with Billy.
    7. Colombus/Clombus E. Prentice, b. c. 1929, OK

    Living with Gladys and her family in the 1930 Bokchito census is William I.(?) Arnold, called "Brother," apparently a brother to Gladys.

    74. Jesse Lee Prentice, b. 11 June 1891 in Franklin Co., AL and d. 21 Nov 1943 in Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 41 Roll 4 Certificate 2001).

    He m. Ethel Marie McCutcheon on 11 Dec 1916 in Decatur, Morgan Co., AL. She was b. 22 Jul 1895 an dd. 28 Mar 1973. Bur. Valhermosa Springs Cem., Morgan Co., AL. She was the daughter of Joseph M. "Chum" McCutcheon and Mary Delia Lang. Jesse, Ethel, Chum, and Delia are all buried in the Valhermoso Springs Cemetery in Morgan Co., AL. Children:

    1. Helen Prentice, b. 21 Aug 1919, Morgan Co., AL and d. there 9 Oct 1991. She m. Calvin Tolbert.
    2. Dorothy "Dot" Prentice, b. Jul 1920, Morgan Co., AL. She m. Clyde Campbell.
    3. Paul Nelson Prentice, Sr., b. 18 May 1923, Morgan Co., AL. He married Clara Louise "Polly" Lee in Oct 1946 in Ringgold, Catoosa Co., GA. She is the dau. of James Vernon "Stumpy" Lee, I, and Sarah Estelle Higgins. Polly was born on 1 Oct 1927. Children:
      1. Paul Nelson Prentice, Jr., b. 18 Nov 1951 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL.
      2. Brenda Lee Prentice, b. 27 Feb 1953 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL. She m. Daryl Mhoon in 1973.
      3. Rhonda "Rhoni" Gail Prentice, b. 26 Jul 1965 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL.
    4. Melitia Prentice, b. 16 Dec 1923, Morgan Co., AL and d. there 21 Dec 1929. Bur. at Valhermoso Springs Cem., Morgan Co., AL.
    5. Melba Ruth Prentice, b. 9 May 1933, Madison Co., AL. She m. Dell Henson.

    75. Rosa E. Prentice, b. 10 May 1889 Franklin Co., AL and d. 24 Mar 1967 Madison Co., AL. She is bur. in Maple Hill Cemetery, Block 210, Lot 102, Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. She m. 1st Ben C. Erwin on 15 Apr. 1911, Huntsville , Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 36, Page 390). He was b. 3 Sep 1888 Madison Co., AL, and d. there 11 Feb 1914. Bur. Rice Cem., Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. They had one child:

    1. James Erwin, b. 10 May 1913, Madison Co., AL and d. 27 Aug 1980, Los Angeles, CA. Bur. Roosevelt Cemetery, Los Angeles, CA. He m. Pauline DeBono in Dec 1943, Philadelphia, PA. Bur. Roosevelt Cem., Los Angeles, CA.

    Rosa E. Prentice m. 2nd John Edward Cooper on 3 May 1915, Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 40, Page 466). He was b. 22 Feb 1873 and d. 21 Apr 1925, Madison Co., AL. Bur. Maple Hill Cemetery, Block 201, Lot 102, Hunrsville, Madison Co., AL (Ref: Marriage License Record Page 527). They had two children:

    1. Mildred Cooper, b. 9 May 1920, Madison Co., AL and d. 20 Aug 2002, Madison Co., AL. Bur. Maple Hill Cem., Block 37, Huntsville, Madison Co., ALShe m. Thomas A. Winston on 12 Jan 1940, Limestone Co., AL. He was b. 29 Sep 1908, Madison Co., AL, and d. 14 Jan 1974, Madison Co., AL. Bur. in Maple Hill Cem., Huntsville, Madison Co., AL.
    2. Jack Cooper, b. 3 Dec 1923, Madison Co., AL and d. 24 Mar 1925, Madison Co., AL. Bur. Maple Hill Cemetery, Block 201, Lot 102, Huntsville, Madison Co., AL.

    Rosa E. Prentice m. 3rd. Joseph T. Sharp on 25 June 1931 Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 57, Page 400). He was b. in AL. They did not have children.

    76. Susie Etta Prentice, b. 28 Dec 1890, Franklin Co., AL and d. 15 Aug 1973. She is bur. in Maple Hill Cemetery, Block 202, Lot 62, Huntsville, Madison Co., AL, next to her father Louis Vergil Prentice.

    She m. 1st. Oscar Walker on 8 Nov 1911, Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 37, Page 49). He was b. 2 Jun 1889 and d. 15 July 1958. He is bur. in Maple Hill Cemetery, Block 202, Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. They did not have children.

    She m. 2nd Charlie Arnold. They lived in Sylacauga, AL, until her death in 1973. No children.

    77. Charles Eston Prentice. Born 6 Mar 1892 Franklin Co., AL and d. Feb 1976, Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. in Forest Hill Cemetery, Sect. 20A, Lot 149, Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. He was a Private in the U. S. Army in WW I.

