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Waldo Ellis Prentice of Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA

Waldo Ellis Prentice of Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Spring 2004 and Revised 24 Jun 2005

Update of 24 Jun 2005: Waldo Ellis Prentice was adopted by John Alfred Prentice of Warwick, MA. John was the son of Calvin and Ann E. Prentice of Warwick, MA .

1. Waldo Ellis Prentice was b 5 Nov 1881 in MA, as were both of his parents. His birth name was Waldo Ellis but it was changed by court order in connection with an adoption proceeding in Warwick, MA. He d. 3 Jul 1971 in FL (per SSDI and FL Death Index).

Waldo appears in the 1920 Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA census and in the 1930 Bernardston, Franklin Co., MA census as the Manager of a News Room with his wife, Ann/Anna M., b. c. 1890, MA, and children:

  1. John C. Prentice, b. c. 1914, MA.
  2. Mary Ellen Prentice, b. c. 1919-20, MA. By email of 20 Jun 2005, Jeff Clayton advises that she is his grandmother.
  3. Alice A. Prentice, b. c. 1927, MA.

Who were the Prentices who adopted Waldo Ellis?

By email of 22 Jun 2005, Alice advises that she has been doing some research on her father, Waldo, and believes:

    "...he was adopted by John Alfred Prentice of Warwick, MA. That is the parent he listed on his social security application in 1936. He listed his mother as Ellen Taft. This is the first time I have really found out that he was adopted. My brother [John] had said he thought he was as we could find no record of his birth in Warwick. Frank Prentice was a son of John Alfred Prentice. I will try to get more information on his adoption and his real parents. I will keep reading your newsletters and am glad I ave found it."

Perhaps related to John Alfred Prentice is Frank Prentice, b. c. 1869, MA (as were both his parents), and his wife, Alice, who in 1920 were also living in Greenfield.

Perhaps related to John and/or Frank Prentice is Paul E. Prentice, b. c. 1896, MA who was also living in Greenfield in 1920 with his wife, Irena(?) A., b. c. 1896.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please send your information to us at the Prentice Newsletter. Be sure to give the full title and date of this article in the Subject line of the email.

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linda burek
2019-02-03 16:19:28
Hi Alice Anna Prentice was my mom. She did a lot of research on her family and had difficulty finding information on her father Waldo Prentice. Thank you for this information. Linda Burek
Edward Clayton
2018-10-23 15:33:01
I believe John Aldrich Prentice (son of Calvin and Anne Elizabeth (Aldrich) Prentic and Ellen Marie (Taft) Prentice (daughter of Willis Bates Taft and Emily Ann (Rose) Taft) had two natural children Lewis Franklin Prentice in 1868 and Annie Elizabeth Prentice in 1871 and adopted Waldo Ellis Prentice in about 1885. Waldo married Anna Mary (Stark) Prentice in 1911. They had three children: John Edward Prentice - 1913 Mary Ellen Prentice - 1919 Alice Anna Prentice - 1927
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