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William Edward Prentice of Australia

William Edward Prentice of Australia
By Linus Joseph Dewald Jr., Editor
Winter 2001 and Revised 13 Sep 2011

Update of 1 Dec 2016: . This article has now been divided into 2 separate articles in our Winter 2016 newsletter. #1(iii), 3, 4, 5 and 6 go together in one article with the same title as this article, and #2 is the subject of a separate article entitled William Edward Prentice of Northamptonshire, England and Australa.

Update of 13 Sep 2011: Gail Parmar's email of 13 Sep 2011 advises that she is a descendant of William Edward Prentice of Australia, but that her William is not the William Edward Prentice who is #2 in our article, below. She describes a different marriage and line of descent for her William Edward Prentice. Accordingly, we have removed any references to Gail's line and have set out an article on Gail Parmar's line in our upcoming Prentice Newsletter:

We are helping William Edward Prentice in tracing his Prentice family tree. Here is what we have so far:

1. William (middle name=Edward?) Prentice, perhaps b. c. 1790-1820. In 1854 he emigrated to Australia with his wife and 3 children. They disembarked at Port Fairy and travelled overland to Melbourne. Family tradition says that he was a 'free man' from Kent.

He m. Mary Wombell. Gail Parmar's email of 12 Sep 2011 relates that Mary was pregnant on the voyage out to Australia and that, sadly, her baby died nd was buried at Port Fairy, where they had disembarked. The name of this baby girl, Gail was told, was Evelyn Prentice. Other children of William and Mary per Gail Parmar: Children:

  1. Emma Prentice. Gail Parmer relates that: "Emma, may have had more than one marriage, but it was said that her husband, John Goddard, was the love of her life, and his name was given as a middle name to one of the sons of her brother, William."
  2. Caroline Prentice. Caroline Parmer relates that: "married a successful businessman, (Mr Redfern ?) and older members of the family spoke about visiting “Auntie Liney” in her very wealthy home, and having to be on their best behaviour."
  3. William Edward Prentice. . . . . [2]

2. William Edward Prentice II, b. c. 1825, Northamponshire, England, and d. 1887 in Fitzroyt, Victoria, Australia per Ancestry.com . He became a carpenter then a successful builder before severe arthritis ruined his life.

He m. Sarah Anne Roff on 17 Apr 1858, St. Georges Church. She was b. 1835 in Stow On The Wold, Gloucestershire, England, and d. 7 Sep 1891, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. She was the dau of Robert Roff (1798-1876) and Ann (1798-1887). Children, probably all born in Melbourne and Masons at a Lodge in inner Melbourne:

  1. William Edward Prentice III, b. 1859, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  2. Emma Gordon Prentice, b. 1861, Melbourne, Victoria. She may be the same person as Emma Gace Prentice shown in Ancestry.com as b. 1860, Collingwood, Victoria, and d. there the following year, 1861.
  3. Sarah Anne Prentice, b. 27 Apr 1862, Collingwood, Victoria, and d. 1912. She m. William Franz on 18 Dec 1883, Fitzroy, Victoria, Church of England. He was b. 26 Mar 1863, Ironstone Hills, Victoria, and d. 1944 in Banbury, Western Australia. Children per Ancestry.com :
    1. William John Franz 1884 – 1967
    2. Elsie May Franz 1886 – 1965
    3. Ruby Metta Franz 1887 –
    4. Herman Louis Franz 1893 –
    5. Isla Victoria Franz 1894 –
    6. Irene Evelyn Franz 1896 – 1971
    7. Harold Ernest Franz 1898 – 1982
    8. Leslie Norman Franz 1901 – 1964
    9. Lalla Dorothy Franz 1903 – 1999
    10. Edna Clarice Franz 1906 – 1974
  4. Robert Joseph Prentice, b. 1865, Collingwood, VictoriaAustralia, and d. 6 Jul 1931. He m. Eliza Emily Allen. She was b. c. 1874, dau. of George James Allen and Annie Bremau. They had 1 or more children, including:
    1. George Edward Pentice, b. 1911 and d. 1950. He m. Miss Patterson and had a son:
      1. (son) Prentice. He m. Miss Yoxon and had a son:
        1. (son) Prentice.
  5. John Prentice, b. 1867, Collingwood, Victoria and d. that same year in Fitzroy, Victoria.
  6. John Drury Prentice, b. 1868, Melbourne, Victoria, and d. 8 May 1916, Armentieres, France. WW I military death records refer to John Drury Pentice, a Private, Australian Infantry, A.I.F., 56th Bn., who d. ag age 48 on 5 Aug 1916, idenfified as the son of William Edward and Sarah Ann Prentice and husband of Elizabeth Ann Prentice of 1 Kent St., Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia, Native of Melbourne, Victoria. His memorial is F. 5., Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier. Bois Grenier is a small village in the Department of the Nord, about 4 kilometres due South of Armentieres. Leave Bois Grenier on the D222 in the direction of Fleurbaix. After 1200 metres turn left following the signs for the Cemetery, which can be found on the right hand side after the farm, approximately 800 metres from the main road.