    He m. Martha Lottie Allen. She was b. c. 1899, TN, and d. 14 Jul 1965, Jefferson Co., AL. She is bur in Forest Hill Cemetery, Sect. 20A, Lot 149, Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. They appear in the 1930 census in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL. Children (per Joyce Prentice, email, 6 Dec 2005):

    1. Rather Eston "Smoke" Prentice, b. 26 Oct 1920, Madison Co., AL. He was a Boatswainís Mate 1st Class, US Navy in WW II. As of 2005, he is retired from the City of Birmingham Fire Department and is enjoying retirement along with his wife, Gladys, who retired as City Clerk from the City of Leeds, Jefferson Co., Al, and was living there in 2010 per the obit. of his brother, Charles.
      He m. Gladys Louise Dickinson on 13 Feb 1953, Jefferson Co., AL (Ref: Book 224, Pg. 50). She was b. 1 Aug 1930, daughter of Sancho McCongo Dickinson and Vera Elvira Hackney (Vera's grandmother's maiden name was Acker). Rather and Gladys had two children (per Karen Acker, email, 7 Aug 2004 and Joyce Prentice, mail, 16 Dec 2005):
      1. William Charles Prentice, b. 22 Sep 1953 Leeds, AL.
      2. Cathy Jean Prentice, b. 11 Feb 1955 Leeds, AL.

    2. Charles "Duner" Eston Prentice Jr. b. 28 Jan 1923, Madison Co., AL, and d. Friday, 12 Feb 2010. He was a Coxswain in the US Navy in WW II. Charles "Duner" is a former AL PGA champion and tied for second money in The Southeastern PGA Open in Chattanooga, TN., during the mid-50îs. He was a long time Golf Professional in Columbia, SC. More information can be found in his Obituary, below .

      He m. Margaret Pauline Cogle on 10 Mar 1955, Jefferson Co., AL (Ref: Book 231 Page 69). She was b. 20 Jun 1932, Dixon Mills, Marengo Co., AL, and was living in 2010. She was the dau. of Bruce Arnold Cogle and Rosa Lee Quarells. Children of Charles and Margaret per his obituary:

      1. Marchar Prentice. She m. David Stagg and in 2010 lived in Blythewood.
      2. Charles ìChuckî E. Prentice, III. He m. Nancy and in 2010 lived in of Sheldon, SC.

    3. William Wallace Prentice, b. 6 Jun 1926, Madison Co., AL and d. 7 Jan 1985 Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. in Forest Hill Cemetery, Section 20A Lot 149, Birmingham, Jefferson Co., Al. He is shown in the SSDI as d. c. Jan 1985 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL.

      He was a LT (jg) in the US Navy and served in Korea. He played football and studied at the University of TN, Chattanooga, TN. He was a graduate of Howard College, Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL. He was a teacher, coach, Leeds High School, former teacher, coach Shades Valley High School. He was an inspiring teacher and was admired by his students.

      He m. Billie Lacey Hamby on 25 Dec (year?) in Jefferson Co., AL. She was b. 24 Jun 1929, Jefferson Co., AL and d. 23 Jun 2006 in the local hospital in Orange Beach, AL,. She was the dau. of Leslie Ernest Lacey and Alice Haynes. Her obituary reads as follows:

        "ORANGE BEACH: Billie Dove Prentice

        Billie Dove Prentice, 76, of Orange Beach [AL], died Friday, June 23, 2006, at a local hospital. Survivors include a daughter, Susan Hamby Prentice of Bon Secour; a son, William Randall Prentice of Huntsville; a brother, Wallace Lacy of Sarasota, FL; a sister, Jane Lacey Phiffer of Brooksville, FL; and four grandchildren.

        A memorial service will be held at a later date. Arrangements are by Cason Funeral Service "

    4. Carleen Prentice, b. 2 Oct 1927, Madison Co., AL and d. 1983 in Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. in Ceder Grove Cem., Leeds, Jefferson Co., AL. She m. Alan Hodge.

    5. Marvleen Prentice, b. 1 Oct 1929, Madison Co., AL. She m. Robert Lee Nunn on 14 Feb 1953, Jefferson Co., AL. He was b. 15 Jan 1929 and was the son of William Earl Nunn and Susie W. Hinton. In 2010 they lived in Niceville, FL, per the obit. of her brother, Charles.

    6. Jo Ann Prentice, b. 9 Feb 1933, Jefferson Co., AL. Jo Ann joined the Ladies Professional Golf Association in 1955 playing a 15-tournament schedule as late as 1982. She was inducted into the 1991 Alabama Sports Hall of Fame for her pioneering spirit and ball-striking excellence. In 2010 she lived in Tucson, AZ, per the obit. of her brother, Charles.

    78. Rather Prentice. Born 15 Apr 1894 Franklin Co., AL. He d. in combat in WW I on 22 Oct. 1918 in France at the age of 24 while serving as a Infantryman with American Expeditionary Forces. A photo of Rather can be found in Joyce Prentice's email of 16 Dec 2005. He was a Private in Co. B, 312th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division and is bur in Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, Grave location 39-G-17, Romagne, France. " They are not dead that live in the hearts they leave behind." -Robert Orr. The American Cemetery at Meuse/Argonne is America's largest Cemetery in Europe The small village of Romagne-sous-Montfaucon lies 42km north west of the town of Verdun. To its south is the American memorial at Montfaucon and to the west the Franco-American Memorial at Sommepy in Champagne. Montfaucon

    This enormous cemetery covering 52 hectares is open everyday of the year except 25 December and 1 January between 09:00 and 17:00 hours, when staff are available in the visitors' building near the main entrance and fountain. Like all American war cemeteries and monuments it is maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission.

