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Henry J. Geldert-Prentiss of Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA

Henry J. Geldert-Prentiss of Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2004 and Revised 2 Jun 2008

Update of 2 Jun 2008: Fannie I. Shea m. 2nd. Preston Prentiss on 8 Dec 1907, Troy, ME. Preston Prentiss is, a descendant of Henry Prentiss of Cambridge, MA. His eBook now replaces this article.

We found the following informtion in Ancestry.com :

1. Henry J. Geldert was b. Nov 1870, ME. He appears with his wife in the 1900 census in Hampden, Penobscot, ME.

He m. Fannie I. Shea. She was b. Nov 1870 in Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA. She appears in the 1880 census in Lowell as the daughter of Katie Campbell (b. c. 1835, Ireland) and her Stepfather, Frank Campbell (b. c. 1830, Ireland).

They had 1 or more children, including:

  1. Henry J. Geldert was b. 7 Oct 1889 in Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA. . . . [2]

2. Henry J. Geldert was b. 7 Oct 1889 in Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA and d 29 May 1967, Troy, Waldo Co., ME. Bur. in Concord, NH.

It is not presently known how Henry came to acquire the Prentiss surname but the 1900 Hampden, ME, census shows Fannie Geldert, without her husband, with with her 10 year old son,enry, both identified as servants in the home of Preston Prentiss, b. Jan 1850, ME (with both parents b. in ME). One could speculate that Preston Prentiss adopted Henry, or that Henry voluntarily changed his surname to Prentiss.

Preston Prentiss appears in the 1850 census in Rockland, Lincoln Co. ME, as the son of Morris Prentiss (b. c. 1818, ME) and Nancy (b. c. 1826, ME).

In the 1910 census Henry is living in Troy, Waldo Co., ME, with his wife and daughter and is indexed as Henry G. Prentiss.

Henry m. Inez B. Bennett on 30 Oct 1908, probably in Troy, Waldo Co., ME. She was b. Mar 1889 in Troy, Waldo Co., ME, with both parents b. in ME. Henry and Inez appear in the 1910 census in Troy. They had 1 or more children, including:

  1. Estella/Stella M. Prentiss, b. 1910, perhaps Troy, Waldo, ME.

Sources cited in the Ancestry.com posting are:

  1. Abbrev: Waterville Sentinel Newspaper Obits
    Title: Waterville Sentinel Newspaper Obits
    Publication: Waterville Morning Sentinel, Waterville, Maine
    Page: Tuesday, May 30, 1967
    Quality: 3

  2. Abbrev: 1900 US Census, Online
    Title: 1900 US Census, Online
    Author: Genealogy.com
    Page: Hampden, Penobscot, Maine, T623, Roll 598, Book 1, p. 224
    Quality: 3

  3. Abbrev: Waterville Sentinel Newspaper Obits
    Title: Waterville Sentinel Newspaper Obits
    Publication: Waterville Morning Sentinel, Waterville, Maine

  4. Abbrev: Maine Marriage Index; 1892-1955; Maine Genealogical Societ y & Picton Press; CD-ROM 1966.

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Joe Dewald
2011-10-11 22:06:24
We have revised the article to incorporate Johnette Whitaker's comments of 25 Sep 2011. Joe Dewald, Editor, Prentice Newsletter.
Johnette Whitaker
2011-09-25 12:47:00
Preston Prentiss married Fannie I Shea Gildert Dec 8, 1907 in Troy, Maine. She was 38 and he was 57 years old. Marriage certificate on Ancestry.com
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