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all things Prentice/Prentiss/Prentis/Prentys/...

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Court summons, signed by Benjamin Franklin Prentiss, 1809 
Dr. C. F. Prentice, Le Roy Roller Mills, invoice, 1889 
El Banco Mines Co., stock certificate, 1932  Harry Prentiss, President, Freeland Jones, Treasurer
Envelope from the Prentiss Clock Improvement Co., 1897  To Mr. Walter A. Lovett, Oxford, MA
Envelope, postmarked 1 Mar 1943  From PFC Norton Prentice to Mrs. Earl E. Prentice of Buffalo
Envelope, postmarked 5 May 1892  To Miss May Prentiss of Bangor, Maine
Envelopes addressed to P.I. Prentice, 1941  P.I. Prentice, V.P. of Time Inc., Rockefeller Center, NY.
G.E. Prentice Mfg. Co. invoice, 1932  Invoice for fasteners. Sold to Wm. Klier assignee for Hauser & Weil, 15 West 36th St., New York City.
George Prentice Publicity Photo - 1946  Publicity photo of George Prentice and some of his puppets
George Prentice signed note - 1945  Note from George Prentice at the Earle Theater.
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