    The cemetery was established on 14 October 1918 in an area captured by the US 32nd Division. It now contains the graves of 14,246, including 486 unknown soldiers. Panels on the Memorial Chapel walls record the names of a further 954 missing. As a comparison the WW2 D-Day Landings Cemetery in Normandy contains 9,386 graves. The graves are divided up into eight separate plots each surrounded by linden trees. Information on the location of a particular grave can be obtained from the visitors' centre.

    79. Colie/Collie Anderson Prentice. Born 26 May 1896 Franklin Co., AL and d. 1944 at the VA Hospital, Memphis, TN. He served in WW I as a Pvt., Co. E, 306 Engineers. He is likely the Colie H. Prentis who appears in the 1930 census in Sumpter, Williamsburg, SC as b. c. 1895, AL, with his wife, Hattie, and children:

    1. Danail/Danial Prentis, b. c. 1916
    2. Lima(?) Prentis, b. c. 1918

    80. William Coffee Prentice, b. 12 Jan. 1901 Franklin Co., AL and d. 5 Feb 1981 Haleyville, Winston Co., AL (per SSDI). He is bur. in Hillcrest Cemetery, Haleyville, Winston Co., AL. He m. 1st. Ovie France on 4 June 1921, Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 47, Page 51). No. Children. Divorced 23 Oct 1925, Summit Co., OH (Ref: Case #55697).

    He m. 2nd Lassie James Spradlin on 11 Feb 1933, Winston Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 9 Page 247). She d. 29 Nov 1996, Jefferson Co., AL. Bur. in Hillcrest Cemetery, Haleyville, Winston Co., AL. Children:

    1. James Vergil Prentice, b. 9 Sep 1933, Winston Co., AL and d. 31 Mar 1985, Jefferson Co., AL. He is bur. in Jefferson Mem. Gardens East, Christus, Lot 156-B, Space 1, Trussville, Jefferson Co., AL. James served as an Ens. in the USNR. He m. Gay Neil Baker on 10 Jun 1961, Winston Co., AL (Marriage Record Pg. 118). She was b. 13 May 1943 and was the dau. of Thomas Clyde Baker and Vera Irene Cleveland.

    2. Billy Vann Prentice, b. 10 Mar. 1938, Winston Co., AL. He retired 31 August 1990 from the Birmingham Fire Department His Civil Service Classification was Position of Leader man, Driver of Snorkel Truck No. 38.
      He m. 1st Charlotte June Smith on 21 May 1959, Winston Co., AL (Ref: Marriage Record Page 294). She was b. 4 Jun 1941, Winston Co., AL, and was the dau. of Royal Smith and Gladys Robertson.
      He m. 2nd Joyce Holder Gunnin on 28 Nov 1974, Winston Co., AL. She was b. 8 Jun 1937, Counce, Hardin Co., TN. She was the dau. of Benjamin Marshall Holder Sr. and Wilber Sue Tullis. She retired from Marketing, Chevron USA Inc.

    81 Richard Prentice, b. 24 Sep 1902, Franklin Co., AL and d. 1988. Bur. in Marshall Memorial Gardens, Boaz, Marshall Co., AL. By email of 16 Dec 2005, Joyce Prentice writes that: "Richard Prentice and Ruby Irene Holcomb lived for many years at Boaz, Marshall Co., Al. Uncle Dick was a Jolly man who liked people an enjoyed talking. He retired form Goodyear Rubber Company, Gadsden AL."

    Richard m. Ruby Irene Holcomb on 14 Jan 1928, Madison Co., AL (Ref: Vol. 53, Page 390). She was b. 1904 and d. Nov 1987. She is bur. in Burial Marshall Memorial Gardens, Boaz, Marshall Co., AL. Children:

    1. Vivian Prentice
    2. Buddy Prentice

    82. Virgil Prentice, b. 9 Jan 1912 and d. c. 29 Apr 1989 in Stigler, OK (per SSDI). Bur in Garland Cem., Haskell Co., OK.

    He m. Vera Hancock 30 Nov 1933 (at home in 1930). Vera was b. 11 Jul 1915 and d. Friday, 19 Mar 2004 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Her obit. relates that Vera was a member of Freewill Baptist Church in Stigler, and was the widow of Virgil Prentice. Her funeral was 22 Mar 2004 at the Freewill Baptist Church in Stigler with burial at Garland Cemetery in Stigler [Haskall Co., OK] under the direction of Mallory Funeral Home of Stigler. Surviving children:

    1. Virgil Glenn Prentice, b. c. 1941 and d. 5 Feb 2005, Albuquerque, NM. His obituary reads as follows:

        Albuquerque Journal (NM) - February 8, 2005

        V. Glenn Prentice, 64, died on Saturday, February 5, 2005. He is survived by his wife, Linda Catherine Prentice; children, Michelle Pratkelis and husband, Pete, and Timothy Prentice; brother, Wendell Prentice; six grandchildren; and two nieces and one nephew. He was preceded in death by his father, Virgil Prentice and mother, Vera Hancock Prentice. He was a math teacher who taught in the Albuquerque Public School System for 31 years. Glenn was a member of Hoffmantown Church. Services will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2005, at 3:30 p.m. at Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Road NE, with Pastor Ken Moore officiating. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Park. Friends may visit French Mortuary, Wyoming Blvd. Chapel, on Wednesday, February 9, 2005, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Glenn lived his life to glorify Christ. French Mortuary, Inc. 7121 Wyoming Blvd. NE (505) 823-9400

      He m. Linda Catherine. Children per obituary:

      1. Michelle Prentice. She m. Pete Pratkelis.
      2. Timothy Prentice.

    2. Wendell Prentice of Northport, AL. Living in 2005.

    Virgil and Vera left five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Pallbearers at the funeral were Kevin Prentice, Rush James, Ryan Whitlock, Kenneth and Tommy Hancock and Bryan Stowe.

