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James and Archibald Prentice of Carluke, Scotland

James and Archibald Prentice of Carluke, Scotland
Winter 2002 and Revised 22 Feb 2015

Should that be "Alexander" instead of "James"?

This is an update to an earlier article which appeared in our Summer 2000 issue about Carluke Prentices and utilizes information provided by descendants Richard Rose and Robyn Ivers.

1. James Prentice, b. c. 1765-85, farmer, Carluke.

He m. Jane McNaught. He had 1 or more children, including:

  1. James Prentice, farmer, married, died 13 Jul 1857, Carluke age 61 years. Buried in Carluke. Ref: Christine Hadden, email, 16 Feb 2015.
  2. Archibald Prentice, b. c. 1807. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2]

There is, however, a problem. The identification of James Prentice and Jane McNaught as Archibald's parents comes from Archibald's death certificate. Our Scotland Marriages database does not show any marriage between those persons. Further, our Christenings database does not show an Archibald b. c. 1807 who is the son of those two persons. There is, however, an Archibald Prentice, chr. 3 Aug 1806, who is the son of Archibald Prentice and Jean McNaught of Carluke.

2. Archibald Prentice, b. c. 1807, Carluke and d. 2 Mar 1892 at the age of 85 (per his Death Certificate). His occupation was that of a "joiner."

He m. Zepherina Marshall in 1847 in Wiston, Lanark. She was b. c. 1821 in Wishaw. In the 1861 census they were living at 23 Glasson Rd., Wishaw. In the 1881 census they were living on Orchard St., Carluke. Children:

  1. Zepherina A. Prentice, b. c. 1852, Carluke. Living at home, unmarried at the time of the 1881 census. She appears as a dressmaker in the 1891 Carluke census. She m. John McLean in 1892; he was a tailer. She died on 4 Nov 1892 of alcoholism. (Per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002.)
  2. Archibald Prentice, b. 27 Mar 1850, Carluke, and d. 11 May 1856, Kilncadzow, Carluke. Bur Carluke Churchyard. Ref: Christine Hadden, email, 16 Feb 2015.
  3. Walter Prentice. He m. Elizabeth Stewart. Ref: Christine Hadden, email, 16 Feb 2015.
  4. John Marshal Prentice, b. 1855. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3]
  5. Archibald Prentice, b. 6 Aug 1856, Carluke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[4]

3. John Marshall Prentice, b. 1855.

He m. Unknown on 25 Feb 1881 in Sanquhar (per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002). Children:

  1. Walter Marshall Prentice, b. 1888, Carmichael. He m. Marian Nelson in Blythswood, Glasgow (per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002).
  2. Zepherina Marshall Prentice, b. 1891, Carmichael. She m. Charles Stuart in 1918 in Hillhead, Glasgow. He was b. 1891 (per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002).
  3. Jane Hutchison Prentice, b. 1894, Carmichael. She m. Hector McLean Kelly/Kellie in 1916 in Carmichael (per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002).
  4. George Hunter Prentice (twin), b. 21 Sep 1897, Carmichael. . . . . . [5]
  5. James Prentice, b. 21 Sep 1897, Carmichael.

4. Archibald Prentice, b. 6 Aug 1856, Carluke and d. 2 Jun 1907 in Motherwell. He is probably the Archibald Prentice who appears in the 1881 census at Pettinain, Lanark, unmarried and a shoemaker. (per Richard Rose, email, 18 Dec 2002).

By emails of 3 Mar 2003, Amanda Little and Robyn Ivers identify Archibald as their great-grandfather and say that on 27 Oct 1882 Archibald m. Janet "Jessie" Pollock who was a dressmaker. She was living in Carluke in 1906. They provided additional information as follows: Children per 1901 census:

  1. John Prentice, b. c. 1888. He m. Wilamina Shearer(?) on 25 Aug 1915 and is believed to have died the next year, possibly in WW I. They had lived at Vine Cottage, South Dalziel Road and he was a Master Shoemaker like his father.
  2. Isabella Prentice, b. c. 1891. (per Robyn (Prentice) Ivers, email, 4 Apr 2003).
  3. Walter Prentice, b. 7 Apr 1891, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and d. 6 Jul 1918 in France. He is likely the Walter Prentice, African Corporal South African Infantry 4th Regt. 6/7/1918 5097 Son of Mrs. Jessie Bond, of Wester Moffat, Clarkston, Airdrie, Scotland. Commonwealth War Dead II. C. 13. LA KREULE MILITARY CEMETERY, HAZEBROUCK MM .
  4. Mary Prentice, b. c. 1896.
  5. James Pollock Prentice of Carluke, b. c. 1899. . . . . . . . [6]
  6. Samuel Prentice, b. c. 1901.

