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Prentices in Alberta Cemeteries

Courtesy of the Alberta Genealogical Society.

Elsie Jane PRENTICE, b. 1 Aug. 1907; d. 29 Sep. 1988
New Brigden Cemetery, New Brigden, Alberta
Ella PRENTICE, b. 27 Oct. 1915; d. (res)
Riverview Cemetery, Drayton Valley, Alberta
Freda Roseen PRENTICE, b. Feb. 1892; d. Mar. 1985
Mother; Bassano Cemetery, Bassano, Alberta; Buried beside George (below)
George PRENTICE, b. 1882; d. 18 Feb. 1940
Father; Bassano Cemetery, Bassano, Alberta; Buried beside Freda (above)
George Harris PRENTISS, d. 3 May 1946; ae. 88y 2m 7d
Drumheller Cemetery, Drumheller, Alberta; Buried near Hannah (below)
Gordon Elvin PRENTICE, d. 14 Sep. 1989; ae. 61y
w Katherine; Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Hannah Clifford PRENTISS, int. 24 Dec. 1933; ae. 71y
Drumheller Cemetery, Drumheller, Alberta; Buried near George Harris (above)
John PRENTICE, d. 9 Jan. 1907
Drumheller Cemetery, Drumheller, Alberta
Lloyd Isaac PRENTICE, int. 24 Sep. 1966; ae. 85y
Breton; Alto Rest Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Red Deer, Alberta
Lois Almena PRENTICE, d. Dec. 1963; ae. 56y
Sylvan Lake Cemetery, Sylvan Lake, Alberta
Lois M. Rose PRENTICE, int. 9 Oct. 1971; ae. 93y
Breton; Alto Rest Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Red Deer, Alberta
Marion Little PRENTISS, b. 11 Nov. 1883; d. 21 Jan. 1962
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Edmonton South, Alberta
Mary PRENTISS, b. 1854; d. 7 Feb. 1931
Mother; Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat, Alberta
Mary S. PRENTISS, b. 27 Oct. 1889; d. 17 Sep. 1986
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Edmonton South, Alberta
Milton PRENTIS, b. 1926; d. 1958; ae. 31y
F. Lawrence Prentis; Sylvan Lake Cemetery, Sylvan Lake, Alberta
Robert Claude PRENTICE, b. 1884; d. 12 June 1967; ae. 82y
New Brigden Cemetery, New Brigden, Alberta
Vera May Sampson PRENTICE, b. 1897; d. 26 May 1986
b Ont h Wm 1970 m 1917; Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat, Alberta (listed as Vera Mary Sampson in AGS records, corrected by her grandson to May)
William PRENTICE, b. 1881; d. 5 June 1970
Plot beside Vera (above); Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat, Alberta
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