    83. Edward L. Prentice, b. 26 Dec 1879, Savannah, Hardin Co., TN, and d. 4 Mar 1960.

    He m. Arvia Cook on 20 Oct 1901, Olive Hill, Hardin Co., TN.. in 1920 Pottawatomie Co., OK. Arvia was b. 17 Dec 1882, Olivehill, Hardin Co., TN., and d. 19 Apr 1957. Bur. in IOOF Cemetery, Norman, OK. She was the dau. of George Cook and Jennie Northcut.Children of Edward and Arvia:

    1. Zada Prentice. Deceased before 1995 per obit. of brother, Edward.
    2. Luther B.Prentice, b. 19 Mar 1906, Olive Hill, Hardi Co., TN, and d. 11 Nov 1989. Farmer. Did not marry.
    3. Francie/Frances Vann Prentice, b. c. 1903, TN. Deceased before 1995 per obit. of brother, Edward.
    4. Edward E. Prentice, b. 29 Aug 1926 and d. 3 Oct 1995 in Norman, OK. Farmer and rancher and lived most of his life in Little Axe, Cleveland Co., OK.Bur. at Fairview Maguie Cemetery. His obituary reads as follows:

        Little Axe resident Edward E. Prentice died Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1995 in Norman, Ok. Graveside services were Thrusday at Fairview Maguie Cemetery, Primrose Funeral Home, Norman, was in charge of arrangements.

        Prentice was born Aug. 29,1926 to Arvia (Cook) and Ed Prentice. He was a farmer and rancher and lived most of his life in Little Axe, Cleveland, Co. Ok.

        He married Helen Woodrow in 1952.

        He is survived by his wife Helen,and a son, James, of the home, and a sister Irene Todd of Garland,Tx. Preceding him in death were his parents, four sisters, and a brother.

      Edward m. Helen Woodrow in 1952 and she was living in 1995. Son:

      1. James Prentice.

    5. Mable Prentice, b. c. 1914, OK. Deceased before 1995 per obit. of brother, Edward.
    6. Irene Prentice. Living in 1995.
    7. S. C. Prentice. May be the person shown in 1920 Pottawatomie census as "Desee", b. c. 1911, OK. Deceased before 1995 per obit. of brother, Edward.

    84. Clarence Prentice, b. 13 Sep 1894, TN and d. Mar 1976, Barnhart, Jefferson, MO. He m. Betty Ann Martin in 1915, Hardin Co., TN. She was b. 1899, TN, dau. of James B. Martin. They appear in the 1930 census in Swayne, Mississippi Co., AR. Children:

    	a.	James Eithel Prentice, b. 22 Apr 1916, Savannah, Hardin,  TN.  
    		In 1920 Pottawatomie Co., OK census.  Died 13 Jan 1977, Mesa, 
    		Maricopa, AZ.
    	b.	Cecil Prentice, b. 22 Apr 1916 and d. 29 Jan 1916, both Savannah, 
    		Hardin, TN.
    	c.	Vernon Prentice, b. c. 1918, TN.  In 1920 Pottawatomie Co., OK 
    		census.  At home in 1930.  Not in SSDI in 2002.
    	d.	Ethel Prentiss, b. c. 1915
    	e.	L. C. Prentiss, b. c. 1920.
    	f.	Jean Prentiss, b. c. 1922.
    	g.	Ona Prentiss, b. c. 1924.
    	h.	Clarence J. Prentiss, b. c. 1927.

    85. Martha "Mattie" Prentice, b. 30 Mar 1888, Hill Co., TX, and d. 6 Jun 1953, Pinal Gen. Hosp., Florence, Pinal Co., AZ. She is bur. in Mountain View Cem., Casa Grande, AZ. At the time of her death she had been residing at 513 Roosevelt St., Casa Grande, Pinal Co., AZ.

    She m. 1st Nellow Perry on 6 Apr 1906 by J. H. Herring, JP. He was b. 31 Aug 1886 in Erath Co., TX and d. 31 Oct 1927. An Ancestor Chart for him can be found at Ancestry.com . Children (per Candice Rainey, email, 25 Jan 2004):

    1. Archibald/Archie Morse Perry, b. 26 Nov 1907 and d. Jul 1978, Loveland, Larimer Co., CO. SSDI# issued in NY. 1920 census in Tarrant Co., TX.

    2. Evelyn N Perry, b. 1911. She m. Leonard Ishmael. They had 1 or more children, including (per Frances K. Green, email, 15 Jun 2009):
      1. Evelyn Irene Ishmael. She m. Quinnie M. Green. He m. Frances K. (per her email of 15 Jun 2009).

    3. Anna/Annie Laura Perry, b. 17 Mar 1914, Cleburn, TX, and d. 11 Jul 1977, Peculiar, Cass Co., MO. SSDI# issued MO. She m. Victor Cleo Halstead. He was b. 31 Jul 1907, AR, and d. 18 Fen 1989, Butler, Bates Co., MO. Ancestor Chart for him can be found at href = "http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/5742336/family?fpid=-1169693587"> Ancestry.com . Daughter:
      1. (dau.) Halstead. She m. Mr. Greathouse.

