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John Prentice of Alabama

John Prentice of Franklin Co., Alabama
By Linus Joseph Dewald, Editor
Spring 2001 and Revised 5 Jun 2009

Update of 5 Jun 2009: John Jefferson Prentice is #47 in our Summer 2006 article entitled Prentices of Halton, Buckingham, England . That article now replaces this article.

1. John Jefferson Prentice was b. c. 1850-55, probably in AL. He appears in the 1900 Franklin Co., AL census with his wife and family.

He m. Rhoda Aycock on 16 Apr 1876 in Blount Co., AL. She was b. c. 1853, AL. Rhoda is the sister of Elizabeth Aycock who married Wesley G. Prentice. They are the daughters of Joel D. Aycock (various spellings) and Louisa (Lucy) M. Nance. Rhoda and her son, Jefferson, were living with Joel and Lucy in the 1880 (Blount or Cullman?) AL Census, where she is listed as their daughter and Jeff as their grandson. Children of John and Rhoda per the 1900 census and Jim Zielinski email of 26 Feb 2001.

  1. Jefferson "Jeff" Prentice, b. 1878, AL.
  2. James E. Prentice, b. May 1883, AL.
  3. John H. Prentice, b. Jun 1887, AL.
  4. Willis V. Prentice, b. Jan 1889, AL.
  5. Jesse Lee Prentice, b. Jan 1894, AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]

2. Jesse Lee Prentice, b. 11 Jun 1891 or Jan 1894, AL, and d. 21 Oct 1943 in Madison Co., AL.

He m. Ethel Marie McCutcheon c. 1918 in Morgan Co., AL. She was the daughter of Joseph M. "Chum" McCutcheon and Mary Delia Lang. Jesse, Ethel, Chum, and Delia are all buried in the Valhermoso Springs Cemetery in Morgan Co., AL.

Children of Jesse and Ethel:

  1. Helen Prentice, b. 21 Aug 1919, Morgan Co., AL. She m. Mr. Tolbert.
  2. Dorothy "Dot" Prentice, b. Jul 1920, Morgan Co., AL. She m . Mr. Campbell.
  3. Paul Nelson Prentice, Sr., b. 18 May 1923, Madison Co., AL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  4. Melitia Prentice, b. 16 Dec 1923 and d. 6 years later on 21 Dec 1929 or Dec 1930, Morgan Co., AL. Bur. in Valhermoso Springs Cemetery, Morgan Co., AL.
  5. Melba Ruth Prentice, b. 9 May 1933, Morgan Co., AL. She m. Mr. Henson.

3. Paul Nelson Prentice, Sr., b. 18 May 1923, Madison Co., AL

He m. Clara Louise "Polly" Lee in Oct 1946 in Ringgold, Catoosa Co., GA. Clara was born on 1 Oct 1927. She is the daughter of James Vernon "Stumpy" Lee, I, and Sarah Estelle Higgins. Children of Paul and Clara:

  1. Paul Nelson Prentice, Jr., b. 18 Nov 1951 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL.
  2. Brenda Lee Prentice, b. 27 Feb 1953 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL. She m. Daryl Mhoon in 1973.
  3. Rhonda "Rhoni" Gail Prentice, b. 26 Jul 1965 in Miami, Miami-Dade Co., FL.

If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com and please include the title and date of this article.

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Jim Zielinski
2020-09-22 11:04:33
Hi, some updates from this ten-plus-year-old info: John Jefferson Prentice, born June 1852 in AL; died 25 March 1913 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL; buried Spruce Pine Cemetery - Spruce Pine, Franklin Co., AL. It's hard to be sure about the marriage date of Rhoda and John, since I recently found a death certificate for "another" son, Robert, who died in Chattanooga. A J.J. Prentice married another lady in Giles Co., TN and I wonder if this was a FIRST marriage and Robert was THEIR child. Rhoda shows up in Burnsville, Tishomingo Co., MS 1910 Census, along with family of son John T. (H.?). John is married to Lillian H. (unknown). Robert's DC has thus: Born, Tn; Sept 19; 56 years; Died, 29 May 1930; Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN. Buried, Greenwood Cemetery. Brother James died in Tuscaloosa, but DC doesn't list cemetery: Died, 17 September 1935. Birth date only estimated. UPDATE 2020: Robert Prentice IS Jefferson "Jeff" E. Prentice. I have a Find-a-Grave memorial for James ALBERT, his brother.
Roni Prentice
2016-04-03 18:44:23
Now to appreciate this story, you HAVE to know that Jessie Prentice was known to be a man of his word & that he would NOT tell a lie! Sooo - Grandpa Jessie mounted the Pulpit & gave a very basic, "general" eulogy - saying that like this man, "eventually we are all called & we should all be mindful of that." BUT as tradition goes - you MUST say SOMETHING specifically GOOD about the deceased! (Evidently as per traditional "Ol' Southern Eulogy Rules" somewhere!) So Grandpa Jessie ended his eulogy saying that he believed the deceased surely was a Godly man. (Upon which there were many GASPS of SHOCKED DISBELIEF in the audience that such a thing was said of this terribly horrid man!) Grandpa Jessie calmly went on to say that, "He must have certainly been so, because the Scriptures say, 'A Godly man taketh care of his animals.' and this man at least did indeed do that." Then he quietly paused, & with a final statement he solemnly declared - "And I never heard him whistle off key."
Roni Prentice
2016-04-03 16:53:08
(Continued) He was said to be of a gentle nature, easy going, with a great sense of humor; and I imagine that was absolutely true, as my own Dad, his son, was exactly like that also. Dad's cousin, Louis Lang (known only as "Uncle Luke" to me as everyone in Dad's immediate family called him "Luke" or Lou") - Uncle Luke would tell me stories of Grandpa Jessie & Great Aunt Delia Lang & Great Grandpa "Chum" - as they were all sadly passed on & I never knew any of them. He told me when times were still bad even after the Great Depression, that "Uncle Jessie" would always feed him or anyone that came over, with whatever happened to be laid by - be it even just some canned vegetables, cornbread & milk; or when Uncle Jessie got a BIG repair - then he ate like a king on a bartered chicken! ×) ...I miss Uncle Luke... A story goes that once Grandpa Jessie was asked to say something nice at a funeral about a generally very disliked ol'grouchy guy... (Story Continued Above)
Roni Prentice
2016-04-03 16:05:15
Hi - I'm Roni Prentice, (Rhonda - youngest daughter of Paul Prentice & Clara Lee, aka "Polly"), & the granddaughter of Jessie Prentice. I'd like to give some clarification on Jessie. I have his I.D. from the 40's which is signed by him & states the following: He spelled his name "Jessie" with an "ie". He listed his DOB as 6/12/91. His height 5'10, his hair black, eyecolor light brown, weight 170 & his complexion light tan/"sun ruddy". I imagine that was correct, as Dad said he always kept a small "farmer's mkt garden" on at least a few acres of land & towards the end of his life when his heart was bothering him he still kept a smaller "kitchen garden" in the backyard. He was an all around fix it "repairman" & repaired any item he could wherever he went - taking Daddy with him, driving down the roads, with Trouble, their dog. He was a "circut preacher" & would travel his circut when the weather warmed up & he could get there on time for the particular Sunday he was scheduled. (Comment continued)
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