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Prentice Places in Other Countries

We're looking for some Prentice Places in other countries! If you've got any, do send them in.

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2015-03-23 11:11:07
My name is Brenda W. D. Lister, and I too am interested in finding out when and who the first Prentice's were that arrived in the Island of Nevis. Please send any information to my email junegemb@icloud.com
Jacqueline Prentice
2012-05-10 15:03:44
Hallo everyone, My name is Jacqueline Prentice, I would like to know how the Prentice family got to the Caribbean. My family has been there for over one hundred years. Pls email me any information you may have. Email: JCourtar01@hotmail.com
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