    4. Charles Frank Perry, b. 22 May 1919. He may, or may not, be the Charles Perry who d. Aug 1960 in MO (per SSDI).

    5. Dorothy Maxine Perry, 18 Jan 1923, Pratt, KS. We have conflicting informatin about her death. One source says she d. Mar 1995, Santa Cruz Co., CA. SSDI# issued CA. However, Ancestry.com says she d. 19 May 1990 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ.

    Martha m. 2nd Charles Taylor at an unknown date after 1923. They appear in the 1930 census in Blue Twp., Jackson Co., MO. Charles was b. c. 1884, MO and both of his parents were born in Indiana. Charles had at least 1 son by a prior marriage, Orville Taylor, b. c. 1921 in MO. His mother was also born in MO.

    Martha m. 3rd. Mr. Burns per her AZ Death Certificate.

    86. J. C. Teasley, b. 1902 and d. 30 Mar 1978, Gregg Co., TX. (Ref: John Casall, email, 20 Jun 2010)

    He m. Lola Opal Downs, b. 1 Feb 1907 and d. 26 Dec 1990, Gregg Co., TX. Children:

    i.	J. C. Teasley Jr., b. 15 Dec 1925.  He served as a Pfc in WW II.  He attended Union Grove HS and Kilgore College.  
    	 Entered Marines in 1944; trained at San Diego and Santa Ana, Cal.  Served in Marshalls and Hawaii. Later on duty at 
    	Okinawa.  He m. Monnie (Mannie?) Bell (Bunny) Davis on 17 Jun 1947, b. 26 Apr 1928, Gregg Co., TX.  Children:
    	a.	Darrell Alan Teasley, b. 8 Aug 1952, Gregg Co., TX, and d. 17 Aug 1961, age 3.  Bur. White Oak Cem., 
    		Gregg Co., TX.
    	b.	Joy Christine Teasley, b. 15 May 1954, Gregg Co. TX.  She m. Gary Keith Sandlin on 27 Sep 1980, 
    		Chambers Co., TX(?).  He was b. 1956.  Children:
    		1.	Amber Jaycee Sandlin, b. 27 Jan 1982.
    		2.	Travis Keith Sandlin, b. 26 Jan 1987.
    ii.	James Edwin Teasley, b. 1928, m. Barbara Wood.  Children:
    	a.	Eddie Ray Teasley, b. 16 Oct 1958, m. Cynthia Shuptrine on 23 Oct 1979, Tom Green Co., TX.  Children:
    		1.	Jamie Denise Teasley, b. 1 May 1980, Gregg Co., TX.
    		2.	Jenna Raye Teasley, b. 1988.
    	b.	Mark Alan Teasley, b. 1965.  He may be the Mark Alan Teasley b. 26 Apr 1963, Kleberg Co.. TX(?)

    87. Louise Cornelia Teasley. She was born 1904 and married Homer Huey Tumbleson. Children:

    i.	Donna Lucille Tumbleson, b. 1924.  She m. Raymond Earl Nichols.  Children:
    	a.	Sherry Valdyne Nichols, b. 6 Feb 1944, Wichita County.  She m. Bradley Kimbrough.  Children:
    		1.	Stephanie Lynette Kimbrough, b. 1971.
    		2.	Cassie Lyn Kimbrough, b. 14 Oct 1982, Taylor County.
    	b.	Linda Sue Nichols, b. 1948.  She m. Richarg G. Igo on 1 Jan 1973, Wichita Co.  Childrenî
    	1.	Jennifer Dee/Diane Diane Igo, b. 18 Jan 1978, Tarrant County.
    	2.	Patsy Ruth Tumbleson, b. 16 Oct 1930, Wichita County.  She m. Harold Lloyd Foote on 26 Aug 1949; 					Divorced on 9 Jul 1971, Dallas County.  
    		a.	Harold Lloyd Foote Jr., b. 1952.  He m. Wendy Elizabeth Baker on 12 Jan 1973, Dallas Co., TX.  Children:
    			1.	Elizabveth Rend Foote, b. 1973.
    			2.	ric Daniel Foote, b. 1975.
    			Harold m., 2nd Katherine Sue McGibboney.  Children:
    			3.	Nathan Matthew Foote, b. 6 Mar 1981, Dallas Co., TX.
    		b.	Karen Jane Foote, b. 28 May 1955, Hunt Co, TX.  She m. Charles Vollono.
    		c.	Pamela Kaye Foote, b. 17 Sep 1958, Dallas Co., TX.  She m. Bobby Eugene Parrish 
    				on 1 Jun 1979, Dallas Co., TX.  Children:
    			1.	Christopher Michael Parrish, b. 1974.
    			2.	Brandi Leigh Parrish, b. 1981.

    88. Floyd Franklin Prentice, b. 26 Mar 1905 in Mangum, OK & d. 27 May 1988, Lubbock Co., TX, & bur. Littlefield, Lamb Co., TX.

    He m. Lola Ella Jamieson (called "Loella" in the 1930 census) on 13 Dec 1928 in Childress, TX. She was b. 29 Jul 1911, dau. of John Wallace Jamieson and Josephine Pauline Binson. She d. 14 Mar 1992, Lamb Co.m TX, and is bur. in Littlefield, TX. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):

    1. Floyd Franklin Prentice Jr., b. 22 Sep 1929, Childress, TX & d. 3 Feb 1989 & bur. Olton, TX. He m. Elda Marie Durall on 20 Feb 1953 in Rogers, AR. She was b. 2 Oct 1933 and is the dau. of DeWitt Durall and Elsie Dean Mosher. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):
      1. Carol Denise Prentice, b. 31 Dec 1958, Tulsa, OK. She m. Richard Earl Park on 23 Jun 1979. He was b. 31 Dec 1958, son of H. R. Park and Irene Reves. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):
        1. Scott Daniel Park, b. 8 Dec 1983, Amarillo, TX.
        2. Sarah Marie Park, b. 28 Apr 1988, Amarillo, TX.