5. George Hunter Prentice, b. 21 Sep 1897, Carmichael

  1. John Marshall Prentice, b. 2 May 1933, Forth. . . . . . . . . [7]

6. James Pollock Prentice, b. 28 May 1898, Carluke and d. 25 Apr 1965 (per 1901 census and Robyn (Prentice) Ivers, email 14 Apr 2003). He emigrated to Australia in the mid-1930s. His children:

  1. Margaret Vivianne Prentice. She m. Don Kavenagh and had:
    1. Deborah Kavenagh.
    2. Julie Kavenagh
    3. Jo-anne Kavenagh.
  2. Yvonne Isabella Prentice. Deceased 22 Jun 2002. She m. Kevin Leslie Little and had:
    1. Cameron Alexander Pollock Little.
    2. Amanda Little.
    3. Robyn Pollock Prentice. She m. Timothy Charles Ivers. Children:
      1. Matthew Ainsworth Ivers.
      2. Meredith Glynn Ivers.
    James also has a granddaughter, Amanda Little.

    7. John Marshall Prentice, b. 2 May 1933 in Forth, Scotland. He m. Elizabeth Dickson Durrent Gordon.

    1. Elizabeth Prentice. . . . . . . . . [8]

    8. Elizabeth Prentice from west Linton Scotland.

    Who are James Prentice's Parents?

    If one assumes that "James Prentice" is a correct identification of Archibald's parents ( a shaky assumption since no marriage is shown for them and no children are shown for them), a review of Scotland Christening in our database shows the following possibilities:

    1. James Prentice, chr, 1756, Carluke, son of James Prentice and Janet Morton.
    2. James Prentice, chr. 1768, Carluke, son of James Prentice and Margaret Wilson.
    3. James Prentice, chr. 1774, Carluke, son of Thomas Prentice and Marian Carmichael.
    4. James Prentice, chr. 1779, Carluke,son of James Prentice and June Lockhart, However, this son may have been deceased by 1789 in view of the next entry.
    5. James Prentice, chr. 1789, Carluke, son of James Prentice and June Lockhart.

    Of the above entries, the first and last entries are the least likely because of the father's age at the 1807 birth of the James Prentice in question. That leaves, as the most likely James Prentice who might be the father of the 1807 Archibald Prentice:

    1. #2, James Prentice, chr. 1768, Carluke, son of James Prentice and Margaret Wilson.
    2. #3, James, chr. 1774, son of Thomas Prentice and Marian Carmichael. His ancestry can be found in our Winter 1999 article at John Prentice of Carluke .

    Who are Archibald Prentice's Parents?

    If one assumes that "Archibald Prentice" is a correct identification of Archibald's parents, a review of Scotland Christenings in our database shows that Archibald Prentice and Jean McNaught were m. 31 Dec 1791 in Carluke. The following children were born to Archibald Prentice and Jean McNaught:

    1. James Prentice, chr. 11 Sep 1795, Cambusnethan.
    2. Marrion Prentice, chr. 10 Jun 1798, Carluke.
    3. John Prentice, chr. 13 Jul 1800, Carluke.
    4. Archibald Prentice, chr. 18 Mar 1805, Carluke. He may have d. as an infant in view of the next entry.
    5. Archibald Prentice, chr. 3 Aug 1806, Carluke.

    Tentative Conclusion

    Since the only Archibald Prentice (#2) who Scotland Christenings shows as born c. 1807, is Archibald Prentice, chr., 3 Aug 1806, Carluke, son of Archibald Prentice and Jean McNaught, it seems more likely than not that they are the parents of Archibald Prentice, #2.

    Since this is only a tentative conclusion, additional investigation is required to obtain confirming documentation.

    If you have any information about the folks mentioned in this article, please contact us at dewald@prenticenet.com.

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Juan Torres
2019-07-25 04:27:44
My name is Juan and I need to contact Richard Rose and Robyn Ivers as I believe we are relatives. My Great Grandmother was Jessie Pollock Prentice. Her son Samuel was my Grandfather. I have information that can help fill in the tree. My email is scottishpoet66@aol.com
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