    The cemetery was begun in March 1915 and used by units holding this sector until February 1918. At the Armistice it contained 335 burials but was then increased when graves were brought in from the battlefields south of Armentieres and from other cemeteries. Y Farm Military Cemetery now contains 820 burials and commemorations of the First World War. 284 of the burials are unidentified and special memorials commemorate one casualty believed to be buried in the cemetery and an Indian soldier known to have been buried in Marquillies Communal Cemetery German Extension whose grave could not be found. The cemetery was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

  7. Josiah Prentice, b. 1869, Melbourne, Victoria.
  8. Emma Grace Prentice, b. 1870, Melbourne, Victoria, and d. there that same year.
  9. Lucy Charlotte Prentice, b. 1871, Melbourne or Collingwood, , Victoria. She m. William Frederick Wyatt in 1896, Fitzroy, Victoria.
  10. Henry Mark Prentice, b. c. 1874-1875, Melbourne, Victoria.
  11. Rose Penson Prentice, b. 1878, Melbourne, Victoria. She m. Claude Stutterd in 1903.

3. William Edward Prentice III, b. 1859, Melbourne or Collingwood, Victoria, Australia. We have conflicting information on his death and children:

    One source said he d. 1887, Melbourne, age 28 years. He had 1 or more children by an unidentified wife, including:

    1. William Edward Prentice IV, b. c. 1884, probably Melbourne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]

    Another source at Ancestry.com says he d. 27 Nov 1916, Fitzroy, Victoria, and had the following children by his wife, Helen Claringbold who he m. 14 Jun 1886, Fitzroy, Victoria:

    1. Leslie Roff Vincent Prentice, b 1887, Fitzroy, Victoria, and d. 13 Aug 1928, Middlesex, England. He m. Olive Sibella Bonham-Carter on 11 Jan 1920, Westminster, Middlesex. She was b. 14 Dec 1888, Kensington and Chelsea, Middlesex, and d. 4th Q. 1977.
    2. Clarence Edward (Clarry) Prentice, b. 1886, Petersham, NSW, Australia, and d. 27 Apr 1961, Queensland.
    3. Jack Prentice, b. 1898, Petersham, NSW, Australia.

4. William Edward Prentice IV was b. c. 1884, probably Melbourne, and d. c. 1936 while attending an athletics meet in which his son,William Edward Prentice IV was competing. He m. Hilda Catherine Bromley from Ballarat. She was b. c. 17 Dec 1886 and was descended from a family who were among the earliest settlers in Geelong. Children:

  1. Dorothy Prentice.
  2. Mavis Prentice.
  3. William Edward Prentice V, b. 12 Sep 1916, Melbourne. . . . . . [5]

5. William Edward Prentice V, b. 12 Sep 1916, Melbourne. He d. in 1991 at the age of 75. He m. Mavis Cecilia Pauling. She was b. 4 Aug 1917He had 3 children, including:

  1. Gail Catherine Prentice, b. 26 Dec 1944. In 2011 she was a Psychologist in private practice.
  2. Maxwell Neville Prentice, b. 1946.
  3. William Edward Peter "Peter" Prentice VI, b. 1952 in Melbourne. . . . . . [6]

6. William "Peter" Edward Prentice VI, b. 1952 in Melbourne. I2002 lived in Tweed Heads, NSW, and 2010 in Banora Point, NSW Australia. He has 2 or more children, including:

  1. William Edward Prentice VII, b. 1983, Melbourne.
  2. Jay Lennon Prentice, b. 1985, Victoria.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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2016-11-23 16:01:21
Back after a few years, see this genealogy line hasnt been changed as per my comment. Sooo..here we go. The Prentice Franz line is >>not<< part of the Prentice Wombell line. So 2 and 3 are a different lineage. This statement, relating to WEP 2 actually applied to my great or great great grandfather but its placement against (2) is another crossover fact, adding to confusion. My grandfather was always WE Prentice III and yes all his brothers were Masons, but then most men were. However their names are not on this sequence, and certainly the grandfathers brothers are not listed here. So, it seems we are STILL missing the son of Prentice-Wombell, and his son, but 1 4,5 and 6 are correct for the Pentice-Wombel Prentice-Bromley lineage. So folks, what we have here is two distinct lineage, and (2) and (3) have somehow been connected to (1) which is incorrect. Additionally I believe (2) and (3) may also be unrelated. What we need to know is the correct link from William the only Son of WM Prentice and Mary Wombell.
William Prentice
2012-06-28 00:48:32
Ahhh..this is a mess, sorry, but the Wm Prentice at 1. is the forebear of Wm Prentice at .4. The Wm Pentice at 2. who married Sarah Anne Roff and the latter offspring at 3. are unrelated to my line. Please revise this to avoid further confusion, thank you. Al is correct if you add 1. to 4. 5. and 6. I believe the Prentice /Roff side may have gone on to be the large firm of 'Prentice Builders' in Melbourne. My grandfather was a cloth merchant, he had about 5 brothers, and none were builders/carpenters, but rather opticians, chemists and traders. Yes the were all Masons in Windsor/Prahran. My grandfathers father may well have been a carpenter though, just to confuse things. Regards W.E. (Peter) Prentice Coolangatta, Australia
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