      2. Chris Dewitt Prentice, b. 15 Dec 1961, Lubbock, TX, He m. Marta Alaine Whitten on 9 Apr 1988, Big Spring, TX. She was b. 9 Feb 1961, Pampa, TX and is the dau. of Joseph Paul Whitten and Virginia Lee Worrell. He is an attorney (per e-mail, 8 Aug 1998) and had children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):
        1. Aaron Joseph Prentice, b. 18 May 1991, Lubbock, TX.

      3. Cathy Dawn Prentice, b. 5 Apr 1964, Lubbock, TX. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):
        1. Larissa Jean Prentice, b. 1 Aug 1990, Lubbock, TX.

      After Floyd died, Elda m. Ray "Bill" Ivins who had children Linda Sue, Bobby Glenn and Larry Dean by a former marriage.

    2. Donald Eugene Prentice, b. 9 Mar 1932 (10 Mar 1932 in his official birth record), Childress, TX, and d. 5 Oct 2007, Littlefield, Lamb Co. TX. His obituary reads as follows:

        Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (TX) - October 7, 2007
        Deceased Name: Don Prentice
        Funeral services for Don Prentice, 75, of Littlefield will be held Monday, Oct. 8, at 10:30 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Littlefield. Rev. Lyndall Fletcher and Justin M. DeLoach will officiate. He died Friday, Oct. 5, 2007, at Covenant Specialty Hospital in Lubbock.

        Burial will follow in Littlefield Memorial Park under the direction of Hammons Funeral Home of Littlefield.

        Don was born March 9, 1932, in Childress, Texas to Frank and Lola Prentice. They soon moved to Lamb County where he grew up. He attended schools in Amherst, Littlefield, and Spade. He was a football player. He married Barbara Crittenden in 1950. He farmed in the Anton, Littlefield, and Spade area for 44 years. They lived on a farm at Spade for 30 years and moved to Littlefield in 1998 when DonÌs health failed. After Barbara died in 2006, he lived at the Harmonee House in Amherst. He was a big, kind, and gentle man, and loved for family to come to his house. He also loved children and dogs. He was a member of the Lamb County 4-H stock show board. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Littlefield.

        He was preceded in death by his wife; his parents; a brother, Floyd Prentice, and a sister, Jean Wimberley.

        He is survived by two sons, Johnny Prentice and wife Adrienne of Lubbock, Phil Prentice and wife, Sue, of Littlefield; a daughter, Kelly DeLoach and husband Mike of Littlefield, brothers-in-law and sisters-in laws, Bill and Diana Crittenden, Wayne and Jean Crittenden, Elda Ivins, and Ed Wimberley; and 10 grandchildren.

        Pallbearers will be Butch Crittenden, Cody Crittenden, Wayne Swart, David Roden, Butch Bradley, and Al Duesterhaus. The family will have visitation Sunday, Oct. 7th from 6-7:30 p.m. at Hammons Funeral Home. The family suggests memorials to your favorite charity.

      Donald "Don" Eugene Prentice m. Barbara Laverne Crittenden on 12 Aug 1950 in Littlefield, TX. She was b. 10 Dec 1932 in Pushmataha Co., OK, d. 28 Apr 2006, Littlefield, TX.and is the dau. of William Sherman Crittenden and Lucy Letha Leona Hix. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):

      1. Johnny Ray Prentice, (adopted) b. 12 Oct 1954, Amarillo, Potter Co., TX. He m. Adrienne Smith on 27 Dec 1975 and in 2007 lived in Lubbock, TX. She was b. in Honolulu, Hawaii. Children per John Casall, email, 7 Aug 2020:
        1. Aimee Prentice, b., Honolulu, Hawaii.
        2. Amber Prentice, b., Honolulu, Hawaii.
        3. Jared Kyle Prentice, b., 13 Mar 1984, Lubbock Co. , TX.
      2. James Phillip Prentice, (adopted) b. 12 Sep 1956, Paris, AR. He m. 1st Elena Marquez on 12 May 1979. Daughter:
        1. Marie Elena Prentice, b. Escondido, CA
        James m. 2nd Angie in 1981. 2007 lived in Littlefield,TX.
      3. Kelly Lee Prentice, b. 6 Aug 1961, Modesto, CA. She m. James Michael/Mike DeLoach on 28 Jun 1980 in Littlefield, Lamb Co., TX. In 2007 lived in Littlefield, TX. Children:
        1. Kristin Lee Deloach, b. 18 Dec 1981, Lubbock Co., TX.
        2. 2.. Justin Michael DeLoach, b. 29 Oct 1985, Lubbock Co., TX.

