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Francis Prentice of Queensland, Australia

Francis Prentice of Queensland, Australia
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2006 and Revised 12 Jul 2013

Update of 12 Jul 2013: This article has now been incorporated into our Fall 2011 article entitled Prentices of Palgrave, England .

1. Francis Prentice was b. c. 1880-1887 at an unknown location. On the 1922 C’wealth Electoral Roll Francis and his family are living at Wadham, Prestbury, Southbrook in the subdivision of Pittsworth, Division of Darling Downs. Francis’s occupation is given as a grazier.

He m. Cecily Wadham Greenaway on 17 Jul 1907 (Ref: 1907/B005761) in Queensland, Australia. Known children (per Judith Dickson, email, 4 Sep 2006)

  1. William Wadham Prentice, b. 31 May 1908 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]

  2. Vivian David Prentice, b. 24 Dec 1909 (Ref: 1910/011002) born Southbrook, Queensland. Enlisted at Toowoomba in the Australian Army as a Lieutenant 2/9 Australian Infantry Battalion. Next of kin given as his father Francis. Discharged 28 Mar 1946.

  3. Richard Grenville Prentice, b. 8 Nov 1911, Warwick, Queensland. . . . . . . [3]

  4. Oliver Howard Prentice, b. 19 Apr 1913 (Ref: 1913/013902) at Southbrook, Queensland. Deceased ny 2012. Enlisted at Gatton, Queensland in the Australian Army for WW2. Served as a Corporal in 11 Motr Regt. Discharged 14 May 1943. Next of kin given as Joan. Son:
    1. Roland Oliver Prentice.

  5. Anthony Graham Prentice, b. 2 Jun 1917. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]

2. William Wadham Prentice, b. 31 May 1908 (Ref: 1908/002089) at "Prestbury", Southbrook and d. 8 Jan 1987, Rockhampton (per Anne Prentice, email, 1 Apr 2007). Enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force at an unknown date and during WW2 was a Flight Lieutenant posted at Overseas Headquarters. He was discharged on 1 Nov 1945. Next of kin given as Phyllis.

He m. Phyllis O'Brien on 4 May 1945 in Cairo, Egypt She was b. 27 Apr 1914 and d. 15 Oct 2002. They had 4 children per Patricia Anne Prentice, email, 27 Mar 2007 and 1 Apr 2007):

  1. Ross Wadham Wadham, b. 22 Apr 1946. He m. Wendy Fay Adair on 3 Apr 1971, Princhester. She was b. 19 Sep 1951. Children:
    1. Jodie Adair Prentice, b. 27 Apr 1974. She m. Kent Andrew Robson on 20 Apr 1996, Rockhampton. He was b. 7 Jul (year?). Children:
      1. Amity Adair Robson, b. 7 Jul 1997.
      2. Beau Hays Robson, b. 12 Feb 1999
      3. Heidi Prentice Robson, b. 18 Jun 2003
    2. Anthony Ross Prentice, b. 5 Mar 1977. He m. Louise Margaret Coyne on 8 Sep 2000, Rockhampton. She was b. 8 Sep 1972. Children:
      1. Lucy Louise Prentice, b. 7 Jan 2005.
      2. William Wadham Prentice, b. 6 Mar 2007.

  2. David Anthony Prentice, b. 31 Mar 1948 and d. 15 Jan 1967 at the age of 18 years.

  3. Patricia Anne "Anne" Prentice. 14 Jul 1950, Winton. In 2007 she lives in Mackay, Gueensland, Australia.

  4. John William Francis Prentice, b. 27 Aug 1953. He m. Imelda Joan Bauman on 12 Apr 1975, Rockhampton. She was b. 5 Dec 1953.
    1. Paula Anne Prentice, b. 9 Jan 1980.
    2. Daniel William Prentice, b. 6 Sep 1982. He m. Krystal Lee on 16 Sep 2006. She was b. 13 Jul (year?).

3. Richard Grenville Prentice, b. 8 Nov 1911, Warwick, Queensland (Ref: 1912/014647) and d. 28 Nov 1988, Toowoomba, Queensland, age 77 years. Bur. Drayton/Toowoomba Cemetery.

He m. Gladys Elizabeth Asimus on 1 Jul 1940 in Toowoomba, Queensland. She was b. 5 Mar 1917 in Singleton, NSW, and d. 23 Jul 2003, Toowoomba, age 86 years.. Bur. in Drayton/Toowoomba Cemetery. (Ref: Judith Dickson, email, 4 Feb 2006, citing information contained on a plaque at the Drayton/Toowoomba Cemetery in Toowoomba, Queensland.) An Ancestor Chart for her can be found at Ancestry.com . Children:

  1. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Meaby and had a son and 2 daughters.
  2. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Buhot. Children:
    1. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Wakefield and had a son and daughter.
    2. (dau.) Prentice. She m. 1st Mr. Lee and had a daughter. She m. 2nd Mr. Speed and had 2 sons.
    3. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Thompson and had 2 sons and 1 daughter.
  3. (son) Prentice. He m. Robyn Elizabeth Iselin (1945-2005) and had:
    1. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Cunningham and had 1 son and 2 daughters.
    2. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Holmes and had 5 daughters.
    3. (son) Prentice.
    4. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Rollans and had a son and daughter.
  4. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Johnson and had 1 son and 2 daughters.
  5. (son) Prentice. He m. 1st Miss Clifton and had 3 sons and 1 daughters. He m. 2nd Shirlene Marcel Thomp[son (1954-1980) and had 1 son.
  6. (dau.) Prentice. She m. Mr. Madsen and had 2 sons.

4. Anthony Graham Prentice, b. 2 Jun 1917 (Ref: 1917/006021) at Southport Queensland, and d. 24 Dec 2012. He was living at Wickham Terrace, Brisbane when he enlisted in Brisbane in the Australian Army for WW2 on 18 May 1940.He was a private in the 2/26 Australian Infantry Battalion and was discharged on 14 Dec 1945.

Bernard Metcalfe's email of 18 Feb 2013 relates that Anthony's brothers served as officers and that for much of the war Anthony was a prisoner of the Japanese with verification on the Australian War Memorial website http://www.awm.gov.au/research/people/prisoners_of_war/ He may have been captured in the fall of Singapore in Feb 1942 and then spent the following years in Changi and/or on the Burma railway. Bernard mentions that as a teen in the 60s he knew about six of these men; their experiences were horrific so Anthony did well to live to 93.

Anthony m. Una Bick in 1946 and who was the first woman to graduate from the Faculty of Law at the University of Queensland. They had a son:

  1. Roger Leigh Prentice, b. 5 Aug 1952.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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Rowland Oliver Prentice
2011-01-02 16:44:02
Francis Prentice was born 7 April 1872 at Prestbury, Gloustershire, England, second son of George Seward Prentice & Eliza Prentice.Anthony Graham Prentice d. 24 Dec 2010. He was the Tony Prentice that married Una Bick as per the link.They had a son Roger
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