    3. Verna Jean Prentice, b. 21 Jul 1937, Amherst, Lamb Co., TX and d. 10 Sep 1989, Littlefield, TX, and is bur. in Littlefield, TX, next to Floyd Franklin Prentice and Lola Ella Jamieson Prentice. She m. Edwin Dero Wimberley on 17 Oct 1959. He was b. 24 Jan 1935, Brownfield, TX and is the son of Homer Overton Wimberley and Thelma Alice Trigg. Children (per Frank Kilcrease, above):
      1. Eddie Carl Wimberley, b. 9 Aug 1963, Lubbock, TX. He m. Saundra Gay Beale on 15 Jul 1995 in Lubbock, TX. She was. b. 19 Jun 1963, Lubbock, TX and is the dau. of Bobby Charles Beale and Kalah Jan Aycock. They have a son per Eddie Wimberley, email, 31 Dec 2010:
        1. Samuel Cole Wimberley (adopted), b. 20 Mar 2002.

    89. Cecil Howard Prentice, b. 1 Jan 1914, AL, and d. 18 Jan 2009, age 95 years. His Obituary at Sum=nHerald.com in MS reads as follows:

      Mr. Cecil Howard Prentice, Sr., age 95, passed to his Heavenly Home on Sunday, January 18, 2009, and joined his wife of 75 years.

      Cecil, originally from North Alabama, moved with his wife and young son to Mobile, Gulfport and most recently to Ocean Springs for the past thirty years. In addition to his early entrepenourial achievements, Cecil was an accomplished master welder and was instrumental in building ships that were deployed during three wars. He retired in his early 70's from Ingalls Shipbuilding.

      Cecil was an ordained Deacon for many years, attended yearly camp meetings and dedicated years of service to the Church. He promoted the Christian faith by both word and deed.

      He was preceded in death by his parents, Daniel W. and Ruth Ann Skelton Prentice, son, Cecil Prentice, Jr. wife of 75 years, Flora Irene Smith Prentice, and his brother, Robert.

      His presence will be greatly missed by those of us who called him "Pepa": grandsons, Douglas C. Prentice and wife Brandy, Bud Mills and wife Elizabeth, granddaughter, Terri Mendoza, and great-grandchildren, Sharley, Deven and Aaron.

      Visitation will be on Monday, January 26, 2009, from 1-2 p.m., with a 2 p.m. church service, all at New Canaan Baptist Church in Arab, AL. Burial will immediately follow in the New Canaan Baptist Church Cemetery.

      His family would like to offer a special thanks to the Ocean Springs Nursing Center for their compassionate care over the past two and a half years. The Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

    He m., 21 Oct 1932 in AL, Flora Irene Smith, b. 21 Sep 1916. Children (per Irma Prentice):

    1. Cecil Howard Prentice Jr., b. 20 May 1942 and d. before 2009. He m. Elouise Boreman 2 Aug 1969, Mobile, AL. She was b. 1 Jul 1944. Children:
      1. Douglas Clayton Prentice, b. 16 Jul 1971. He m. Janice Merle Thompson on 10 Dec 1976, AL. He m., 2nd, Elizabeth Ann Williams on 19 May 1994, AL.

    90. Bruce C. Prentice, b. c. 1920, OK. At home in 1930. Although further investigation is needed for confirmation, he may be the husband of Norma Ladoshia. She was b. 6 Feb 1924, at Filmore, OK and d. 13 Jul 2005 at Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK to George Albert Brashier and Estie Helms Brashier. Her obituary provides the following additional information:

      BOKCHITO ó Services for Norma Ladoshia Prentice, 81, Bokchito, Bryan Co., OK, are 10 a.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church, Caddo, the Rev. Jim Baker officiating. Burial follows at Condon Grove Cemetery, Milburn. Visitation is from 7-8 p.m. today at Brownís Funeral Service, Durant.

      She attended school in a covered wagon, began her teaching career at the age of 19 and continued teaching until she retired at the age of 63. She was a member of the Oklahoma Retired Educators Association, a member of the Bokchito Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and was a member of the Caddo First Baptist Church, where she also taught a ladies Bible class.

      She was preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Halla Dutton; and one brother, Montana ìCorkyî Brashier.

      Survivors include one sister, Marcell Pool and husband Dave, Stonewall; one sister-in-law, Lilian Brashier, Ada; two sons, Walter Prentice and wife Leslie, Bokchito, and Russell Prentice and wife Ann, Caddo; five grandchildren, Melisse Prentice, Durant, David Prentice, Ithaca, N.Y., Amy Prentice, Caddo, Katheryn Prentice and Kaityln Prentice, both of Bokchito; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends.

      Bearers are Tom Jones, Clint Jones, Gary Jones, Arvil Milligan, Richard McIntire and Don Singleton. Condolences may be sent to brownsfs@sbcglobal.net. Brownís Funeral Service, Durant

    Children named in Norma's obituary:

    1. Walter Prentice. He m. Leslie, Bokchito.
    2. Russell Prentice. He m. Ann, Caddo.

    Obituary of Charles "Duner" EsCharles "Duner" Eston Prentice Jr. b. 28 Jan 1923, Madison Co., AL :

    Charles E. Prentice Jr.

    BLYTHEWOOD ó Funeral services for Charles E. Prentice, Jr., 87, will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 16, 2010, at First Presbyterian Church. The visitation is to follow immediately after the service in Jackson Hall. At the request of the family, the committal service will be private. Dunbar Funeral Home, Northeast Chapel is assisting the family.

    Mr. Prentice passed away Friday, February 12, 2010. Son of the late Charles E. Prentice and Martha Charlotte Allen Prentice, he was born in Huntsville, AL, on January 28, 1923.

    In life, his family, friends, his faith and golf were his passion. Prentice was the professional at Columbia Country Club for 32 years, from 1955 to 1987. His remarkably long tenure was a tribute to his dedication to the game and the Club, and his abilities to teach the men, women and junior members. But he did not restrict his golf activities to simply being a great club pro, he also participated in the professional golf circuit at the national level. Charlie qualified for and played in 5 United States Open Championships, including tournaments at San Franciscoís Olympic Club in 1955, the 1957 tourney at Toledoís Inverness Club, Oakmont in 1962, the 1964 at Congressional, and the 1975 at Medinah. Even with these stellar courses on his golf resume, perhaps his biggest golf accomplishment came at the 1956 United States PGA Tournament. At that time the PGA was a match play event, with golfers grouped by national ranking. The 1956 tourney favorite was Masters Champion Jackie Burke, followed by Sam Snead. The third ranked favorite was Tommy Bolt. But Charlie, the club pro from Columbia Country Club, defeated Bolt in what was described as a ìthrillingî match, winning the final two holes to beat Terrible Tommy one-up. Newspaper accounts of the match said that the rail-thin Prentice looked like ìa human one-iron, with a hickory heartî as he battled back from a three-down deficit at the turn and one-down after 16, to defeat the temperamental Bolt. True to form, Bolt threw a tantrum after his defeat, blaming fans and the weather for his loss. But golf fans of this area knew that the real reason was Charlie Prentice, and his skillful, competitive nature.

    Prentice taught and influenced a generation of South Carolina golfers, including Columbia Country Club Member and SC State Amateur champ and SC Golf Hall of Fame member David DuPre. Perhaps his best pupil was his sister, JoAnn Prentice, who became a LPGA professional and won 6 events on the Ladies tour. Charlie was elected to the SC Golf Hall of Fame in 1992 and has been a member of the Professional Golf Association for 57 years. He retired from the Columbia Country Club in 1986 as Golf Professional and continued on as Pro-Emeritus for the following year. Charlie was also a member of First Presbyterian Church and a United States Navy veteran.

    As a young man enlisting in the Navy during WWII, Charlie made certain of his relationship to the Lord Jesus as his Savior. He realized he might not return from the war. He remained confident in that personal relationship with his Savior through the years until his death.

    Surviving is his wife of 55 years, Margaret Cogle Prentice; daughter, Marchar Stagg and her husband David of Blythewood; son, Charles ìChuckî E. Prentice, III and his wife Nancy of Sheldon, SC; brother, R.E. ìSmokeî Prentice and his wife Gladys of Leeds, AL; sisters, Marvleen Nunn of Niceville, FL, and JoAnn Prentice of Tucson, AZ. He is predeceased by a brother, William Wallace Prentice and a sister, Carleen Hodge.

    In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Fairway Outreach, Post Office Box 6788, Columbia, SC 29260. Please sign online guest book at www.dunbarfunerals.com.

    If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

    Caution: If you don't use the above email link, your email to us may be deleted as spam by our email filter.

        1  See text.
        2  1850 Wayne Co., KY census.
        3  Leta Miller, 16 Jun 1994.
        4  Shown in 1785 tithing records; see Leta Miller letter of 16 Jun 1994.
        5  Cecil Prentice via June Prentice, 6 Jun 1994; Leta Miller, 16 Jun.
        6  Essie Milligan, 23 Aug 1993.
        7  Died in home of dau., Penelope (Prentice) Roberts.
        8  Living with fam. of Geo. McKayham & wife, Rhoda who might be sister.
        9  Living with fam. of Francis M. Sheppard.
       10  In home of Geo. McKayham and wife Rhoda was Hampton Prentice. 
       11  68 in 1850 census.
       12  Emily, Daniel & Isabella are living in home of Penelope and her 
       13  Billie Johnson Potts, 2 Jun 1996.
       14  41 in 1950.
       15  Son of Edward & Elizabeth (McHenry) Roberts.
       16  41 in 1850 census.
       17  Lora Peters, Aug 1990; see also KY GI file for descendants.
       18  More descendant info. in Ron's letter if trace Hampton's roots.
       19  Ronald Prentice, 10 Sep 1995.
       20  Lora Peters.
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    Comments:  Only registered members can add comments or contact contributors. (Register now?)
    Jim Zielinski
    2020-09-24 15:43:04
    Re: Jefferson Prentice, b. 1878, Blount Co., AL. Not in 1900 and later census. I posted comments on a report re him. Jefferson "Jeff" E. Prentice is Robert Prentice of 1930 Chattanooga Census. I created a Find-a-Grave memorial for him. His whole family is VERY CONFUSING.
    Jim Zielinski
    2020-09-24 15:40:50
    These are incorrect. They are children of James Albert Prentice, NOT SIBLINGS. The obit listed with him is someone else's. Norman Prentice, 1991 in Griffin, GA, per Jaames's obituary, above, Carrie Bell Prentice. She m. Mr. Coffey. 1991 in Fort Myers, FL, per James' obituary, above. NEW: I will transcribe James Albert Prentice's obit, so this can all be corrected.
    Jim Zielinski
    2020-09-24 15:39:11
    I have requested links for all of Louis Virgil "Virgie" Prentice (a.k.a. Alford) and Beria's from the maintainers of their kids' memorials and created those that were heretofore nonexistent. Ditto for the siblings of Smoke Prentice and their folks. Charles E. Prentice, Sr. and Jr. - middle name is ESTON. Ditto for Rather "Smoke."
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